chronomancer is such a win

chronomancer is such a win

in Mesmer

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


I’d rather they don’t nerf the core Mesmer for the sake of the Chronomancer. Keep Chronomancer fixes to the Chronomancer please.

To be fair, Persistence of Memory is a very poor trait for core Mesmer, even as it is. Maybe this would be an opportunity to bring something else in.
Cut the effect down to 1s off, but add something else in that doesn’t interact oddly with Chronophantasma. Assuming it’s even a problem, of course

The way I see it… Persistence of memory was added BECAUSE of CP. The idea was that both together should allow shatters in phantasm builds.
The only place where I see it being (maybe) OP is with the shield block because that is a “phantasm” skill that is almost more valuable for its side effect than its phantasm.

chronomancer is such a win

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kusa.6438


I wish I knew what builds people are running. So far I haven;t been entirely impressed with chronomancer. What are people running?