Mesmer, the least played profession?
Double ranged shatter with traveler runes. You pick them off one by one, run away/blink and kite around to recharge, rinse and repeat.
Xyonon is right. We are talking not about killing upscales or unexp newbies. Go to 1×1 servers and fight decent enemies without using PU phantasm or condy builds.
Double ranged shatter with traveler runes. You pick them off one by one, run away/blink and kite around to recharge, rinse and repeat.
Xyonon is right. We are talking not about killing upscales or unexp newbies. Go to 1×1 servers and fight decent enemies without using PU phantasm or condy builds.
Apparently somebody can’t read
I understood that u was on shatter build if u mean that.
…I too can kill 4 uplvls.
Two uplevels, both warriors, a regular engi, a regular guardian.
Two uplevels = 2 upscales, regular engi, a regular guardian = 2 noobs or wvw zerg runners. What I had read wrong? You just can’t kill 2 decent duelists (good skill and build) in 1vs2 on shatterer most time. So suggest u go again to do some pvp at 1×1 servers to see real state of matter.
(edited by Mak.2657)
I understood that u was on shatter build if u mean that.…I too can kill 4 uplvls.
Two uplevels, both warriors, a regular engi, a regular guardian.
Two uplevels = 2 upscales, regular engi, a regular guardian = 2 noobs or wvw zerg runners. What I had read wrong? You just can’t kill 2 decent duelists (good skill and build) in 1vs2 on shatterer most time. So suggest u go again to do some pvp at 1×1 servers to see real state of matter.
You’re still failing to see my point. 4 players on auto attack, whether 2 of them come from up levels or not is more than enough pressure to kill a SINGLE (not to mention glass) player. The arguments in this thread that Mesmers are weak are invalid and unfounded. I should stop reading this sub forum because it is not the Mesmer profession sub forum. In reality it’s a bunch of people who don’t know how to play Mesmer complaining about Mesmer. Have a good day.
So u don’t see my point . You CAN’T kill 2 or more good enemies on shatter (with mb some rare exceptions) in duel. If u was able to kill 4 players it shows only that your enemies was very low skilled. I was able to kill 4-5 ppl at obsidian sanctum on other classes too (on thief for example, look at an old screenshot), but I understand that only because I met low skilled players. And believe me, many in this tread really knows how to play mesmer.
I m not saying mesmers are underpowered (not very experienced), but I see some mesmer class weak points.
(edited by Mak.2657)
I understood that u was on shatter build if u mean that.…I too can kill 4 uplvls.
Two uplevels, both warriors, a regular engi, a regular guardian.
Two uplevels = 2 upscales, regular engi, a regular guardian = 2 noobs or wvw zerg runners. What I had read wrong? You just can’t kill 2 decent duelists (good skill and build) in 1vs2 on shatterer most time. So suggest u go again to do some pvp at 1×1 servers to see real state of matter.
You’re still failing to see my point. 4 players on auto attack, whether 2 of them come from up levels or not is more than enough pressure to kill a SINGLE (not to mention glass) player.
This is only true if the players are reasonably competent. You obviously fought incompetent people.
The arguments in this thread that Mesmers are weak are invalid and unfounded. I should stop reading this sub forum because it is not the Mesmer profession sub forum. In reality it’s a bunch of people who don’t know how to play Mesmer complaining about Mesmer. Have a good day.
No, your arguments are anecdotal and irrelevant. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
I understood that u was on shatter build if u mean that.…I too can kill 4 uplvls.
Two uplevels, both warriors, a regular engi, a regular guardian.
Two uplevels = 2 upscales, regular engi, a regular guardian = 2 noobs or wvw zerg runners. What I had read wrong? You just can’t kill 2 decent duelists (good skill and build) in 1vs2 on shatterer most time. So suggest u go again to do some pvp at 1×1 servers to see real state of matter.
You’re still failing to see my point. 4 players on auto attack, whether 2 of them come from up levels or not is more than enough pressure to kill a SINGLE (not to mention glass) player.
This is only true if the players are reasonably competent. You obviously fought incompetent people.
The arguments in this thread that Mesmers are weak are invalid and unfounded. I should stop reading this sub forum because it is not the Mesmer profession sub forum. In reality it’s a bunch of people who don’t know how to play Mesmer complaining about Mesmer. Have a good day.
