[WvW] The Healway Guardian
I say rebrand it to:
no more Mr. nice guardian…
Chris, now you needa pick up Hellfire gear and get Twilight!
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Hi! Thank your for the thread and your builds. I’m fairly new to WvW and took me some time to get used to staff and hammer(when I played so far only PvE spamming some greatsword skills).
After some recommandations from here and the german forums I decided to use some modified version of the second build you posted.
Hammer(instead of greatsword) + staff. Also the Runes to give +40 boon duration(2 sup monk, 2 sup water, 2 major water).
For food I think if I’m careful I could even use more +boon duration and don’t need mango pie or other stuff.
Hammer is fun with a lot +boon duration and the cd reducing trait every 4 seconds a blast finisher – at fire fields(might) +20 seconds base duration and can go up to almost 40 lol.
Also using Hallowed Ground… for more stability or additional fire field if needed. I think this is okay for me(tried shout there also… but only shouts – 3 shouts – is a bit boring).
Edit: And mainly running with the zerg… so I don’t need greatsword for mobility and stuff. If I want to run “smaller zerg”(around 10 people) I think it is still fun and the hammer damage with might is good – also against PvE mobs in WvW map(and you can give yourself might without need of other help if needed). If I want to run smaller groups I think I go back to my engineer main to use tons of knockback stuff in small fights ha.
(edited by Luthan.5236)
It’s not really my style, but I wanted to give it a try (I didn’t even optimize the gear, just used my pve crap).
This build is just amazing and it’s mainly due to it being highly flexible. It’s hard to describe it beyond the fact that it works just like that. Everyone who steps into wvw with the intent of running around taking people down needs to try it.
It also uses the coolest weapons guardians have, so it’s quite stylish too.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
It also uses the coolest weapons guardians have, so it’s quite stylish too.
I’d be lying if I said that the use of GS and Sword weren’t half the reason I tried to develop a build for myself at all, haha.
It also uses the coolest weapons guardians have, so it’s quite stylish too.
I’d be lying if I said that the use of GS and Sword weren’t half the reason I tried to develop a build for myself at all, haha.
He just wanted something where he could show off his fancy dragon sword >_>
I wish Arenanet would let players create and save builds like we could in GW1. I’d like to have my primary DPS build, secondary healing build and this build for WvW. I guess I’ll just need to refer to my text file each time I switch.
By the way would my healing build be good in a support role for WvW? Would 2-3 Guardians running the build be awesome?
(edited by Korval.3751)
By the way would my healing build be good in a support role for WvW? Would 2-3 Guardians running the build be awesome?
Short answer? Not really.
The build is passable if you are just running in a pug zerg following a commander but it is not something I would want in a guild group.
Long answer? Not in a guild group because while additional healing options are nice to have the main source of healing comes from water fields and blast finishers. Boons and condition removal become a much better support choice than a little bit of extra healing.
Mace and shield while not a bad weapon set does not compete with the hammer when running in a guild group. A low cool down blast finisher is amazing and beats out anything the shield brings.
Stand your ground is one of our best utilities but you picked up none of the traits related to it like cool down reduction or pure of voice.
Merciful intervention is a waste of a skill slot and a waste of a trait slot just to lower the cool down on this one skill. The healing is low, the cool down is still too long when traited and in a large fight you can’t even be sure where you are going to teleport too.
Sanctuary is an amazing skill but loses a lot of it’s usefulness when you don’t have consecration skills use ground targeting. The skill is much more rewarding when used as a CC skill similar to line of warding rather than a small aoe heal.
Tome of courage is not bad as it has some very useful skills but it locks you out of all your normal skills which a long with it’s best skills requiring you to stand still significantly cuts down it’s usefulness.
Meditation mastery is a waste, you would be much better off with strength in numbers. Going over 10 in virtues is pointless in my opinion because there are no decent traits in that tree that you would want outside of strength in numbers.
