Necromancer's only defense!

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: cyst.3108


Question: Can other classes pop an invulnerability skill to survive a fall?

No, thankfully. Which is why cliffs were considered the necro’s only escape mechanism.

Still are if you have an unused Spectral Walk on your bar.

other clases have invuleravility, vigor, endurance regen, and other ways of surviving do we have?

After June 25 im like… 90% happier

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089


Question: Can other classes pop an invulnerability skill to survive a fall?

No, thankfully. Which is why cliffs were considered the necro’s only escape mechanism.

Still are if you have an unused Spectral Walk on your bar.

other clases have invuleravility, vigor, endurance regen, and other ways of surviving do we have?

Death shroud and a prayer?

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: cyst.3108


Question: Can other classes pop an invulnerability skill to survive a fall?

No, thankfully. Which is why cliffs were considered the necro’s only escape mechanism.

Still are if you have an unused Spectral Walk on your bar.

other clases have invuleravility, vigor, endurance regen, and other ways of surviving do we have?

Death shroud and a prayer?

indeed, a prayer.. a prayer so the GM and Designers really balance our class compared to the others…

After June 25 im like… 90% happier

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

Question: Can other classes pop an invulnerability skill to survive a fall?

No, thankfully. Which is why cliffs were considered the necro’s only escape mechanism.

Still are if you have an unused Spectral Walk on your bar.

other clases have invuleravility, vigor, endurance regen, and other ways of surviving do we have?

Death shroud and a prayer?

You got half of that right, I’ll leave it to you to guess which one lol.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: DargorV.8571


Question: Can other classes pop an invulnerability skill to survive a fall?

No, thankfully. Which is why cliffs were considered the necro’s only escape mechanism.

Still are if you have an unused Spectral Walk on your bar.

other clases have invuleravility, vigor, endurance regen, and other ways of surviving do we have?

Death shroud and a prayer?

Make that just prayer now.

This game is a joke as far as balance goes, the dev answer even proves it “oh noes, our precious tournament”. They’re only listening to PvP kiddies and giving the PvE crowd the big finger every time. If I want competitive PvP Anet, I’m not gonna look for it in a silly MMO.

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: tyler.2569


I really don’t agree with the change to Deathshroud whereas Life Force is now intimately connected to our Health Bar. To me, it seems even to be a schism in the Necromancer’s lore. Deathshroud, with its Life Force, seemed to me as a ‘force of life’ distinguished from the Health Bar, something other worldly and spectral – where, so long as I was alive, with the smallest amount of Health, I could walk back into that world; and even with the minimal amount of Life Force I could save myself from some otherwise perilous attacks!

The two now being connected affects that simple bit of style, taste, and lore for me, and really takes away from what truly made the Necromancer so unique to me. I really just think it should not be connected to Health in such a way. Before, It allowed us to negate huge burst damage, and allowed us to shroud dance, where we could pop in and out of it as often as possible with as little Life Force as possible and use it very affectively. Now, it just seems like a little bit of extra health, that we use at the expense of all out healing and utilities and weapon skills.

I was, and still am, willing to sacrifice my utilities, healings, and weapon skills to enter that spectral world, where my Life Force is a sustenance separate from my Health Bar, or my external body’s (lore wise) vitality. The two being separate helped me feel as if I was traversing the worlds of life and death; even cliff diving was a way we could escape death in ways no other class could. If this change remains in place, I’ve lost my Death Shroud, and only gained a Life Shroud! I do love cliff diving, and if they think that is a broken mechanic, then I wouldn’t mind it being changed, so long that Life Force could go back to being separate from our Health Bar.

Life Force, I feel for the sake of the Necromancer’s lore and one of our most unique mechanics, should not being connected to our Health Bar. That’s my two cents. I think if we Necromancer lovers voice our concerns enough, can have our old Shroud back! We’ve done it before, it’s happened before!

