Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hugo the Great.1426

Hugo the Great.1426

Alright, I’m trying to tweak a condition/bleed based Necromancer. I know there seems to be some hate towards Necros, but most of it seems to come from a PvP perspective and this is meant to be a dungeon build used with a group and solo play for PvE. When I envisioned a Necromancer, I thought of a scary caster that cripples you and lets you bleed to death as I sit comfortably away from you. This is my first time doing anything like this so sorry if it isnt the best guide.

This build is for Dungeons and is based on crit-ing and applying bleeds on groups of mobs while doing nice damage and slight support for the team. After writing all this up I see some flaws in this build and will continue to optimize it. Like I said this is my first attempt at this build and its not 100% complete yet. I also would like to give credit to Aziff.3248, for his post in the official forums in which I started with and have tried to build upon.

I’m posting this to start a discussion on it, and hopefully have someone help with theory crafting where to strengthen some weakness in the build. This build is pretty situational, and works pretty well with the group I run dungeons with, but is still pretty PUG friendly since I havent had any trouble finishing dungeon pugs while running this. So here we go.

Build: http://www.guildhead...FwoaxGa0mMkqMVc

10/30/20/10/0 IV, II/VII/XI, II/V, III.

Spite (10 Points): I take 10 points here to get the IV signet recharge to allow for Plague Signet to have a 48 CD over a 60 CD

Curses (30 Points): 30 points here for the 300 Precision to add to Crit Chance. Taking trait II for 20% increased bleed duration ( Bleed Based Build) VII for 20% cool-down on Corruption skills, (Needed for Epidemic and Blood is Power) and XI for 33% bleed duration from scepter skills. (Once again bleed build no brainer.)

Death Magic (20 Points): 20 points here for an increase in toughness (survivability and extra condition damage.) We take II here for the unblock-able and larger marks for our staff skills. Then we take V for staff skills to recharge faster.

Blood Magic (10 Points): 10 points here to get III to get you blood mark on dodge, also a slight increase in Condition Dmg.


The main weapons I use in this build is Scepter/Dagger and Staff.

Scepter/Dagger is a great combo for stacking bleeds, applying group cripples, AoE blind while removing conditions from yourself, and then a good direct dmg ability that scales with conditions on mob. For sigils I use Superior Sigil of Earth on scepter for a 60% chance to apply a bleed on crit, and then Superior Sigil of Curruption for an increase of 250 Condition Damage when capped. You also want to go Rabid for these weapons as well, which you can get from CM/TA/HotW/Arah tokens. You can also buy Malefractym a exotic Dagger on TP you get from Mystic Forge by random dagger feeding, and Lidless Eye/Eye of Rodgort for your scepter which can be made in the mystic forge as well.

Staff is used to get a bit more AoE dmg, group condition removal, applying group chill, and a fear that can be slightly useful is some boss fights. I use the Superior Sigil of Geomancer for an extra bleed while switching to the staff. You go rabid for this as well from said dungeons or Bramblethorne off TP which is another random feeding of staves into the mystic forge.

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hugo the Great.1426

Hugo the Great.1426


The gear for this build is rather expensive and time consuming because almost none of your gear can be crafted. And the stuff that you want is pretty expensive on TP, there are a few modifications you can do that will decrease your DoT dmg but still give you viable dmg. You pretty much want to go full rabid. As of right now I feel with having a high health pool and being ranged for basically your whole rotation and kiting vit isnt completely necessary but its stil up for debate. So I go for complete Toughness for defensive in this build. As I said this is a PvE build so conditions arent a huge factor, and even if you get them on you, this build has TONS of condition removal so you should almost never have a condition on you, and to a point having a condition on you I find helps your build.

For your 6 gear slots you want Rabid gear. You can acquire this from a couple of places. CM/TA/HotW/Arah are the dungeons that provide this set. You can also get it from Priory gear, and you can get 4 of the 6 pieces from Orr Karma. (Google Dulfy Orr Karma for exact spots to get the karma gear.) You can also just buy Khilbron’s set but it’ll set you back about 30-40g. For runes I use Superior runes of the Undead which gives us Toughness, Condition dmg, and turns 5% of toughness into Condition Dmg.

