26 July Necro Patch notes

26 July Necro Patch notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: bearshaman.3421


MM was viable and preferred for a lot of stuff before HoT came out. No nerf to Rise is gonna change that.

not sure if the minnion nerf was only to rise or all minions have to check

Power definitely got a buff. The Axe skills, the AA in DS, etc. Much better options. I hated that Life Blast was most effective if it wasn’t using it’s awesome range.

these changes where good but still they need to revert the axe trait nerf and buff axe 1 by a bit axe is still a garbage weappon

Also I don’t understand this “logic” of “why are they buffing a skill nobody uses?” Umm… because no one is using it, so it needed to be made viable? I know other people understand this concept….

the problem is not the buff is the mediocre buff no 1 is going to use them still

Except that people are gonna use them. Change that to say “I won’t use them still”.

Your singular opinion is not all necro players. Some people embrace change and will try the new things they have been given.

Edit: As far as axe, I was never a fan of it mostly for stupid reasons (I didn’t like the way the AA looked). I will openly admit that’s a silly reason not to use it, but I have no idea of its effectiveness otherwise. So I won’t argue that one either way, and just say that this is still a buff, even if it isn’t enough of one.

mm is only decent at pve because of the death novas and is mostly 2 skill rise and lich mark and is a condi build….now for pvp or wvw no 1 use it at a competitive level why may you ask is becase is bad…..
for axe is better than before for sure but still lacks damage and yes the animations are strange

When you say pve are you talking fractals, or dungeons, or OW, or raids, or world bosses, or event maps? Because aside from Raids where people get super picky about what build they want each person to be running (and sometimes high level fracs or speedrun dungeons groups are this bad), MM has been heavily used in all of them. I see the zoos running around all the time (so much so my first necro still doesn’t use minions ever, though my second one might).

26 July Necro Patch notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Obtena.7952


The nerf to Rise doesn’t nerf MM builds because it doesn’t make sense for MM builds to rely heavily on Rise in the first place. I think the best MM builds wouldn’t even use Rise. MM builds are always going to take advantage of permanent minions better than temporary ones.

26 July Necro Patch notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


Well i kinda expected the nerf to rise given the hate it got in the pvp forum. Mhh i am wondering if spectral armor is now the better defensive skill atferall it now has the same cooldown but is also a stunbreak.

I am still not sure if the cd reduction on spectral walk is enough. In my opinion it also should remove all movement imparing conditions (cripple, chill and immobilize). But i guess if you ever run spectral attunement you take it. And for spectral grasp as long as pulls are buggy this skill will never be competive level good.

26 July Necro Patch notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vydahr.4285


Well i kinda expected the nerf to rise given the hate it got in the pvp forum. Mhh i am wondering if spectral armor is now the better defensive skill atferall it now has the same cooldown but is also a stunbreak.

I am still not sure if the cd reduction on spectral walk is enough. In my opinion it also should remove all movement imparing conditions (cripple, chill and immobilize). But i guess if you ever run spectral attunement you take it. And for spectral grasp as long as pulls are buggy this skill will never be competive level good.

If you run a shout build, Rise is still better. You get reduced cooldown per enemy hit and you get up to I think 1k healing per shout in a bigger fight

Sylvari Power Reaper

26 July Necro Patch notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


Well i kinda expected the nerf to rise given the hate it got in the pvp forum. Mhh i am wondering if spectral armor is now the better defensive skill atferall it now has the same cooldown but is also a stunbreak.

I am still not sure if the cd reduction on spectral walk is enough. In my opinion it also should remove all movement imparing conditions (cripple, chill and immobilize). But i guess if you ever run spectral attunement you take it. And for spectral grasp as long as pulls are buggy this skill will never be competive level good.

If you run a shout build, Rise is still better. You get reduced cooldown per enemy hit and you get up to I think 1k healing per shout in a bigger fight

Well i dont doubt that, i just think that maybe a signet build with spectral armor is now better?

26 July Necro Patch notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vydahr.4285


Well i kinda expected the nerf to rise given the hate it got in the pvp forum. Mhh i am wondering if spectral armor is now the better defensive skill atferall it now has the same cooldown but is also a stunbreak.

I am still not sure if the cd reduction on spectral walk is enough. In my opinion it also should remove all movement imparing conditions (cripple, chill and immobilize). But i guess if you ever run spectral attunement you take it. And for spectral grasp as long as pulls are buggy this skill will never be competive level good.

If you run a shout build, Rise is still better. You get reduced cooldown per enemy hit and you get up to I think 1k healing per shout in a bigger fight

Well i dont doubt that, i just think that maybe a signet build with spectral armor is now better?

That’s always been better 1 v 1 for those who can play it (I’ve always been awful at signet builds.)

Sylvari Power Reaper