Remember when our corruption skills we’re tampered with? We didn’t get them completely back to how we wanted, but we got them to back how we needed. Give us our Shroud back by not connecting it to our Health Bar! Let me block a big hit with 10% Life Force, traverse the realms of life and death, and once again remember, that kitten it, I’m a Necromancer: You can’t kill the kittening undead!

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Enundr.9305


Question: Can other classes pop an invulnerability skill to survive a fall?

No, thankfully. Which is why cliffs were considered the necro’s only escape mechanism.

Still are if you have an unused Spectral Walk on your bar.

Had a fractal where a guy got pushed over the edge with hammer and i popped spectral walk used DS to soak the fall dmg pickup hammer and teleport back up…………..never again :<.

They prolly working on a spectral walk fix right now though

thing is , it would have to be a “fix” that applies to mesmers portal , in essence it functiosn in the same manner , jsut for personal use only. not as much distance though. so if thats the case memsers better be looking forward to that “fix” as well…

Take it from a Mesmer main. We already expect shenanigans. We always do.
But, yes – DS damage intake being fixed is good, but the overflow business is hella problematic. With that in mind, there needs to be some method of CC avoidance/escape on Necromancers.

yea and thats an issue pve necros can suffer from now , the amount of LF drain now vs before feels exactly the same in dungeons , just now we dont have that spike dmg absorb thing , add to that with how little survivabilty skills we have compared to other classes , its sort of annoying to expect necros to even be useable in dungeons at this point , can still manage AC but i have to sit back and support mostly….its really sad. we need something to give us access to stuff like vigor , invuln , etc like other classes have , cause right now , we sorta suck in dungeons , and were free kills to thieves in wvw ( i dont do SPvP / TPvP , dont plan to since its that specific mode that seems to dictate balance in the other modes , hope that gets fixed….FAST)

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

The two now being connected affects that simple bit of style, taste, and lore for me, and really takes away from what truly made the Necromancer so unique to me. I really just think it should not be connected to Health in such a way. Before, It allowed us to negate huge burst damage, and allowed us to shroud dance, where we could pop in and out of it as often as possible with as little Life Force as possible and use it very affectively. Now, it just seems like a little bit of extra health, that we use at the expense of all out healing and utilities and weapon skills.

I agree. It feels like an interesting game play mechanic was removed from the game. I used to love popping in and out of Death Shroud as well, it was great. It added some depth to the class…. and now it’s gone. And all for a pax tournament. I don’t even play pvp!

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Invictus.1503


The two now being connected affects that simple bit of style, taste, and lore for me, and really takes away from what truly made the Necromancer so unique to me. I really just think it should not be connected to Health in such a way. Before, It allowed us to negate huge burst damage, and allowed us to shroud dance, where we could pop in and out of it as often as possible with as little Life Force as possible and use it very affectively. Now, it just seems like a little bit of extra health, that we use at the expense of all out healing and utilities and weapon skills.

I agree. It feels like an interesting game play mechanic was removed from the game. I used to love popping in and out of Death Shroud as well, it was great. It added some depth to the class…. and now it’s gone. And all for a pax tournament. I don’t even play pvp!

Ditto, I’ve mained necro from the beginning and loved DS for damage mitigation. I would pop into it just before the big hit from boss fights, survive it, then continue. I find that now I’m dropping in dungeons MUCH more because they will not only knock me out of DS, but either down me or reduce my life significantly. Meanwhile my mesmer friend activates blur, Guardian has Aegis or any number of other boons, Warrior goes invulnerable, Thief uses one of his dodges because of insane vigor or just stealths, etc.. Meanwhile I’m out of dodges and best I can do is my DS which no longer protects me in such fights!

It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: cyst.3108


well now that they are ’’conected’’ so… ‘’the same’’ they should allow us to get healings to DS!!!

After June 25 im like… 90% happier

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: cyst.3108


The two now being connected affects that simple bit of style, taste, and lore for me, and really takes away from what truly made the Necromancer so unique to me. I really just think it should not be connected to Health in such a way. Before, It allowed us to negate huge burst damage, and allowed us to shroud dance, where we could pop in and out of it as often as possible with as little Life Force as possible and use it very affectively. Now, it just seems like a little bit of extra health, that we use at the expense of all out healing and utilities and weapon skills.