For your Accessory slots I go full Rabid as well. For full exotics you’ll have to get a random recipe drop from certain dungeons. This makes it rather annoying and hard to get, they can be found on the TP but the prices are rather high from the small drop chance of the recipe itself. The amulet is the Colossus Fang. Its a recipe from AC. Accessory is Tortured Root which is a random recipe from TA. Ring is Plague a rare recipe drop from CM. Also you can do Fractal dailies 10 and 20 to try for the ascended rings which are Mellaggan’s Whorl and Khilbron’s Phylactery. For back piece you would get Tome of Rubicon which is a Ascended back piece you craft in the mystic forge.

There are some exceptions, I myself don’t have the full set myself and am using carrion exotics and knights mixed. but as of right now these are the accessories I’m working towards to get my full condition bleed spec.


The two consumables I use for this build is Rare Veggie Pizza, and Master Tuning crystals.
Rare Veggie Pizza gives us 40% longer condition duration to help use stack bleeds and 70 condition dmg to add to our ticks.
Master Tuning crystals are used to further utilize our toughness and turn it into a condition boost giving 6% of our toughness to condition dmg and 4% of our vit to condition dmg as well.


Here’s what you should be at in full gear

Power: 1016
Precision: 1883
Tough: 1833
Vitality: 1016

Attack: 2011/2127 (scepterdagger/staff)
Crit: 49%
Armor: 2753
Health: 19500
Cond: 1726

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hugo the Great.1426

Hugo the Great.1426

Condition DMG

This is the formula for condition dmg.

2.5 + (.50 * Lvl) + (.05 * Condition Damage)

2.5 + 40 + 86.3 = 128.8 Per tick.

You should be able to maintain 25 stacks on a target, and with epidemic you can transfer those 25 stacks to ALL mobs in a 600 radius. 25 stacks is equal to 3220 per sec. Which is nice since your doing this from 900 range on top of your scepter auto attacks, and using Feast of Corruption every 10 sec. You should also get your 25 stack of corruption giving you 1978 Condition dmg doing 141.2 per tick and 3530 per sec. Also,you should have 12 sec up 12 sec down of 10 Might (Blood is Power) upping you to 2328 condition dmg bringing your ticks to 158.9 or 3972.5 ber sec.. Also being a dungeon build there is many times I’m with getting 25 stacks of might from party buffs topping you out at 2853 Condtion damage, 183.15 per tick, 4578.75 per sec.

There are definitely some weaknesses here. You are down to 19500 hp, but you have a good amount of Toughness and armor, and tons of condition removals. You also dont have much power, and Im not 100% sure that the condition dmg is worth the full cut off of power, but while doing this build I hardly do any direct dmg aside from my scepter auto attack, and feast of corruption, but even with hardly any power I’ve had feast hit pretty hard when it crits. There’s also the dreaded bleed stack cap, which is more troublesome in boss battles, but for group fights i dont mind because once we hit 25 as a group, epidemic will spread all 25 of those bleeds to everyone and will benefit from your condition dmg.

If you find anything wrong, or have any questions feel free to post, this is meant to be discussed and debated. So please post to contribute to the build and trying to make it better.

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sheobix.8796


the nice thing about crit chance is that it helps patch up the lower amount of power in your build.

it looks good. although rampager accessories would compliment your build as well.

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hugo the Great.1426

Hugo the Great.1426

Yeah, I’m still deciding whether I like rampager or rabid accessories better. I just dont feel power does enough for the build simply for the fact that very little of the attacks do direct dmg, and the ones that do are meant to try and trigger your sigil for bleeds.

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sheobix.8796


power+ swapping to staff while you’re in DS will make sure you’re not totally weak in DS.
against objects, you’ll want a decent amount of power to be helpful.

