I don't understand

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: Stubie.5834


So I was messing around on my necro the other day and forgot how much I loved this class. It was my first 80 and still my favorite by a long shot. Now as I’m pretty much just a dungeon fractal runner and I enjoy being useful I have to use a different class. I don’t understand why anet won’t do something about this. They’re countless threads asking for change and or giving very good ideas how to change. I’ve seen my engi and ranger become very helpful additions to any group why my poor necro stays at the end of the line. Ohh well figured I’d get that off my chest, I just don’t understand!

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


We’ll have to wait for the balance preview. The issue is that Necromancer was built with completely opposite ideas to what is currently done in PvE. They probably didn’t realize how dungeons were going to end up being (who really would have imagined at launch that everyone would just push a boss into a corner, drop FGS, and burn through 1mil HP in a few seconds), and so now they basically need to go back through and change us to work in the PvE content that exists.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: Stubie.5834


Yeah it has been a known issues for so long is my only concern. With other classes being brought up to par while the lowly necro stays the step child.

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Well the difference is other professions only have slight issues whereas we have massive issues. Others have just had slight issues with doing a little bit too little damage, or just a bit less utility than optimal, but we have almost no utility, no group buffs, and mediocre damage that relies on being fully buffed by a group.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kraag Deadsoul.2789

Kraag Deadsoul.2789

A poll was taken by ArenaNet asking players to rank the classes most in need of improvement. Ranger won by a landslide (and rightfully so). Engi and necro more-or-less tied for second place. Engi gets the makeover treatment next. With any luck (ROFL…this IS necro we’re talking about), we’ll get our issues sorted out after they fix engi. We’ll have to wait and see what happens.

So many souls, so little time. ~ Kraag Deadsoul

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Ele was #2, actually. Engi was #5 after Mesmer and Necro.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: Enundr.9305


how was ele #2? dont they pretty much do everything already and better then alot of the other classes?

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


how was ele #2? dont they pretty much do everything already and better then alot of the other classes?

This was old, back before people discovered fiery great skill, staff ele, and D/D came back.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: spoj.9672


That vote was a popularity contest and nothing more.

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

how was ele #2? dont they pretty much do everything already and better then alot of the other classes?

The vote occoured a month or so before the last balance patch, when eles were kinda terrible. The Rune overhaul and buff to Celestial made them really strong again.

Doesn’t change the fact that Eles were #2 in the vote, but it does mean that the vote isn’t the most accurate anymore. I can pretty well guarantee that Necros didn’t drop out of the top 3, however.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: spoj.9672


Doesnt matter what state eles were in back then. It was a pure and simple popularity contest. They had their issues in PvP. But they were fine everywhere else. PvP is the smallest community. But the ele playerbase is huge. Ergo popularity contest.

Whats more the vote didnt take into account the level of help needed. For example. Ele and engi only need small changes to fix them (ele was voted #2 yet its already completely fixed from a few minor changes lol). whereas ranger and necro need quite a bit more in depth help.

It really made me lose hope in anet when they said they would choose by vote. You shouldnt let the uninformed playerbase decide on balance priorities. You should take feedback and decide yourself. And you certainly shouldnt give your fans false hope.

(edited by spoj.9672)

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

At least Ranger (the profession in need of the most help) got the overwhelming vote, though.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: spoj.9672


At least Ranger (the profession in need of the most help) got the overwhelming vote, though.

Well i dont even agree with that. Ranger is not far off being fine. Its almost a very strong PvE class. I cant really comment on pvp and wvw. But as far as i can tell it doesnt seem too bad in either of those either. :P

Thats my personal opinion anyway. Im a bit biased. But even so i dont think any one class should be prioritised. And it certainly shouldnt be made public if it is.

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: Eroiqua.5891


At least Ranger (the profession in need of the most help) got the overwhelming vote, though.

Well i dont even agree with that. Ranger is not far off being fine. Its almost a very strong PvE class. I cant really comment on pvp and wvw. But as far as i can tell it doesnt seem too bad in either of those either. :P

Thats my personal opinion anyway. Im a bit biased. But even so i dont think any one class should be prioritised. And it certainly shouldnt be made public if it is.

I also don’t agree with Ranger being the class that needs the most help in PvE. I have three 80s: Necro, Ranger, Engi (yeah, I really know how to pick the winners). I feel more useful and more wanted in dungeons and fractals on my Ranger than I do on my Necro. I mean, I do sometimes pick up a vibe of “aw crap, a Ranger” when I join an LFG party, but as soon as the rest of the party sees that I’m using the meta there’s no issue and I’ll often get compliments about my play. The only compliments I get when on my Necro are for how I look. I think Ranger is in a good place in PvE and I get the feeling that the complaints about Ranger are from folks who see Ranger as “ranged” and are focusing more on longbows.

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

The poll was who needs help overall, not just in PvE. Necros are pretty close to perfect for PvP and WvW, but they need tons of help in PvE (and most of that requires changing enemy design). Rangers needed significant help everywhere because so much of their power is tied up in AI (which at the time was unresponsive, even with the commands) and how almost all of their utilities require significant traiting just to be useable. Necros don’t have those issues.