I agree. It feels like an interesting game play mechanic was removed from the game. I used to love popping in and out of Death Shroud as well, it was great. It added some depth to the class…. and now it’s gone. And all for a pax tournament. I don’t even play pvp!

Ditto, I’ve mained necro from the beginning and loved DS for damage mitigation. I would pop into it just before the big hit from boss fights, survive it, then continue. I find that now I’m dropping in dungeons MUCH more because they will not only knock me out of DS, but either down me or reduce my life significantly. Meanwhile my mesmer friend activates blur, Guardian has Aegis or any number of other boons, Warrior goes invulnerable, Thief uses one of his dodges because of insane vigor or just stealths, etc.. Meanwhile I’m out of dodges and best I can do is my DS which no longer protects me in such fights!

Game Masters/Designers/Developers: We dont care if you die, we dont care at all you know? we just care about our PAX event, we dont even care if you leave the game, cause we will make this MMO a E-Sports even if most your our gamers base dont give a kitten about it. we dont even care if you are lv 1 or lv 80 cause you can join the spvp even at lv 1 and just play that mode so next year you can join us in PAX, more important without being redundant… WE DONT CARE ABOUT PVE AT ALL!!!

After June 25 im like… 90% happier

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: tyler.2569


The two now being connected affects that simple bit of style, taste, and lore for me, and really takes away from what truly made the Necromancer so unique to me. I really just think it should not be connected to Health in such a way. Before, It allowed us to negate huge burst damage, and allowed us to shroud dance, where we could pop in and out of it as often as possible with as little Life Force as possible and use it very affectively. Now, it just seems like a little bit of extra health, that we use at the expense of all out healing and utilities and weapon skills.

I agree. It feels like an interesting game play mechanic was removed from the game. I used to love popping in and out of Death Shroud as well, it was great. It added some depth to the class…. and now it’s gone. And all for a pax tournament. I don’t even play pvp!

I’d be really happy if it was for the pax tournament only, and they changed it back after. But who knows ;(
Death Shroud as it was really saved me in some great pvp. So many times it was that little bit of help I needed to get away and get an understanding on what’s going on in a battle, or just get away to run away. As of now, if I have low life, and low life force, it’s almost useless . . .

Even when I would be almost dead, and would leap of a regularly small cliff, which would otherwise kill me with low health, Death Shroud saved me. I don’t need absurd cliff diving back – although I’d be happy to have it back – I just need Death Shroud back as a way to laugh at death, to toy with it, to play with it.

Sometimes I look in the mirror and I ask myself: ‘Am I a Necromancer? Do I walk the razor’s edge of that fine balance between life and death? Or am I just a silly little Warlock, toying with the Dart Arts?’ . . . I don’t know anymore.

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ynot.8397


The two now being connected affects that simple bit of style, taste, and lore for me, and really takes away from what truly made the Necromancer so unique to me. I really just think it should not be connected to Health in such a way. Before, It allowed us to negate huge burst damage, and allowed us to shroud dance, where we could pop in and out of it as often as possible with as little Life Force as possible and use it very affectively. Now, it just seems like a little bit of extra health, that we use at the expense of all out healing and utilities and weapon skills.

I agree. It feels like an interesting game play mechanic was removed from the game. I used to love popping in and out of Death Shroud as well, it was great. It added some depth to the class…. and now it’s gone. And all for a pax tournament. I don’t even play pvp!

Ditto, I’ve mained necro from the beginning and loved DS for damage mitigation. I would pop into it just before the big hit from boss fights, survive it, then continue. I find that now I’m dropping in dungeons MUCH more because they will not only knock me out of DS, but either down me or reduce my life significantly. Meanwhile my mesmer friend activates blur, Guardian has Aegis or any number of other boons, Warrior goes invulnerable, Thief uses one of his dodges because of insane vigor or just stealths, etc.. Meanwhile I’m out of dodges and best I can do is my DS which no longer protects me in such fights!

