Sigil of generosity? (And others)
there are some on swap that is not cd based.
e.g. doom.
Regarding generosity…Let’s look at things in a bigger picture
Offensive power builds which use GS/Sword+X could benefit with generosity, since GS hits 3 times in one attack ensuring a trigger. putting on sword is a meh, even though blurred frenzy hit multiple times… you shouldn’t get close to the enemy just to remove a condition will you? So we are left with GS… But transferring a condition with GS might not be the beneficial since the damage transferred back is based on your own condi damage .. in power build is meh… also… since GS builds don’t have good escapes like staff, you probably want to go energy or go full out offense with fire/battle or such…
Now let’s look at staff… projectile attack that flies slow imo is just not worth it, energy works way better with deceptive evasion and debilitating dissipation.
Putting on scepter is alright i guess… but most scepter/staff build are condi based, which there is a high chance you are using lyssa rune with null field or even mendors purity… so i guess condition might not be much big of a problem… energy still better …
(edited by meichor.7809)
That’s a good point. I would be putting it on my scepter, but then I don’t usually auto-attack much with that. So I’m better off with something on weapon swap. Like energy, as you suggested (which is what I use in PvP since there are fewer options.)
And maybe corruption would be better on the off hand since I don’t die in WvW all that much.
Recently switched to fire for my GS and really liking the small AoE.
(edited by Qaelyn.7612)
corruption should be on a separate weapon set.
the stack remains if you change weapons once you get full 25 stack.
Ah interesting. Okay I can do that, my weapons are cheap junk anyway. Thanks.
So then maybe bursting on the other one? Wonder if that would stack with the corruption stack.
Ah interesting. Okay I can do that, my weapons are cheap junk anyway.
So then maybe bursting on the other one? Wonder if that would stack with the corruption stack.
They do
Thanks that might be worth grabbing then. They aren’t cheap but I can get the major for maybe 1.5g and 5% extra condi damage is pretty nice.
does it trigger even if you don’t have any conditions on?
does it trigger even if you don’t have any conditions on?
Generosity? I believe so which outs it on CD.
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Generosity’s price is more due to market manipulation than its actual power. The cool down limits its effectiveness and its condition-transfer effect doesn’t suit every build.
There are individuals who are sitting on literally hundreds of the sigil that only put a few on the trading post at a time. It’s just a matter of an extremely limited supply being controlled by a handful of people that makes it expensive – not that it’s the best sigil out there.
They should fix purity,nullification along with generosity to proc only at their conditional triggers.