Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hlord.5940


Triumphant Distortion – previously granted distortion to mesmer when you have obtained a kill. In addition to this effect, you will also receive 1s of distortion on all of your phantasms that are summoned.

So…. how exactly is this a change? doesn’t illusion and phantasm die when the target dies too? A joke from Anet? So we can see phantasm with distortion dies?

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


So…. how exactly is this a change? doesn’t illusion and phantasm die when the target dies too? A joke from Anet? So we can see phantasm with distortion dies?

Repeated multiple times in this thread: the distortion is a constant on-summon effect, not an on-kill one.

20 level 80s and counting.

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Menaka.5092


  • iWarden: I’ll believe it when I see it (sry ANet, but your track record isn’t exactly shiny)
  • Illusionary Elasticity: again, a bugfix promised for April 15, we’ll see if it actually works. If it works, it will be a decent buff for power mesmers and a very good one for condi.
  • Main the Disillusioned, I would have increased the stacks to 2 and reduced the duration to 3 seconds. Same total damage, but more pressure, easier to land and a bit harder to counter (shorter timeframe for condi removal).
  • Scepter auto attack applying torment (including clones): big buff to condi builds. PU-condi will be OP now and more people will scream for nerfs to mesmer. Still, clone autoattack chain not fixed, only plays skill 1 so it’s easy to spot.
  • iLeap: the change won’t fix the fact that you cannot use the skill after clone death anymore, so swords will probably remain useless for big group WvW. Will test it…
  • Mind Stab: there was a lot of better suggestions on the thread. ANet went the easy way, for a straight buff… Not gonna complain, but still…
  • Mantra of Pain and Mantra of Distraction: good changes, but the radius is too small considering how much combat mobility there is in GW2.
  • Triumphant Distortion: nice change, but 1 second is a very short timeframe. We’ll see how it fares in WvW.
  • Mimic: again, there was a lot of more interesting and more clever suggestions in the thread we had some time ago. To me it looks dull and the CD is too long.

But, to be honest, I would have traded some of the changes for:

  • Changes to Bountiful Disillusionment and Disruptor’s Sustainment that are arguably our worst grandmaster traits
  • A better Torch phantasm
  • Lower casting time on mantras or better options to avoid interruption while casting for builds using more than one mantra
  • Reduction of Into the void CD to 0.25 or 0.5s
  • Increased radius on Power Break and Power Cleanse
  • A reworking or a buff to Wastrel’s Punishment
  • A revisitation of large scale glamour builds, maybe in connection with interrupts/CC

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Eliesume.1687


Is it me or did ANET miss an opportunity to bring back confusion to specter AA. I mean, torment is nice and all, but we have that on Sp #2. If AA would add 2s, 2s, 3s confusion instead, it would be more in line with Mesmer’s overall identity.

~Tarnished Coast~
80’s – Ele, Guard, Mes, Necro, Ranger, Thief, War

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zord.6130


Is it me or did ANET miss an opportunity to bring back confusion to specter AA. I mean, torment is nice and all, but we have that on Sp #2. If AA would add 2s, 2s, 3s confusion instead, it would be more in line with Mesmer’s overall identity.

That would be even worse then the proposed changes lol

Powerpuff Girls [PPG]
Trixxi Is Cute – Purple Fhaz: your daily roamer

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos.3579


all good changes. however in regards to the sword change i cant help but feel sad.
simply because the iswap nerf was not revoked…..meaning this skill is still…usless….
this saddense me more when i know that the skill was nerfed for a idiotic reason which resulted in it being useless in its main purpose because of a now huge counter to it (cleave…which no other leap needs to worry about) and that the 2nd use of it needing the most skill than any other leap in the game to use was removed….when that 2nd use was…mobility… know that thing all other leaps can do without even needing to be….oh i dont know….in range,have a target, needing to be set up with only 4 sec max prep time….

why is it we
1) have to be in range of the target to use the skill (and not have it totally fail and go on cd)the range is 600 btw….which is pathetic as a corner closer. the upcoming change will fix the bugs and reliability this skill has…but the range will still be pathetic.

2) cant use the skill without a target……
3) cant use the skill as a form of mobility AWAY or without a target
4) with the iswap nerf the entire skill can totally be countered with cleave…unlike oh i dont know….EVERY OTHER LEAP OR CORNER CLOSER OR SKILL IN THE GAME!

for those that do not know. long ago in ancient months long past (1 -2 months ago) us mesmers were once able to compensate the 4 weakness’s this skill had with the ability to use the ileap skill and use the clones position or clones death position as a marker to teleport to. a marker that would always be in the direction of the enemy and could only be used as a excape or mobility skill IF we set up the positioning of the enemy and ourselves skillfully and perfectly. WHILE still having the issue in that we could only use the teleport in a 4 second window. however a big thing to notice here is that this trick is not anymore in terms of effect than using it regularly, and that IT

with the current nerf iswap CANOT be used as a mobility tool that is weaker and needs far more skill to use than any other leap, AND whos attacking ability was substantially weakend as anet gave it such a simple counter. “Cleave” .

every other leap can
1) use the leap outside of range of their target
2)use the leap without a target
3)use the leap in the opposite direction of the target….
this giving it mobility without any kind of counter or set up needed….

it still sickens me that arena net took away the only compensation for the lack of utility use that ileap offers us in comparison to other class’s leaps…..because of what the tool tip said….. -_-
if things should be judged by their tool tip.
then please anet look at
“Leap at your foe. On hit, blind nearby foes.”
“leap at your foe”> why is it the skill can be used without a target aka foe?
other such skills V

notice however even if they needed a target there is still the issue were it can be used outside of range. you know that thing that mesmers need to do when using ileap? not saying that ileap should have infinate range. instead i am simply saying that ileap has always had a weakness that other leaps did not even need to think about… why? why was it nerfed?

if it is so absurd for mesmers to be able to use their iswap skill and teleport 600 distance toward/to the location the clone is/was

then it is also absurd to allow any of the skills listed above to be usable without a target.
that means no thief heart seeker spam stealth combos
no using any mobility skill listed above for mobility unless their is a target in the direction you want to go.(warrior,thief,ele,ranger,guardian,did i miss any?)

revert iswaps change or change it so all of the skills listed above need a target. its your logic arena net. you might as well follow it or revert your mistake

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Doctoris.2675


snip rant about Illusionary Leap being useless

That’s hyperbole in the highest extent and also a poor balancing philosophy. To begin, not every skill that has one function (moves player) needs to behave exactly like all the others.