Altruistic healing is unnecessary. Living longer than the majority of your allies is pointless as once most of your side is dead or down you have generally lost that fight. Sure there will be a few fights that a couple of AH guardians living a little longer makes all the difference but the chances of that are very unlikely, you are not a warrior with a war banner. There are far better trait choices that make a difference in every fight not just once in a blue moon.
Since all symbols are light fields, larger symbols and symbol healing are not worth bringing. The only times you should be standing still long enough to get a decent heal are the times you’re on top of a fire or water field. The symbol traits also compete with other more useful traits like superior aria and two handed mastery.
Consecrations cool down is not bad but with sanctuary being your only consecration then ground targeting is a much better option.
Elite focus is not a terrible choice but the cool down on tome of courage is too long for it to be a good choice and it competes with things like absolute resolution and indomitable courage which are far more useful.
Runes of water? One condition every 30 seconds is terrible, the heal when you use your 6 skill is meh and there are significantly better choices out there for a support guard like soldiers or 2 monk, 2 water, 2 sup sanctuary.
In my opinion a support guardian is better off running something like this.
A while back I used to run a support build with the greatsword and staff. It worked extremely well in organized group play (that was the key there, organized, not zerg) and the amount of uptime you provided your members was significant enough where you could take on greater numbers.
A while back I used to run a support build with the greatsword and staff. It worked extremely well in organized group play (that was the key there, organized, not zerg) and the amount of uptime you provided your members was significant enough where you could take on greater numbers.
You have made some strange choices there.
Soldier runes and pure of voice but only one shout and no superior aria?
With the changes to weakness signet of judgment is nice but I have never seen much point in contemplation of purity. I’d much rather remove conditions on me and allies than just turn the ones I’m suffering from into boons.
From my experience the stability from virtue of courage is better than the aoe stun break as all too often you get multiple CCs piled on top of each other so all to often you end up breaking one just to get hit by another. Stun break also doesn’t help get past guardian wardings or necro fear walls.
The new Guardian changes are up for the coming patch.
It seems to buff Monk’s Focus with healing a lot, in the Valor tree, I wonder if this could be another way to play Healingway Guardian. Though boon duration will be lost, and so will cleansing from using Virtue of Resolve.
(edited by Farzo.8410)
All of that said, I’ve got a question for you lovelies: What would YOU have named the Healway build? I’m looking for something mechanically correct, much like AH.
What about “Honorborne” since the core requirement is 30 in honor?
First off I love this build and run it in WvW all the time. I’m just wondering where I could adjust things to maintain the playstyle but do more DPS in PvE encounters. Switching my armor SEEMS like a good place to start but then my heals are anemic. Are there some traits or weapons swaps that would help pound out the DPS on the dumb PvE mobs?
A while back I used to run a support build with the greatsword and staff. It worked extremely well in organized group play (that was the key there, organized, not zerg) and the amount of uptime you provided your members was significant enough where you could take on greater numbers.
You have made some strange choices there.
Soldier runes and pure of voice but only one shout and no superior aria?
With the changes to weakness signet of judgment is nice but I have never seen much point in contemplation of purity. I’d much rather remove conditions on me and allies than just turn the ones I’m suffering from into boons.From my experience the stability from virtue of courage is better than the aoe stun break as all too often you get multiple CCs piled on top of each other so all to often you end up breaking one just to get hit by another. Stun break also doesn’t help get past guardian wardings or necro fear walls.
At first glance it does seem a bit odd but worked really well in organized group play. I haven’t played this build in ages and will most likely pick it up this weekend to give it a whirl to see how it goes. I found that having a lot of shouts made them “wasted” when playing so I switched it up with other abilities that provided me with better survivability. Courage trait I’d swap out depending on who we were running with and what the comp was.
