nice devs: dps guard in spvp

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Shaterz.2703


when are you gonna fix it? its been bad for quite awhile but last patch just made it impossible. not talking pve or www here. just spvp experience ^^

if you got ANY kind of plans of changes coming to guard would be nice to know. cause my motvation to keep on playing is at a all time low :C

and b4 you trolls come and say “guard is fine bro l2p” i got 4k hours on my guard ^^

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Trickfully.1830


just reroll ele and put ur guard out of its missery xD

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Ghotistyx.6942


Maybe it’s time to make a burning guard to relax with?


nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


Well… I kind of only play dps guard and i’ve been top 50 on the EU teamq ladder for months now. You can make it work if you want to tbh.

Bullet Punch

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Jaxom.7310


If you want a response/the devs to actually read this you need to post in the pvp forums. Devs seem to respond there time to time… but here, its like talking into a cup

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Well… I kind of only play dps guard and i’ve been top 50 on the EU teamq ladder for months now. You can make it work if you want to tbh.

Don’t take this the wrong way but posts like this are annoying. This is team game. No one can really quantify how much of that is you and how much of it is the other players on your team. No one is saying " you can’t make it work" up to a point. I guess the question is why would you want to make it work? There are much better classes to fill the DPS role. There are classes that will simply do higher damage flat out or have better sustain while doing comparable damage. There is no reason to play a DPS guardian in pvp outside of I am wedded to playing a guardian out some kind of blind class loyalty and I want to play DPS if being optimal is your goal. It’s the sad truth. Now I am not saying each class should be able to be the best at everything but imo each class should be able to be at least 8 or 9 on a scale of 1-10 at everything if specced to fill that role. I don’t know where I would put a DPS guardian on a scale of 1-10 as a DPS role in spvp but it wouldn’t be 8 or 9………

(edited by brannigan.9831)

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Archmortal.1027


nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


Well… I kind of only play dps guard and i’ve been top 50 on the EU teamq ladder for months now. You can make it work if you want to tbh.

Don’t take this the wrong way but posts like this are annoying. This is team game. No one can really quantify how much of that is you and how much of it is the other players on your team. No one is saying " you can’t make it work" up to a point. I guess the question is why would you want to make it work? There are much better classes to fill the DPS role. There are classes that will simply do higher damage flat out or have better sustain while doing comparable damage. There is no reason to play a DPS guardian in pvp outside of I am wedded to playing a guardian out some kind of blind class loyalty and I want to play DPS if being optimal is your goal. It’s the sad truth. Now I am not saying each class should be able to be the best at everything but imo each class should be able to be at least 8 or 9 on a scale of 1-10 at everything if specced to fill that role. I don’t know where I would put a DPS guardian on a scale of 1-10 as a DPS role in spvp but it wouldn’t be 8 or 9………

Meh… dps guard has a niche, it can definetly do stuff other dps specs can’t. Especially in 2v2s the ability to burst stuff, cleave downed people and support your partner with blinds, blocks and cleanses is kind of unmatched tbh.

It also semi counters most zerker specs, including thieves that pretty much every team has (at least on EU).

And well… obv it isn’t some kind of fotm-meta-thing but it’s definetly viable.

just btw: there is no optimal dps class, i can do stuff a thief can’t and a thief can do stuff i can’t, that’s kinda how it should be

Bullet Punch

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


Nah that build has meh burst, meh support and no range dmg, definetly not tpvp viable imo.

^This is the best from my experience (more than 1000 torna games on dps guard and currently on rank 13 on eu teamq ladder).

Bullet Punch

(edited by Keksmuffin.1450)

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


That build shows nicely how weird dps guardian traits are allocated

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Archmortal.1027


Nah that build has meh burst, meh support and no range dmg, definetly not tpvp viable imo.

I keep seeing crap about tpvp when the title or OP clearly states spvp. I don’t get what the problem is. OP is talking about sPvP, the link clearly shows that dps works fine for sPvP.

