[PvE] Would you like video walkthroughs?

[PvE] Would you like video walkthroughs?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

Hello fellow mesmer, veterans and fresh players o/
Having upgraded my PC, I am now able to record videos so I was wondering if this subforum would be interested in PvE footage of a veteran mesmer point of view. That would be dungeon paths, fractals and Living Story, nothing “world record like”, just some good and smart mesmering using meta builds.

My main reasons :

We have plenty of PvP footage (tho the quality isn’t quiet there yet but w/e) but almost none for PvE.
I’m convinced there will be worthy content to do and to record in this LS chapter
There is barely any mesmer PoV for dungeons and fractals, except for world records, the few that exist are terrible condition/boonshare staff mesmers.

Is anyone interested in watching that kind of mesmer footage? What would you add or wish instead?

Snow Crows [SC]

[PvE] Would you like video walkthroughs?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ryn.6459


Oh yes!
Something like what element did in wroted format for dulfy warrior guide would.be awsome.
Also I also enjoyed what brazil did regarding solo lupi.
Stuff like that would be greatly appreciated. In my PuG life most of speedrun tactics doesnt work.
Maybe even you can make me main my mesmer again (engi and ele are so good right now…).

Learning English, any correction is very welcome.

[PvE] Would you like video walkthroughs?

in Mesmer

Posted by: frifox.5283


If you make some, voice narration is a must. Many mesmer tricks are very subtle and quick that often you completely miss it while watching the video, even if its subtitled.

[PvE] Would you like video walkthroughs?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Wait a minute… PvE needs a guide and/or narration for subtle tricks?

I mean, yes there’s a difference between an experienced Mesmer who’s been around the block, and a Mesmer who’s fresh off the MMO train, but this is PvE we’re talking about. It’s not exactly rocket science.

In fact, my first thought was “Is the first video going to relate to dropping Mesmer for a more optimal PvE farming class?”. It can be fun, we have some nice tricks, but let’s start by being honest.

[PvE] Would you like video walkthroughs?

in Mesmer

Posted by: frifox.5283


Pretty much. Unless you are on top of your game and using everything at your disposal, you might as well roll a necro.

[PvE] Would you like video walkthroughs?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ryn.6459


Come on. The are sublte tricks (as frifox said) that are not that easy to learn/test/imagine/try on pug runs. If someone is willing to teach them, I would be grateful.

Learning English, any correction is very welcome.

[PvE] Would you like video walkthroughs?

in Mesmer

Posted by: oxtred.7658


Would be great. ( insert random rudeiand not justified comment about your skill level)
Please don’t upload any video with me as a mesmer, though.
I’d totally watch anything else than that.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

[PvE] Would you like video walkthroughs?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

Wait a minute… PvE needs a guide and/or narration for subtle tricks?

I mean, yes there’s a difference between an experienced Mesmer who’s been around the block, and a Mesmer who’s fresh off the MMO train, but this is PvE we’re talking about. It’s not exactly rocket science.

In fact, my first thought was “Is the first video going to relate to dropping Mesmer for a more optimal PvE farming class?”. It can be fun, we have some nice tricks, but let’s start by being honest.

If you’re terrible at game mechanics can’t help it.

Eh… voice naration …

Snow Crows [SC]

[PvE] Would you like video walkthroughs?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

Well, a quick update on this, I have recorded the solo completion of the first 3 achievements for this LS chapter (Canach stuff); after some cutting and editing it will be uploaded (most likely tomorow as it takes a few hours per video with my crappy net)

Snow Crows [SC]

[PvE] Would you like video walkthroughs?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

Well, even tho it got fixed some hours ago, here is a Not under my command solo :‘( I’m a bit sad they didn’t keep the achievement as it was.

Snow Crows [SC]

[PvE] Would you like video walkthroughs?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Axelwarrior.9084


I’d say more footage is always welcome! Thanks for doing that~

[PvE] Would you like video walkthroughs?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Wait a minute… PvE needs a guide and/or narration for subtle tricks?

I mean, yes there’s a difference between an experienced Mesmer who’s been around the block, and a Mesmer who’s fresh off the MMO train, but this is PvE we’re talking about. It’s not exactly rocket science.

In fact, my first thought was “Is the first video going to relate to dropping Mesmer for a more optimal PvE farming class?”. It can be fun, we have some nice tricks, but let’s start by being honest.

I suspect this is going to be more of a general PvE guide with a heavy focus on Mesmer-specific combat elements, but I can see the point for newcomers. A class-perspective guide can be quite handy.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

[PvE] Would you like video walkthroughs?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I would love to see such videos. You see, I main Mesmer for almost two years by now. But I only rarely do dungeons, and I only do fractals about 0-2 times a week (currently at personal reward level 39). Maybe I would run more dungeons if I would know them better. And I’m also quite sure that I don’t know everything yet about when and what to reflect in fractals… I mean I know some, but far from all.

Wait a minute… PvE needs a guide and/or narration for subtle tricks?

I mean, yes there’s a difference between an experienced Mesmer who’s been around the block, and a Mesmer who’s fresh off the MMO train, but this is PvE we’re talking about. It’s not exactly rocket science.

1. Get off your high horse.
2. I main Mesmer since (almost) two years… but you know… if nobody ever tells you, how are you supposed to learn something? There’s only so much you can learn yourself by trial and error, especially if you’re not playing that content very often and if you do, never with highly experienced parties or even other Mesmers or experienced Mesmers who would be able and willing to teach you some things. And then if someone actually offers to make video-guides (which is an awesome idea imo), he gets comments like “lol PvE so easy only noobs need a guide for it”. Don’t get me wrong… I’ve never had any serious problems in PvE. But I’m also well aware that I still could learn (potentially a lot) more.

Long story short: I’m looking forward to those guides!

[PvE] Would you like video walkthroughs?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

People talk about guides :c all I can do for now is uploading mesmer PoVs. True thing is, there is no much need for narration or guidance, if anything is worth mentionning, it will be in the video description.

Speaking of which, the whole Hidden Arcana part is uploading now, will be online tomorow morning. Plus a bonus fractal…

Snow Crows [SC]