You’re viewing Illusionary Leap too much as a blink skill. Mesmers already have access to the lowest cooldown weapon/utility blinks in the game that don’t require a target (Blink/Phase Retreat). Instead, try to view it as a targeted gap-closer, like Steal/Infiltrator’s Signet for Thief or Magnetic Grasp for Elementalist, except it has additional utility. Because it’s a good skill, especially with the upcoming changes buffing it (and yes, this technically is a bug-fix, but it changes the functionality of the skill to be much more reliable and also harder to see coming. Which is a buff).

In that regard, it is a strong skill. It is not only a skill used for mobility. A 600 range gap closer leap finisher that applies 2 seconds of immobilize to set up combos and breaks stun if you withhold using it immediately. Additional clone to set up shatters. On a 12/9.6/7.2 second cooldown. It serves its function fine.

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Some good changes.

I guess I just wish they had focused on the mesmer’s damage issues outside of conditions, which aren’t commonly used for PvE.

Also, I can’t see the value in mimic over arcane thievery. I usually care more about removing/stealing boons than copying them.

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


illusionary leap is a clone based shadow step with short imob… it is really one half of a skill .. the other half of that skill is blurred frenzy.. blurred frenzy is a waste of space if you dont have leap and leap is a waste of space without blurred frenzy… its 1 skill that takes up 2 slots on our sword weapon.

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pregnantman.8259


When the idea about Torment first came up and skills were implemented accordingly, it was dubbed unofficially by the community and devs as “necro condition”. How the tables have turned…

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


ya.. i could care less what happens to the torment on scepter because it will most likely only be relied upon by really bad cancer specs.. i do not even think it will be as strong as people expect.. and i dont see it ever getting into tpvp.

but just to stop the cancer ill trade torment for any other condi then bleed/torment/ fire is kinda strong also.

cripple/ chill / would be really funny.. since it would give us the ability to kite meele.. but lol super op.

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: sleight.9638


all good changes. however in regards to the sword change i cant help but feel sad.
simply because the iswap nerf was not revoked…..meaning this skill is still…usless….

I would go so far to say that it was more useful before. I used to abuse it for body shielding me from incoming skillshots, now that’s not even possible anymore.

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


you cant complain about them fixing ileap. that seems like people who are just general whiners. they do something you want and people still complain.

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: loseridoit.2756



JUST a question, why do people keep mentioning helseth? Does it even matter? So what if he says “oh this.. oh that”

Why do some people even conform to what he says?

Being connected to a famous name feels good.

Personally, even as a (former) mesmer main, I couldn’t vote for him in the recent polls because of the “I’m so cool, I carry everyone” attitude. In my view, such attitude instantly puts a person’s strong point of view under question – whether it is a real thoughtful analysis or a method of drawing attention, regardless of the actual experience.

As for the video, can’t watch because the channel says “This channel had been closed. The community has closed this channel due to terms of service violations.” I’d say that says something, too.

he has a different channel

he does take take the time to create mesmer guides.

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

My reaction to the mesmer scepter auto attack torment buff.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: shimmerless.4560


The fact that people are excited about (maybe) getting a skill fixed which has been broken for over half a year now is pretty sad.

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: cyyrix.6105


It means if he says it’ll be OP then most likely it will be OP. Not a fact but an opinion with high chance of being correct.

Lol. Clearly you weren’t around when he went off about Signet of the Ether being game breaking after it was announced.

Cyyrix | Marypoppins Deathsquad [mds] | Team Riot [RIOT] | Blackgate

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: frifox.5283


I was around, just wasn’t listening to anyone back then (9 months ago). Of course, even the best predictions have a chance of being wrong. The point was that his opinion on mesmer changes is worth much more than some random joe doe’s opinion.

(edited by frifox.5283)

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kirito.9207


Edited my original post.

  • Updated original post to be more clear on the changes.
  • Added an image showing each skills tooltip
  • Added YouTube link

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: messiah.1908


as i see it pu condi still be pu condi even with the torment buff they wont stay long enough to use scepter AA to benefit the torment. again wont be usefull in tpvp and wvw group play only 1v1 if you stay and fight them

but the shatter condi can be fun to apply 10 stacks of confusion and torment but again niche build which might be used in tpvp (maybe bunker points)
and with the illusion getting distortion for 1 sec you can create them and shatter on zerg if you fast to apply confusion and torment stack but again condi versus zerg get cleanse too fast

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kirito.9207


It means if he says it’ll be OP then most likely it will be OP. Not a fact but an opinion with high chance of being correct.

Lol. Clearly you weren’t around when he went off about Signet of the Ether being game breaking after it was announced.

The Signet of the Ether being game breaking statement is laughable at this point, the signet is good, but it is very situational and can’t be used at all times.

Anyways back on topic.

I guess I just don’t understand why adding condition on auto attack is such a bad thing. So many other professions have it, our sword stacks vulnerability too. I don’t think it’s something that is going to go away, and at least the devs are bringing us somewhat back up on par with other professions.