TL;DR: Please make Compounding Celerity more like Time Marches On because:
- Compounding Celerity as written is not a very desirable trait for anyone (due to structure, not just numbers).
- The Inspiration line as a whole could use more “Wow!” factor in HoT.
- If there’s any kind of mesmer it’s safe to free from the tyranny of Traveler runes, it’s one running Inspiration.
- The flavor of a speed boost like TMO fits Inspiration, obviously (that’s why Compounding Celerity is already there).
As written right now, Compounding Celerity is a relic of old mesmer design (the profession’s unique mechanics acting as weaknesses) rather than new mesmer design (using our resources and unique mechanics as our strengths).
That’s it. Pretty simple!
Super-long version for bored people:
So, the Chronomancer trait thread is abuzz with input and theories from the community. A lot of it is giddy and rapturous because, well, Chrono looks like a great trait line overall, with several traits that reflect an understanding of mesmer issues the developers want to resolve.
However, one poster said they were concerned about Time Marches On being in Chrono, because it makes the +25% passive speed boost only available for folks who take the elite spec. (Also that it was pretty powerful so it should maybe be a major trait. I think that’s a fair observation as well.)
And I thought about it a bit and noticed…
Compounding Celerity.
Even with its planned buff, Compounding Celerity is a pretty sad trait. Why? Conceptually, the trait seems pretty similar to Warrior’s Sprint or Speedy Kits, which are both highly-valued traits. It’s pretty simple:
- Compounding Celerity does nothing for you out of combat.
- Compounding Celerity is also rather unreliable in combat, especially when things aren’t going well for you and you’re desperate for a bit of speed to kite or run away.
That’s a problem with the way the trait functions, not just the numbers. Even if it gave you, like, 10 seconds of swiftness per shattered illusion, it just wouldn’t be a very interesting or reliable thing.
And the reason folks without access to stuff like Warhorn and Speedy Kits feel forced into Traveler runes? They need reliable speed, especially in WvW. I think whoever wrote this trait for Chronomancer was amply aware of this.
So, why Inspiration?
Obviously the flavor fits since there’s already a (sadly useless) speed-buff trait right there.
But, moreover, it’s a safe place to stash it.
See, Inspiration is the profession’s most supportive trait line. It offers less offense and control than any other line, and arguably it’s no better than Chaos or Dueling for personal defense. But Inspiration gives you quite a few group-oriented healing abilities (as well as the highly-valued focus reflection for PvE). So
“Freeing up” the rune slot (by taking away the reliance on Trav runes) would make it easier for Inspiration mesmers to do one of these:
1. Take an offensive rune to compensate for the line’s not-very-aggressive traits. (Remember how Inspiration used to have a +15% phantasm damage minor, which has now been made baseline? I think that was because the devs have always felt it needs a little something to compensate you for going so deep into generally-not-very-aggressive traits.)
2. Take a defensive rune to give their build with some legit staying power.
3. Take a rune that sets up some kind of group-support synergy. Why not, right? You’re taking a whole line that’s very heavily leaning in that direction already.
Compounding Celerity’s right there, and it’s pretty straight-up useless right now, even with the planned HoT changes. Make it a reliable +25% passive speed boost (with whatever else you want to throw on there extra) and it’ll be a useful and relevant trait again, and do a lot for Inspiration in game modes where we seldom use Warden’s Feedback.
(What should you do with Time Marches On if you bring its mechanics into Compounding Celerity? I dunno. I think you could leave it where it is, even. It’s not like anyone was going to take both TMO and Compounding Celerity before, anyway.)