(edited by Cool Hand.1483)
Why Condition Damage at 80?
The Mesmer class really comes together after you can get your traits and your build working for you.
Without traits, yes, condition damage is fairly lacklustre for us. But after you get illusions bleeding on crit, all shatters giving an extra stack of confusion, confusion lasting longer, etc, then condition damage actually becomes fairly viable… so much more than it ever seemed while leveling.
Personally, I use a mix of Rabid (perc/tough/con++) and Rampager gear, mostly just because I love the toughness stat on any class. When things have little health, then yes condition damage is worse than just using beserkers, as the conditions work better over a longer time. Against things with a lot of health, all those conditions add up and can do great damage… and benefit from all the good stuff condition damage brings anyways like ignoring toughness/armour, going through the Guild Claimer’s buff (in WvW). Also putting a bunch of stacks of confusion on an enemy at the right moment is great fun to watch (talking pvp here, confusion sucks in pve for the most part). But yeah, it sucks against static targets.
I have a Rampager set with me (because it was cheaper than Berserkers) and I don’t regret it. I use it as my damage set, but currently I’m building an extra set for toughness and vitality.
I’m usually typing on my phone
I use Rabid and Rampager right now, trying to get a full Rabid set though.
Most fights I do are against power builds, so toughness is more interesting to me.
But yeah, I find Condition Mesmers have some amazing End Fight Burst, after about 5-10 seconds of set up I melt the enemy.
Thats their window to take me down, and if they fail then they die.