need help with trait choice

need help with trait choice

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lamps.8014


Sorry for the poorly typed wall of text but thank you if you read and give input

My build is 0/25/0/25/20 and i’m a wvw zerker mesmer. In my inspiration tree i realized that i’ve used 20% phantasm hp forever and decided to take another look at what i had to choose from after thinking how minimal that is. I use mantra of resolve in one of my utilities for condition control and decided to look at the restorative mantras and found that it does an aoe heal including myself for 2.7k. After further testing i was sad that it didn’t proc my condition removal on healing trait and then had to think about if its even worth taking for a near 3k heal with a 2 and 3/4 cast time instead of already having my mantra readied for instant condition removal because blowing my primary heal skill to remove high bleed stacks or a cripple before its damaging is stupid. And then i look and find that if i remove 5 from duel and use that to max inspiration i can get restorative illusions but wiki lied about 2.4k heal at lvl 80 with 300 HP since it was only 1.3k. But as a zerker now i’m not feelin great about losin 5% crit dmg and 3% crit rate down to 95% ankitten ow found with the still present choice of a t2 inspiration and the only thing that is appealing is the 10% speed per illusion which i really wasn’t seeing or feeling since its only available in combat. I wanted to be interested in the other end inspiration trait of AoE condition removal on shatter but i feel that i need both the heal mantra and shatter for either of them to payoff and increase my survivability. Again sorry for large wall of an indecisive mesmer with poor grammar and i’d appreciate feedback

need help with trait choice

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos.3579


I am very confused looking at your build. You seam to want to grab everything that the mesmer can have(mantras, phantasm, shatter, running speed…

Can u link your build so I can get a better look at it?
Here use this site
Make the build then get the quick link at the bottom then post it.

Btw what EXACLY do you want your build to do? You seam to want a shatter mantra healing build with the idea of restorative mantras, and restoritive illusions( inspiration trait).
What is your style shatter,phantasm, shantasm? Condition,dps,tank,support?

need help with trait choice

in Mesmer

Posted by: Valarauka.2719


Your trait allocation means nothing to us until you specify which actual traits you’ve picked, which skills / stats / weapons you’re using, and what your intended playstyle is. It’s impossible to dispense any meaningful advice without that information.

Also, line breaks and paragraphs really help.

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need help with trait choice

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alissah.9281


Take 5 out of duellig and put it in illusions, and youve got something.

Shatttered conditions wont do much good for this build, because youre taking phantasm traits to make them a high source of damage, and you just dont want to shatter them!

I would still recommend taking 10 out of duelling and putting them in domination, though.

The wiki is correct, youll heal about 2700 on 300 healing power with mantra healing. Its the best Healling Per Second we have, but you spend alot of time channeling it :/.

edit: @valarauka he said hes using full zerker, hes using a pistol, and im guessing a greatsword and sword, it looks like a phantasm build, and thats all just going by the trait allocation. Ofcourse, I could be completely wrong :/.

2nd edit: oh, he never aftually specified pistol ;0. I guess I got that from another thread, and im too tired go think properly >__<.

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(edited by Alissah.9281)