At first glance it does seem a bit odd but worked really well in organized group play. I haven’t played this build in ages and will most likely pick it up this weekend to give it a whirl to see how it goes. I found that having a lot of shouts made them “wasted” when playing so I switched it up with other abilities that provided me with better survivability. Courage trait I’d swap out depending on who we were running with and what the comp was.
Sorry but how do you waste an aoe protection shout that deals with 2 conditions? From my play experience hold the line is a much larger boost to my survivability than contemplation of purity.
I also cannot think of any comp where an aoe stun break is better than aoe stability unless you have terrible timing and keep getting CC’d before you can press f3.
Sure stability has the weakness that it can be stripped but the main sources of boon stripping are null fields and wells of corruption which should only get one tick off before your group rolls out of them.
This is my alternate version of healway focusing more on healing than dps.
With the recent changes to symbol’s radius it means I can take advantage of Symbol of Faith and Swiftness and keep healing up in areas as well as my shouts.
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]
(edited by ArtemisEntreri.4138)
Been following this for about a year now, great setup. Alot of interchangeable parts making it viable for all phases of the game. Sometimes I like to swap in shield for focus in sPVP. I find myself living longer in sPVP with this than some of the pure bunker stuff I’ve tried. With everyone so condition crazy nowadays I tend to swap in Contemplation of Purity for SYG or SY. Idk why people are talking about necros being so OP, this build can counter them pretty easily imo :> And of course its nice being at the front of zergs all the time with the perma swiftness, GS 3 and Sword 2 skills
(edited by Princeton.2086)
Hmmm i haven’t used my Healway Guard in a while, due to playing my Warrior and DPS guardian now. Though I’ve been staying away from it and roaming with it due to the last encounters I’ve had. Seems like every thief I come up against carries sword/dagger now. Not to mention all the Necros and Mesmers running around, and the bunch of boon hater swarms now. Makes it pretty hard to fight. It’s just a little daunting to me is all.
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Hi, thank you for posting the build.
I’d just like to point out, without any intention other than stating a fact, that 0/0/10/30/30 has been the standard for tPvP Guardian bunkers since beta. Here is the standard setup (uses Clerics). No deviation from your build at all.
The traits are reliable and flexible and able to accommodate a large variety of weapon choices… Staff/Hammer, Sword+Shield/Staff (personal solo que favourite), Sceptre+Shield/Hammer…
Vengeful and Resolute Healer were the customisation options. Purity was always taken.
Moving 10 from Virtues to Valour for Shield CD can be done, but you lose flexibility that way. You do gain extra toughness and Shield reliability.
Never forget crits grant vigour. Free up a slot for Knights gear to get better crit chance… ~8-12% is good enough.
Soldier runes are expensive but worth it. 2 condi per shout. Along with Absolute Resolution you should be able to endure condi burst. Engi and Necro condi will still force you to blow CDs so watch out for them.
Book form/RF is your choice… if Guard is down, your whole team goes…
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty
Thanks for posting. I’ve been aware of the 0/0/10/30/30 with Cleric’s-main tPvP meta for a short time now, as I’ve been spending a little extra time in the competitive format since I returned to the game. It’s also why this build in particular is categorized primarily for WvW. I find builds outside of s/tPvP to be a tad more intricate and “deep,” per se, if only because of the increased level of customization that is allowed via gear.
I guess it also aids in the build’s viability that Selfless Daring, “SY!” and boon dura/HP runes aren’t nerfed outside of s/tPvP.
(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)
Video removed because it is too long!!!!!!!
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
I’m reactivating it as I post this. No worrehs.
Edit: Video is back up.
(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)
I’m reactivating it as I post this. No worrehs.
Edit: Video is back up.
