New Celestial Armor vs...

New Celestial Armor vs...

in Mesmer

Posted by: DuckDuckBOOM.4097


Previously we only had access to 5 ascended celestial trinkets. Comparison:
Celestial: 216 to all stats and 29% crit dmg (also MF but idc)
Zerker: 514 power, 341, precision, 39
crit dmg.
Other types: of 514, 341, 341.
I did some calculations for my build (typical GC shatter). About a 24% loss of power damage with a 216 to all stats.

I looked at the new exotic armor/weapons and found myself a bit surprised about the stat distribution. 2-handed celestial items, head, chest, legs have 1% MORE crit damage than zerker gear. The rest of the exotic celestial items have the same crit damage. This is very different to the jewerly crit dmg.

Difference between zerker/celestial armor sets. Lose 175 power, 84 precision. Gain 3 crit dmg. I lose about 9% power damage. For comparison, knights armor vs zerker armor is also about a 9% loss in power damage but 315 toughness. Celestial is 140 to 3 defensive stats and 140 to condition damage. Oils and what not will give 14 more of one stat due to more toughness/vit.

Ascended trinkets: 24% less power dmg but 216 to all stats.
Exotic Armor: 9% less power dmg but 140 to all stats.
Exotic Armor has a much better trade off ratio.

Basically if you are a staff/pistol power phantasm/condition hybrid w/ phantasmal fury, I suspect this will do more overall damage than the prior stats.

The armor/weapons are account bound so if you want to be a hybrid, keep this in mind and start fusing!

New Celestial Armor vs...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Deathcon.5903


I saw this after I had just tested out switching my weapons and armor for Celestial gear. I lost precision but still maintained a 48% crit chance, and had 98% Crit damage. higher than it was with my Knights Armor. I also lost toughness and power, however my vitality went through the roof to compensate for the toughness loss, and besides the loss was minimal. The biggest hit to my build was the power, but trinkets could fix that problem easily.

Overall I think celestial armor is very, very good. In fact I think a lot of mesmers might start using it.

New Celestial Armor vs...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xavi.6591


Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

New Celestial Armor vs...

in Mesmer

Posted by: the devils eye.9258

the devils eye.9258

Basically if you are a staff/pistol power phantasm/condition hybrid w/ phantasmal fury, I suspect this will do more overall damage than the prior stats.

Pls do you’re math good…

I run a ful zerk mesmer (only one kitten amulet is not zerk put power prec toughness)

these are my stats compared to you’re full asscended celestial:

i run standard whitout buffs:

100% crit dmg, 60% crit change (that will make me do 100% more dmg over time)

Now the important thing is how u use the phantasm and which trait u use

so fury for phantasm means my phantasm hit at 100% crit dmg 80%

than you can pump that up by simply using sigils +10% for kill stack on on prec whic makes them run at 100% crit dmg 90% precission

now the fun part starts:

food buffs: i use the +10% crit dmg and the dungeon specific ones +10%-10% dmg
weapon switch when i have 25 stacks i switch out my weapons for +5% crit dmg ones.
witch makes my phantasm run at 2h 100% 100% 1h 100% 95%

so overall my phantasm are hitting at 170% increased dmg over time thy stack bleeding and confusion whiteout problem to 25 stacks

on top of that we set trait line to even improve on that: +15% dmg for illusions and +15% dmg for phantasm so total is +30% dmg improvement on a already 170% dmg increase…

now how we even improve more on that that’s how we run them in specific team builds:

1 support elle or one whit a specific gaurd crit build (but most of times we just kick the gaurd and go whit the elles much faster)
1 zerk warrior (only becausse there handy on skipping some parts and some defend points where the war on axe skill 1 has some benifit over the mesmer)
3 zerk mesmer whit the builds we run
(or we replace a zerk whit a thief or somthing that has skills that are handy at some moments but thats more switching out ingame).

