General Reaper Feedback
This is what i would change/improve as solo/small scale roamer:
1- Auto attacks need to be faster or hit harder. To keep the reaper aspect of scary movies, i’d go for hit harder.
2- Gravedigger looks alrighty for pressuring targets, but if you want optimal dps just go with other things.
What annoy me with gravedigger is the 1 second wait until you can use it again after target is below 50% health.Reaper Shroud:
1- This auto attack is awesome! The damage is okay and its faster than Life Blast, what we really needed. Only thing i would add to that is some sorta of chill. Maybe like greatsword: apply chill on 3rd chain attack. I found it pretty hard to keep on meele against majority of classes, specially rangers and mesmers.
2- Death’s Charge is my second best choice of best skills in Shroud. Its like an improved dark path. Which increased by a lot necromancer’s mobility. I was able to escape a good amount of fights without even have to use Spectral walk jukes.
Only change i would make is the same as Greatsword #5: make it cast on your target, but if you don’t have any target cast where you are facing at. Just like Warrior’s Greatsword #5.Sorry for my poor english and hope i didn’t let anything off.
1- autoattack need decrease of cast time(GW2 is fast paced mmo, and having slow attack speed on pvp in disadvantage), and chill need some duration buff. sword Thief does 2s cripple and weak on 3rd autoattack. autoattack full cycle is 3s(i don’t believe it’s just 3s while rest GS classes go form 1.5s-tooltips- to 2.5s-wiki-), while hammer Warrior is 2.75s. aside pve, there’s pvp, and for pvp it’s not balanced
2- it’s not alright. don’t bait from the fancy animation. the skill does a swing in the air without doing dmg and then the actual attack starts, which is very fast. most of the animation is useless and it exist to cover the long cast time. imagine using Hundred Blades or other multi hit skill and the 1st 2-hits don’t do dmg, and just slice the air like Gravedigger does. would you or other players still say it’s alright? i don’t think so. 1.25s cast time and 2s full cycle for 1-hit skill is way too much. why should Gravedigger have 2s? just cause dev decided so as nerf? cast time shouldn’t be more than 0.5s and be equal to other GS classes for balance and be fair. they took the cast time that they were gonna add to Tempest’s Flash-Freeze shout and put it here
Reaper Shroud
1- dmg need a slight boost. even with 25 might+25 vuln dmg it’s still low
2- it needs to add collision and increase distance. it’s the only charge skill(don’t confuse it with leaps and whirls) that doesn’t have collision and pass through targets, and it’s distance is bellow 1.000. 9/10 times i can’t hit target cause i’m very close. i only use it to escape. in other pvp videos i saw they also rarely manage to hit
(edited by Dakunaito.9602)
Just giving it a nudge so it doesn’t get buried!
IGN: Sparkly Darkness/Sinh Verdandi/Got D Boons
Guild: Anime And Manga Club [AMC]
This is what i would change/improve as solo/small scale roamer:
1- Auto attacks need to be faster or hit harder. To keep the reaper aspect of scary movies, i’d go for hit harder.
2- Gravedigger looks alrighty for pressuring targets, but if you want optimal dps just go with other things.
What annoy me with gravedigger is the 1 second wait until you can use it again after target is below 50% health.Reaper Shroud:
1- This auto attack is awesome! The damage is okay and its faster than Life Blast, what we really needed. Only thing i would add to that is some sorta of chill. Maybe like greatsword: apply chill on 3rd chain attack. I found it pretty hard to keep on meele against majority of classes, specially rangers and mesmers.
2- Death’s Charge is my second best choice of best skills in Shroud. Its like an improved dark path. Which increased by a lot necromancer’s mobility. I was able to escape a good amount of fights without even have to use Spectral walk jukes.
Only change i would make is the same as Greatsword #5: make it cast on your target, but if you don’t have any target cast where you are facing at. Just like Warrior’s Greatsword #5.Sorry for my poor english and hope i didn’t let anything off.
1- autoattack needs to hit harder and faster and chill duration is low. sword Thief does 2s cripple and weak. autoattack full cycle(including animation after cast times) takes 3s, while hammer Warrior takes 1.7s, and does more dmg. both attack speed and dmg need boost
2- it’s not alright. 1.25s cast time for 1-hit skill is too much. it’s even slower than hammer. even multi-hit skills have less cast time. Mesmer does 4-hits in 1s. cast time shouldn’t be more than 0.5s. most of the animation is useless and it exist to cover the long cast time. they took the cast time that they were gonna add to Tempest’s Flash-Freeze shout and put it here
Reaper Shroud
1- dmg need a slight boost. even with 25 might+25 vuln it’s still low
2- it needs to add collision and increase distance. it’s the only charge skill(don’t confuse it with leaps and whirls) that doesn’t have collision and pass through targets, and it’s distance is bellow 1.000. 9/10 times i can’t hit target cause i’m very close. i only use it to escape. in other pvp videos i saw they also rarely manage to hit
I didn’t get to play much greatsword because its just not my thing, but i agree. It needs some considerable damage boost. I think we can’t speed it up because it will lose the hitting harder but slow feeling that Anet wants to give this spec. So yea, damage boost!
About RS#2 i could use some increase distance, would be awesome! 900 range i think would be perfect. Not too far or short. And yea, warrior’s gs#5 is a charge skill, just like Bull’s charge. They can cast it on target and charge straight to target location or use it without any target selected and charge foward they facing.
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but the you’re all weaklings shout sounded off to me for some reason. I think it would sound much better as “you’re all weak”. Sounds a bit darker, more reaper-y i thought. Was just something that bugged me slightly. Anyone else feel.this way?