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knote.2904


If you’re looking for the condition/attrition playstyle I highly suggest a terror build, especially now that it got a decent dmg buff.

2 Lyssa/4 Nightmare (or lich) runes, 20 Spite, 20 Soul Reaping, 30 Curses. Each fear should do about 1100 dmg per second, each lasting 2 seconds.

You can stack your bleeds up, quickly double fear (Reaper mark, into a fast doom, then epidemic) everything runs away feared and melts.

Also for gear, personally I did a mix of Carrion and Rabid. The stat combo is actually very well rounded, good mix of Tough/Vit for better effective HP, and a good mix of power/prec plus the trait trees, so you have decent hybrid dmg with condition dmg being your main priority stat.

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hugo the Great.1426

Hugo the Great.1426

Hmm a fear build seems interesting. How well does it work in dungeons, aren’t most champs and purple immune to fear. I would think that a fear based build would lack effectiveness in a boss fight. But i’ll definitely look into it

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Manticore Five.9867

Manticore Five.9867

How well would he do going for spreading chills instead of fear? Doesn’t chill still bypass defiant?

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495



The gear for this build is rather expensive and time consuming because almost none of your gear can be crafted. And the stuff that you want is pretty expensive on TP, there are a few modifications you can do that will decrease your DoT dmg but still give you viable dmg. You pretty much want to go full rabid. As of right now I feel with having a high health pool and being ranged for basically your whole rotation and kiting vit isnt completely necessary but its stil up for debate. So I go for complete Toughness for defensive in this build. As I said this is a PvE build so conditions arent a huge factor, and even if you get them on you, this build has TONS of condition removal so you should almost never have a condition on you, and to a point having a condition on you I find helps your build.

For your 6 gear slots you want Rabid gear. You can acquire this from a couple of places. CM/TA/HotW/Arah are the dungeons that provide this set. You can also get it from Priory gear, and you can get 4 of the 6 pieces from Orr Karma. (Google Dulfy Orr Karma for exact spots to get the karma gear.) You can also just buy Khilbron’s set but it’ll set you back about 30-40g. For runes I use Superior runes of the Undead which gives us Toughness, Condition dmg, and turns 5% of toughness into Condition Dmg.

For your Accessory slots I go full Rabid as well. For full exotics you’ll have to get a random recipe drop from certain dungeons. This makes it rather annoying and hard to get, they can be found on the TP but the prices are rather high from the small drop chance of the recipe itself. The amulet is the Colossus Fang. Its a recipe from AC. Accessory is Tortured Root which is a random recipe from TA. Ring is Plague a rare recipe drop from CM. Also you can do Fractal dailies 10 and 20 to try for the ascended rings which are Mellaggan’s Whorl and Khilbron’s Phylactery. For back piece you would get Tome of Rubicon which is a Ascended back piece you craft in the mystic forge.

There are some exceptions, I myself don’t have the full set myself and am using carrion exotics and knights mixed. but as of right now these are the accessories I’m working towards to get my full condition bleed spec.


The two consumables I use for this build is Rare Veggie Pizza, and Master Tuning crystals.
Rare Veggie Pizza gives us 40% longer condition duration to help use stack bleeds and 70 condition dmg to add to our ticks.
Master Tuning crystals are used to further utilize our toughness and turn it into a condition boost giving 6% of our toughness to condition dmg and 4% of our vit to condition dmg as well.


Here’s what you should be at in full gear

Power: 1016
Precision: 1883
Tough: 1833
Vitality: 1016

Attack: 2011/2127 (scepterdagger/staff)
Crit: 49%
Armor: 2753
Health: 19500
Cond: 1726

Hey Hugo the Great, nice post, I would agree with most of what you’ve said

Couple of minor corrections

Necromancers in a typical dungeon setup will contribute no more than 12-16 bleeds, fewer of which that can be effectively spread with epidemic

The build is very similar to a number of builds that have previously been raised – think I have discussed rotations in my previous posts (look further back)

Couple of things you may want to consider,

In high level dungeon play you generally want to stay at max scepter range min. therefore I would be hesitant about using blood 10 in combination with geomancy (though that setup is nice, despite the loss of what was an awesome blast finisher).