No, your arguments are anecdotal and irrelevant. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
I’m honestly wondering what server Power plays on. There is no way you’d be able to beat 2 competent players. I could just run a “Sic Em” ranger with longbow and a burst guardian and you’d be eating dirt.
mesmers with high bursts = shatter mesmer = requires multiple skills and probably the hardest playstyle out there = weak condi cleanse
lets be realistic mesmers are only decently playable because of phantasm and if they nerfed phantasms well then mesmers r useless
mesmers right now are jack of all trades masters of nonei mean they nerfed confusion a unique condi to our class (gave it to everyone else because anet loves equality!)…nerfed PU (a kittentier version of SA)….ileap was never fixed and nerfed (you cant trade places if your clone dies)…nerfed debilitating dissipation…nerfed our blurred frenzy (it isnt invulnerable anymore its blurrrrrrr)…nerfed decoy and desperate decoy (trait) which btw i always though it was special that mesmers could use decoy even when revealed thinking it was special to our profession because u know mesmer deception illusion trickster…and on top of that we have to waste 4 trait points on dueling because 98% of mesmer builds now must use the one thing we all need to generate enough clones to do anything is deceptive evasion…so uhm HMMMMMMMMMMM wonder why mesmer is still the least played profession…….
oh and our traits are scattered all over the place not making any lick of sense…
forgot to mention the insta-nerf to powerblock (has literally been in game for less than 3 days I think) because of thieves crying
Make WvW Eventful! – WvW, 4 years in
Yes, I have 5 lv 80 mesmers – Funny Puns
- Illusionary Duelist, Phantasmal Swordsman, Phantasmal Mage, Phantasmal Defender, Phantasmal Disenchanter, Phantasmal Rogue, Phantasmal Warlock, Illusionary Mariner, Illusionary Whaler, Phantasmal Berserker, and Phantasmal Warden: These skills must now be cast in line-of-sight of the target. These skills now behave as normal attacks that the mesmer must connect in order to summon the phantasm, and they will fail if the mesmer is blind or the ability is cast on an invulnerable target.
I … remember the pain. We used to be able to kill people and siege on the walls…
- Mind Spike: Reduced the base damage by 20% ((This skill does an additional 50% damage to targets with no boons.))
This one I still don’t understand.
- Into the Void: This skill now has a 1-second recharge before it can be used after placing Temporal Curtain.
- Phantasmal Warden: This phantasm will now properly try to enter the attack range of its target before using its skill. (all of us who played after that patch know why I listed it with the nerfs)
These two changes rendered focus useless for like 9 months.
- Blurred Frenzy: This is now evasion instead of immunity. This means it will be affected by retaliation. Increased the cooldown to 12 seconds.
This one has really been painful. You can easily take more than 33% of your health by using it in a zerg.
- Power Block: Fixed an issue that caused this trait to set skills with zero recharge on 10 second recharge; namely auto-attacks from creatures and players, as well as thief initiative abilities. This trait will no longer trigger through stun immunity effects such as Stability and Defiance. (Hey, Power Block what a nice…. ohhh!)
This was so unwarrated… of course it going through Stability was a bug, but interrupting stupid thieves with that was actually effective and fun. So, they made it useless. Thank you, ANet!
- Illusionary Leap: Fixed a bug that allowed players to swap places with their clone after it was destroyed.
This removed a lot of skilled play from mesmers’ toolbox (and made it pretty much impossible to use Swap in zergs).
Also, I think you forgot to mention the 50% damage nerf on Confusion that killed the WvW glamour builds.
Make WvW Eventful! – WvW, 4 years in
Yes, I have 5 lv 80 mesmers – Funny Puns
I only listed what i found in the patchnotes under “Mesmer”
The thing with mind spike is that they nerfed the dmg by 20% but buffed it against targets without boons (which are almost impossible to find in PvP/WvW)
Equinox [EqnX]
I only listed what i found in the patchnotes under “Mesmer”
Yeah, some months ago I started a spreadsheet to keep track of all the nerfs, but it was too depressing and didn’t keep up doing it :P
Make WvW Eventful! – WvW, 4 years in
Yes, I have 5 lv 80 mesmers – Funny Puns
Tbh most of these nerfs was required. They was really OP. Like insta Into the void abuse at cliffs. The are was some buffs too.
More buffs are welcome though.