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


Nah that build has meh burst, meh support and no range dmg, definetly not tpvp viable imo.

I keep seeing crap about tpvp when the title or OP clearly states spvp. I don’t get what the problem is. OP is talking about sPvP, the link clearly shows that dps works fine for sPvP.


Bullet Punch

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Nah that build has meh burst, meh support and no range dmg, definetly not tpvp viable imo.

^This is the best from my experience (more than 1000 torna games on dps guard and currently on rank 19 on eu teamq ladder).

Unscathed Contender, Deal more Damage while under the effects of Aegis.

I’ve always wandered about that trait, does that basically mean you deal 20% more damage until you’re hit (and loose aegis)? If so, how is that practical?

I see you have 4 sigils to proc in crit, how does that work in reality with 37% crit chance?

I liked the mediation build too, but i used fighter runes with mine.

Now I run my own burn build, its fun, different, they really dont know how to fight it either lol

Crazy Leg

(edited by Littlefeather.8623)

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


Nah that build has meh burst, meh support and no range dmg, definetly not tpvp viable imo.

^This is the best from my experience (more than 1000 torna games on dps guard and currently on rank 19 on eu teamq ladder).

Unscathed Contender, Deal more Damage while under the effects of Aegis.

I’ve always wandered about that trait, does that basically mean you deal 20% more damage until you’re hit (and loose aegis)? If so, how is that practical?

cc’d people can’t take your aegis, blinded people can’t take your aegis, you can pop it together with instant stuff like bb+ji or smite condi so that you hit before he can hit you.

It’s pretty situational but it’s not like this traitslot would offer better things.

Bullet Punch

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Archmortal.1027



I’m being pedantic.

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Shaterz.2703


the ppl saying “dps guard is fine”. how come i can log onto a ele with meta build or a warr. or a engi. even pu mes. not knowing wtf im doing. and still beat ppl who i cant for the life of me beat on my guard?

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Inherently, guards are not optimal DPS classes, but there are a couple niche’s. And if you find it AND if it can fit your play style you’re good. But it’s not easy to find.

Crazy Leg

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


the ppl saying “dps guard is fine”. how come i can log onto a ele with meta build or a warr. or a engi. even pu mes. not knowing wtf im doing. and still beat ppl who i cant for the life of me beat on my guard?

If you have 4k hours on guard you should know the reason tbh.

If we’re just talking about 1v1s dps guard gets more or less countered by very sustained specs like valk/celestial ele, settlers ranger and stuff like that because they don’t rly care when you dodge/blind/block single attacks and just outlast you.

On the other hand you have a pretty decent advantage against zerker like thieves (especially backstab) and to an extent mesmer if you know how to use your blocks and blinds since you win most damage trades and have the tools to avoid most of their stuff. Apart from that you nearly hardcounter the more uncommon zerker specs like power engi or power necro.

Also you have an advantage against stuff that needs to hit certain skills like (hambow) war or necro since… well it’s getting kinda repetetive but again… instant blinds and blocks are the best defensive mechanic against thief kind of stuff apart from maybe being completly immune.

Apart from all that 1v1s aren’t really THAT relevant to balancing anyways.

Bullet Punch

(edited by Keksmuffin.1450)

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: mPascoal.4258


I really don’t get this topic. I’ve played Damage Guard for months and never had a problem. Yeah I know I can’t win all fights, but I can’t win all with my Thief and Warrior too. Medi Guard give counter to a lot of specs. Any zerker Thief and Mesmer is pretty much done in 1 vs 1. Hambows depend, if they know what they do it’s hard, apart from that they are quite easyly beatable too since most Warrior I face don’t even know what dodge means.

What you want sir you will never get. From personal experience I found Damage Guard viable roamers in sPvP and behing the class that do the best bunker role of all sPvP behing able to also play damage roles this fine just shows we are in quite good place from my personal opinion.

What you want is Warrior and I get it. Warriors are viable bunker and do fill Damage roles better but that is why Warrior is considered OP.

Btw 4k hours doesn’t mean you know how to play a class. As far as I know you could very well have your character those 4k hours afk and it would be consider play time.

Phask - Guardian/DH | Phaskk - Warrior | Phaask - Revenant

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Shaterz.2703


sometimes these forums depress me… anyways. its not a matter of “dps guard CAN kill stuff” its a matter of how well it performs compared to other classes. its a matter of why would you bring a dps guard over smthing else? dps guard cant really roam as good as other classes. the dmg is meh. theres no grp support and the list goes on.

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


sometimes these forums depress me… anyways. its not a matter of “dps guard CAN kill stuff” its a matter of how well it performs compared to other classes. its a matter of why would you bring a dps guard over smthing else? dps guard cant really roam as good as other classes. the dmg is meh. theres no grp support and the list goes on.

There you go, precast shield of wrath, ji+bb then pull into ww + shield of wrath explosion + air and fire sigil procs, it can 100-0 zerker builds if your timing is correct and most of it is aoe… i wouldn’t call this meh damage.

Also you have Absolute Resolution which cleanses 3 condis from you and your teammates, you can aoe blind stuff, you can give your teammates aegis and protection, how is that no support?

And that exactly is the niche of dps guard and the reason why you could take it over other zerker… it has a lot of aoe, cleave and some burst and still can support which is pretty strong in 2v2 or 3v3 situations.

If that’s not enough for you just reroll thief or whatever might become the common zerker class next.

Bullet Punch

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Bash.7291


Welcome to the age of hybrid condi burst.

Burning + poison + 3 bleed stacks +binding blades = around 1800 per tick + your physical damage.

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

(edited by Bash.7291)

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Lonewolf Kai.3682

Lonewolf Kai.3682

If that’s not enough for you just reroll thief or whatever might become the common zerker class next.

That would be Warrior. Thief has become a husk of its former zerker glory from what I understand.

“Be like water” – Bruce Lee

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


If that’s not enough for you just reroll thief or whatever might become the common zerker class next.

That would be Warrior. Thief has become a husk of its former zerker glory from what I understand.

On EU zerker war isn’t a thing and most decent teams have a thief though.

Bullet Punch

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Archmortal.1027


the ppl saying “dps guard is fine”. how come i can log onto a ele with meta build or a warr. or a engi. even pu mes. not knowing wtf im doing. and still beat ppl who i cant for the life of me beat on my guard?

It seems like this is a case of just not being as good with Guard as other Professions, no matter how many thousands of hours you’ve put into it.

There are plenty of resources and video evidence of DPS Guardians doing well for themselves both pre and post-patch in sPvP. If you still think it’s broken or not doable, it’s a personal problem of yours, whether it’s your trait allocation, your playstyle not working well with your weapons of choice, or any number of other things.

And until such a time as you lay your build bare for us and if not show a video of your playstyle at least describe how you play, no one can really give you proper advice on how to improve except “do what these people who have video evidence of being successful do.”

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: mPascoal.4258


sometimes these forums depress me… anyways. its not a matter of “dps guard CAN kill stuff” its a matter of how well it performs compared to other classes. its a matter of why would you bring a dps guard over smthing else? dps guard cant really roam as good as other classes. the dmg is meh. theres no grp support and the list goes on.

Doesn’t offer group support? Now this is just hilarious. Either you have not played 4k hours with Guardian or you are just plain out blind. Damage Guardian can offer more support than most zerkers.

Phask - Guardian/DH | Phaskk - Warrior | Phaask - Revenant

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Reborn.2934


Nah that build has meh burst, meh support and no range dmg, definetly not tpvp viable imo.

^This is the best from my experience (more than 1000 torna games on dps guard and currently on rank 19 on eu teamq ladder).

