Suggestions on a WvW Zerg Build

Suggestions on a WvW Zerg Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mek.2947


Hi everyone,

I was wondering what you think might be a good zerg build. My guild likes to run WvW organized zergs, where we have about 10+ people running together. Our goal is to take on groups that are much larger than us. We usually ball up and gather blast buffs and run as a group into the enemy. Our goal is survivability with as much disabling of the opponent as possible.

For this style of play I’m thinking of going with something like this:

Galmours traited to blind, null field to remove their boons and our conditions, Staff to add AOE buffs, Mirror Images for additional reflects.

Anything you would do differently trait/skill/stat wise?

Edit: updated spec with armor stats

(edited by Mek.2947)

Suggestions on a WvW Zerg Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dasboba.1652


I’ve run similar builds in the same situation. I tend to favor the focus for use with the reflect traits and the ability to pull enemies. I’ve also noticed that you have veil and mass invis. Instead of 0/0/20/20/30, you could also try 0/0/30/20/20 and grab prismatic understanding. It’s really nice on those pushes that start with veil. You will pick up multiple defensive boons to help you stay alive in that initial push.

Suggestions on a WvW Zerg Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mek.2947


Thanks for the great feedback. Do you know if those boons get applied to the anyone who passes through it, or just yourself?

Suggestions on a WvW Zerg Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


This one its awesome for your team and yourself and you can switch arcane thievery for nullfield