Experimental Build: Spectral Knight

Experimental Build: Spectral Knight

in Necromancer

Posted by: Wayfarer.2051


I have been rolling with this build for a week now. it as an old, then discarded but now revised build from long ago.


Its main area of application is PvE, Dungeons and Fractals, but I can also imagine it in tPvP.
I’m using full knight’s gear.

I really like the immense LF generation this build brings with it, enabling me to have LF back to 100% before the Cooldown runs off.
That allows me to outlast any other player I have been in Fractals so far, to me, Agony is a joke, I had no problems with Difficulty 25 despite only having 5 AR simply because I canswitch to DS to cushion that damage.

What I want to ask is if anyone else uses a comparable build and can tell me what experiences they made.

Edit for spelling and some sentence sanitation

(edited by Wayfarer.2051)

Experimental Build: Spectral Knight

in Necromancer

Posted by: Julius Seizure.4985

Julius Seizure.4985

I have run a both a 20/20/0/0/30 and a 10/20/10/0/30 build for several moths, full spectral traits, and Knights for armor. Here are some thoughts that may help. Please note that I play PvE and WvW, so my armor is different and I can’t say how that relates to SPvP.


On both of my two builds (Spite 10 and Spite 20) I have found Spiteful Talisman to be a great tool. It increases life force regeneration/time and reliability on Reaper’s Touch while reducing the cast time on Spinal Shivers. This is a great trait, and as you stated above this build really emphasized Life Force regeneration. I notice that you opted for Retaliation on entering Death Shroud— and I would only take this trait with boon duration and reduced Death Shroud cool down, neither of which you have. On the (Spite 20) build, I also have taken Axe Mastery like you.

I have taken the exact same 2 traits that you have from Curses. Sometimes I will swap out Weakening Shroud for Reaper’s Precision or Toxic Landing for boss fights and WvW settings.

Death Magic:
For the 10/20/10/0/30 build, you obviously take Greater Marks.

Soul Reaping:
Unyielding Blast is a MUST have for PvE and zerg based WvW. I only ever swap this out for Speed of Shadows for roaming/skirmishing in WvW or certain boss fights in fractals that emphasize mobility. Trust me, the first time you hit 5 targets for 4k+ critical damage in a dungeon you won’t turn back. Spectral Mastery is obviously also a must have for this build. And as for the Grand Master… Deathly Perception is what you want. 100% critical on Life Blast and Siphon Life? Umm, yes please. If I know that I am facing a foe with a lot of CC, only then will I employ Foot in Grave.


I hate to say it, but Staff is pure garbage without Greater Marks. It just is. My 20/20/0/0/30 build uses Axe/Focus and Scepter/Dagger. This build stacks weakness better than my 10/20/10/0/30 build, but also retains solid AoE damage and mediocre personal cleanse with the Dagger off-hand. I will also use this build for group settings where I am the only source of Poison and we are fighting a boss with a heal, as you can now keep poison up permanently with your basic attack chain.

Obviously, staff stacks great AoE conditions/damage, grants regneration, and has a second full cleanse/condition transfer. It can combo weakness and poison as well.


I wear full Knight’s armor, and recommend Greater Runes of Divinity or ruby orbs. For trinkets, I use full celestial. Why do I do this? Simple. As a necromancer, you are perhaps the only class that will always have multiple conditions and power based skills vying for use, and the hybrid approach to Power and Condition is insanely underrated on these forums. I also have about 130% total critical damage, which means that the criticals not only come regularly but hit hard. With food and tuning stones, condition damage is roughly 700 if I recall correctly and stack solid damage on top of your power/crit.

—Slot Skills—

Err… Spectral. I personally use Grasp/Armor/Walk. I take Grasp over Wall because I find the guaranteed 16.5% Life Force every 24 seconds to be invaluable for LF generation, and a little known boost is that the chill duration is upped by taking Spectral Attunement.

Walk and Armor are both stun breakers, but you will find their REAL benefit to this build comes from the Life Force on Hit, which remains while in Death Shroud. It’s truly beautiful when used properly.

Experimental Build: Spectral Knight

in Necromancer

Posted by: Wayfarer.2051


I don’t get Sceptre/Dagger on a PowerBuild. I dont use Condition Damage.
I also used Dagger/Horn in additon to Axe/Focus for a while, because Dagger as well allows for immense LF Generation and a bit of extra heal, but the most important thing about the Staff is thus:
The #1 skill generates huge ammounts of LF when fired into a group, allowing me to quickly fill up my pool again in a pinch.
I can do the same with the Warhorn #4, but it has a long cooldown and requires me to be close to the enemy.
12% LF per attack? This is a must have imo.

Dagger as OH for Axe is also udnerstandable for the Weakness and the Boon removal, especially in fights with bosses that have protection.

The Wall is currently a must for me because of how stupid Mobs are and in PvE it is a 8s CC in addition to a good source of protection, Combofield and the LF you get from enemies walking into it.

I prefer to stack more Knight onto my EQ because as a Necromancer I have great ways of dealing with Conditions and thereby, direct damage becomes the greater Challenge, which is easily mitigated by toughness. I was alos thinking about getting some Vitality to buff up my LF pool even more.

Experimental Build: Spectral Knight

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Things is scepter is also fine on a power build. It has a decent damage base on #1, a pleasant attack speed and #3 can hit really hard. A snare is always welcome (thanks mister #2).
Dagger offhand to is Ok in a power build, especially in dungeons. The main theme for this weapon would be survivability. Range blind and condition transfert on #4 (Yes please!) + Weakness and a non negligible aoe damage (Your mate should thank you).

