Raid strategy- condition or DPS?

Raid strategy- condition or DPS?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alex Shatter.7956

Alex Shatter.7956

can my mesmer do raids? the enemies in raids tend to kite a lot because Anet promised no more stacking, so torment could be viable since engin/war can’t stack that.

Raid strategy- condition or DPS?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

can my mesmer do raids? the enemies in raids tend to kite a lot because Anet promised no more stacking, so torment could be viable since engin/war can’t stack that.

If they kite, wouldnt it make more sense to gather them (focus pull), CC them (CS, CI, iLeap imob etc), then drop hell on them (AOE power shatter, wells, Gravity Well)?

Raid strategy- condition or DPS?

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlphatheWhite.9351


can my mesmer do raids? the enemies in raids tend to kite a lot because Anet promised no more stacking, so torment could be viable since engin/war can’t stack that.

If they kite, wouldnt it make more sense to gather them (focus pull), CC them (CS, CI, iLeap imob etc), then drop hell on them (AOE power shatter, wells, Gravity Well)?

CC the mobs with breakbars? Those mobs? Yeah, that sure is simple :P

Raid strategy- condition or DPS?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jacob.4280


From what I’ve tried yesterday:
Condi shatter didn’t went quite well coz u have to drop wells for condi signets and some offhand for pistol if u want to do considerable condi dmg.
Power shatter with wells was considerably better with dmg output and could buff team mates as well.

Raid strategy- condition or DPS?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lumpy.8760


the seekers block the duelist’s attack way too often so i’m thinking swordsman, avenger and berserker phantasms are the way to go

Raid strategy- condition or DPS?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Yunalesca.9850


From yesterdays raid experience were we tried the first boss I can say that both builds are viable (may be only for the first boss ‘cause I don’t know what follows…). I ran condi-support and together with my group we were responsible for the lighting-circle and than the blue guardian after he splits. Worked very well with well’s for healing in the circle, shield and chaos storm to get the break bar down and blink to get to the circle if it would be to far away. Condition damage felt a lot better regarding versatility and overall damage when youmove around and if something goes not like planned.

Overall mesmer is pretty versatile and offers a lot of things that previously where not important:

  • boon removal for the blue guardian
  • support through evade-well
  • interrupts

So you have to see what roles are missing in your raid and you can build a bit around that.

Yuna Brija – Bunker Chronomancer [TDG]

Raid strategy- condition or DPS?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gibon.1705


I had no time yesterday to test the raid so I’d like to know your opinion which build would go better.
Power with boonstrip on shatter. May change Empowered Illusions for Rending Shatter if needed and swap GS with S/S when ranged is not needed.

Hybrid, main idea is to reach at least 50% crit (70 with fury) for high bleed from duelist, not sure if I shouldnt swap bers sword/shield for vipers. Btw I’d be better taking condi dmg signet or condi duration one?

Somehow I’d like to make condi work since I’m really bored with berserker’s meta. Just I’m less and less convinced that mesmer is proper class to go condi. AlphatheWhite have you ran the raid with any of hybrid/condi build you have posted before on forums?

Raid strategy- condition or DPS?

in Mesmer

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


Somehow I’d like to make condi work since I’m really bored with berserker’s meta. Just I’m less and less convinced that mesmer is proper class to go condi. AlphatheWhite have you ran the raid with any of hybrid/condi build you have posted before on forums?

I’m not sure about proper, but it is viable:

The build was not posted.