This is one of the upcomming discussions about utilities. We all know them and we (almost) never use them: signets. Let’s discuss!
The current signets we have:
- Signet of the Ether: Passive: Gain Health every few seconds, based on the number of active illusions you control.Active: Heal yourself and refresh all phantasm skill recharges.
- Signet of Domination: Passive: Improved condition damage. Active: Stun your foe.
- Signet of Illusions: Passive: Grants more health to your illusions.Active: Recharge your shatter skills.
- Signet of Inspiration: Passive: Grants a random boon every ten seconds. Active: Copy all of your boons to nearby allies.
- Signet of Midnight Passive: Improves boon duration. Active: Blind nearby foes.
Now the signet of the ether is sure worth getting and besides a small cd reduction it’s probably in a pretty fine state, so I’m gonna leave that alone.
The same goes for Signet of Domination. While I’m no fan of ‘’all or nothing’’ skills, I guess some ppl really make advantage of the long stun. Imo it could need some rework on a cooldown reduction to 35 seconds and apply 2 seconds of stun instead of 3 so you can use it more frequently.
The skills we’re mostly gonna look at are the last 3:
- Signet of Illusions: Passive: Grants more health to your illusions.Active: Recharge your shatter skills.
- Signet of Inspiration: Passive: Grants a random boon every ten seconds. Active: Copy all of your boons to nearby allies.
- Signet of Midnight Passive: Improves boon duration. Active: Blind nearby foes.
1. Signet of Illusions: Passive: Grants more health to your illusions.Active: Recharge your shatter skills.
Passive: Grants more health to your illusions. (50%)
Active: Recharge your shatter skills.
Casting time 1.25 seconds
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Now as some of you might know, this skill was totally overpowered in the old days due it’s passive effect being 200%. This got nerfed to 50% and pretty much became…. useless. While I’m already not a big fan of the passive effect, I totally don’t understand the active effect.
Let’s start off with the cooldown: 90… wait.. really? 90 seconds? For what exactly? Recharging shatter skills. Okay well here’s my problem: We got a passive effect trait that occurs on 50% hp (Illusionary Invigoration) with a 60 seconds cooldown.
Now, you can look up any passive ‘’on % health’’ effect, cuz I’ve checked quite a lot of them, and from what I’ve seen all of them have the same cooldown as the utilites. So why don’t we? Yes we get a passive effect since it’s a signet, but asuming we’re almost constantly using the signet, we don’t notice anything from that passive effect. Hell, even if we would use it both ways, 90 seconds is a really long cooldown for the effect it does. 60 seconds would probably come close to being usefull. So here’s my rework:
Passive: Grants more health to your illusions. (50%)
Active: Recharge your shatter skills.
Casting time 1.25 seconds
Cooldown: 60 seconds
It’s not a massive rework, but certain arguments are needed to do so.
Let’s go on to the next one:
2. Signet of Inspiration: Passive: Grants a random boon every ten seconds. Active: Copy all of your boons to nearby allies.
Passive: Grants a random boon every ten seconds.
Active: Copy all of your boons to nearby allies.
Aegis: 10 s
Fury: 5 s
Might: 20 s
Protection: 3 s
Regeneration: 5 s
Retaliation: 5 s
Swiftness: 10 s
Vigor: 5 s
Range: 600
Casting time: 0.75 seconds
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Amount of targets: 5
Great skill, totally matches mesmer! Too bad it’s not really worth getting. 45 seconds? Let’s asume we go with the trait, 36 seconds. Ok decent, decent, but like.. you would need to somehow stack boons massively and then share with your team. This could be done with lyssa runes, but since they got nerfed, so did this signet (sort of.. it’s like removing a combo). Now we got some good forms of stacking boons quite fast such as mirror blade, double leap in a light field with #3 sword, #2 staff into a light field, F2 combined with a trait to gain retaliation, regeneration on 75% hp, protection-aegis-regeneration on stealth from PU, but none of these come out as super high duration stacking boons. The moment you start sharing these with your allies, they will be mostly already on 90% of their duration which will be like 10-15 seconds tops.
Also, even if you share the boons your party gave, then unless they are really bad at stacking might, I don’t really see the effectiveness of it since you can usually gain the cap on stacking boons with 5 guys easily.
Another thing would be; the passive effect is really… slow. 1 boon every 10 seconds would mean you have like… 1 boon up constantly? Woho? 6-8 seconds would come out much more viable. So to sum up:
Reduce the cooldown to 35 seconds, reduce the passive effect to ‘’Grands a random boon every 6/8 seconds.’’