Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!
Probably getting deleted after the dec 10 update though lol
Anyway here’s what I want mine to eventually look like:
Condi gear:
Power gear:
Probably getting deleted after the dec 10 update though lol
Anyway here’s what I want mine to eventually look like:
Condi gear:
http://i.imgur.com/2YnHVqs.pngPower gear:
Those look pretty good despite being… mini hahah. Arenanet doesn’t seem to have a direction with necro, which is the only class I like in gw2 so it would really be pointless for me to keep playing lol
The new Grenth Hood item prompted me to give my Necro main a make-over for the first time in 6 months. Here are the before and after pics. What do you think?
how do u like my necro ?
never really cared for that shoulder piece, but the rest of it looks pretty cool
My new necro with some skins to make him look better at early levels :P
Nice use of Sylvari templates on that one. Well done.
I’m rather proud of my necro. For those interested:
Priory shoulders (abyss / ivory / abyss)
HotW chest (mithril / abyss / sage)
Vigil gloves (abyss / ivory / sage)
Human T3 legs (abyss / mithril / sage)
Shadow shoes (abyss / abyss / ivory)
Very nice. One of the better looking Necros I’ve seen.
because controlling zombies doesn’t mean one can not dress like a gentleman. yes i know its an armor set but i love the steam punk culture and the aether blade armor made me very happy. I’m rocking mathildes staff scepter and focus on him. he has a green glow effect at night.
monocle: abyss/ (now its) bronze/ celestial
aetherblade: abyss/ bronze/ rust
I want to try the outfit with the pants from the Profane set, but dropping 40g+ on a set you only going to use 1/6th of is holding me back.
Also I initially though about buying one of the black dyes to go with the green, but the textures already have a lot of dark parts on their own.
Robin D Lannister – Ranger
Candy Shop [CS] Desolation
Here’s my Necro, January Dusk. I love how the Grenth Wintersday mask completes her look.
My sylvari, got CoF boots on it too atm. Waiting for anet to bring out the light flamekissed armour. Need that fire.
My human necromancer:
Head: Winged
Shoulders: HoTW
Chest: Tactical (WvW skin)
Hands: Arah
Leggings: CoF
Boots: Arah
Here is my awsome necro!
(edited by Thiagugu.9682)
A little cross match-up on armor skins to create KC.
Resolution 5760×1080
(edited by Accursed.7146)
Here’s my necromancer Junette doing some creepy stuff with her knife. I wonder what she’s up to… tho I’m not really sure I want to know! O.O
She’s probebly summoning something dreadful!! XD
Here is my Necro Norn, Icîé Dëdpépül. She’s lvl 38 and still trying to figure out what Necromancy route to follow. Oh, well, that’s another thread.
Radically changed the look on my necromancer last week. I went for a more modern look… White lab coat and latex gloves. Now my necro is a crazy scientist experimenting on every life forms he stumbles upon !
My baby
what shoulders are those?
New revamped Necro look
Looks amazing, what upper is that?
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF
So I was thinking of making my necro a little bit more darker looking or evil looking… Not for sure yet on atm she is wearing full t3… So I made this quick outfit with the crossing staff I have the grenth back on aswell in this pic..
Dalila Darkness, again! I think I finally found an “appropriate” Necro look for her. Mask will be used when in WvW.
My Necro:
Head – Gas Mask
Shoulders – Corrupted Orrian
Chest – Nightmare Armor
Legs – Corrupted Orrian
Feet – Nightmare Boots
Gloves – Flame skin from achievements
I welcome any thoughts or feedback!
And dyes: Iron, cherry, orchid/purple shade, and tea
I wanted to be darkish-looking as it still needs to fit the picture of the necromancer, but I also wanted to keep that noble human cultural background in mind.
I wanted to be darkish-looking as it still needs to fit the picture of the necromancer, but I also wanted to keep that noble human cultural background in mind.
I think you have one of the best necros i’ve seen. I think you actually achieved what i was hoping for with mine. Ah well. Great look!
I wanted to be darkish-looking as it still needs to fit the picture of the necromancer, but I also wanted to keep that noble human cultural background in mind.
I think you have one of the best necros i’ve seen. I think you actually achieved what i was hoping for with mine. Ah well. Great look!
Imo, nothing really special, unique or appealing. Thousands of Necromancers run this combination already…
I have yet to see anything impressive
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144
I wanted to be darkish-looking as it still needs to fit the picture of the necromancer, but I also wanted to keep that noble human cultural background in mind.
I think you have one of the best necros i’ve seen. I think you actually achieved what i was hoping for with mine. Ah well. Great look!
Imo, nothing really special, unique or appealing. Thousands of Necromancers run this combination already…
I have yet to see anything impressive
First: thanks Ozmaniandevil for the compliment. It’s nothing special really, just wanted my necromancer to look at least a bit decent.
Hey, everyone’s a critic. I tried to make something nice for myself out of the whole 3-4 armor sets that don’t like crap and can fit the necromancer theme.
If it is all so unappealing and bland, please show us your necromancer!
(edited by Vewen.9410)
I agree there is a lack of appropriately “necro looking” armor. I tried hard to find a look that was dark enough but never seemed to hit the right feeling for me. But i think you did Vewen. Looks are subjective obviously so just ignore nasty comments
I’m wondering how you all get the glowy white eyes. I even tried to use a total makeover kit this morning so I could change Dalila’s eyes to white but that option isn’t there. Please help!
Here is my Charr Necromancer.
T3 cultural head
Tactical shoulders, chest, hand, and feet
Dry bones legs
I’m wondering how you all get the glowy white eyes. I even tried to use a total makeover kit this morning so I could change Dalila’s eyes to white but that option isn’t there. Please help!
It’s one of the three starter options as a necromancer(where you create your character). The glowing eyes are the wraith option. It’s actually a head armor rather than something in your character face, so you’ll have to keep on transmuting it on your armor.
I’m wondering how you all get the glowy white eyes. I even tried to use a total makeover kit this morning so I could change Dalila’s eyes to white but that option isn’t there. Please help!
It’s one of the three starter options as a necromancer(where you create your character). The glowing eyes are the wraith option. It’s actually a head armor rather than something in your character face, so you’ll have to keep on transmuting it on your armor.
Oh ok, so it’s too late Thanks for the info though.
I’m wondering how you all get the glowy white eyes. I even tried to use a total makeover kit this morning so I could change Dalila’s eyes to white but that option isn’t there. Please help!
It’s one of the three starter options as a necromancer(where you create your character). The glowing eyes are the wraith option. It’s actually a head armor rather than something in your character face, so you’ll have to keep on transmuting it on your armor.
Oh ok, so it’s too late
Thanks for the info though.
It’s not too late! You can create a new necro, transmute the starter mask to a blue/white item, and put it in your bank for Dalila. Not sure if I got the details right, someone please correct me if I’m wrong. But I’m 99% sure this is possible.
I’m wondering how you all get the glowy white eyes. I even tried to use a total makeover kit this morning so I could change Dalila’s eyes to white but that option isn’t there. Please help!
It’s one of the three starter options as a necromancer(where you create your character). The glowing eyes are the wraith option. It’s actually a head armor rather than something in your character face, so you’ll have to keep on transmuting it on your armor.
Oh ok, so it’s too late
Thanks for the info though.
It’s not too late! You can create a new necro, transmute the starter mask to a blue/white item, and put it in your bank for Dalila. Not sure if I got the details right, someone please correct me if I’m wrong. But I’m 99% sure this is possible.
Thanks for the tip! I can definitely give that a try.