Fast regen marks is not really needed, you should treat staff as a stopgap filler between DS stacking (details further) and bleed stacking, other traits are better

From a strict cond dps perspective


I would move those 10 points from blood into spite and pick up pet dps, pair that with pet survive or some other trait

I would be inclined to pick up might stacking on DS – see previous posts

I am not sure I agree with plague signet though I have done some experimenting with it, generally I found I had more than enough cond removal/transfer and it tended to be a liability on bosses that grant immobility on fellow teamates (Arah 3 boss 1) etc


I agree with all your traits

Death magic:

See earlier points

Gear: I would be hesitant about gearing solely Rabid, I would be more inclined to add some power at the loss of some cond damage in the form of rampager – theory crafting in process

Runes: Personally i would replace geomancy with corruption and replace corruption on offhand with agony for 1 extre bleed tick, or exta of earth for 84%? chance to apply bleed on crit

All in all, nice well written post

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hugo the Great.1426

Hugo the Great.1426


Hey Hugo the Great, nice post, I would agree with most of what you’ve said

Couple of minor corrections

Necromancers in a typical dungeon setup will contribute no more than 12-16 bleeds, fewer of which that can be effectively spread with epidemic

The build is very similar to a number of builds that have previously been raised – think I have discussed rotations in my previous posts (look further back)

Couple of things you may want to consider,

In high level dungeon play you generally want to stay at max scepter range min. therefore I would be hesitant about using blood 10 in combination with geomancy (though that setup is nice, despite the loss of what was an awesome blast finisher).

Fast regen marks is not really needed, you should treat staff as a stopgap filler between DS stacking (details further) and bleed stacking, other traits are better

From a strict cond dps perspective


I would move those 10 points from blood into spite and pick up pet dps, pair that with pet survive or some other trait

I would be inclined to pick up might stacking on DS – see previous posts

I am not sure I agree with plague signet though I have done some experimenting with it, generally I found I had more than enough cond removal/transfer and it tended to be a liability on bosses that grant immobility on fellow teamates (Arah 3 boss 1) etc


I agree with all your traits

Death magic:

See earlier points

Gear: I would be hesitant about gearing solely Rabid, I would be more inclined to add some power at the loss of some cond damage in the form of rampager – theory crafting in process

Runes: Personally i would replace geomancy with corruption and replace corruption on offhand with agony for 1 extre bleed tick, or exta of earth for 84%? chance to apply bleed on crit

All in all, nice well written post


So you would go with Pet dmg and survival in Death Magic, so I assume you add a minion in replacement of the signet? This is the only part that confused me.

Also I’ll have to fiddle around with DS might stacking, how effective is that, I for sure wouldnt mind adding the ability to get some Might into the build. I also agree with the sigils, I find myself far out of range to use the geomancer effectively anymore. Thanks for the insight.

I also see you are doing theory crafting on replacing some Condition dmg with power, i too was wondering this because it does seem that Condition dmg doesnt add a great deal to the ticks over all, Im just curious on how much too loose without completely abandoning the condition damage itself. I want to try to be as effective as possible but sticking true to being a condition dps, I mean its just how I invisioned my necro and really this game comes down to playing how you enjoy it right? But i mean its definitely worth it to try to make sure you play they way you want bu tat an optimal level.

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Hey Hugo,

Unfortunately the theorycrafting is quite complex see for starters (note thats from the perception of power builds)


I personally use 30/30/10 (rofl i’m such a hypocrite if anyone looks at my previous posts) but yes pet survivability is preffered if your putting 20 in death

Pet wise (dps)

It goes
Bone minions
Crab thingy?

