MM Hybrid Build 0/20/30/20/0

MM Hybrid Build 0/20/30/20/0

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Hey Forum Necros!
First a disclaimer, i have wanted to love my MM for so long now i really have. I have played a full PVT well Tankmancer (34k hp was pretty fun tbh) I also play a 30/30/10 conditionmancer. (waiting on a nerf for this, hoping it wont come) My current favored build is my MM hybrid I play PvE, Dungeons (not cof speed spams), WvW, Guild Missions, Solo Champions ect with this build. I have Yet to try in in tPvP but i don’t think it would shine there.

Lets get right into it, ill try and make this quick

The Build

Skill Breakdown

Healing: Well of Blood, the reason to take WoB over BF is simple it provides more group utility. It has a nice AoE heal and a Light combo field BF has almost 0 skitten healing and you will have enough sustained healing without it.


Epidemic: I focus on spreading conditions to take out large groups of bad guys while my meat shields soak up damage this is kind of self explanatory.

Shadow Fiend: just cuz i can and now that it has hp regain ooc it helps a ton

Bone Minions: Because 2 heads are better than one! and the recast is low so its an all around good skill.


Flesh Golem: Well duh…

Traits explained
Rather than go through each one and tell you what you already know, or could find out real quick ill focus on the important ones.

Terror: This is your spike damage and it does hurt if you have not tried this trait yet do yourself a favor and try it out.

Death Magic
Get the staff traits they are worth it.

Flesh of the Master: 50% HP yes please!

Blood Magic
Transfusion: This is a crucial trait it does a solid ammount of healing to your pets ANG your group.

Deathly Invigoration: this just adds to the healing you do, for solo play you can slot in Vampiric Master it adds nice self sustain.

Now lets talk about why i dont go 20 into Spite for +30% minion DMG, Simply putt going 20 into Curses adds far more damage through conditions alone, add Terror and there is no question.

you have some freedom here, with Runes i like to stack Regeneration Duration and Bleed Duration but you can also just go for added Condition DMG if you plan on running with a group a lot and need extra Spike DMG

Sigils are meh… you wont have enough crit to make use of sigil of earth, i use Sigil of Corruption and Sigil of Life on my S/D and i have Sigil of Geomancy on my staff in PvE and in PvP i use Sigil of Hydromancy on my staff.

I hope this interests would be MMs and encourages you to give your undead flesh bags some much needed love. Feel free to comment, flame, discuss, or leave your feedback if you want to try this build out. If you have any questions ill be watching my posts closely cuz im bored at work