Game Masters/Designers/Developers: We dont care if you die, we dont care at all you know? we just care about our PAX event, we dont even care if you leave the game, cause we will make this MMO a E-Sports even if most your our gamers base dont give a kitten about it. we dont even care if you are lv 1 or lv 80 cause you can join the spvp even at lv 1 and just play that mode so next year you can join us in PAX, more important without being redundant… WE DONT CARE ABOUT PVE AT ALL!!!

Don’t be so dramatic. If they didn’t care about pve there wouldn’t so many events popping up every few weeks. PvP and WvW don’t get nearly as much focus as pve. We just need to wait for the balance to be different between pve and pvp and things will start to be nicer for everyone.

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Advent.6193


Don’t be so dramatic. If they didn’t care about pve there wouldn’t so many events popping up every few weeks. PvP and WvW don’t get nearly as much focus as pve. We just need to wait for the balance to be different between pve and pvp and things will start to be nicer for everyone.

Dramatic or not, it’s pretty much a given fact – considering where half the nerfs spawn from – that they do kiss the living Niflheim outta PvP’s collective arsecheeks. Ironic, when:

  • PvP is -by far- the least populated game mode.
    and …
  • Judging from the changes in the meta, and what certain of the top PvPers use in a scrap (i.e. Xeph swapping out from Mesmer to -IIRC- S/D Thief), those nerfs then
    screw folk outta playing the way they’d like to.

What we need, for all Professions, is bloody simple:
Split skills/abilities between PvE and PvP. There, less need for heavy-handed nerfing, yes?

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


Game Masters/Designers/Developers: We dont care if you die, we dont care at all you know? we just care about our PAX event, we dont even care if you leave the game, cause we will make this MMO a E-Sports even if most your our gamers base dont give a kitten about it. we dont even care if you are lv 1 or lv 80 cause you can join the spvp even at lv 1 and just play that mode so next year you can join us in PAX, more important without being redundant… WE DONT CARE ABOUT PVE AT ALL!!!

You know that the core playerbase of every MMORPG ever isnt the pvp, but the old GW1 players, lore nerds and the hardcore grinders, as in the money that gives the the chance to make pvp. If you want a pure pvp focused game go play a moba.
Also saying to people you dont care if they die is a very bad thing if you want the person to think your standpoint comes from any reason or logic.
They are just focusing on it now because its a peak time (people aint home, but have net, some resources can finally be spent on it sine the PVE teams are in full run and this update wasnt very heavy or interesting/rehashes of stuff in game and a new mostly copy pasted zone with a buggy race game).

As for necro defensive side, still support that we need to get this trait – 10th down the line, back instead of FITG.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

(edited by Andele.1306)

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jayce.5632


As for necro defensive side, still support that we need to get this trait – 10th down the line, back instead of FITG.


  • Death Shroud recharges instantly whenever you gain 100% Life Force.
  • Foot in the Grave: Gain stability for 3 seconds when you leave death shroud.
  • Last Gasp moved to Grandmaster Minor Tier.
  • Spectral Armor moved to Elite Skill. Renews if you are disabled below 50% health.
  • Strength of Undeath moved to Master Minor Tier.
  • Summon Flesh Golem moved to Utility Skill.

These changes would serve to help increase our overall life expectancy against focus fire since we can’t have access to disengages. We would still be vulnerable against enemies once they understand these changes, with them probably opting to use immobilize primarily against us instead of pure disables. If these changes were to be given serious thought, we would more than likely see Spectral Armor’s duration cut by 50% given it’s rather strong attrition effect. This is but a few of the changes I would like to see if or when they decided to decrease our performance in other areas.

i7-6700K – M.2 PCIe 512GB R/W:2500/1500MB/s
GTX 980M – SSD 512GB R/W:550/520MB/s
17.3" 1080p – 32GB 2400MHz DDR4

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: tyler.2569


As for necro defensive side, still support that we need to get this trait – 10th down the line, back instead of FITG.

Reading over some of those old traits got me excited, even thought they’re long gone.