Horn is good when you’re really tanky and you have things you need to interrupt. I really like it in WvW. That’s where I think it shine the most especially when you’are using a Vampiric build. PvE wise WH damage are negligible and the interrupt ain’t essential.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Experimental Build: Spectral Knight

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xhean.3452



I wear full Knight’s armor, and recommend Greater Runes of Divinity or ruby orbs. For trinkets, I use full celestial. Why do I do this? Simple. As a necromancer, you are perhaps the only class that will always have multiple conditions and power based skills vying for use, and the hybrid approach to Power and Condition is insanely underrated on these forums. I also have about 130% total critical damage, which means that the criticals not only come regularly but hit hard. With food and tuning stones, condition damage is roughly 700 if I recall correctly and stack solid damage on top of your power/crit.

How on earth do you get about 130% critical dmg with knights gear when I as a full berzerker in every slot with ruby orbs and full soul reaping don’t?

Experimental Build: Spectral Knight

in Necromancer

Posted by: Julius Seizure.4985

Julius Seizure.4985


I wear full Knight’s armor, and recommend Greater Runes of Divinity or ruby orbs. For trinkets, I use full celestial. Why do I do this? Simple. As a necromancer, you are perhaps the only class that will always have multiple conditions and power based skills vying for use, and the hybrid approach to Power and Condition is insanely underrated on these forums. I also have about 130% total critical damage, which means that the criticals not only come regularly but hit hard. With food and tuning stones, condition damage is roughly 700 if I recall correctly and stack solid damage on top of your power/crit.

How on earth do you get about 130% critical dmg with knights gear when I as a full berzerker in every slot with ruby orbs and full soul reaping don’t?

50% base 30% SR, +10% weapons, +12% runes, + 31% trinkets/rings/amulet/back. Thus 130% TOTAL crit damage, like I posted.

As for the OP… you asked for experiences with this format. Try my suggestions or don’t, there’s no sweat off my back. You will likely be shocked at how effective it is when there is a balance between condition damage and power/ctit on a class like the Necro.

Things is scepter is also fine on a power build. It has a decent damage base on #1, a pleasant attack speed and #3 can hit really hard.


(edited by Julius Seizure.4985)

Experimental Build: Spectral Knight

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xhean.3452


50% base 30% SR, +10% weapons, +12% runes, + 31% trinkets/rings/amulet/back. Thus 130% TOTAL crit damage, like I posted.

Ahh that’s where you confused me, you added the 50% base which isn’t shown in the hero panel. I thought you had 130% there but that would leave you at 80% in the panel. That’s clearifies alot

Experimental Build: Spectral Knight

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Well actually it’s crit chance not crit damage though…

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Experimental Build: Spectral Knight

in Necromancer

Posted by: Julius Seizure.4985

Julius Seizure.4985

Well actually it’s crit chance not crit damage though…

What I listed with Knight’s/Runes of Divinity and Celestial trinkets/rings/ammy is total Critical Damage with 30 in Soul Reaping. Remember, you have 50% base critical damage. 100% (plus 50%) critical damage is a good goal to have if you go hybrid, but I would aim for at least 120% (plus 70%).

I can’t recall the exact numbers, but Critical Chance roughly sits at 100% (110%) in Death Shroud with with Furious Demise active, 90% with it inactive, 40% outside of Death Shroud and 60% with Furious Demise pulsed. When you combine that with solid condition damage on a class like the Necro (somewhere around 700 with food/tuning stone), good things happen.

This is perhaps the only class that a hybrid approach is arguably better than a pure Power/ Crit or Condition build.

(edited by Julius Seizure.4985)

Experimental Build: Spectral Knight

in Necromancer

Posted by: Wayfarer.2051


I will try the condition damage approach. Still have full Exotic Rampagers Jewelry in the bank, I think I’ll try that on for a fit.
Thanks for the tips, Though I really like the survivability of the Necro alot. I dont care that much about damage tbh, never really did in any game.

Experimental Build: Spectral Knight

in Necromancer

Posted by: Wayfarer.2051


Tested now with 693 Condition Damage without any food and dealing 77 damage per bleed is nice I guess. I am used to pure Condition Builds where I deal around 110.
My critchance ir at 59% without any effects, so maybe I’ll drop Deathly Perception for something else. I also took Reaper’s Might, as Might also gives condition damage.
With the new Torment in DS, Hybrid Builds seem more attractive than ever.
I was also thinking about using my full Rabid gear, but I’d prefer the raw Power over more condition damage.
All in all a nice build, the LF alone is enough to keep me alive through most things.
Thank you for the tips, especially the light slice of condition damage.

I am still not sold on the sceptre though. I really prefer using the Staff for its LF generation and potential alone.

(edited by Wayfarer.2051)

Experimental Build: Spectral Knight

in Necromancer

Posted by: Wayfarer.2051


I just noticed that the only advantage to Knight’s Gear+Rampager’s Trinkets over Carrion Gear+Rampager’s Trinkets is 16% more crit and 500 more toughness.
Yet Carrion bring sme 2,500 Life and roughly 30% more CondiDamage.

Is the Toughness and Crit really worth it?

Experimental Build: Spectral Knight

in Necromancer

Posted by: cyst.3108


I just noticed that the only advantage to Knight’s Gear+Rampager’s Trinkets over Carrion Gear+Rampager’s Trinkets is 16% more crit and 500 more toughness.
Yet Carrion bring sme 2,500 Life and roughly 30% more CondiDamage.

Is the Toughness and Crit really worth it?

as a necro when you have the hiest base health … yes i preffer toughness over hp

After June 25 im like… 90% happier

Experimental Build: Spectral Knight

in Necromancer

Posted by: cyst.3108


The base of all things are… depending on what youve got you get the oposing stat.
Elementalist Low HP Low Armor (get HP)
Necromancer High HP, Low Armor (get armor)
Guardian Low HP, High Armor (Get HP)

and so forth

After June 25 im like… 90% happier