Ok, just finished it. Not sure of your age but something hit me while listening to your video oddly enough towards the end. If you are still in college or considering it, or starting, or maybe going back Consider taking a aptitude test, in fact, take a couple. Point being if you like to talk, discuss, and teach, maybe being a teacher is right for you? I honestly mean that in a good way because I think teen(s) could use someone who actually cares and can deliver. With that out of the way…
The build has always been my go to. I’ve tried AH and DPS but always come back to this build because at the end of the day it offers comfort. If you are a skilled player then I think the AH and DPS builds offer speed. Healing lends to a supporting role whereas you are not great at one thing but can offer a lot to win the day. And when that moment hits the game is just 10 times more fun then when I get a solo kill.
You covered armor and why. You covered accessories and why. Traits and why. When to change and why. In fact, you also explained why using a hammer is better when you have your GS out all the time. I think you pretty much covered everything. I know you mentioned food but not about the sharpening stone / maint. oil? If there are food options outside mango pie that could be cool to talk about or blub it in your text box?
Have a good day and thanks for sharing / taking time.
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
awesome, Chris. : )) had a watch and loved it. really appreciated all the detailed explanations. thsi might just be me, but i like how i felt you could see how you’ve slowly but surely evolved in your gameplay, compared to your first vid. but then again, that might have been because you didn’t get a chacne to get as in depth.
side note – looking fwd to watching you take on Liadri! ; ))
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Great vid!
Shave Yourselves! Nice recover =).
Group Stability is a hell of a Drug – Rick James
That would make a great elite skill
Ok, just finished it. Not sure of your age but something hit me while listening to your video oddly enough towards the end. If you are still in college or considering it, or starting, or maybe going back
Consider taking a aptitude test, in fact, take a couple. Point being if you like to talk, discuss, and teach, maybe being a teacher is right for you? I honestly mean that in a good way because I think teen(s) could use someone who actually cares and can deliver.
I think you pretty much covered everything. I know you mentioned food but not about the sharpening stone / maint. oil? If there are food options outside mango pie that could be cool to talk about or blub it in your text box?
I’m actually in college now and have, in fact, considered going for a career in teaching. I have a few other interests which I’m currently exploring, though.
I went ahead and put a bit about food and utility choices in the description of the video, as per your suggestion.
Great vid!
Shave Yourselves! Nice recover =).
Thanks, I tried. :P
You actually considered dropping stand your ground for a consecration? Boo!! Terrible guardian!! xD
Other than that was a pretty good and informative video.
Thanks Chris for reposting this and for shooting a new video. Excellent stuff!
Now a question for you and others who have spent time with this build. At what level of Healing Power are the build and mechanics no longer viable?
I ask because I’ve spent time with a build very similar to this, and like others, I’ve wanted (actually needed) a bit more DPS so I can down enemies faster before their buddies arrive (I play on a low WvW pop server and we are Outnumbered 99% of the time, regardless of map). The challenge is to get the balance right, and I can tell you that <500 HP doesn’t work. So in your experience, where’s the line? 800HP? 1000? Or is 1200+ really where it has to be?
Thanks for your time.
For we will crush your bones on the Anvil Rock!
thorston, i think it may come down to preference. personally, i like seeing big green numbers and keeping my frontliners up. for me, my regen has to tick for 300+ and Empower has to heal for 3k+. every dodge roll heal should heal for 1800-2k, and ToC #1 spam heals for 2k. but i have 1600 HP with stacks and thats the extreme.
vitality makes no difference for this build due to the huge healing output and high protection uptime. i have dived many 40-man zergs with my frontliners, bunkered 4-5 AC’s and a cannon, and been on the receiving end of huge portal bombs, all with 14k hitpoints, and lived easily. in fact, im always the last one standing.
so the real question is do you want more damage or utility? i say leave the dps to your buddies who have knights/PVT gear, and just focus on CC’ing with staff/hammer, blast finishing, and on keeping everyone up.
