If we get burning on top of terror.
All these suggestions about burning being activated by rather random passive stuff… not really a help to us in the manner of being able to help cover other conditions when we need them.
Something like the way chilling darkness works, where the burning is attached as a rider to a specific skill, that would be far more useful.
When you Poison a foe, you also burn them for 3 seconds, etc. Or whenever you use a specific skill, flash Death Shroud, you burn them. Something in our control, not at the mercy of RNG, or based on when an enemy decides to do something to us.
Smouldering Reaper: Apply 1 second burn when hit while in Death Shroud.
That would be terrible.
Make scepter nr 3 burn “the opponent’s soul” for 1 second for every unique condition on foe
(edited by DarnDevil IV.2143)
Just had to revisit this.
I wonder if Elementalist and Guardians will really have children.
Maybe next expansion…
Well I think the main cause of QQ is the boosted fear application that we got. Terror+Burn ain’t really that huge right now if you go into that build, it is just good on the offense but is still squishy. Pure terror fear build can go into those 2 spectral traits and have the spectral survivability from traited walk and armor on top of having a traited wall and traited terror fears. That’s some serious stuff.
The terror+burn build kind of ended up having burn and terror fears that are better than the pre-patch ones. Funny how if I look at this patch, I think I see some “whack-a-mole” in it. What happened to the slow and steady approach?
If they drop the nerf hammer on us, I hope it’s going to be slow, as in the first step would be reworking spectral wall back and fixing it’s combo field. I did have a long argument that fear on the wall would be OP but when I saw it with the reduced duration I kind of threw that thought away or rather dropped the point of my argument since they actually implemented it. As it is, the wall is getting an insane amount of attention and is the next big hit on the internetz with all it’s subscribers and users.
I heard DKs in WOW were supremely OP when they came out, elemental guardians need to be like that too.
(edited by Iceflame.5024)
Anyways – nice foresighting skills.
Anyways – nice foresighting skills.
Thanks, even though I missed the increased terror application, but still:
(edited by Iceflame.5024)
Can someone tell me, why exactly burning is so awesome? It does tick decently but not that great…
Can someone tell me, why exactly burning is so awesome? It does tick decently but not that great…
Again, cause it’s combined with our increased fear application capabilities?=P And again, pure terror is way stronger. Oh oh, totally forgot about torment available to every build as well.
(edited by Iceflame.5024)
HAHHAHA ur the best man xD
Such good humour
Can someone tell me, why exactly burning is so awesome? It does tick decently but not that great…
The real power is how easy it is to apply. It basically ends up on anyone we are fighting right off the bat, and stacks with everything we have all been doing for months. For me, it is if they increased my bleed damage by 200%….
I think people will eventually learn to deal with it, or it will get reduced in effectiveness (either duration or proc chance), but I agree with an earlier post that the application should have been more narrow. A GM trait that had it apply 2 seconds of burn per condition off sceptor 3 would have been better.
Right now it procs off anything…. that crits… staff/DS whatever… its up constantly in a 1v1 and there is nothing they can do about it.
The prophecy is right!!
The prophecy is right!!
OP Must have had a crystal ball to tell him the future, or maybe he’s a Terminator who has traveled back in time to save all Necrokind. Let’s hope the nerf part doesn’t happen, L2P issue.
Smouldering Reaper: Apply 1 second burn when hit while in Death Shroud.
That would be terrible.
As long as it burns the necromancer!
Bumping for Great Justice!
Did any of this come true yet?
Bumping for Great Justice!
Did any of this come true yet?
It’s at the anti necro campaigning stage. Expect the nerf hammer to come down in about a month and a half.
Oh, and for the record, I’m an ele and pretty OK with the new necro :p
(edited by Navzar.2938)
Dhuumfire: In competitive PvP only, burning duration caused by this trait has been reduced from 4 seconds to 2 seconds. Burning duration is still 4 seconds in other areas of the game.
(edited by Daecollo.9578)
Wow the nerfing came down faster than I expected.
That’s only the beginning. People are QQ’ing and i can tell you that there will be nerfs. A lot. It’s what happened to eles and mesmers, now necro has its turn.
