Need build ideas

Need build ideas

in Mesmer

Posted by: Qaelyn.7612


However, since we’ve got it out in the open that my definition is reasonable, it was therefore fair of me to initiate a kick.

The one-liner definition of “experienced” you keep using isn’t consistent with all the implications of the term you keep describing. And the real problem is with the word “appropriately”, which you seem to think means “exactly as I think they should”.

And IMO it is never fair to kick someone from a group without explanation unless that individual is being abusive, has gone AFK for a long period of time, etc.

It’s unfair on players like me who want actual experienced players to be subjected to bads like this who refuse to read my LFG properly.

It wasn’t for no reason that I suggested you shouldn’t even be using the LFG. What you’re doing right now is like a professional basketball player going down to the local Y, recruiting 4 guys to play with, and then constantly muttering that they’re not good enough. Maybe the problem isn’t with the 4 guys, but rather with your approach.

(edited by Qaelyn.7612)

Need build ideas

in Mesmer

Posted by: Valarauka.2719


OK, let me answer. This will be a bit long, take from it what you will.

I’ve tended to stay out of your threads, colesy, because they always devolve into this sort of brawl. And it seems like the same is true of all of the regulars on this forum — Alissah, Chaos Archangel, Fay, now Qaelyn, so many others. Pyro just stepped in to try to stop the flamewar. And don’t try to blame others for “forcing” you into it — the choice of style of your posts rests entirely on you.

Here’s the thing — no matter how right you are, winning an argument isn’t about being right; it’s about convincing the other side to agree with you. And your constant and needless aggression continually detracts from whatever you’re trying to say. Sure, you may occasionally get through to those who can look past your posturing and judge by your content, but those are rare.

And that’s sad, because you really do have good content. I know you’re genuinely trying to help raise the level of play around here. Your dungeon guide is excellent, and btw, I wish you’d update it, I keep wanting to link it for people who ask for dungeon builds but it’s still out of date.

You just need to realize that not everyone even necessarily wants to play like you do, all out 100% all the time. A lot of people don’t have the skill or reflexes for it. A lot of people don’t care that much for fastest-possible runs. And they should be allowed to ask for and get advice on this forum without you constantly jumping in and berating everyone because that’s not how the speed-runners do it.

Now to answer your actual question — yes, your expectations are extreme. I’ve got 2k+ hours played, 1.2k+ of those on mesmer (last I checked, it’s been a while). I run full zerk, have Dungeon Master, was up to fractal 50 before the patch and almost back there now (haven’t run as many post-patch) with 350+ runs according to my achievement panel. I’m rank 90+ in WvW, been to top200 in Solo and Team Queue, I’ve beaten Liadri with Mesmer, Guard and Necro. All this to say, I like to think of myself as ‘experienced’ — not “highly” so in any one part of the game, but reasonably all-around.

And yet, if I’d joined that run you would kick me. I melee everything I can, and I’d love to try it on the Grawl shaman, but no single PUG I’ve ever been in has gone melee on the final boss fight. I can if I want to, but 1) as Pyro said, it’s harder to do without boss-cam, and 2) it’s much more risky, and when the whole party is spread out at max-range boon-sharing isn’t even possible, so the DPS difference is greatly reduced.

Want to know the most valuable trait I’ve found for that fight? Medic’s Feedback. Popping a bubble during rez has let me prevent innumerable party wipes, it’s really a godsend with most groups. With an experienced, melee group it’s utterly useless, since people shouldn’t be going down, and when everyone’s stacked properly Glamour Mastery is clearly better.

So I tend to prefer GS + S/F on that fight. And I’d zone in with a GS on my character and be summarily dismissed. Does that sound reasonable to you?

“Experience” means different things to different people. If you want a full-melee speedclear group, then “experienced only” isn’t specific enough. And expecting people to know that’s what you want, and then trying to claim that they’re griefing if they dare to join your party, is patently ridiculous.

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Fiona Oberyn :: Mesmer ~ Valthaniel :: Guardian

Need build ideas

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dekk.3459


You all keep avoiding my question.

Is “is comfortable with the mechanics of an encounter and plays and gears appropriately” an extreme definition of “experienced”? Nobody is answering this, I keep getting told that my expectations are extreme, but the quote is exactly what my standards are when I make an “experienced only” lfg. Is it unfair? And if so, why?

That is a legitimate definition. However knowing the encounters and plays appropriately is where there is deviation. I’m a casual player and ‘plays appropriately’ to me means if you are in a downed state then you failed, I myself blame lag… Just using ‘Experienced Only’ for a LFG is absurd as has been stated previously by you and others. Its like saying 6k AP or don’t join which is another silly standard. Be more accurate with the playstyle you are expecting. “Melee only speed run” you’ll get better results (and it still doesn’t mean people will read).

P.S. This discussion is far from what the original poster had asked