if you compare that to the celestial armor and trinkets:

whit the same build as us: you loose POWER, PRECISSION AND CRIT DMG, over a litle gain in condition dmg. (if you gain 240 more you only do around 20 dmg more per stack…)

So good luck trying to get overall more dmg.

now on other armors it could improve, since you will do more cond dmg but not that much more.

the important thing is how you handle it ingame whit the buffs that are out there.

fury, might protection and healing the dmg you get are key element in speedrunning the dungeons etc.

and ya you will have more magic find than us. but you will be much slower in running everything ingame….

so on mesmer i would totally not go for this gear on thief however I’m considering it since there i run a crit build and the celestial could improve on some points but need to see how much it lowers dmg etc…

And the build where running is good for pve and wvw even full tank Gaurdians whit all their buffs and healing power die like snow in the sun when we pass them even solo…

What a lot of players forget while designing builds and playing ingame:

1) team improvements (very important, total lack off in this game)
2) own survival (how you handle you’re build and how your movement is towards the enemy)
3) weapon swapping and utility skill swapping.
4) wvwvw is not equal to PVE same counts for pvp. (to much players run wvwvw or pvp build in pve and think there great).

Players have a total lack of this in GW2, and than they have the nerf to complain to people that do consider above points that you don’t ress them or kick them out of party, like why would you bring a buff gaurdian that is not buffing and is more death? you don’t you kick, or like yesterday a thief whit toughness build is like no dmg end gets killed anyway since he doesn’t understand the concept when to go ranged and when to go close to boss, than they complain you don’t die for them trying to ress them while champ is on top of them….

Developers really should at again in game:

Ping: build and traits like in GW1 so we can see setup and kick before starting and kicking them halfway anyway.

Weapon slots 4 again please, would make it just easier to swap out weapons and improve on game diversity.

3 slots where you can add food buffs, secondary buffs and some fun stuff like trow bees, special items like stones or one time weapons you get on consuming the item)

Really do you’re math really good and before changing your gear consider if your current build would improve or go backwards and do the complete math not just say think it would improve…

New Celestial Armor vs...

in Mesmer

Posted by: DuckDuckBOOM.4097


Basically if you are a staff/pistol power phantasm/condition hybrid w/ phantasmal fury, I suspect this will do more overall damage than the prior stats.

whit the same build as us: you loose POWER, PRECISSION AND CRIT DMG, over a litle gain in condition dmg. (if you gain 240 more you only do around 20 dmg more per stack…)

+ pointless ranting

I should have been more clear with that sentence but seriously… My whole post is a comparison of zerker to the new exotic celestial armor and to ascended celestial accessories. With exotic celestial armor, you GAIN CRIT DMG compared to zerker. Of course, there is still a lose in power/crit chance. That is why I did the math. It’s about a 9% reduction in power dmg if you swap exotic armor from zerker to celestial. As per my first post, I don’t recommend the accessories.

+20 dmg per stack when you can get easily get 15 (or the 25 that you claim) stacks of bleeds + torment is around 400-600 dps. Are you really going to tell me that 9% of your dps is greater than 400-600 dps? That means your mesmers are doing a minimun of 4,444k dps if not upwards of 7k dps. Then celestial also gives defensive stats.

Listing food buffs/sigils doesn’t make your build better. Listing those traits doesn’t make it better. I can use all of those but with celestial armor for a hybrid build. I also never mentioned this as a dungeons speed running guide. It was just meant to be a note since a lot of mesmers are trying out hybrid power/condition builds. Simply, the new armor seems like a good choice for those hybrid builds/weapons.

100% crit dmg, 60% crit change (that will make me do 100% more dmg over time)

Average damage = Base damage * ( 1 + Critical Chance * ( Critical Damage + 0.5) )
Average damage = Base damage * 1+.6(1+.5)
Average damage = Base damage * 1.9

You should really learn to do math well before critiquing other people.