Tbh most of these nerfs was required. They was really OP. Like insta Into the void abuse at cliffs. The are was some buffs too.
More buffs are welcome though.
The blurred frenzy nerf was totally required too? It completely removed MH sword for the longest time. Illusionary leap sucking was only compensated by how good blurred frenzy was. That was nerfed and sword mh was removed from the meta. And since mesmer lacks any other decent power mainhand weapon we were forced into double ranged shatter, which people still gripe about.
BF was 2.5 sec if invuln each 8-10 sec. Can be seemed like OP. I’m OK with CD nerf, but not with change to evade though. BTW did BF stops cap points before nerf (becuse of invuln state)? I’m agree that sw autos have to inflict some more dps too.
I said ‘most’
Tbh most of these nerfs was required. They was really OP. Like insta Into the void abuse at cliffs. The are was some buffs too.
More buffs are welcome though.
The blurred frenzy nerf was unnecessary.
Nerfing iLeap so that you couldn’t swap after the clone died essentially removed that skill from the weapon, it wasn’t even worth pressing the button. The iLeap changes only ameliorate that nerf slightly, it’s a far less useful skill than it once was.
The cooldown increase on chaos storm was, and is, completely uncalled for. There were no problems with the skill before, it wasn’t too strong, and it got smacked with the nerf hammer for no reason.
The vengeful images nerf took an interesting trait that could be used and turned it into a worthless line of code that could be deleted without anyone noticing or caring.
Power block… was interesting and effective for 24 hours. Now it’s in the same situation as vengeful images: a worthless line of code that could be deleted without anyone noticing or caring.
Portal cooldown nerf was surprising and unnecessary. It became even more of a liability to have that on your bar, since you’d be able to use it less often.
The ICD on chaos armor was a horrible change. I’ve discussed this before, but it basically is anet saying ‘we don’t want skilled play to matter’. Previously, chaos armor punished unskilled players spamming into it. Now, nothing.
The blinding befuddlement nerf was another situation of taking an interesting and useful trait and making it a worthless line of code that could be deleted without anyone noticing or caring.
Nerfs received by most other classes make parts of their toolset less effective or less desireable. Mesmer nerfs tend to cause pieces of our toolset to simply vanish into thin air, and then we have to go around and pick up the pieces and try to tape them back together into some semblance of a working class.
BF was invuln and damage skill 2.5 s every 8s. So 30%+ of time u was invulnerable, though rooted to place. Still seems ltl OP imo. iLeap was guaranteed break stun (not pseudo stunbreaker like PR) every 8-12s (when enemy should remember position of destroyed leap clone) + not telegraphed (if clone is dead) area root. It is questionable too. Though I think probably it was overnerfed, cause most time leap clone just don’t live enuf in all those AOE even for 1-sec delayed leap. Plus slow autos… Much less viable weapon now.
Power block – 10 sec CD on enemy autos if I’m right? Ofc it’s funny. For mesmer. It’s not so hard to interrupt auto in most cases.
The blinding befuddlement had own issues at zerg fights with confusion stacking.
I m not saying anet fixed all things in right way. But some of them should be nerfed for sure. Just suggest to look at problem from balance pov. And inform anet about problems with class after unbiased consaderation. MB trhough this new forum experts initiative.
(edited by Mak.2657)
BF was invuln and damage skill 2.5 s every 8s. So 30%+ of time u was invulnerable, though rooted to place. Still seems ltl OP imo.
The cooldown nerf was justified, the invuln→ evade nerf was not. It made it go from an extremely reliable damage avoidance tool to a hardly reliable damage avoidance tool.
iLeap was guaranteed break stun (not pseudo stunbreaker like PR) every 8-12s (when enemy should remember position of destroyed leap clone)
+ not telegraphed (if clone is dead) area root. It is questionable too.
You’re right, that amount of utility is strong. Unfortunately, allowing swaps after the clone dies is literally the only thing that makes the skill usable in the vast majority of situations. Anywhere with aoe/cleave pressure and you can’t use the skill at all, because the clone dies before you can activate it. Simply nerfing it the way they did essentially deleted the skill from the bar in a ton of situations. If they wanted to make it less full of utility, they needed to do a more comprehensive rework than what they did.
Power block – 10 sec CD on enemy autos if I’m right? Ofc it’s funny. For mesmer
. It’s not so hard to interrupt auto in most cases.