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Enundr.9305


The two now being connected affects that simple bit of style, taste, and lore for me, and really takes away from what truly made the Necromancer so unique to me. I really just think it should not be connected to Health in such a way. Before, It allowed us to negate huge burst damage, and allowed us to shroud dance, where we could pop in and out of it as often as possible with as little Life Force as possible and use it very affectively. Now, it just seems like a little bit of extra health, that we use at the expense of all out healing and utilities and weapon skills.

I agree. It feels like an interesting game play mechanic was removed from the game. I used to love popping in and out of Death Shroud as well, it was great. It added some depth to the class…. and now it’s gone. And all for a pax tournament. I don’t even play pvp!

Ditto, I’ve mained necro from the beginning and loved DS for damage mitigation. I would pop into it just before the big hit from boss fights, survive it, then continue. I find that now I’m dropping in dungeons MUCH more because they will not only knock me out of DS, but either down me or reduce my life significantly. Meanwhile my mesmer friend activates blur, Guardian has Aegis or any number of other boons, Warrior goes invulnerable, Thief uses one of his dodges because of insane vigor or just stealths, etc.. Meanwhile I’m out of dodges and best I can do is my DS which no longer protects me in such fights!

Game Masters/Designers/Developers: We dont care if you die, we dont care at all you know? we just care about our PAX event, we dont even care if you leave the game, cause we will make this MMO a E-Sports even if most your our gamers base dont give a kitten about it. we dont even care if you are lv 1 or lv 80 cause you can join the spvp even at lv 1 and just play that mode so next year you can join us in PAX, more important without being redundant… WE DONT CARE ABOUT PVE AT ALL!!!

Don’t be so dramatic. If they didn’t care about pve there wouldn’t so many events popping up every few weeks. PvP and WvW don’t get nearly as much focus as pve. We just need to wait for the balance to be different between pve and pvp and things will start to be nicer for everyone.

those are events , and if you notice most of these “events” (assuming your talking about Living story) , we now see all the mini games not even using your skillsets and health bar , seems a little weird to be doing that dontchya think? like the winter one , had a snowball fight with all their own skillsets everyone had , set Health , etc. thats a sign that they dont even trust their balance for pve events.

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

As for necro defensive side, still support that we need to get this trait – 10th down the line, back instead of FITG.

Reading over some of those old traits got me excited, even thought they’re long gone.

Same here, and not just the necro ones either. Those were such amazing and unique ideas….. makes me sad
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


As for necro defensive side, still support that we need to get this trait – 10th down the line, back instead of FITG.

Reading over some of those old traits got me excited, even thought they’re long gone.

Same here, and not just the necro ones either. Those were such amazing and unique ideas….. makes me sad

You know whats sad, less than 50% of the people complained about the ideas behind old traits , the one that did wanted direct damage boosts, then some specific immortal and/or genocide scale kill builds came up (when Brawn was 1% increase in damage pre point and there was the swapping on adrenaline bug, essencially allowing for burst skills to be used as auto attacks), the people that did want just damage boosts whined so much that the devs utterly destroyed what you could do with the profession.

TLDR – The +5% if x is on y need to go for more traits that change how skills work or proc actual in game skills.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hammerguard.9834


Liadri the Concealing Dark is a prime example of why necros defense is horrible. DS means nothing when everything one shots you.

… I still want tengu.

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: hawisaac.4925


this is kinda my 1st post ever, yay.

i came back to playing gw2 after a long time (almost 2-3 months gone) and realized a lot of things have changed. i was going through some post about the necro and there seems to be a list of how ds has been terribly ‘nerfed’

i kinda have some ideas in ‘buffing’ the necro from its v diminished state. please feel free to give a comment since this is kinda my 1st post ever.

before i start of i would like to say that i actually enjoy the ds mechanic since i don’t get it on my other profession. however as stated by most, i guess it has been nerfed to a point whereby it is less viable which also means that tanking with my necro has become increasingly more difficult (yes i tank with scholars).

so to begin with, as i already said i tank with scholars, it means that ds is kinda the bread and butter for my necro. however as stated by some of you and i personally feel it to that i am unable to tank with my ds and dodging is kinda at a limit.

so here are some examples that would help a necro out:

1) have a threshold in which dmg from direct damage would eat off of lf in 1 sec based on lets say 40-50% current health. anything above that threshold would be negated (blocked in a sense).