So basically worm for bosses, shade for trash mobile fights

Might stacking is a very useful ability but should be performed in no more than 3 lifeblasts – this is because the first three benefit from fury

This combined with the fact that you don’t have enough sources to maintain heavy DS use, ensuing you fire those 3 above 80-90 you will be above 50 when you exit

Old post

Conditionmancer PvE dps spec

Consensus Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fQAQNArYbjMa96pbub07JCJFPjaQKev0ieQMjlMA
Variations: 20/30/10/0/10 (with soul reaping/unyielding blast), 0/30/30/10/0 (with focusing crystal), 10-20/30/20-30/0/0 (with might duration runes/sigils), 30/30/10 (with 20% damage on targets below 50% – note this does not apply to conditions)

Gear: 5x Rabid – Dungeon: TA, Arah, HotW/Trading post: Khilbron’s/Karma: Orr karma vendor 42k

Accessories: 3 x Rampagers (rings & necklace), 2 x Carrion (earrings), 1 x Carrion (back with either rampagers/carrion gems) – provides 50% crit in exoctic gear

Note the above calculations did not factor in ascended gear/rabid items

Weapons: MH Rabid scepter, OH Rabid dagger, Rabid staff

1) Plague signet or Wurm (boss) or Shadow Fiend (trash) or Corrupt Boon or Spectral Walk/Spectral Armour (Lupicius)
2) BiP (use with dagger 4)
3) Epidemic (use on cooldown on aoe trash/boss)

Elite: Flesh golem or Plague (situation dependent)

Runes: 6 x Undead

Sigil: MH of Earth, OH of agony/of corruption, Staff of corruption/of geomancy

AOE Rotation: Scepter 2, dagger 5, BiP, dagger 4, Scepter 3, (epidemic), swap weapon, staff 2, staff 3, staff 4, (epidemic), enter DS, DS 4, DS 1 × 3, exit DS, staff 1 auto attack, staff 2, swap weapons – REPEAT

Single target rotation: Scepter 2, dagger 5, BiP, dagger 4, Scepter 3, (epidemic), enter DS, DS 1 × 3, exit DS – Use abilities on cooldown, maintain might stacks with 3 blasts as filler

Additional notes: If you plan on stacking might through reapers might or the mobs die quickly I would pop epidemic early in the rotation, if not later

One viable builds focus on stacking might duration through (strength/of the fire/hoelbrak) and sigil of battle/strength – view my previous posts for theory crafting – the condition damage in theory is better compared to undead runes. However, it was previously suggested that in an optimal group setup you would run into might stacking issues and capping. I personally disagree with this because as a ranged class I tend to keep at max range from my target and as a result I’m not always guranteed to recieve might stacks from other group members, particularly warriors

You can supplement rabid gear with carrion gear until you farm the necessary tokens/karma. You can alternatively craft Rampagers gear though I would then adopt a more well-centric build – see Xyi’s post on Guild Wars 2 Guru forums (Dungeon in-depth)

Of geomancy on staff relies on you being close to your enemy and should be paired with blood 10 blast finisher for maximum effect – this is now redundant since blood 10 no longer applies a blast finisher, though you may still want to use it for extra bleeds

The choice of accessories was chosen to provide 50% crit while maximizing your offensive stats to supplement bleed stacking, it may be worth swapping to rabid accesories- I am in the process of farming it in Fractals – I will post my findings here

I prefer to put corruption solely on staff though I would advise you keep it out on kills for the first couple of packs of trash so you can maintain the buff for the rest of the dungeon/wvw

You generally want to use consume conditions, well of blood is only really useful in story mode

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


If you want to be particular novel you could look at the infamous

Stackomancer build – I think this has the potential to be the best condition spec though it has criticisms – see previous posts for theory craft (go back a few) ignore the ones where i’m telling people to stop complaining :P

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hugo the Great.1426

Hugo the Great.1426

Yeah, I was just reading that post, currently applying it to my build to see how it feels. Seem pretty nice in the mist. I dont like that the PvE dummies dont get hit with conditions or crit. But this looks to be fun so I will definitely give it a shot. Thanks for the post.

