Using -only- Scepter/Torch and Staff

Using -only- Scepter/Torch and Staff

in Mesmer

Posted by: MailMail.6534


I’ve actually been using zerker PU in the latest PvE living story content, but that’s Sword/Torch+Staff… haha
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”

Using -only- Scepter/Torch and Staff

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


What I basically would be doing is map completion (As I made this Mesmer like, 3 weeks ago and stupidly deleted my 80 Ele with 100% map completion) I’d do dungeons here and there, most dungeons I’ve done were like CoF to get some gold here or there. I might want to do some fractals, but mostly I’d be doing like.. guild missions with the guild. Bounty, rush, puzzle, those sorts.

Using -only- Scepter/Torch and Staff

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


What I basically would be doing is map completion (As I made this Mesmer like, 3 weeks ago and stupidly deleted my 80 Ele with 100% map completion) I’d do dungeons here and there, most dungeons I’ve done were like CoF to get some gold here or there. I might want to do some fractals, but mostly I’d be doing like.. guild missions with the guild. Bounty, rush, puzzle, those sorts.

You’ve obviously heard the dungeon situation with this build.

Open world it’ll work fine, it’ll just be slower than a power phantasm build. It’ll be pretty easy with tanky gear and traits…just very slow.

Bounty…doesn’t really matter I suppose. Depending on how many people are there and which boss it is it could either be decent or abysmal. It varies a lot.

Puzzles and rush don’t involve a whole lot of killing, doesn’t matter really. For challenges it’ll be pretty bad though. You need to be able to put out quick burst damage while switching targets fairly rapidly for challenges. Condition builds are really bad at doing that.

Using -only- Scepter/Torch and Staff

in Mesmer

Posted by: MailMail.6534


Open world content eh?
1) Buy yourself a set of zerker gear.
2) Go with 4/0/6/0/4. Torch, PU, DD, IE etc
3) Shatter when on your scepter/torch and let your iWarlock kill stuff on Staff with all the bounces.

You should be fine.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”

Using -only- Scepter/Torch and Staff

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zyxith.9328


Since I’m getting mixed answers from friends ingame and then here people mostly saying I’m hindering myself…

What -exactly- are my options sticking to those 3 weapons? What can they -do- for me and anyone have any build options, stats to focus on, can I still use my ascended celestial trinkets? Thank you MailMail for some info, although know sure what PU, DD or EI mean.

I’m trying to sort out who’s telling me info based on min/maxing (Which I don’t need to be some uber, perfect build, just useless and not broken) and those that can honestly, 100% tell me if my choices w-ill- do anything good and useful.

Using -only- Scepter/Torch and Staff

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


Since I’m getting mixed answers from friends ingame and then here people mostly saying I’m hindering myself…

What -exactly- are my options sticking to those 3 weapons? What can they -do- for me and anyone have any build options, stats to focus on, can I still use my ascended celestial trinkets? Thank you MailMail for some info, although know sure what PU, DD or EI mean.

I’m trying to sort out who’s telling me info based on min/maxing (Which I don’t need to be some uber, perfect build, just useless and not broken) and those that can honestly, 100% tell me if my choices w-ill- do anything good and useful.

Well, lets take a look.

Ascended celestial trinkets are going to be horrid for mesmer. Don’t even think about using them in pretty much any imaginable build. Celestial just doesn’t work well on mesmer at all. Leave those for your ele.

Sceper/torch is…pretty useless in a power build. You’re really going to get absolutely nothing out of them. Staff is mostly useless except that it has the iWarlock. That phantasm scales well with power and then additionally scales 10% per unique condition on the target, making staff the absolute best weapon for killing big world bosses that always have tons of conditions. That’s it though, the autoattack is weak and chaos storm is on a pretty long cooldown without the best power scaling.

Now, you could use a shatter build with power, since shatter builds don’t use your weapon skills for primary damage. Keep in mind that shatter builds are horrid in dungeons and quite awful against world bosses/anything that takes longer than 10s to kill. For stuff like world completion or random open world stuff shatter works fine though.

Scepter/torch + Staff is the most common and the most generally effective condition set that mesmer has. Unfortunately (as has been beaten to death in this thread) conditions are really bad in dungeon parties. Conditions are also going to be even worse on world bosses because instead of having only 4 other people contributing to the condition cap…you have 40. You’ll very rarely get more than a tick or two of any condition before it’s forced out.

For open world stuff, conditions work fine as I said before. You’re not going to win any speed records, but it’ll work and it’ll be very safe to use.

That’s pretty much the sum total of your options there. I don’t think I left anything out.

Using -only- Scepter/Torch and Staff

in Mesmer

Posted by: MailMail.6534


What -exactly- are my options sticking to those 3 weapons? What can they -do- for me and anyone have any build options, stats to focus on, can I still use my ascended celestial trinkets? Thank you MailMail for some info, although know sure what PU, DD or EI mean.

Refer to my previous post on how to play it. It’s quite simple. Like I said, for Silverwastes, I use Sword/Torch+Staff using a very similar set up.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”