Hello all,
So I assume there’s no need to explain IC nerf, I guess everybody knows it by now.
So the thing is : the nerf may be justified for sPvP, I don’t know since I’m not a specialist of HL tournaments. Regarding WvW, maybe though I think it’s not.
But now the question : while it was announced that further pve/pvp split would happen, why wasn’t it applied here ?
Though this might help build diversity in PvP (I don’t know), one thing is sure : it absolutely does not help diversity, on the contrary.
Of course, there has been a nice buff on phantasm HP, as well as a slight one to that of clones.
However, the problem is that it did not only allow to summon clones/phantasms more often, it also allowed to have access more reliably to utility/CC/survival tools.
What is hit by this :
Phase Retreat (escape + leap combo)
Illusionary Leap (cripple/vulnerability + immobilize + leap)
Blade Mirror (might to allies and vulnerability to ennemies)
Illusionary Counter (I personally don’t use this weapon but it’s cool for the block effect)
Illusionary Riposte (block)
These are the worst. Then come the utility skills, though I think we could live without :
Mirror Images
Finally, the phantasms, who are mainly for damage, with a few exceptions :
Phantasmal Defender (damage reduction)
Phantasmal Disenchanter (useless … sorry, I mean cure conditions/remove boons)
Phantasmal Warden (anti projectiles)
Mage (confusion/retaliation)
Berserker (damage only)
Duellist (damage only)
Warlock (damage only)
Swordsman (damage only)
Mariner (damage)
Whaler (damage)
So the thing is, there’s plenty of skills affected by this, while some should not have.
I would like to know if the aim was to nerf uptime of phantasms only, or if nerf to utility/survival/CC was intended as well.
If it’s the first case, a solution might be found :
1) Keep as is but reduce CD from anything spawning clones/utility and not necessarily phantasms (20% for clones, 0% for phantasms)
2) Same as above but with 20% clones, 10% phantasms, but would maybe make phantasms OP ?
3) Revert the change. Make IC only affect CD from clones and not phantasms.
4) Same as above + Add an effect while traiting for illusion to reduce CD of phantasms (from 0% to 20%)
Now, considering the intention was to nerf everything, keep PvE out of it :
5) Revert the change in PvE only (I assume it would be too hard and does not fit the “only numbers difference” policy towards the splitting PvE/PvP
6) Reduce base CD of either clones/utility and not phantasms. Fix a minimum CD to prevent stacking both traits to be used : phantasms stay “nerfed” but utilites are more usable and can be improved by only weapon traits or only IC , thus allowing more diversty
7) Same as above but apply on phantasms as well the CD reduction
That’s about it. Discuss
Would love to see Anet explaining this move but I’m not holding my breath …