(edited by mistsim.2748)
thorston, i think it may come down to preference. personally, i like seeing big green numbers and keeping my frontliners up. for me, my regen has to tick for 300+ and Empower has to heal for 3k+. every dodge roll heal should heal for 1800-2k, and ToC #1 spam heals for 2k. but i have 1600 HP with stacks and thats the extreme.
vitality makes no difference for this build due to the huge healing output and high protection uptime. i have dived many 40-man zergs with my frontliners, bunkered 4-5 AC’s and a cannon, and been on the receiving end of huge portal bombs, all with 14k hitpoints, and lived easily. in fact, im always the last one standing.
so the real question is do you want more damage or utility? i say leave the dps to your buddies who have knights/PVT gear, and just focus on CC’ing with staff/hammer, blast finishing, and on keeping everyone up.
Thanks for the reply Mistsim.
Given our very small WvW population, I rarely have a lot of buddies in my group, or any group at all. As a result I find I’m fighting alone a LOT of the time, so I need to rely on my own ability to stay up and put the other guys down. Hence the need for balance.
I did just swap my gear around again (full clerics) and will do some roaming and see how it goes. My HP is 1200 with this setup and the healing is very good, but the question I’ll need to answer is can I do enough damage to actually accomplish anything (take a control pt against NPC + players, take an upgraded camp before help arrives, etc).
Does anyone have experience with this? I.e. not relying on others to do the damage and still being “viable” in WvW?
For we will crush your bones on the Anvil Rock!
I personally run at a little over 1,200 Healing Power, but I can imagine 900 and up working just fine as long as you’re able to replace those 300 points with enough damage to make it worth it. I feel like anything can work as long as you practice with it enough, though.
I personally run at a little over 1,200 Healing Power, but I can imagine 900 and up working just fine as long as you’re able to replace those 300 points with enough damage to make it worth it. I feel like anything can work as long as you practice with it enough, though.
Thanks Chris. That gives me a bit of “wiggle room” as I try to find some balance. Right now 1200 is working well for staying up, but I have very little crit chance (4%) and crit damage is low (10%). I’ll see about moving closer to 1000HP and see if I can’t get closer to 30% crit chance (with Fury that gets me to 50%) with a bit more crit bonus damage. At least now I have some idea of where to tweak things.
EDIT: In case this may help anyone else, while it may not seem like a lot, dropping down to 1000HP does make a noticeable difference in the ability to heal through a lot of damage. At least for ME, I think 1200 is going to be a minimum and I may go to 1400, assuming there’s no soft cap.
For we will crush your bones on the Anvil Rock!
(edited by Thorson.9218)
Yeah, it gets a little risky to go below 1,200. I had experimented with 700-1000 at one point and didn’t like it pre-Ascended gear and within my first 600 or so hours of play time. I’m well past 2,000 hours on my Guardian now though, so my comfort zone is just a bit larger. I hope you’re able to find a good balance of damage regardless.
Lemme know if you come up with anything. I’m always trying to push more DPS myself.
Hey Chris! Just watched both your videos. Wow. Thats all i have to say SOOO excited to try this tonight! I do have 2 questions though. In the roaming vid you killed people quite quickly IMO. Idk how with you managed that with almost no DPS stats except power. Also my main Q, what are your thoughts on a 0 0 30 20 20 build? Using same gear, traits, everything except the 30 in valor for AH? Just watching your video i saw all those boons on your bar and thought with all the HP AH could heal for a lot.
Hey Chris! Just watched both your videos. Wow. Thats all i have to say SOOO excited to try this tonight! I do have 2 questions though. In the roaming vid you killed people quite quickly IMO. Idk how with you managed that with almost no DPS stats except power. Also my main Q, what are your thoughts on a 0 0 30 20 20 build? Using same gear, traits, everything except the 30 in valor for AH? Just watching your video i saw all those boons on your bar and thought with all the HP AH could heal for a lot.
Glad you enjoyed them. :> And if you did that, you’d lose Pure of Voice and your clutch stability via Indomitable Courage. You’d have to get pretty creative with your condition removal and hope that you don’t need a clutch stability anytime.
The strength of this build’s boons is that they last a really long time, as opposed to being applied constantly.
