Ignore what everyone else says about Mesmers being bad or not good for beginners. When I first started truly pvping, Mesmer was the first one I chose and was also the first Champion title I achieved. To this day, my Mesmer still has more wins than all other other 7 classes’ wins combined. I played Engi for a while and still do and it’s the only one that came close to the amount of wins as my mes.
If you learn what to and not to do; where and where not to place your phantasms; who you can and cannot fight; it will allow you to be a great Mesmer. Thieves are no longer a “hard counter” for me, they are actually quite easy because now when I see a thief on other team, I mentally prepare myself. Expect at any moment to be hit by about half your health snatched, stunned, and possibly immobilized as well.
Most thieves see you’re a squishy class and think it’s a free win. If you’re quick on the draw, it doesn’t take long to use a stun break right after they first hit you, stealth and then set up your phantasms. Most thieves can’t actually sustain in a head to head fight and will die soon after.
Most of them have the same pattern and once you learn it, it’s easy to avoid it. Half the time you get caught off guard, it’s still possible to recover and win (just depends how far your brain was wandering at the point of getting ganked).
One word of advice, don’t be the person that “plays easy classes to get a hang of the game.” If you like a class, I suggest you play it and learn it. “Easy” classes are cheap and they may be effective in most cases, but they still are, in my eyes, lame when everyone and their mamas are using it just because it’s easy. (No offense to mamas)
I was a bad Mesmer at first until I fought a guild member that was playing very well and I learned how to use the environment to my advantage. Mesmers can’t always fight well on a point (unless they’re condi perhaps but all the going invis may eventually lose them the point they’re on) but they sure can make someone else run off of it.
Mesmer rocks. Just start small. Ignore the people that say shatter or die. Ease into the class with forgiving specs such as condition pu move to power pu. Then gradually change over pieces to become a bursty spec in pvp/wvw. Mesmer is a boss class. Become feared on your wvw home world!!
Now I know you’re tolling.. No one and I mean NO ONE fears a Mesmer..
Seriously other classes can accomplish what a Mesmer can do in half the time with minimal deaths, but if you like pain with little reward then the Mesmer class is for you. I would not start any crafting or sink gold into soulbounds until you truly think this trash class is for you.. Oh and get used to being kicked from groups just because of your class.. (got a portal?). I would try other classes just to compare and you will see for yourself.
Oh LOOK OUT!!! Here comes NecroN’s Mesmer.. Haahaa OMG thats a good one… Thanks I needed that laugh.
That made me laugh pretty hard (not really). I’m assuming everything you’re talking about is in PvE because in PvP, a good mesmer can do what other classes can do “in half the time.” All classes serve purposes and just because another class —- no, build — can do something quicker doesn’t mean it’s better.
In PvE, mesmers may not deal a lot of damage compared to wars/thieves/eles, but they also have much more utility. A heck of a lot of condi cleanse for the whole party, boon removal for many mobs or bosses that may have some annoying boon on, and not to mention quickly rotated reflects. Defiance removal, CCing and hello! Time warp?
Any party that kicks you because you’re a Mesmer are either mentally kittened or only sees ZERKER ZERKER MAX DAMAGE as the only way to play through a fricken dungeon. While they’re at it, I’ll bet they wiped 3 times in the process.
Don’t let anyone tell you that a Mesmer isn’t good unless it’s a specific situation where you can judge for yourself whether or not they are not exactly beneficial to certain places. Don’t let anyone tell you anything bad about a class until you experience it yourself and find out for yourself. Most people that claim things are bad are people that look at “all the pros” and think that only meta builds or classes work. Those are people you should feel sorry for.
Please share some of your ranked PvP videos, especially against good thieves.
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer