Why Are Mesmer Phantasms Undodgeble?
The retarted phant spam spec should definitely be tuned down .That build is cheesier than d/p thief and about as dumb as a Spirit Ranger.
Before such brilliant argumentation and convincing proofs, ANet won’t be able to do anything but nerf it.
The retarted phant spam spec should definitely be tuned down .That build is cheesier than d/p thief and about as dumb as a Spirit Ranger.
Or… you dodge the burst, kill the phantasm and then the mesmer is basically naked.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
In order to be on par with other classes in terms of pets/clones/minions etc, mesmers should be allowed to freely place clones/phantasms without having a target.
But sure, yeah, scream nerf because you still can’t figure out mesmers. They were ‘OP’ at first because people didn’t understand them. People crying they need more nerfs are just bad.
Spirit rangers run around spvp with an army of spirits. Necromancers do the same with minions. Guardians do the same with conjured weapons. Eles could place a sword/hammer down and pick it up before comabat. Mesmers have to wait for their target to spawn clones/phantasms and hope they aren’t blinding/invuln/obstructed, etc.