New Healing Signet

New Healing Signet

in Mesmer

Posted by: Elidath.5679


Just tried a mantra-based phantasm build on the Mists NPCs. Seems Restorative Mantras doesn’t trigger Mender’s Purity, which makes this significantly less interesting.

Mender’s Purity only affect the use of a #6 skill, not any source of healing.

New Healing Signet

in Mesmer

Posted by: Qaelyn.7612


Yeah, I should know that by now.

This thread has inspired me to try a build that has mantra of recovery on “auto-attack”. It’s fairly amusing so far.

New Healing Signet

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Yeah, I should know that by now.

This thread has inspired me to try a build that has mantra of recovery on “auto-attack”. It’s fairly amusing so far.

So yeah, the build I linked with RM was really to highlight that part, not MP
For condition removal, you could still take it, but it seems like a waste. In that case, mantra of resolve or the disenchanter are good options.

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

New Healing Signet

in Mesmer

Posted by: Qaelyn.7612


I just thought it would be funny to trait up mantras and put the heal on auto-“attack”. I’m getting something like 10,000 healing and 8 conditions removed every 15 seconds.

Of course I don’t have any control over the timing. And if the mantra charge gets interrupted (easy to do by me or by opponents) then the effective rate goes down dramatically.

And no real auto-attack either, which is an issue at least for the greatsword. Maybe I should put the heal on auto only for the sword/pistol, hmmm…

TBH, even untraited one could make an argument that this is better than the new signet, especially in builds that don’t use auto-attack.

New Healing Signet

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Its funny, last night in Fractals we had the Molten Champs as the end boss. I normally run sword/focus + sword/sword but I always use Greatsword for this fight. Using the 10/20/0/20/20 build and taking the new heal signet, I also changed some traits to include Restorative Mantras and Mantra Mastery. For utilities, I took Mantra of Resolve and Mantra of Pain however I accidentally put Mantra of Pain on Autocast.

With Mantra Mastery reducing the CD on Mantras and Mantra of Pain on Autocast healing me, I found the fight unbelievably easier to stay alive.

I didn’t realize Mantra of Pain was on Autocast until after the fight and even after that, I thought my keyboard key was stuck down.

With Mantra of Pain was on Autocast, the 2,662 heal x 2 (3/4 sec activation CD) plus with the short 2 3/4 sec recharge on MoP, my healing (and overhealing) was pretty big.

The downside of course was that the recharge of MoP was disabling my auto attacks. Next time, I would use MoP manually but it was nice to see the amount of healing (and AoE healing) one could do (in pure zerker gear even).

Welcome to last year, lol.

Errr well actually this year as I also discovered the 1s cooldown before the summer or something and was equally shocked, haha. Restorative Mantras has always been this strong, yet its rarely seen in Mesmer builds – and I have no idea why. Mantras are strong in PvE (basicly you’re an unkillable all-party healer) and its even stronger in WvW (vastly superior heal and AoE heals, AoE stability and AoE cleansing – the only thing that could perfect it would be AoE damage on MoP).

But I digress. People still see Ether Feast as the holy grail of Mesmer healing despite it being inferior. And it doesnt change the fact the new healing signet is pretty kitten poor.

New Healing Signet

in Mesmer

Posted by: Qaelyn.7612


People still see Ether Feast as the holy grail of Mesmer healing despite it being inferior.

It’s not strictly inferior, there’s a trade-off. The mantra is clunky to use and requires a lot more keystrokes, and not being able to do much of anything for a big chunk of play time is a significant drawback.

I’ve tried numerous times to make a go of a mantra-based build, but it never works as well as a more conventional one.

New Healing Signet

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


After experimenting with it, utility is very very good especially in regards to Disenchanter and Defender.

Healing is very low, but that was to be expected due to the damage-use with weapon phantasms. Plus it’s made up with the utility phantasms.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

New Healing Signet

in Mesmer

Posted by: Manditory.7934


The new signet seems really great in spvp with a phant build, you get 2 defenders. I can’t stress this enough, having that second defender to soak up burst can in seen as a strong heal.