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Shame its just soo expensive to test lol :P

kittenrading post monopoly

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hugo the Great.1426

Hugo the Great.1426

Yeah, im trying to decide whether to go full rabid or not. Is it worth it to go Rampager Carrion Accessories…. not sure. Want to get it figured out before I drop money on an ascended back piece. lol

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Either full rabid, or Rabid with rampager parts in low/high value slots – see earlier reddit post to figure out workings

Don’t use Carrion in place of rabid – whatever people say its crap compared to Rabid
1) Precision does more dps than power
2) Carrion is easier to obtain, most people cba grinding new gear
3) Vitality is worthless in meta pve – stack toughness

I also believe cond damage suffers from some form of DR – it was previously suggested on this forum but got swallowed up by all the whine posts…. kittenhey annoy me, soiling our useful forum :P

Btw Rabid backpiece is generally a safe bet, I imagine it won’t change much, once ive checked/actually bothered to do the workings Rampager will probably be applied to head, chest legs

(edited by Savan.8495)

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hugo the Great.1426

Hugo the Great.1426

also there doesnt seem to be rampager ascended rings. Perhaps Go Rabid Ascended Back, Carrion Exotic Earrings, and then Rampager Ammy, and the Power Vit Tough Rings Ascended. Giving you some more survial and also converting the Vit and Tough to some condition damage.

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hugo the Great.1426

Hugo the Great.1426

Ah, so then go Full Rabid for jewelry if you can get it. Then mix in Rampage into gear?

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


technically, focus crystals convert 6% toughness to cond dmg where they only convert 5% vitality to cond damage

I would check the theorycraft links I provided before making those assumptions

STOP using carrion :P

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hugo the Great.1426

Hugo the Great.1426

Yeah, Im also using undead which is an additional 5% from toughness.

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

I use rampagers for a similar build you’re describing and it works far better than carrion did. My build isn’t 100% solid but it does pretty damn well and is really flexible, I can use just about any weapon I want depending on the situation. Currently I use the dreaded vampiric traits lol, so I won’t post that current one here (I have my reasons for doing it, will explain another time) but I can put together my old one and we’ll see where it ends up. http://tinyurl.com/conditionmaster It was roughly this (idk where to find a build editor that does pve) but instead of 65% crit I had more like 49% the power was close to the same and hp was more like 23k defense was about the same. Survivability is high, you can sling around and stack up those conditions nearly endlessly, however it does require more footwork than what you were looking for (ie the daggers) but like I said I swapped around weapons all the time depending on the fight and sometimes I’d use every weapon at one point or another in certain dungeons. Also, for most bosses you’re going to want tot ake out that flesh golem and put in a better elite (plague or a good racial one is ideal) and swap out the minion greater trait for something like a staff trait, ect. But other than that it’s a pretty self suficient build and for me anyway was pretty solid, The amount of condition damage I could do amazed me.

Like I said though I’ve moved on to test some new theories I have so I don’t run this one much anymore but sometimes I fall back on it when I’m having a bad day and just need some Easy Mode lol.

~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

(edited by Nay of the Ether.8913)

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hugo the Great.1426

Hugo the Great.1426

Updated 12/16/2012

There has been a lot of talk on various forums on Necros. A lot of people feel they are broken, but reading those post they seem to mostly stem from WvW and SPvP. I don’t do much PvP in this game (Lack of SPvP Modes, Culling in WvW) so I don’t have much comment on the state of the necro in that regard. I do however play quite a bit of PvE and Dungeons Having about 300 hours on my Necro and Roughly 800 hrs total in game. There are quite a few ways to approach the Necro, and I feel it’s preference on how you want to go about it. Personally I always envisioned my Necro as a dark caster casting cripples and slows on foes while bleeding them dry from a distance laughing as the stumble towards you only to die at your feet. This is my attempt at a build to represent that.