Why should autos be exempt from this trait? Additionally, why should all thief skills be exempt from this trait? The only reasonable part of the nerf was where they stopped it from affecting ressing and stomping, but having it not work on autos or thieves is what made it go from a great trait to a completely garbage trait.
This is another example where Anet strongly favors mindless spamming over skilled play. Pre-nerf, if you were facing a power block mesmer you had to be careful about mindlessly spamming your autoattack, because you could get it disabled. Post-nerf….spam spam away, no need for thought, strategy, or skilled play.
The blinding befuddlement had own issues at zerg fights with confusion stacking.
No it didn’t. You’re just flat out misinformed here.
The blinding befuddlement could put 1 stack of confusion on 5 people when you cast a glamour. Now it puts 1 stack of confusion on 1 person when you cast a glamour. The main power of glamour builds was always confusing enchantments, blinding befuddlement was a far second. The power of BB was in being able to use blinds (the prestige, scepter block activation, chaos armor) to stack confusion rapidly if you did it properly. Now it’s useless.
I m not saying anet fixed all things in right way. But some of them should be nerfed for sure.
Some of the nerfs were justified. Most of the nerfs were heavy-handed, poorly conceived, poorly executed, and overall awful decisions.
Some of the nerfs were justified. Most of the nerfs were heavy-handed, poorly conceived, poorly executed, and overall awful decisions.
This is very true and i think the root of the problem is, nobody at arenanet plays mesmer, nobody knows what’s what. They are balancing based on forum QQ.
Some of the nerfs were justified. Most of the nerfs were heavy-handed, poorly conceived, poorly executed, and overall awful decisions.
This is very true and i think the root of the problem is, nobody at arenanet plays mesmer, nobody knows what’s what. They are balancing based on forum QQ.
And yet warriors, engis, and eles were the hands down MOST played professions in the WTS NA.
I read all and I agree with the majority part of opinions: Mesmer have been nerfed too much in these years, compared to the other professions that received buffs constantly.
I don’t want to say that Mesmers are useless in every aspect of the game, because it’s not true but his utility it’s very limited compared to other professions that often can do the same task in easier way: yes we have strong utilities skills like portal, unique among professions, but you can’t balance a profession around one singular skill.
One of the chore problem of Mesmer it’s own mechanic, illusions and phantasms, too weak in open environments where damages come from every direction: this mechanic is good for a 5vs5 situation (like every pet in game) but it simply doesn’t work in other aspect of the game.
I really hope that the expansion will bring solutions for these problems, but I doubt it after years of nerfs: sadly because I still think Mesmer is the most interesting profession.
Why should autos be exempt from this trait?
Imo PB was really OP. You can chain interrupt to deny enemy autos for dozens of seconds, even for minutes (with some gaps). In group fight even more devastating. Agains thief – mb it should reliably “eat” some thief’s iniative.
Again, an I am not totally disagree with you. But trying to think from enemy class perspective too, mb not succesfully. And I think mesmer starts to be less viable as u progress at pvp. Or at least require much more efforts.
Ok, we all wanna do mesmer more competetive and interest class. Which tool we have for this except forum complaining (compl-g works too though )?
(edited by Mak.2657)
Some of the nerfs were justified. Most of the nerfs were heavy-handed, poorly conceived, poorly executed, and overall awful decisions.
I think the two prime examples are the glamour/confusion nerf – nerfing both the trait AND the confusion damage at the same time – and the blurred frenzy nerf – increasing the cooldown and changing invulnerability to evade at the same time.
And I agree that it really feels like nobody plays mesmer in ANet when you see a nerf like the one they did on sword Swap. It was something nobody complained about, and nerfing it made impossible to use the skill in most situations.
Edit: but hey! They increased confusion damage in PVE! Because PVE is all about condis right?!?
Make WvW Eventful! – WvW, 4 years in
Yes, I have 5 lv 80 mesmers – Funny Puns
(edited by Menaka.5092)
There were once statistics about wich profession is most and least played. This has been about 1 or 1 1/2 years ago, but yea, I still beleve the mesmer is the least played profession.
Why? Cuz it’s totally underwhelming to deal 30% of the damage other classes do in cost of slightly better utility and beeing unable to duel anyone with the same skill level in pvp. The only reason to take mes into pvp is the portal, to fight 2v1 at point a and then still 4v4 at point b.
Right now the mes is probably the worst class in pvp and the 2nd worst in pve. And wvw? Aslong as you buy a rune that decreases your overall stats compared to other runes just to be able to move faster than a snail – everything’s fine … hehe.
It took me 3’000 hours to realize or rather accept this statement. You can always sugarcoat the mesmer, but in the end you should be honest with yourself and accept how it is.
I disagree with your statements. Mesmers are NOT an easy class to learn, use, and be effective with, but once you are – mmm, so good!
Perhaps other classes have their easy buttons, but for me, give me an experienced Mesmer group any day and watch us cause hell n’ havoc. And that goes for PvP/WvW/tPvP alike.
Perhaps other classes have their easy buttons, but for me, give me an experienced Mesmer group any day and watch us cause hell n’ havoc. And that goes for PvP/WvW/tPvP alike.
I’m almost crying when my match team composed of only mesmers\thieves
Why should autos be exempt from this trait?
Imo PB was really OP. You can chain interrupt to deny enemy autos for dozens of seconds, even for minutes (with some gaps).
Yeah, that’s hilariously inaccurate. This is exactly what I’m talking about. If your enemy did absolutely nothing other than mindlessly spam autoattack, maybe you could chain interrupts to keep it disabled. If your enemy operated with just a tiny amount of skill and strategy, that wouldn’t be possible.
Power block was overpowered against awful players. Anet likes to coddle awful players, so now power block is useless.
I think nobody should be able to stop autos for 10 sec. You consider using autos like a spam, but I’m not so sure. AAs are basis and significant part of dps of many clasess/builds (mb with some exceptions like multikit engies, eles, etc). Ability to fear enemy (axe/x warr for example) to use autos is too strong. It gives u too much room to breath or forces enemy to blow his CDs. Or enemy already used all offensive CDs and has nothing except AA to dps…. It is even deeper problem in group fight. This ability drastically changes fight flow and not in enemies favor.
Trait needs rework for sure, but nerf was required.
(edited by Mak.2657)
I think nobody should be able to stop autos for 10 sec. You consider using autos like a spam, but I’m not so sure.
No, I consider randomly spamming autos to be spam. If you randomly spam skills (and this includes autos) vs a CI interrupt mesmer, you will get punished for it. Autos can be interrupted and they will proc CI hits. You simply have to not be skilllessly spamming your autoattack all the time against an interrupt mesmer. Against a power block mesmer, instead of getting immobilized, you should be worried about getting that skill disabled.
AAs are basis and significant part of dps of many clasess/builds (mb with some exceptions like multikit engies, eles, etc).
This is true.
Ability to fear enemy (axe/x warr for example) to use autos is too strong.
This is not.
It gives u too much room to breath or forces enemy to blow his CDs.
No, it doesn’t give us too much room to breath or force the enemy to blow CDs. It forces the enemy to actually use their head and not spam their autoattack. The only players that would simply get scared of using their autoattack altogether are bad players. Good players will watch the mesmer, note when interrupts are available, when they’re not, and how to attack into that. Good players already do that vs CI interrupt mesmers, why should it be any different for power block?
Again, all of your arguments are from the perspective of an awful player. An awful player will have their autoattack disabled for minutes at a time. An awful player will be afraid of ever using their autoattack. An awful player will randomly blow cooldowns and spam skills.
This is how it should be. An awful player should get demolished by a good power block interrupt mesmer.
No, I consider randomly spamming autos to be spam. If you randomly spam skills (and this includes autos) vs a CI interrupt mesmer, you will get punished for it. Autos can be interrupted and they will proc CI hits. You simply have to not be skilllessly spamming your autoattack all the time against an interrupt mesmer. Against a power block mesmer, instead of getting immobilized, you should be worried about getting that skill disabled.
If CI interrupt mesmer wasted intterupt on auto then, in most cases, he isn’t very good at this build (imho). I wouldn’t be upset if CI lockdown mesm spent his MoD or else for my auto, except some situations. Mb even glad to it. There are different story with PB.
Ability to fear enemy (axe/x warr for example) to use autos is too strong.
This is not.
No, it doesn’t give us too much room to breath or force the enemy to blow CDs. It forces the enemy to actually use their head and not spam their autoattack. The only players that would simply get scared of using their autoattack altogether are bad players. Good players will watch the mesmer, note when interrupts are available, when they’re not, and how to attack into that. Good players already do that vs CI interrupt mesmers, why should it be any different for power block?
Ok what good axe/x warr should to do? How u suggest him to damage PB mesmer?
Mesmer can allow himself to spend 5sec refilling dodges, BF, blinks, other saves, controls(!) for some nondesirable war offensive skills, or just eat them, while easily negate his chained dangerous auto? What such warr supposed to do? Be punching bag? How he fill adrenaline? By eating incoming damage? Even worse situation in group fight when enemies often already spent their offensive CDs. You can cut very big part of their dps with some CC.
This is how it should be. An awful player should get demolished by a good power block interrupt mesmer.
I’m trying to say, that it can be more complicated. Probably even good players can be harshly punished with such trait. Admit I can be wrong, but still standing at starting point.
(edited by Mak.2657)
Why should autos be exempt from this trait?
Imo PB was really OP. You can chain interrupt to deny enemy autos for dozens of seconds, even for minutes (with some gaps).
Yeah, that’s hilariously inaccurate. This is exactly what I’m talking about. If your enemy did absolutely nothing other than mindlessly spam autoattack, maybe you could chain interrupts to keep it disabled. If your enemy operated with just a tiny amount of skill and strategy, that wouldn’t be possible.
Power block was overpowered against awful players. Anet likes to coddle awful players, so now power block is useless.
Yesterday I had to prove to a friend of mine that indeed powerblock didn’t work at all on thieves (weapon) skills, he didn’t believe me when I told him the story of how it was nerfed just after being added to the game :°)
Make WvW Eventful! – WvW, 4 years in
Yes, I have 5 lv 80 mesmers – Funny Puns
I understood that u was on shatter build if u mean that.…I too can kill 4 uplvls.
Two uplevels, both warriors, a regular engi, a regular guardian.
Two uplevels = 2 upscales, regular engi, a regular guardian = 2 noobs or wvw zerg runners. What I had read wrong? You just can’t kill 2 decent duelists (good skill and build) in 1vs2 on shatterer most time. So suggest u go again to do some pvp at 1×1 servers to see real state of matter.
You’re still failing to see my point. 4 players on auto attack, whether 2 of them come from up levels or not is more than enough pressure to kill a SINGLE (not to mention glass) player.
This is only true if the players are reasonably competent. You obviously fought incompetent people.
The arguments in this thread that Mesmers are weak are invalid and unfounded. I should stop reading this sub forum because it is not the Mesmer profession sub forum. In reality it’s a bunch of people who don’t know how to play Mesmer complaining about Mesmer. Have a good day.
No, your arguments are anecdotal and irrelevant. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Amen, tell ’em Fay
Mesmer have been nerfed too much in these years, compared to the other professions that received buffs constantly.
Some mesmer nerfs were unwarranted, however the idea that other professions have recieved constant buffs is total nonsense, thief has had more nerfs than mesmer, engi for the first 12-15 months was the most nerfed class in the game, etc.
Mesmer have been nerfed too much in these years, compared to the other professions that received buffs constantly.
Some mesmer nerfs were unwarranted, however the idea that other professions have recieved constant buffs is total nonsense, thief has had more nerfs than mesmer, engi for the first 12-15 months was the most nerfed class in the game, etc.
It’s like one man has been convicted of many minor offenses, and another man convicted of a single capital crime. The man with the many minor convictions suffers a string of minor punishments. They are plentiful to be sure, but the degree of his suffering is relatively low. He may be mistaken thinking he has been punished a lot, or to much, due to the quantity.
Meanwhile Mr Capital received a bullet to the head. It’s a single punishment, no where near the multitude of the minor guy. Never the less it’s a death sentence.
Thief is Mr Minor.
Mesmer is Mr Capital.
Don’t even get people started on Mes vs Thief.
yes you are right, the conventional CI mesmer will use their interrupts on important skills. But skilled ones will interrupt your AA to setup all kinds or bursts and chain rupts.
Mesmer have been nerfed too much in these years, compared to the other professions that received buffs constantly.
Some mesmer nerfs were unwarranted, however the idea that other professions have recieved constant buffs is total nonsense, thief has had more nerfs than mesmer, engi for the first 12-15 months was the most nerfed class in the game, etc.
Peoblem is, the nunber of buffs or quality of life improvements are greater than the nerfs for other professions (not all but I don’t want to be specific, it’s a Mesmer thread): for the Mesmer is the opposite, they destroyed many builds in the past.
The nerfs that I hate the most is to blurred frenzy and illusionary leap.
Yep… and I am still angry with ANet to have destroyed glamour confusion builds… It was soooooooooooooooooooooo cool.
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
Tbh most of these nerfs was required. They was really OP. Like insta Into the void abuse at cliffs. The are was some buffs too.
More buffs are welcome though.The blurred frenzy nerf was totally required too? It completely removed MH sword for the longest time. Illusionary leap sucking was only compensated by how good blurred frenzy was. That was nerfed and sword mh was removed from the meta. And since mesmer lacks any other decent power mainhand weapon we were forced into double ranged shatter, which people still gripe about.
Blurred frenzy nerf still hurts me.
Yep… and I am still angry with ANet to have destroyed glamour confusion builds… It was soooooooooooooooooooooo cool.
And this.
Afetr all this, Broken abilities, traits & all the changes & the nerfing that the mesmer has endured, My question is… Should we ever expect the mesmer to be fixed & make a comeback & be as meta as the other classes? Will Anet give us that?
Afetr all this, Broken abilities, traits & all the changes & the nerfing that the mesmer has endured, My question is… Should we ever expect the mesmer to be fixed & make a comeback & be as meta as the other classes? Will Anet give us that?
No you will get your shield and like it, now stop bothering them they have another heavy armor class to play favorites with.
Afetr all this, Broken abilities, traits & all the changes & the nerfing that the mesmer has endured, My question is… Should we ever expect the mesmer to be fixed & make a comeback & be as meta as the other classes? Will Anet give us that?
No you will get your shield and like it, now stop bothering them they have another heavy armor class to play favorites with.
Sigh..i thought as much!
Give blink an increased cool down but it drops a clone – similar to shadow step – and you can port back to that clone.
Revert the ileap stun breaking changes
Blurred frenzy is fine – increase the dmg slightly and make it immune to retaliation
or decrease the amount of hits it does instead of retaliation immunity
Spatial Surge – Increase dmg at all levels
Confusing images – decrease duration on confusion
Arcane thievery – decrease cd. instant cast
Portal has range indicator. Large blue ring line or something
Mimic – instant cast
Signet of midnight – movespeed signet 25% Blind on activation
Illusionary counter – decrease stacks from 5 – 4 torment
Chaos armor cooldown now 32 seconds
phantasm mage – revert confusion to 3 – increase projectile speed
Revert mindspike damage
Signet of inspiration – copy all conditions from yourself to nearby foes – lose 1 condition every 10sec
Mantra of concentration – remove 2 boons from target enemy and grant them to yourself
Mirror of anguish reduced CD to 45seconds
Bountiful disillusionment – grant aoe boons 180 radius to targets around shatter
Disruptors sustainment – rework that trait
Deceptive evasion introduced as a class mechanic has an ICD
Shattered strength – increased to 2-3 stacks of might
Compounding celerity works all directions (not sure if this was changed)
Presisting images- when a phant is summoned – removes conditions on allies
Phantasmal haste – phantasm’s attack 20% faster (mini quickness)
Decent into madness – matra’s remove 1 condition per cast . 5 ICD
Illusionary invigoration – 50seconds
Halting strike dmg lowered slightly
Wasterls punishement increased to 8%
Precise wrack 15%
Give blink an increased cool down but it drops a clone – similar to shadow step – and you can port back to that clone.
Revert the ileap stun breaking changes
Blurred frenzy is fine – increase the dmg slightly and make it immune to retaliation
or decrease the amount of hits it does instead of retaliation immunitySpatial Surge – Increase dmg at all levels
Confusing images – decrease duration on confusion
Arcane thievery – decrease cd. instant cast
Portal has range indicator. Large blue ring line or something
Mimic – instant cast
Signet of midnight – movespeed signet 25% Blind on activation
Illusionary counter – decrease stacks from 5 – 4 torment
Chaos armor cooldown now 32 seconds
phantasm mage – revert confusion to 3 – increase projectile speed
Revert mindspike damage
Signet of inspiration – copy all conditions from yourself to nearby foes – lose 1 condition every 10sec
Mantra of concentration – remove 2 boons from target enemy and grant them to yourself
Mirror of anguish reduced CD to 45seconds
Bountiful disillusionment – grant aoe boons 180 radius to targets around shatter
Disruptors sustainment – rework that trait
Deceptive evasion introduced as a class mechanic has an ICD
Shattered strength – increased to 2-3 stacks of might
Compounding celerity works all directions (not sure if this was changed)
Presisting images- when a phant is summoned – removes conditions on allies
Phantasmal haste – phantasm’s attack 20% faster (mini quickness)
Decent into madness – matra’s remove 1 condition per cast . 5 ICD
Illusionary invigoration – 50seconds
Halting strike dmg lowered slightly
Wasterls punishement increased to 8%
Precise wrack 15%
a lot of the changes you propose i dont agree. Each to our own i guess.
Shattered strength – increased to 2-3 stacks of might
Remember any1 when ppl complained about the might stacking of shatter builds when the game was young? They then nerfed our might stacking ability… and allowed others to go havoc with might stacking celestial builds…
Also remember, when they nerved confusion and confusion glamor builds? Because it was just too punishing… and then they introduced perplexity runes…
Over all the balance, I feel, is okay in this game. But some decisions I do not understand the slightest…
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
Shattered strength – increased to 2-3 stacks of might
Remember any1 when ppl complained about the might stacking of shatter builds when the game was young? They then nerfed our might stacking ability… and allowed others to go havoc with might stacking celestial builds…
You’re remembering this a bit wrong. The might stacking of a shatter build lasted for something like 3 days, then it was nerfed.
Shattered strength – increased to 2-3 stacks of might
Remember any1 when ppl complained about the might stacking of shatter builds when the game was young? They then nerfed our might stacking ability… and allowed others to go havoc with might stacking celestial builds…
Also remember, when they nerved confusion and confusion glamor builds? Because it was just too punishing… and then they introduced perplexity runes…
Over all the balance, I feel, is okay in this game. But some decisions I do not understand the slightest…
Confusion needed a nerf to be perfectly honest. Whoever designed perplexity though, needs to be fired. I gave up on balance a long time ago…. I was just tossing around some ideas haha
Shattered strength – increased to 2-3 stacks of might
Remember any1 when ppl complained about the might stacking of shatter builds when the game was young? They then nerfed our might stacking ability… and allowed others to go havoc with might stacking celestial builds…
You’re remembering this a bit wrong. The might stacking of a shatter build lasted for something like 3 days, then it was nerfed.
I am quite sure it gave more than 1 stack of might per shattered illusion in the beginning. Where can I check? Is there a patch log somewhere?
Found it:
- Game Update Notes – December 14, 2012: “Shattered Strength: Increased to three stacks of might and ten second duration.”
- Game Update Notes – January 3, 2013: “Shattered Strength: This trait now grants 1 stack of might per illusion shattered.”
It was a short run of awesome destruction though^^
I disagree. Confusion from glamor builds was way way more predictable, avoidable in the first place and you weren’t loaded with many other conditions. It was way more balanced. Confusion did not need a nerf back then. The screamers needed to L2P.
But I agree on the perplexity part.
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
(edited by TyPin.9860)
Shattered strength – increased to 2-3 stacks of might
Remember any1 when ppl complained about the might stacking of shatter builds when the game was young? They then nerfed our might stacking ability… and allowed others to go havoc with might stacking celestial builds…
You’re remembering this a bit wrong. The might stacking of a shatter build lasted for something like 3 days, then it was nerfed.
I am quite sure it gave more than 1 stack of might per shattered illusion in the beginning. Where can I check? Is there a patch log somewhere?
Found it:
- Game Update Notes – December 14, 2012: “Shattered Strength: Increased to three stacks of might and ten second duration.”
- Game Update Notes – January 3, 2013: “Shattered Strength: This trait now grants 1 stack of might per illusion shattered.”
So for about 3 weeks :p. It was a buff that they then decided that they didn’t actually want to give us.
Still a shame. The havoc and destruction was awesome xD
And I played a rampager setup back then with centaur runes (so they added bleeding duration). I did enjoy the might stacking very much
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
a couple days after the might buff the devs were apologizing for “breaking” the game lol