Unscathed Contender, Deal more Damage while under the effects of Aegis.

I’ve always wandered about that trait, does that basically mean you deal 20% more damage until you’re hit (and loose aegis)? If so, how is that practical?

cc’d people can’t take your aegis, blinded people can’t take your aegis, you can pop it together with instant stuff like bb+ji or smite condi so that you hit before he can hit you.

It’s pretty situational but it’s not like this traitslot would offer better things.

for better things , you missed the scholar runes that gives additional 10% damage up of 90% of hp that means in the start of the battle . with signet of resolve that boost +8k hp you can come in this situation again in 30 or 40 sec or with a shelter spam to have full hp .

+30% damage is very good if someone played smart or be lucky and not be the first target or …. used focus shield the right moment

(edited by Reborn.2934)

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: CMF.5461


aegis is triggered even through focus shield blocks, one of the major complaints for a while now.

generally unscathed contender is left for wvw gimmick ganking and pve. the rest of pvp has so many sources of damage coming in that you don’t see enough benefit and can’t dodge/blind everything to make it really worthwhile.

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


aegis is triggered even through focus shield blocks, one of the major complaints for a while now.

generally unscathed contender is left for wvw gimmick ganking and pve. the rest of pvp has so many sources of damage coming in that you don’t see enough benefit and can’t dodge/blind everything to make it really worthwhile.

Well it’s not like you would really spec for it, you just pick it up on the way to Absolute Resolution because the other traits in this slot are equally meh.

It has some utility though, like cleaving people that try to rez in shadow refuge won’t take your aegis,
if you port in from 1,2k range at least bb and smite condi will probably hit while you still have aegis,
in 1v1s when you pulled somebody you can get off a ww with the 20% dps multiplier active when you pop f3 after you pulled,

It’s more worthwhille than having 1s extra retal on the retal on virtues thingy imo.

Bullet Punch

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: CMF.5461


not really dpsing down that tree anyway, support oriented honestly, but while you go down that tree you could pick up master of consecrations and have faster purging flames cool down to cleanse more conditions more frequently and add some condition damage as extra flavor.

That would provide more utility and effect than unscathed contender if you are determined to go down that tree.

and while I never take it, retaliatory subconscious is not completely horrible to provide some damage back when CCed, but we don’t’ see multi hit power/CC based builds much anymore so meh I guess?

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


not really dpsing down that tree anyway, support oriented honestly, but while you go down that tree you could pick up master of consecrations and have faster purging flames cool down to cleanse more conditions more frequently and add some condition damage as extra flavor.

That would provide more utility and effect than unscathed contender if you are determined to go down that tree.

and while I never take it, retaliatory subconscious is not completely horrible to provide some damage back when CCed, but we don’t’ see multi hit power/CC based builds much anymore so meh I guess?

4 points in virtues don’t cost you that much dps and the utility and support you gain from it are pretty good. By far the best you can do for a team-gamemode like tpvp imo.

And cmon we’re talking about dps builds… consecrations? Really? ._.

Bullet Punch

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Reborn.2934


not really dpsing down that tree anyway, support oriented honestly, but while you go down that tree you could pick up master of consecrations and have faster purging flames cool down to cleanse more conditions more frequently and add some condition damage as extra flavor.

That would provide more utility and effect than unscathed contender if you are determined to go down that tree.

and while I never take it, retaliatory subconscious is not completely horrible to provide some damage back when CCed, but we don’t’ see multi hit power/CC based builds much anymore so meh I guess?

4 points in virtues don’t cost you that much dps and the utility and support you gain from it are pretty good. By far the best you can do for a team-gamemode like tpvp imo.

And cmon we’re talking about dps builds… consecrations? Really? ._.

concentrations are not useless . some of them are really “tools of death” against high incoming damage . a great example is wall of reflection

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


not really dpsing down that tree anyway, support oriented honestly, but while you go down that tree you could pick up master of consecrations and have faster purging flames cool down to cleanse more conditions more frequently and add some condition damage as extra flavor.