I’ve been aware of this build for a while, and to be honest, I can’t say I’ve really ever understood it. It’s basically just a port of the classic sPvP support/bunker build, but you use it as a solo roaming build using dps weapons. If you’re building and traiting for support (the last 2 trees are support trees) with shouts and maxed out boon duration, why not just call a spade a spade and run staff + mace/shield with big symbols and go with a group of 5 and support em? For solo play, somewhere along the lines of 10/30/30/0/0 or 0/5/30/30/5 with more aggressive gearing would be a lot more effective at actually killing things, no? Got to imagine its dang near impossible to actually kill anyone competent (aka, worth your time killing to help your server) 1v1 with that defensive of a build (sure, you can kill upleveled bads with it, but same goes for just about any class and build + level 80 gear). If your goal is to just be tanky, never die but not be able to kill anyone worthwhile either, and spit out long duration boons, you may as well be doing it with a bunch of allies with ya and with real support weapons, no?
Quick side note: how do you ever actually hit anyone good with ZD 1v1 without scepter to immob them first? That’s like… impossible XD
In short, here’s the logical disconnect in this build: you’re built very defensively with great team support characteristics, but wielding aggressive DPS weapons that dont synergize the best together, and you’re using that to roam solo and try to kill things, not to defend or support things. That makes no sense.
(edited by cymerdown.4103)
I’ve been aware of this build for a while, and to be honest, I can’t say I’ve really ever understood it. It’s basically just a port of the classic sPvP support/bunker build, but you use it as a solo roaming build using dps weapons. If you’re building and traiting for support (the last 2 trees are support trees) with shouts and maxed out boon duration, why not just call a spade a spade and run staff + mace/shield with big symbols and go with a group of 5 and support em? For solo play, somewhere along the lines of 10/30/30/0/0 or 0/5/30/30/5 with more aggressive gearing would be a lot more effective at actually killing things, no? Got to imagine its dang near impossible to actually kill anyone competent (aka, worth your time killing to help your server) 1v1 with that defensive of a build (sure, you can kill upleveled bads with it, but same goes for just about any class and build + level 80 gear). If your goal is to just be tanky, never die but not be able to kill anyone worthwhile either, and spit out long duration boons, you may as well be doing it with a bunch of allies with ya and with real support weapons, no?
Quick side note: how do you ever actually hit anyone good with ZD 1v1 without scepter to immob them first? That’s like… impossible XD
In short, here’s the logical disconnect in this build: you’re built very defensively with great team support characteristics, but wielding aggressive DPS weapons that dont synergize the best together, and you’re using that to roam solo and try to kill things, not to defend or support things. That makes no sense.
while I share the same sentiment about this build, but it’s been around for a while and based on OP’s videos and his loyal following, it seems to work for them. I tried it for few weeks (earlier in the year) but didnt quite get it, so I went back to AH build. But I mostly blame that on myself.
Just out of curiosity, what’s your build?
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer
I respect and appreciate your opinions.
(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)
while I share the same sentiment about this build, but it’s been around for a while and based on OP’s videos and his loyal following, it seems to work for them. I tried it for few weeks (earlier in the year) but didnt quite get it, so I went back to AH build. But I mostly blame that on myself.
Just out of curiosity, what’s your build?
I advocate 0/5/30/30/5 with a mix of zerker and knight with Staff + GS for solo and small group play (GS + Mace/Focus is also viable but you have to run Retreat instead of SY! in that case), and you can make that tankier (swapping out the zerker part for soldier) for zergs. If you like support, going 0/0/10/30/30 and mostly cleric with a touch of knight for vigor procs with Staff + Mace/Shield is also fun, tons of heals and cleanses for your friends.
Anyway, nothing against the OP and anyone that enjoys the build, I just personally don’t agree with it, but whatever works and is fun for people, that’s cool of course.
