Let's talk: Confusion

Let's talk: Confusion

in Mesmer

Posted by: jportell.2197


I like confusion, but there seems to be confusion about confusion.

Everyone seems to really love mesmer’s 1v1 capability to the point of it being the identity of the profession. Maybe that’s reality, maybe that’s perception.

Confusion functions akittens worst in a 1v1 confrontation and gets better outside of it. You’ll rarely ever kick donkey with it 1v1 unless you’re faced with a “fast” profession.

In a multiple player environment there is no waiting around for confusion to clear. Tbis is what makes confusion kind of cool, it shifts the function of the mesmer.

The other part of it is that confusion does not exist in a vacuum. Mesmers are not designed to only kill this way. There is no such thing as a “confusion mesmer”. There are people who do confusion witb power, or confusion with other conditions.

Confusion on blind is not a way of life, its merely supplemental damage for a defensive build. The primary source is shattering.

Torch isnt as awful as advertised but I agree it could use some streamling. It gives you five stacks of confusion (one image shot then shatter). And a defensive power witb stealth.

The sad thing about scepter is two-fold. First it functions better as a power/crit weapon. Secondly once you’ve exhausted your shatters your left with those kitten scep-clones. When you’re shattering for confusion damage you just hope that point in time falls on the staff.

You can perform very well with confusion, just not only confusion.

Confusion on blind was a way of life for a build but it was nerfed… Causing mesmers to have to rethink whether building for a confusion build is worth it where as other professions can trait to max out their specific conditions like bleed/burn/poison to work well for them. And they can build around a strong duration for these conditions with runes and traits… what runes do they have for confusion duration?

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Let's talk: Confusion

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zelulose.8695


Well I do Wish confusion lasted longer.

Lucky Leaf, Ángël, Clergyman, Side Kick -Lets make Gw2 a better game

Let's talk: Confusion

in Mesmer

Posted by: jportell.2197


I wish they had a confusion rune. -_- every other condition including weakness I think has a freaking rune… Why can’t confusion get one… it would be rad if superior rune of the Mesmer had slots for confusion….

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer