Mesmer will be my next 80. PVE suggestions?
For lower level pve content base mesmer and any halfway decent pve build will get the job done. But I think power oriented builds are the most effective out of the basic pve builds.
But if you ever end up wanting to do end game content such as raids or high tier fractals, you will most certainly need chronomancer.
Even in full berserker’s gear, mesmer/chrono will never really do ‘good’ dmg, which is why they are pigeonholed into playing quickness and alacrity support builds most of the time. Swapping out berserker gear for boon duration gear is a significant loss to personal dps, but that doesn’t matter because chronomancers make up for that loss by boosting the entire group’s dps significantly by providing perma quickness and alacrity. The only caveat of this is that boon duration gear (even exotic ones) is quite costly to craft and the perma quickness/alacrity rotation can be really perplexing to learn at first.
(edited by Daedraz.1650)
Killing things faster? Condi build offers about double the damage potential than a Power variant and luckily only require the core Mesmer class. Though, condi struggles in mob situation where Power has better cleaving options to deal with multiple enemies simultaneously.
Chronomancer’s access to shield really helps you stay on your feet with the 4 skill, and their wells have some pretty diverse utilities.
In regards to raids? They fall under the buffing-bot category. As in what they lack in terrible damage they more than compensate by bringing buffs (alacrity and Quickness, notably) to the team (Chrono required, of course).
How not to get one shot? Well, the good news is that, compared to thief, you have a higher starting health. Similar to thief, however, you do rely more on Active defenses. So, you’ll need to be familiar with skills that grants distortion, blocks, evades, etc. And there’s a lot of them that you have access to.
Having played HOT content on 6 80s now, I’m amazed how easy even Orr seems in comparison. (Keep in mind I only PVE, and don’t do Dungeons/Fractals either.)
The last character I got to 80 was Thief a couple days ago, and WOW are they fragile in HOT. One big hit and they’re dead
I’d like to avoid this with Mesmer, if possible, but I also want to deal good damage. Right now my Mesmer is 53, but I have 17 Tomes of Knowledge left in the bank, which will take him to 70. The next 10 levels will be easy after that.
My 53 Mesmer enjoys GS + Sw/Sw, mainly using Phantasms. I haven’t really experimented with Shatter yet, nor a condition build. (I run conditions on my Engi and Ranger.) For PVE, and considering HOT + content, will I kill things faster with a Condi Mesmer or Power/Crit build? Will I want the Specialization (Chrono)?
Thanks for the advice.
First off, on a side note, PM me if want some suggestions on thief in HoT.
That said, I have found a Scepter/torch condi shatter build to work really well for me. Condi seems to work amazingly well, I use deceptive decoy and The prestige to break aggro, lots of dodging (with the clone on dodge trait), and with the amount of torment I put out (not to mention condi) the enemies practically kill themselves trying to get to me. Dueling, Illusions and I think use Chaos? (don’t have it up in front of me atm). Elite is either Mass Invis or Signet of Humility unless I’m doing group stuff, then Time warp or Mass Invis.
Edit: Against single target, if I’m not in a rush, I’ll just let the clones take the heat while I use AA and scepter 3? (the beam of confusion one). If mobs, lots of kiting, shatters for AoE conditions and damage, and dodging.
(edited by bearshaman.3421)
Hi! I’m watching this thread to learn about mesmer PvE options. However, I noticed you mentioned you had trouble surviving with thief. I know how to do that! Try something like this:
This build isn’t going to win you the DPS race in raids or fractals, but produces more than adequate burst for open world PvE scenarios. For survival it combines powerful heals on offense with endless dodge and an unusually high health pool. It also has access to active and passive stun breaks and condi cleanse on evade.
If any of you know mesmer well, please recommend a build for open world PvE! I’d love to hear some details of how it works, too!
That’s a quick mock up of the build I was referring to. I used all exotic equipment (you only really need ascended for fractals, though ascended trinkets are easy to get depending on the stat set). If you don’t have access to Viper stuff, Sinister will work just as well (and if not that either, a mix of carrion and rampager).
Basically you tend to stay on scepter. Your AA will produce clones, and you also produce clones on dodges. Shatter often, as you will gain boons, load the enemy with conditions and damage, etc. Kite around, stay moving, force them to take more damage from torment, and avoid getting hit. Be sure to keep scepter 3 on cooldown, remember that you don’t have to wait for 3 clones to shatter, though you can easily as your clone production is really good.
Elite skill is up to you, depending on what you are facing or dealing with. The signets help give you boons and boost your condi, but feel free to swap out for other skills at need (we are a very heavy utility class, so don’t be afraid to swap those skills frequently).
Staff i picked just for the option of chaos field with the leap finisher but that can be swapped for whatever you want as well.
but I also want to deal good damage.
Don’t play Mesmer