This build is completely geared towards Dungeons and PvE. It is a build that does heavy condition AoE Damage along with doing some decent Direct Damage when needed. I have had success in PUGs with this build but also do really well with an organized group that I run with quite often. I always feel that I contribute to the group and not that I’m just a tag along. Most people say classes can be replaced, but I feel this is tre for any class given the demolishing of the Holy Trinity. Above all Guild Wars 2 is a game and I find it most important to have fun, play the way you want to play and still be effective in the way you do it. Oh, also this build provides solid Bleed damage and the use of minions. I know people seem to hate on them but the ones used here seem to be pretty effective at adding some direct damage and conditions to the build. I have discussed this with a few people and this is an almost finished build. Chances are it’ll be tweaked here and there. Also if you have any advise or insight feel free to comment. This is supposed to be a guide geared towards discussion and perfecting. Cheers. Here we go,

Visual Build: http://www.guildhead.com/skill-calc#mcVczm0zMmgFwmmNFwMGxG9MosMkqMa8kiT7khG7kiO7070M7kGW70V7ow170m8ofj
Spread Sheet: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B6wxM24tH_6pWnhVU2dUSldQR3c

20/30/20/0/0 VI/IX, II/VII/XI, II,X

Spite (20 Points): I take 20 points here to get the VI Reaper’s Might here to give might stacks while in DS to add to bleed stack damage and damage over all. We also Grab IX Training of the Master to get an increase in damage by 30% to minions.

Curses (30 Points): 30 points here for the 300 Precision to add to Crit Chance. Taking trait II Hemophilia for 20% increased bleed duration ( Bleed Based Build) VII Master of Corruption for 20% cool-down on Corruption skills, (Needed for Epidemic and Blood is Power) and XI Lingering Curse for 33% bleed duration from scepter skills. (Once again bleed build no brainer.)

Death Magic (20 Points): 20 points here for an increase in toughness (survivability and extra condition damage.) We take II Greater Marks here for the unblock-able and larger marks for our staff skills. Then we take X Flesh of the Master for adding a bit of survival to our minions.

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hugo the Great.1426

Hugo the Great.1426


The main weapons I use in this build is Scepter/Dagger and Staff.

Scepter/Dagger is a great combo for stacking bleeds, applying group cripples, AoE blind while removing conditions from yourself, and then a good direct dmg ability that scales with conditions on mob. For sigils I use Superior Sigil of Earth on scepter for a 60% chance to apply a bleed on crit, and then Superior Sigil of Agony for a 10% increase to bleed durations giving you that extra tick. You also want to go Rabid for these weapons as well, which you can get from CM/TA/HotW/Arah tokens. You can also buy Malefractym a exotic Dagger on TP you get from Mystic Forge by random dagger feeding, and Lidless Eye/Eye of Rodgort for your scepter which can be made in the mystic forge as well.

Staff is used to get a bit more AoE dmg, group condition removal, applying group chill, and a fear that can be slightly useful is some boss fights. I use the Superior Sigil of Corruption for stacking some extra condition damage. You go rabid for this as well from said dungeons or Bramblethorne off TP which is another random feeding of staves into the mystic forge.


The gear for this build is rather expensive and time consuming because almost none of your gear can be crafted. And the stuff that you want is pretty expensive on TP, there are a few modifications you can do that will decrease your DoT dmg but still give you viable dmg. You pretty much want to go full rabid. As of right now I feel with having a high health pool and being ranged for basically your whole rotation and kiting vit isnt completely necessary but its stil up for debate. So I go for complete Toughness for defensive in this build. As I said this is a PvE build so conditions arent a huge factor, and even if you get them on you, this build has TONS of condition removal so you should almost never have a condition on you, and to a point having a condition on you I find helps your build.