-this would mean that ds would still be able to take on that huge hitting attack (with some good amount of lf that is)
-able to negate huge amounts of dmg from zergs in wvw
-my personal fav, able to be deceptively tanky at lower health.
-and still be managable 1v1
-most importantly, you would still be able to keep kamikaze necros from happening since dmg still overflows.
-note: this should be taken into effect before toughness of course or else no necro would ever invest into toughness (like me)

2) this is not really necessary but a heal while in ds would be nice. if the former request is thaken into account, i think this heal in ds would also determine a good necro from great necro since ds does kinda last longer at lower health since ds takes less dmg while you are at lower health.

So this is what i feel would help in providing some kind of balance between pvp, pve and wvw. please feel free to comment.

(edited by hawisaac.4925)

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bweaty.9187


please feel free to comment.

They seem to have done it, mainly because we could ‘drop’ from any distance and DS to not die on landing.
It dose seem more logical that more LifeForce = more mitigation.
It was super awesome that they fixed it from 2/3rds our life to 100%, and that direct damage wasn’t 50% more.

The flip side is as you imagine tho. You can ‘fake tank’ for a few sec with Weakerning Shroud, as it cast chill & weak. But you got to run up and hug the scary monster to get them affected, and your only looking at a few second slow.

Some of the Champs in Orr, for example. Will 1 shot hit you thru 120% life force, and your entire real life pool.

Because before in long dungeon boss fights, we could use a little LForce as a DSheild to suck up that extra hit. We are behind all the other class’s and usally asked by nice groups to sit out boss fights. Or just simply kicked from group.
We defiantly need something like, Vigor/End Return/Block/Invul. Or after the 35sec mark we just can’t do anything but die to them non-avoidable hits.

Other recent bugs include poison not always reducing heals. Putrid Mark only removes some Condi’s, and NOT from Allies.
So our group help has really gone down.

They did ‘fix’ vamp so it scales off heals power. But full heals power is +6 over what it used to be, so still 0.01% or less, max life per hit.

They did give us burning on hybrid spec. Which made us very bursty with conditions in PvP. For this they have nurfed Fear, and now other bleed stacks.
Also because this auto-proc’s on crits. We cop a lot of abuse for being OP with a unskilled spec.

Only real positive since ya been gone. They increased Staff Marks, so your not required to trait Greater Marks to make staff useful.
Some of our wells got 10sec less CD, and one even brakes stun!
They also fixed up spectral walk/armor. (Tho don’t teleport while spectral running or you may explode)
Our Transforms don’t go on full multi-min CD if interrupted on cast. (Tho some people say Litch at about 0.4sec into cast still dose)

Oh and you might have left when we still had the 1/3rd downed life of any other class. That was finally fixed!!!

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I realize this is the necro forums, but this habit of necroing month old threads… just stop please. Make a new topic if you want.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: hawisaac.4925


I realize this is the necro forums, but this habit of necroing month old threads… just stop please. Make a new topic if you want.

sorry bout that. like i said its my 1st time posting and im not really sure how to start a new forum just yet.

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: hawisaac.4925


please feel free to comment.

They seem to have done it, mainly because we could ‘drop’ from any distance and DS to not die on landing.
It dose seem more logical that more LifeForce = more mitigation.
It was super awesome that they fixed it from 2/3rds our life to 100%, and that direct damage wasn’t 50% more.

The flip side is as you imagine tho. You can ‘fake tank’ for a few sec with Weakerning Shroud, as it cast chill & weak. But you got to run up and hug the scary monster to get them affected, and your only looking at a few second slow.

Some of the Champs in Orr, for example. Will 1 shot hit you thru 120% life force, and your entire real life pool.