That would provide more utility and effect than unscathed contender if you are determined to go down that tree.

and while I never take it, retaliatory subconscious is not completely horrible to provide some damage back when CCed, but we don’t’ see multi hit power/CC based builds much anymore so meh I guess?

4 points in virtues don’t cost you that much dps and the utility and support you gain from it are pretty good. By far the best you can do for a team-gamemode like tpvp imo.

And cmon we’re talking about dps builds… consecrations? Really? ._.

concentrations are not useless . some of them are really “tools of death” . a great example is wall of reflection

WoR in any PvPish situation? Meh sorry that i took this thread seriously.

Bullet Punch

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: CMF.5461


absolute resolution really?

take your 4 points out of virtues and move them into radiance for a higher crit chance and another 10% damage mod on conditions, or even zeal for power and more damage mods if you are that concerned about dps.

Although apparently you are worried about conditions, which is why you are picking up absolute resolution, 3 conditions every 50 seconds, versus 3 conditions every 28 seconds.

unscathed will get you maybe 1 extra kill every 81 or 50 seconds, but its your build so do what you like.

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Reborn.2934


not really dpsing down that tree anyway, support oriented honestly, but while you go down that tree you could pick up master of consecrations and have faster purging flames cool down to cleanse more conditions more frequently and add some condition damage as extra flavor.

That would provide more utility and effect than unscathed contender if you are determined to go down that tree.

and while I never take it, retaliatory subconscious is not completely horrible to provide some damage back when CCed, but we don’t’ see multi hit power/CC based builds much anymore so meh I guess?

4 points in virtues don’t cost you that much dps and the utility and support you gain from it are pretty good. By far the best you can do for a team-gamemode like tpvp imo.

And cmon we’re talking about dps builds… consecrations? Really? ._.

concentrations are not useless . some of them are really “tools of death” . a great example is wall of reflection

WoR in any PvPish situation? Meh sorry that i took this thread seriously.

any power mesmer , thief has instant death against wor . the last time i was in ruins with my guard i hold it without even move from my position with concentration skills :p even the omegas three guards can smelt them with wall , easy ….

i tried find a pvp video but i didn’t found a dedicated one ( except this , where the second guardian was dedictaed conc in 2 vs 7 fight : ) but i found a lot from pve* : check this for the upcoming pve to be a bit useful for you :

p.s. i left behind the comment about serious threads , you are the second that tried open flame war with me today . get in the line please

.* watch this video list . maybe it is a bit useful :

(edited by Reborn.2934)

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


absolute resolution really?

take your 4 points out of virtues and move them into radiance for a higher crit chance and another 10% damage mod on conditions, or even zeal for power and more damage mods if you are that concerned about dps.

Although apparently you are worried about conditions, which is why you are picking up absolute resolution, 3 conditions every 50 seconds, versus 3 conditions every 28 seconds.

unscathed will get you maybe 1 extra kill every 81 or 50 seconds, but its your build so do what you like.

Not wanting to sound like i would be bragging but i main dps guard, i have over 1k tourna matches on it and i’m currently on rank 12 on the EU teamq ladder.

I tested just about every decent dps guard spec and radiance might offer more dps but you also offer close to no support with it which means that there is no reason to take you over a thief or smth.

Also Absolute Resolution allows you to take stand your ground while still having decent condi remove if your or the oposing setup requires it.

I’m not running the build i like, I’m running the most efficient dps guard spec that i settled with after testing just about everything else.

Bullet Punch

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


not really dpsing down that tree anyway, support oriented honestly, but while you go down that tree you could pick up master of consecrations and have faster purging flames cool down to cleanse more conditions more frequently and add some condition damage as extra flavor.