Iceflame, he spoke true.
Iceflame, the prophet who spoke too soon.
Iceflame, he knew what they would do.
Iceflame, ArenaNet comes to nerf our Dhuum.
Iceflame, he spoke true.
Iceflame, the prophet who spoke too soon.
Iceflame, he knew what they would do.
Iceflame, ArenaNet comes to nerf our Dhuum.
Iceflame, he spoke true.
Iceflame, the prophet who spoke too soon.
Iceflame, he knew what they would do.
Iceflame, ArenaNet comes to nerf our Dhuum.
We are Dhuumed.
Ha ha ha, thanks guys. I stopped playing on the second day after the june patch and went back to dota 2. Came to the conclusion that if you want a somewhat stable and properly focused PVP game, then the current popular MOBA esport games are your best bet, heh.
Hey I said it on a podcast too…it’s a bad idea. Look what happened as a result lol. At least the engineer community has been pretty accepting of me now, and in fact I’ve had the most fun playing this game since release! Having avtial blocks, evades, invulns, vigor….omg I’m in heaven! And I can still do everything I could on necro…oh wait minus fear, then again I really haven’t noticed hehe.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
Hey I said it on a podcast too…it’s a bad idea. Look what happened as a result lol. At least the engineer community has been pretty accepting of me now, and in fact I’ve had the most fun playing this game since release! Having avtial blocks, evades, invulns, vigor….omg I’m in heaven! And I can still do everything I could on necro…oh wait minus fear, then again I really haven’t noticed hehe.
I’ve been thinking of making an engineer as well. This whole weird situation of being tossed around like a rag-doll in a buff/nerf room is getting tiresome.
Hey I said it on a podcast too…it’s a bad idea. Look what happened as a result lol. At least the engineer community has been pretty accepting of me now, and in fact I’ve had the most fun playing this game since release! Having avtial blocks, evades, invulns, vigor….omg I’m in heaven! And I can still do everything I could on necro…oh wait minus fear, then again I really haven’t noticed hehe.
I’ve been thinking of making an engineer as well. This whole weird situation of being tossed around like a rag-doll in a buff/nerf room is getting tiresome.
I tried engi in pvp a while back and was horrified with it, mostly because it was so unfamiliar to me. But now that I’ve played it seriously for a bit, I really don’t see what everyone is complaining about with it. It’s the ultimate troll. you wanna bunker a point? Go ahead. you wanna point cap quickly? Go ahead. You wanna support? Go ahead. Someone Cc you? pop invulns/stun break/block. Can do that all in the same build, just need to flip utilities as you run.
mind = blown
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
I tried engi in pvp a while back and was horrified with it, mostly because it was so unfamiliar to me. But now that I’ve played it seriously for a bit, I really don’t see what everyone is complaining about with it. It’s the ultimate troll. you wanna bunker a point? Go ahead. you wanna point cap quickly? Go ahead. You wanna support? Go ahead. Someone Cc you? pop invulns/stun break/block. Can do that all in the same build, just need to flip utilities as you run.
mind = blown
I think the problem with engies are their bipolar traits and i dont mean plain worthless like our, but some that work against them, some that define builds and some that are worthless, mostly getting worse the more you go into a trait line… Or just plain ratios/procs some of them have, like seriously 8% chance for a condi boon flip? thats like every 13th condi, not some sane/flat rate like 5% or 10%
This is a real necro thread.