New Healing Signet

in Mesmer

Posted by: Falan.1839


I like it a lot. The Heal/Condicleanse (with Mender’s Purity) might be a bit inferior to Ether Feast, but the CD Reset is extremly strong for my build. I run a Hybrid build based on Phantasms (Rampager Gear for High Crit Rating), so my Duelist is THE top source of dmg because of the high base dmg + tons of bleed stacks. Opening with a Berserker, Duelist, and then another Duelist simpy hurts like hell and can be useful in quite a few situations. Especially when my Opponent in 1v1 runs a pretty offensive setup as well and has done quite a bit dmg early in the fight, so the Heal is not completely wasted. Also, the passive Reg is pretty strong when you have a lot of Stealth/Ports (if you use Staff and/or PU builds). Then only downside is the high CD, esp. because of the nice Condi Cleanse that Mender’s Purity now gives.

Caissech / Falásya

(edited by Falan.1839)

New Healing Signet

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rand.3186


My experience in sPvP has been that it’s “ok” but not great.

For my Phantasm build (20/25/0/25/0), I feel Ether Feast is a better choice after switching back and forth between these.

My reasoning is that with Mender’s Purity, you get a potential two condi removals every 20 seconds. With a 20 sec CD, being rather small, I can choose between the heal or condi removal if necessary, or both at the same time! The Signet on the other hand I feel guilty for using, because then I’m left without a heal for 35 seconds, unless I trait for it.

Math wise, 60 second match:

(NOTE: This is assuming you are 20/25/0/25/0 — and that you are getting 250 healing power from Inspiration. The numbers will be slightly different but the results should still be the same.)

Ether Signet, 20 sec CD: 60 sec / 20 sec == 3 uses in 60 seconds. Up to 6 condis removed.

Uses * ( Base health + (health per clone * three clones ) ) = Total HP healed over 60sec.
3 * ( 5870+(671*3) ) == 23,649

For the Signet, never using it’s active once:

60 seconds / 3 secs per tick == 20 total ticks in 60 seconds.
3 Illusions == 1,019 health per tick.

20 * 1019 == 20,380

Lets say we make that 19 ticks, and use the Signet heal at 57 seconds in.

19 * 1019 == 19361 + Base heal of 5824 == 25,185

Lets say you use it at 30 seconds into the fight. That means you only get
10 * 1019 == 10,190 + Base Heal of 5824 == 16,014

That math, shows that the only time you can ever possibly get more health with the Signet, is if you use it JUST before the end of the fight. Where the cooldown will not count against you. If you use it in the middle of a 60 second fight, then you take a massive hit.

If I made any mistakes, feel free to let me know.

I don’t feel it’s a bad choice, and might work really well with PU builds. But I feel like it requires you to pick up Signet reduction trait for it to really hold it’s weight.

(edited by Rand.3186)

New Healing Signet

in Mesmer

Posted by: Manditory.7934


Signets passive doesnt tick if its on cd? o0

New Healing Signet

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rand.3186


Signets passive doesnt tick if its on cd? o0

Correct, if you use it’s active, it does not heal you until it comes back off of CD.

Video footage, so you can see that it doesn’t passively heal while on CD:

(edited by Rand.3186)

New Healing Signet

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Signets passive doesnt tick if its on cd? o0

Yep, no signet passive work on cd (doesnt matter which class).

That’s why this signet is kitten , especially untraited. If you have to pop it, that’s 35 seconds of no healing at all. Pretty much a death sentence. The cooldown is simply too long.

New Healing Signet

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Yep, no signet passive work on cd (doesnt matter which class).

Well, not really part of this discussion about the healing signet, but this statement isn’t true. Ele’s can trait for signet passives to continue while on CD. Not sure if other classes have a similar trait. Sure would be nice if mesmer had a similar trait, would make this signet awesome/borderline OP. LOL

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

New Healing Signet

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azathoth.2098


Signets passive doesnt tick if its on cd? o0

Yep, no signet passive work on cd (doesnt matter which class).

So in other words this new healing signet is totally useless…