How to deal with thieves?

How to deal with thieves?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sadrien.3470


Also i was thinking that mace crack was so weak i mean it doesn’t even do anything ( im joking )

Have fun. Be Alive. K Thnx Bye.

How to deal with thieves?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524



Yep,the ice shard stab…poor steal in compare to others.

Same thing I was thinking.

“Get back here and stop running, you flippin’ fast ele, so I can stab you in the face with this ice shard!!”

ele: -trollface-

And when you land it successfull,the ele just cleanse it in a blink xD

How to deal with thieves?

in Mesmer

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052



Yep,the ice shard stab…poor steal in compare to others.

Same thing I was thinking.

“Get back here and stop running, you flippin’ fast ele, so I can stab you in the face with this ice shard!!”

ele: -trollface-

And when you land it successfull,the ele just cleanse it in a blink xD

If you use it after stealing while the ele is in water attunement. Of course it would get cleansed immediately. Duh.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

How to deal with thieves?

in Mesmer

Posted by: keenlam.4753


Lets do a comparison shall we?

When a thief steals, the “Steal” gets converted to:

(From other thieves) Blinding Tuft – “Throw a handful of hair, vanishing in stealth and blinding nearby foes.”
Blind: 3 s
Stealth: 3 s
Number of Targets: 5
Range: 120

(from Guardians) Mace Head Crack -“Daze your foe.”
Damage: 24
Daze: 4 s
Range: 170

(from Necromancer) Skull Fear - “Strike fear into nearby foes.”
0 to 200 Distance: 3 s
200 to 400 Distance: 2 s
400 to 600 Distance: 1 s
Range: 600

(from Engineer) Throw Gunk - “Throw gunk at target area to inflict a random condition.”
Damage: 147
Combo Field: Ethereal
Range: 900
-Pulses 5 times, conditions includes:
11s Bleeding
7s Poison
2s Burning
2s Chilled
4s Vulnerabilty
4s Weakness
4s Crippled
1s Immobilized
4s Blind

(from Warrior) Whirling Axe - “Spin and attack nearby foes. You can move while spinning.”
Damage: 8
Number of Attacks: 15
Combo Finisher: Whirl
Range: 1,200

(from Ranger) Healing Seed - “Grants regeneration and removes conditions from yourself and nearby allies.”
Healing: 435
Radius: 240
Combo Field: Water

(From Elementalists) Ice Shard Stab - “Stab and chill your foe.”
Damage: 72
Chilled: 10 s
Range: 170

(from Mesmers) Consume Plasma - “Gain all boons.”
Protection: 10 s
Regeneration: 10 s (1300 health)
Vigor: 10 s
Might: 10 s
Fury: 10 s
Swiftness: 10 s
Aegis: 10 s
Stability: 3 s
Retaliation: 5 s

One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn’t belong.
Can you tell which thing is not like the others, by the time I finish my song?

Not only thieves are hard counter to mesmers, they get to enjoy doing it as well.
Thieves will always focus down mesmers because, u know, those plasmas that we hand out for free.

How to deal with thieves?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524



Yep,the ice shard stab…poor steal in compare to others.

Same thing I was thinking.

“Get back here and stop running, you flippin’ fast ele, so I can stab you in the face with this ice shard!!”

ele: -trollface-

And when you land it successfull,the ele just cleanse it in a blink xD

If you use it after stealing while the ele is in water attunement. Of course it would get cleansed immediately. Duh.

or not in water attunement but switch after..