For your 6 gear slots you want Rabid gear. You can acquire this from a couple of places. CM/TA/HotW/Arah are the dungeons that provide this set. You can also get it from Priory gear, and you can get 4 of the 6 pieces from Orr Karma. (Google Dulfy Orr Karma for exact spots to get the karma gear.) You can also just buy Khilbron’s set but it’ll set you back about 30-40g. For runes I use Superior runes of the Undead which gives us Toughness, Condition dmg, and turns 5% of toughness into Condition Dmg.

For your Accessory slots I go full Rabid as well. For full exotics you’ll have to get a random recipe drop from certain dungeons. This makes it rather annoying and hard to get, they can be found on the TP but the prices are rather high from the small drop chance of the recipe itself. The amulet is the Colossus Fang. Its a recipe from AC. Accessory is Tortured Root which is a random recipe from TA. Ring is Plague a rare recipe drop from CM. Also you can do Fractal dailies 10 and 20 to try for the ascended rings which are Mellaggan’s Whorl and Khilbron’s Phylactery. For back piece you would get Tome of Rubicon which is a Ascended back piece you craft in the mystic forge.

There are some exceptions, I myself don’t have the full set myself and am using carrion exotics and knights mixed. but as of right now these are the accessories I’m working towards to get my full condition bleed spec.


The two consumables I use for this build is Rare Veggie Pizza, and Master Tuning crystals.
Rare Veggie Pizza gives us 40% longer condition duration to help use stack bleeds and 70 condition dmg to add to our ticks.
Master Tuning crystals are used to further utilize our toughness and turn it into a condition boost giving 6% of our toughness to condition dmg and 4% of our vit to condition dmg as well.


Here’s what you should be at in full gear

Power: 1116
Precision: 1883
Tough: 1873
Vitality: 916

Attack: 2011/2127 (scepterdagger/staff)
Crit: 51%
Armor: 2793
Health: 19000
Cond: 1799

Epidemic Blood Build. Updated. 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hugo the Great.1426

Hugo the Great.1426

Condition DMG

This is the formula for condition dmg.

2.5 + (.50 * Lvl) + (.05 * Condition Damage)

2.5 + 40 + 86.3 = 128.8 Per tick.

You should easily be able to stack a considerable amount of bleeds on a target in a short period and using epidemic to spread them. There is the “dreaded” 25 Bleed Cap that is off putting to some but I dont find too much trouble with it in Dungeon/PvE situations. Another good thing about epidemic is if someone else in your group are applying bleeds or other conditions, it spreads everything to every mob in the 600 range. The spread conditions on the surrounding mobs are calculated through your condition damage. So if you have someone in party getting you to 25 stacks of bleed you get to spread it to the whole group at your ticks.

There are definitely some weaknesses here. You are down to 19000 HP, but you have a good amount of Toughness and armor, and tons of condition removals. You also don’t have much power, and I’m not 100% sure that the condition dmg is worth the full cut off of power, but while doing this build I hardly do any direct dmg aside from my scepter auto attack, and feast of corruption, but even with hardly any power I’ve had feast hit pretty hard when it crits. It has been discussed with trying to do 3 pieces of gear in Rampagers and 3 pieces with Rapid. Further math and testing is being done.

If you find anything wrong, or have any questions feel free to post, this is meant to be discussed and debated. If you come in and just hate and dont bring anything to the conversation please just dont post, this is my first build, and im looking to try and find a fun condition build for people to use. I personally love the necro class and have a lot of fun just watching numbers tick across my screen on huge groups. Thank you for reading and hopefully we can get something going off this,

Shout outs that helped the build.

Savan helped alot with tweaking the build and showing me the usefulness of minions to add to this build.

Brand for his Sonic Boon build which helped me on my warrior and possed me to try and get a build for a necro up and running. Also stole his cool Spread Sheet Format.

Laek since apparently they designed said spread sheet of Brand’s.

and also quite a few similar builds that helped me to build upon and make this build out.

Thanks for reading hope it helps some people out and feel free to comment and download the spread sheet to add in your own values to tweak your own build.

Cyrius Tybalt