That would provide more utility and effect than unscathed contender if you are determined to go down that tree.

and while I never take it, retaliatory subconscious is not completely horrible to provide some damage back when CCed, but we don’t’ see multi hit power/CC based builds much anymore so meh I guess?

4 points in virtues don’t cost you that much dps and the utility and support you gain from it are pretty good. By far the best you can do for a team-gamemode like tpvp imo.

And cmon we’re talking about dps builds… consecrations? Really? ._.

concentrations are not useless . some of them are really “tools of death” . a great example is wall of reflection

WoR in any PvPish situation? Meh sorry that i took this thread seriously.

any power mesmer , thief has instant death against wor . the last time i was in ruins with my guard i hold it without even move from my position with concentration skills :p even the omegas three guards can smelt them with wall , easy ….

i tried find a pvp video but i didn’t found a dedicated one ( except this , where the second guardian was dedictaed conc in 2 vs 7 fight : ) but i found a lot from pve* : check this for the upcoming pve to be a bit useful for you :

p.s. i left behind the comment about serious threads , you are the second that tried open flame war with me today . get in the line please

.* watch this video list . maybe it is a bit useful :

This thread is about pvp.

Ofc WoR is good in pve and might be decent in wvw but this thread is clearly about spvp smarty.

Bullet Punch

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: CMF.5461


EU scene has been dying for a while, and most of the serious tourney teams left about 6 months ago both NA and EU, so… slow clap

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


EU scene has been dying for a while, and most of the serious tourney teams left about 6 months ago both NA and EU, so… slow clap

I didn’t mean to brag, I just wanted to say that this build is the best from my experience and that i have the experience to say so, so idk what the slow clap is for.

Besides that, you’re not even ranked.

Bullet Punch

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: CMF.5461


Did I throw rank status around? I don’t even really play spvp anymore let alone gw2 very much, but I’m secure enough in myself without a rank number by my name so here are my stats for what it’s worth:

I have 1874 hours on guard over 629 days
with 1351 games played as a guard in pvp.
When we had ranks I was Wolf rank so /shrug. I played more than the average player but not as much as the hardcore pvpers.

I will self admittedly vouch I hardly touch tpvp as I never had a team, and solo queue is a joke so I personally wouldn’t brag about that.

74 matches played Tq and 34 matches Sq, whoop de doo.

But yes, I have theory crafted and tried every build out there. I’m not saying your build is bad, but I am saying unscathed sees little to no use. You are not wrong though, it isn’t competing against anything drastically better, so use what you like.

A lot of the big tpvp guards started using purging flames when it got revamped a few months ago when they were still around. It is easy to sub it out for a skill, not saying go full consecrations, but purging flames “will” provide more damage, team utility, and condition cleansing than unscathed contender.

You just have to sacrifice a meditation, probably contemplation of purity as it has the longest cooldown and wont provide as much medi burst healing as JI and smite will.

If you deem that my experience is negligible and you are better than me, then that’s fine too. I’m sorry I tried to contribute.


nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: mPascoal.4258


It’s funny to see how ppl have played this game for so many hours and still haven’t got the idea that not all build are for everyone.
Personally from what I’ve played, I most enjoy 2/5/6/0/1 Sw/F & GS, but now I’m testing also the 2/1/6/1/4 still with 3 Medis, but SYG migh be a nice choice wih these last spec, and again with Sw/F & GS. Gotta try Sp/F & GS too with this last build, the first requires Sw because of the trait.

And guess what? Both viable builds and both very effective. Come down to the player the diference between these 2 builds

Phask - Guardian/DH | Phaskk - Warrior | Phaask - Revenant

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Charak.9761


guard dps is pure burst.

that’s where the problem lies.

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Ehragus.5843


4/3/6/0/1 GS/Sword-Focus works like a charm.
No need for range weps when u have 2 teleports

80 Necro(x2) – 80 Guard – 80 Warr(x2) – 80 Engi – 80 Mes – 80 Ele(x2)

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Call me crazy but I run

I think that it’s a more personal playstyle really, with most guardian dps builds, you can’t sustain long enough, you can get nuked kited. With this, I can jump in a point 2v1 and lay down the law.

I have tried many builds in both soloq, hotjoin, teamq and duels and I ultimatly settled for this one. Good burst, good sustain, good point lockdown, ally support in form of symbols and it even has silly high fury uptime

I wreck people with this

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Charak.9761


4/3/6/0/1 GS/Sword-Focus works like a charm.
No need for range weps when u have 2 teleports

Tele mean nothing when running away is still your counter (no chill/cripple to stick)

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: mrook.4163


First off, I have been inactive in this game for a while so take everything I have to say with a grain of salt. That being said I’m pretty familiar with various dps guardian builds and how they perform.

The dps guardian excels as a team fighter, but loses some of its luster and is easily edged out by other classes if there is already a guardian in the team fight. And that’s the problem, the bunker guardian provides more than enough support, and as a result a different dps is usually a better choice.

This is part of what led Olrun and I to try out the bunker warrior (we really weren’t trying to kitten people off that time), we wanted to see if by separating a large part of the support from the bunker a team fight focused dps guardian could be effective. And it was against most teams. But you really have to build your team around it, and good teams will be able to counter it.

If you like dps guardian, play it. It’s a lot of fun, and (last time I played) reasonably powerful. But if you want to beat experienced teams, you will have an easier time with other comps.

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Liza.2758


Did I throw rank status around? I don’t even really play spvp anymore let alone gw2 very much, but I’m secure enough in myself without a rank number by my name so here are my stats for what it’s worth:

I have 1874 hours on guard over 629 days
with 1351 games played as a guard in pvp.
When we had ranks I was Wolf rank so /shrug. I played more than the average player but not as much as the hardcore pvpers.

I will self admittedly vouch I hardly touch tpvp as I never had a team, and solo queue is a joke so I personally wouldn’t brag about that.

74 matches played Tq and 34 matches Sq, whoop de doo.

But yes, I have theory crafted and tried every build out there. I’m not saying your build is bad, but I am saying unscathed sees little to no use. You are not wrong though, it isn’t competing against anything drastically better, so use what you like.

A lot of the big tpvp guards started using purging flames when it got revamped a few months ago when they were still around. It is easy to sub it out for a skill, not saying go full consecrations, but purging flames “will” provide more damage, team utility, and condition cleansing than unscathed contender.

You just have to sacrifice a meditation, probably contemplation of purity as it has the longest cooldown and wont provide as much medi burst healing as JI and smite will.

If you deem that my experience is negligible and you are better than me, then that’s fine too. I’m sorry I tried to contribute.

lol dude almost all ur games are Hot Join.

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Liza.2758


back to topic. Guard can do nicely dmg but it doesn’t have a good sustain.
(Low hp, Less condi clear)

beside all that Guardian doesn’t have a good range option. If you fight a decent guy they can kite u to death.

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: CMF.5461


Notice how I was transparent and never claimed to be better than anyone else, but I simply provided information as to how much time and effort I have spent on the guardian class.

I would hope that it shows that I have “some” experience and while tpvp is rated and hotjoins are filled with randoms, it still interacts with the same ruleset as tpvp, the biggest change being organization and fewer people.

If you are done trying to stand taller than me now, and we can go back to my point and not my experience.

Is unscathed contender worth it? yes or no.

I simply ask you contest and debate my words and not my person. If that is not too much to ask.

(edited by CMF.5461)

nice devs: dps guard in spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Is unscathed contender worth it? yes or no.

No, it is not.

UC is a trait that makes you drool at the thought of increasing your whole burst by 20%. In reality, this will not happen nearly enough to justify taking it. Since Aegis is popped even by the weakest and fastest of attacks and makes this trait is very unreliable.