Jekyl & Hydromancer Build

Jekyl & Hydromancer Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Badaboom.4216


My necro is only level 55, and I’m working towards this build while I’m leveling, but was wondering how everyone will think it will be in WvW? You need to blend in power with condition damage.

Basically your bouncing in & out of death shroud, regenerating and causing damage at the same time.

The flesh golum can be switched out for Plague.

Basically, i’ve just been theorycrafting so not sure how this build would play out in pvp. What are your thoughts/critiques.

Jekyl & Hydromancer Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kheldar.6278


Hmm, are you intending to use staff or daggers more? It appears from Soul Marks that you intend to use staff more – but if that is the case, I’m not sure why you don’t have Staff Mastery and Greater Marks. IMO, Necro staff is great in WvW, especially with these traits. The additional 10 points in soul reaping doesn’t seem to add much… I don’t feel 50% faster recharge on DS is worth it. I typically use staff in WvW to charge DS.. by the time I get all my marks down and use a utility, my DS is already recharged without the trait.

I’m also a bit confused on the Blood Magic Traits chosen. Mark of evasion is alright, but I’m not a fan of deathly invigoration. Transfusion, Vampiric Precision (if mostly daggers), and bloodthirst are better options. Again, IMO… I would totally drop these and do Death Magic for the toughness benefit and staff upgrade. You already have enough vit without these points in Blood Magic.

Those are just my two cents

Marked Souls

Jekyl & Hydromancer Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Badaboom.4216


I like to use the weapons interchangeably, utilizing all of the cool downs. Basically I’m casting the marks, dodging to stack extra bleeds and getting regeneration then switching to daggers to dps, rooting and siphoning health, transfering conditions, etc.

I think any reduction in damage due to toughness in Death Magic is offset by the siphoning skills in blood.

I think everything synergizes nicely with constant spamming of deathshround to get retribution, enfeebling blood and heals which is quickly being replenished with marks and dagger.

Jekyl & Hydromancer Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kheldar.6278


I like to use the weapons interchangeably, utilizing all of the cool downs. Basically I’m casting the marks, dodging to stack extra bleeds and getting regeneration then switching to daggers to dps, rooting and siphoning health, transfering conditions, etc.

I think any reduction in damage due to toughness in Death Magic is offset by the siphoning skills in blood.

I think everything synergizes nicely with constant spamming of deathshround to get retribution, enfeebling blood and heals which is quickly being replenished with marks and dagger.

To each his own. Since we are talking theory here, I don’t see how the loss of toughness is offset by siphoning skills without any of the improved siphoning traits taken in the blood line. It seems you’ll just need to test it once you get up there, but i’m a bit skeptical that the offset of untraited siphoning skills is enough. Also, not sure what armor/jewels you are planning on, so hard to tell as well from that perspective.

Since you are using daggers/staff interchangeably, it seems the build is best for doing small group skirmishes out in the open (such as taking camps) over defending/attacking keeps. Seems interesting though, let us know how it works!

Marked Souls

Jekyl & Hydromancer Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vilar.2680


I don’t get the purpose of your build, so i give my general impression:

Dual daggers are not a good a idea, if you want to do condition damage use S/D, if you want to do direct damage change the of had dagger to any thing else.

I know, that it is nice to throw back conditions in your enemy but they will do damage based on your condition damage, which you have none.

But it seems to me that you are trying to make a build arround DS, so you should aim for direct damage and change your utilites to have more life force generetion (spectrals will do that for you).

and you might want a stun braker, without it you are food to thieves and warriors.

Jekyl & Hydromancer Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Badaboom.4216


Yeah, I wasn’t sure how quickly my LF would generate and some spectral skills would be the next thing I would swap in for play testing.