Temporal Curtain swiftness
Yes it is. It was a “fix” long ago to prevent Mesmers from running back and forth through the curtain and stacking a lot of swiftness too quickly. What we have been complaining about ever since is why it doesn’t simply limit the refreshed swiftness instead of ignore it completely.
Symbol of swiftness does behave similarly to temporal curtain. If you have swiftness from any source, SoS refreshes the white border from the boon, but does not change the duration.
The only thing SoS does is, that it refreshes its own swiftness. And that only works since it’s time based ticks and not based on entering, like TC.
But well, Crossplay said most things about TC.
yeah its kinda dumb now since a zerg spams aoe swiftness anyhow so im not sure why anet trolling mesmers only speed buff. In small groups I fall behind because my swiftness doesn’t stack with others and so I miss out on all the my friends swiftness extensions.
it don’t strack…they didn’t change the code … i don’t think that it will be too hard to copy and past the symbol of guardian code about the self refresh…if you have a TC swiftness entering in another TC refresh the timer but don’t stack the duration.
Piken square – Server
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They should leave it so that it can’t stack it’s own swiftness buff but change it so that it can stack with other sources of swiftness.
it don’t strack…they didn’t change the code … i don’t think that it will be too hard to copy and past the symbol of guardian code about the self refresh…if you have a TC swiftness entering in another TC refresh the timer but don’t stack the duration.
better read my previous posting before saying wrong things.
They should leave it so that it can’t stack it’s own swiftness buff but change it so that it can stack with other sources of swiftness.
that would require quite the code and additional memory on the server. That’s why it’s not the case right now.
They’re already tracking durations and owners of stacks, that shouldn’t be an issue. It’s just lazyness on their side as usual.
Does anybody know if the swiftness not being refreshed once you pass through a Temporal Curtain (and you already have swiftness) is intended? I mean, when a guardian drops his Symbol of Swiftness, my swiftness timer gets refreshed; which doesn’t happen with Temporal Curtain.
It is intentional, but the way they did it for Symbol of Swiftness is better.
Temporal Curtain
- You got no Swiftness? Here, have some.
- You got Swiftness? Nope, you don’t get any.
Symbol of Swiftness
- You got no Swiftness? Here, have 5 seconds.
- You got Swiftness? Here, have 1 second.