Because before in long dungeon boss fights, we could use a little LForce as a DSheild to suck up that extra hit. We are behind all the other class’s and usally asked by nice groups to sit out boss fights. Or just simply kicked from group.
We defiantly need something like, Vigor/End Return/Block/Invul. Or after the 35sec mark we just can’t do anything but die to them non-avoidable hits.

Other recent bugs include poison not always reducing heals. Putrid Mark only removes some Condi’s, and NOT from Allies.
So our group help has really gone down.

They did ‘fix’ vamp so it scales off heals power. But full heals power is +6 over what it used to be, so still 0.01% or less, max life per hit.

They did give us burning on hybrid spec. Which made us very bursty with conditions in PvP. For this they have nurfed Fear, and now other bleed stacks.
Also because this auto-proc’s on crits. We cop a lot of abuse for being OP with a unskilled spec.

Only real positive since ya been gone. They increased Staff Marks, so your not required to trait Greater Marks to make staff useful.
Some of our wells got 10sec less CD, and one even brakes stun!
They also fixed up spectral walk/armor. (Tho don’t teleport while spectral running or you may explode)
Our Transforms don’t go on full multi-min CD if interrupted on cast. (Tho some people say Litch at about 0.4sec into cast still dose)

Oh and you might have left when we still had the 1/3rd downed life of any other class. That was finally fixed!!!

i was just thinking along the lines in boss fight that if a boss deals fo exmple 22k dmg in 1 hit while u use death shroud wif lets just say for rounding sake 20k hp your death shroud would only loose effectively lets say 6k worth of lf hp if the threshold is 30% of hp kinda thing (this would take place before any modifires i guess coz it would still be useless with weakness on a boss) that way v would still be capable of tanking that ‘big shot’ but im still not sure how it would fully play out. this would still allow them to have their overflow of health and also if they wanted to, im sure that thay could make this so that it doesn’t affect falling dmg ie. you would still take full damage without the threshold jumping off cliffs.
thank you for the fix in downed life tho really was starting to get annoying when i was leveling.
i personally wouldn’t dare comment on condition dealing coz i don’t actually play with conditions as my necro (full 30 pts in toughness n lf tree)

(edited by hawisaac.4925)

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I say play it a while and then see how you feel.

So, ehrm. It’s been several months, and we’ve been playing it for quite a while now. And pretty much everyone is in agreement that this change to Death Shroud was a dreadful idea, and that it needs to be reverted. Would any of the devs care to comment?

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


And pretty much everyone is in agreement that this change to Death Shroud was a dreadful idea

Speak for yourself. New Death Shroud needs improvements, but the old was terrible implementation.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


And pretty much everyone is in agreement that this change to Death Shroud was a dreadful idea

Speak for yourself. New Death Shroud needs improvements, but the old was terrible implementation.

Shroud dancing needed to be improved (as in a option for necros to either use it as a transformation aka dervish or tap empowerment like ritualist enchants), but the base functions (in reverse order of removal; jumping off cliffs, allowing you to weapon swap and the old semi stun break/traitable invul to cc) were awesome ideas.

Also can we please not necro dead threads… we dont want more jhorrors running around.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dredlord.8076


…but the base functions (in reverse order of removal; jumping off cliffs, allowing you to weapon swap and the old semi stun break/traitable invul to cc) were awesome ideas.


…but the old (DS) was terrible implementation.


Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avigrus.2871


And pretty much everyone is in agreement that this change to Death Shroud was a dreadful idea

Speak for yourself. New Death Shroud needs improvements, but the old was terrible implementation.

I think he was referring to the overflow changes and the lack of a one hit kill block mechanic.

This needs to be reversed if only in PvE for dungeons.

80 Necro (5), 80 Guard (4), 80 Mesmer (3)
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I think he was referring to the overflow changes and the lack of a one hit kill block mechanic.

This needs to be reversed if only in PvE for dungeons.