Necros need significant help, but we really aren’t that far off. Our PvE concerns have more to do with the enemy design than our own (see Moredrem: we do very well against them)

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

(edited by Drarnor Kunoram.5180)

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: spoj.9672


Necros are only fine in large scale wvw battles (the most unbalanced area of the game). They are pretty awful everywhere else.

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: Enundr.9305


The poll was who needs help overall, not just in PvE. Necros are pretty close to perfect for PvP and WvW, but they need tons of help in PvE (and most of that requires changing enemy design). Rangers needed significant help everywhere because so much of their power is tied up in AI (which at the time was unresponsive, even with the commands) and how almost all of their utilities require significant traiting just to be useable. Necros don’t have those issues.

Necros need significant help, but we really aren’t that far off. Our PvE concerns have more to do with the enemy design than our own (see Moredrem: we do very well against them)

yes cause Minion Master Build (popular build since the original Guild Wars and probably what drew alot of people to the class , cause you know , Necromancer not Plaguebringer is the name……they sorta raise the dead as minions)….minions are in a worse state then ranger pets….atleast ranger pets you can command a bit more directly then the necro minions , and rarely have i even seen a ranger pet just stand there like its hypnotized at the TV.

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ragnar.1546


If Anet is willing to fix Necro’s properly, giving them a group presence (blast finishers/reliable wanted buffs/cleave/better power options/well of blood being a water field ect) .
When I voted I was very heavy into WvW and was thinking from that stand point, Rangers almost always were guaranteed kills. I have 80 Warrior/Ranger/Necro/Thief (Used to have a Guard but found it not for me), I prefer my Warrior/Necro/Ranger in that order out of what I’ve played (War/Necro equal). I hope when Necro gets its turn we come up to par with Warriors group presence

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


In various types of PvP, conditions actually matter. In PvE, they are a lot less effective. Even trash mobs totally ignore the risks they take facing conditions and keep attacking until their health drops too low. NPCs jostling do not behave like people. They practically fall right on 100b instead of dodging. They do not counter well and conditions are a dime a dozen. Might stacking on a high direct damage build always outperforms anything to do with conditions.

Dhuumfire was whack before because it forced players to one build because of heavy dependence on another trait line. Now, I don’t use it. That trait may as well go away. It barely did enough damage when it was tied to axe power/precision for mobs that just let themselves burn.

In PvE, it is all about dps on a stupid AI.

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Necros are only fine in large scale wvw battles (the most unbalanced area of the game). They are pretty awful everywhere else.

Zombify/Noscoc completely rekt the 2v2 tournament up until they ran into diamond skin. Necromancers have done just fine in PvP in general when in the hands of a competent player, and all that’s really left of importance is group PvE which they are obviously awful in.

We aren’t in a great place, but only being weak in group PvE and roaming isn’t exactly that bad when you compare it to rangers who at the time were literally garbage tier in everything except group PvE (and maybe solo? dunno).

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: spoj.9672


What happened to the complaints about no sustain and active defence in PvP. And the no lifeforce at the start?

Necro has to be babysat in pvp and were still locked into 2 specs (both damage specs) with no real variation. Were better in PvP but by no means fine. When eles were bad, people were still able to rek with them. PvP is one of those gametypes where even if the balance is off the classes can still perform. After all its a team game and communication, teamwork and a working brain is more important than composition.

Ranger has been fluctuating in position. Necro has stayed at the bottom for PvE since release. I dont understand how anet can think thats ok. At least we improved in PvP i guess. >.>

Just venting my frustration. Necro PvE improvements are about the only thing that will make me play actively again. So im really banking on the balance announcements. :<

(edited by spoj.9672)

I don't understand

in Necromancer

Posted by: nearlight.3064


Necros are only fine in large scale wvw battles (the most unbalanced area of the game). They are pretty awful everywhere else.

Zombify/Noscoc completely rekt the 2v2 tournament up until they ran into diamond skin. Necromancers have done just fine in PvP in general when in the hands of a competent player, and all that’s really left of importance is group PvE which they are obviously awful in.

We aren’t in a great place, but only being weak in group PvE and roaming isn’t exactly that bad when you compare it to rangers who at the time were literally garbage tier in everything except group PvE (and maybe solo? dunno).

Rangers: mostly fine in pve, maybe just needs a bit more damage/pet rework but is fine in the current state. The new GM trait will help a bit with damage among other things. In pvp the only 2 viable builds are spirits and traps (celestial settler or carrion/rabid) which or provide good support or AoE conditions bombs but it’s a but underpowered. In particular DD eles usually beat out celestial spirits for a spot for better team support and mobility in most ways (plus might stacking madness). From the TOL comps, most teams have shatter mesmer, necro, or ranger (I think the one that was taken was carrion balth runes with traps) competing for the last spot. The teams in general all took a hambow warrior, an S/D or D/P thief (I think?) A guardian, and then either an ele or an engineer with a 50/50 split. I saw a reddit thread about that but I can’t find it right meow.

In wvw rangers are only good for roaming with condition regen or traps and a bit with their power builds. In zergs/GvGs they have huge problems, and the changes in the next patch will only fix a few of those problems by offering a more usable bouncing ranged weapon and more entangles.

Necromancer Main
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