I tried engi in pvp a while back and was horrified with it, mostly because it was so unfamiliar to me. But now that I’ve played it seriously for a bit, I really don’t see what everyone is complaining about with it. It’s the ultimate troll. you wanna bunker a point? Go ahead. you wanna point cap quickly? Go ahead. You wanna support? Go ahead. Someone Cc you? pop invulns/stun break/block. Can do that all in the same build, just need to flip utilities as you run.
mind = blown
I think the problem with engies are their bipolar traits and i dont mean plain worthless like our, but some that work against them, some that define builds and some that are worthless, mostly getting worse the more you go into a trait line… Or just plain ratios/procs some of them have, like seriously 8% chance for a condi boon flip? thats like every 13th condi, not some sane/flat rate like 5% or 10%
No engi takes those worthless traits seriously, it’s like jagged horror. We all just have a grand laugh at it and ignore it. Basing a build around it is suicide and madness at it’s best. Same for garbage engi traits and the dozens of garbage traits in other professions.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
No engi takes those worthless traits seriously, it’s like jagged horror. We all just have a grand laugh at it and ignore it. Basing a build around it is suicide and madness at it’s best. Same for garbage engi traits and the dozens of garbage traits in other professions.
One big difference, so far necros are the only profession whos minior traits become worthless if you dont have specific utilites slotted in, thus i said bipolar, since necros have some of those too (like LHRS/our kittenty 25 spite trait vs the two target the weaks; on a engie they both make way more sense in general build setups for the lines).
Only 2 lines that one could argue to be as bad as DM are Tactics (since its pure revival support) and Zeal (Symbols being all over different weapons).
Zeal is actually a powerful line for guards who build for burning /spirit weapons and synergizes well with the symbol traits in Honor (which also happens t have the 2-h weapon traits and all 2-h weapons have symbols). If you’ve never run into those in wvw you’d never know just how powerful those are. I will give you tactics is almost as bad as DM, except in dugeons when you’re running banner support ( and arguably wvw assuming you trait properly for shouts too). I play all classes, there’s no class as in bad of chape as necro, trust me. We were doing fine for a while, even before the nerfs, in fact we were downright great, but now…well read the threads. most speak for themselves. this isn’t just a handfull of randoms getting stomped in pvp and raging. This is the majority of the necro community in an uproar. Even people like Bas and myself who have fought long and hard against all the ragers that insisted we were soooo broken. I defended this profession long enough.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
Zeal is actually a powerful line for guards who build for burning /spirit weapons and synergizes well with the symbol traits in Honor (which also happens t have the 2-h weapon traits and all 2-h weapons have symbols). If you’ve never run into those in wvw you’d never know just how powerful those are. I will give you tactics is almost as bad as DM, except in dugeons when you’re running banner support ( and arguably wvw assuming you trait properly for shouts too). I play all classes, there’s no class as in bad of chape as necro, trust me. We were doing fine for a while, even before the nerfs, in fact we were downright great, but now…well read the threads. most speak for themselves. this isn’t just a handfull of randoms getting stomped in pvp and raging. This is the majority of the necro community in an uproar. Even people like Bas and myself who have fought long and hard against all the ragers that insisted we were soooo broken. I defended this profession long enough.
I did say “one could argue to be as bad” not just are as bad, zeal in general is unappealing for most set guardian builds and as said no matter how strong 1 or 2 symbols become, the fact that they are spread over weapons doesnt allow for a full build to resolve about it (i do know that the swiftness and retal using builds are used a lot in WvWvW to counter golems and stopping supply chains).
Also dont just give up, true some random kitten might just not be worth talking about and might end up being implemented (*cough mentions on ele, mesmer and thief forms about Terror and Spectral nerfs), but core playstyle you enjoy that just gets butchered (eating a treb hit with DS/jumping off a cliff to kill 1/3 of a small group stupid enough to jump after you, etc) getting changed in a mmo isnt something the playerbase should just let slide.
Well I could argue with you over this till the sun sets but I don’t think I’m making my point clear enough and that’s my fault and I’ll just leave it at that. I’ve respected your contributions to the necro community in the past so I’ll just leave it here. We’ve got enough turmoil lately without fighting amongst those of us who take the class seriously, even if we do disagree on how things are going. For now I’ll just stick by my stance. I will say I’m not wholly giving up on necro. Hell I made 3 of them and am primed for a legendary on one (just waiting for a skin I can stomach) so it would be folly to give up on them now. But I am going to step back from it and let things settle as they will. I’m going to engineer for a little while, since it’s as close to our class as I can get, and just take it easy. It’s prob the class I’m the least experienced in so good time to learn up on it.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…