(edited by cymerdown.4103)
Can this build be used in PvE? I find this build interesting and I prefer this kind of playstyle. Im currently saving gold to buy gears coming from an AH build.
It works, but I typically suggest that people just run Knight’s or Zerker’s in PvE anyway. Focusing on clear speed is usually a lot more efficient once you’re used to the game, though I understand people preferring a different play style.
I’ve been aware of this build for a while, and to be honest, I can’t say I’ve really ever understood it. It’s basically just a port of the classic sPvP support/bunker build, but you use it as a solo roaming build using dps weapons. If you’re building and traiting for support (the last 2 trees are support trees) with shouts and maxed out boon duration, why not just call a spade a spade and run staff + mace/shield with big symbols and go with a group of 5 and support em? For solo play, somewhere along the lines of 10/30/30/0/0 or 0/5/30/30/5 with more aggressive gearing would be a lot more effective at actually killing things, no? Got to imagine its dang near impossible to actually kill anyone competent (aka, worth your time killing to help your server) 1v1 with that defensive of a build (sure, you can kill upleveled bads with it, but same goes for just about any class and build + level 80 gear). If your goal is to just be tanky, never die but not be able to kill anyone worthwhile either, and spit out long duration boons, you may as well be doing it with a bunch of allies with ya and with real support weapons, no?
Quick side note: how do you ever actually hit anyone good with ZD 1v1 without scepter to immob them first? That’s like… impossible XD
In short, here’s the logical disconnect in this build: you’re built very defensively with great team support characteristics, but wielding aggressive DPS weapons that dont synergize the best together, and you’re using that to roam solo and try to kill things, not to defend or support things. That makes no sense.
Clones ftw! Don’t think outside of the box! Never ever do that…… ever!
/sarcasm off
Clones ftw! Don’t think outside of the box! Never ever do that…… ever!
/sarcasm off
Nothing wrong with being independent and coming up with your builds, and nothing wrong with posting them on the Internet for people to look at and use for themselves if they like. But there’s also nothing wrong with people posting their own opinions on said builds, as long as they’re being constructive about it instead of just trying to troll.
The only thing that was wrong with the post was assuming that one can’t win fights or stand one’s ground against competent players (or groups of them) with the build, at least to enough of an extent to be productive via delaying reinforcements, delaying caps of or all-together saving camps, or something as simple as saving some allied pugs.
The only thing that was wrong with the post was assuming that one can’t win fights or stand one’s ground against competent players (or groups of them) with the build, at least to enough of an extent to be productive via delaying reinforcements, delaying caps of or all-together saving camps, or something as simple as saving some allied pugs.
Well, I didn’t say that. I just said it will be hard to kill competent players 1v1 with it (as in, if they end up eating too much damage off your retal and such, they will be able to back out and you don’t have the spike or mobility to prevent that). Bunkering and supporting you can do, but arguably better with different weapons.
That being precisely why I never suggest that people try to play in groups with S/F and that they (if possible) trade GS out for a different set. Quite the opposite.
Yeah, I saw that in your video. I don’t question the viability for group play assuming you swap weaps as you recommend, I just question the viability for accomplishing much solo efficiently, aside from being able to kill upleveled without dying fast when a group arrives.
One thing I will say about the build, though, is that it gives you a lot of room for error/comfort. If you’re the type that really doesn’t like to die, this offers you a really low-risk option to roam about without much fear of dying before you get a chance to react or call for help.
(edited by cymerdown.4103)
Certainly not the first time I’ve heard those sentiments about its viability in solo play, nor do I have any trouble understanding them. That said, I simply stand by my experiences and do what I can to showcase what can be done with the build with a lot of practice.
That’s cool, and it’s good you’re contributing that to the community. Few enough Guardians around doing that these days as it is. Hats off to you for that.
Also, much respect for the measured responses. I enjoy a good debate and the civility wasn’t missed, pretty rare to find on forums in my experience.
(edited by cymerdown.4103)