Correct, I was referring only to the overflow issue. They need to revert this change. I’d be fine with a PVE only change for this, but we need a way to survive 1-hit kills, which are all over dungeons.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

(edited by Mad Queen Malafide.7512)

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Poplolita.2638


…but the base functions (in reverse order of removal; jumping off cliffs, allowing you to weapon swap and the old semi stun break/traitable invul to cc) were awesome ideas.


…but the old (DS) was terrible implementation.


… Learn to post constructive counter argument.

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I think he was referring to the overflow changes and the lack of a one hit kill block mechanic.

This needs to be reversed if only in PvE for dungeons.

The lack of a one-hit block mechanic I agree needs to change. But no class in the game should be able to, without a single investment of any kind, be able to block one hit of infinite damage every 10 seconds.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

I think he was referring to the overflow changes and the lack of a one hit kill block mechanic.

This needs to be reversed if only in PvE for dungeons.

The lack of a one-hit block mechanic I agree needs to change. But no class in the game should be able to, without a single investment of any kind, be able to block one hit of infinite damage every 10 seconds.

The investment in this case is using the life force generation skills. Especially on Scepter/Dagger, this can be quite the limitation.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Banjal.7328


So they are holding off on fixing Necros cause of some Esport event at PAX?I’m sure the 200 people that care about Esports will get over it.

Really this game will never be at the Esport play SC2 and LoL are at,fix the classes to make the people that play the game happy.

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


I think he was referring to the overflow changes and the lack of a one hit kill block mechanic.

This needs to be reversed if only in PvE for dungeons.

The lack of a one-hit block mechanic I agree needs to change. But no class in the game should be able to, without a single investment of *any* kind, be able to block one hit of infinite damage every 10 seconds.

LF generation isnt "no investment" its more of a investment than some other things *cough feline grace, natural vigor, etc* that allow you to not only block a single hit but a entire skill (since, if you forgot multi hits like 100b and Ghastly Claws leaked trough 1% LF absorb).

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Plus, DS absorb didn’t block any CC or conditions (or any other effect) applied by the hit, only the direct damage.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


I can’t believe this thread is still alive.

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


I can’t believe this thread is still alive.

Minion mastery seems to work on threads, sadly it procs reanimator too.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


The investment in this case is using the life force generation skills. Especially on Scepter/Dagger, this can be quite the limitation.

In PvE that isn’t much investment at all. You have two weapon sets and 10 seconds to get 10% LF to block the next hit.

Dagger gives that to you in 2 rotations, Axe 2 will give it to you over one full channel, Staff in 3 targets hit with staff 1 (which can be done in one auto attack), 1 warhorn 5, 1 focus 4. Its not hard at all.

I feel like scepter 3 is bugged (too lazy to go test right now) otherwise 4 conditions on the target and scepter 3 is 10% as well. There is no possible build you can have that can’t give you 10% LF quite easily in 10s, and that is assuming you’re in a boss fight with no adds. Generating 10% LF in PvE is something you can do easily in any build.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


The investment in this case is using the life force generation skills. Especially on Scepter/Dagger, this can be quite the limitation.

In PvE that isn’t much investment at all. You have two weapon sets and 10 seconds to get 10% LF to block the next hit.

Dagger gives that to you in 2 rotations, Axe 2 will give it to you over one full channel, Staff in 3 targets hit with staff 1 (which can be done in one auto attack), 1 warhorn 5, 1 focus 4. Its not hard at all.

I feel like scepter 3 is bugged (too lazy to go test right now) otherwise 4 conditions on the target and scepter 3 is 10% as well. There is no possible build you can have that can’t give you 10% LF quite easily in 10s, and that is assuming you’re in a boss fight with no adds. Generating 10% LF in PvE is something you can do easily in any build.

In theory that it sounds better then it actually was in practice. In theory, we should be able to tank Legendary foes with wise use. In practice this wasn’t the case. Especially note that before the change we had poor DS gain which made doing what you are saying impossible. Now you might be able to shrug off about 3k damage using this tactic which isn’t nearly enough as other profession straight up block 30k+ damage.

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

…no class in the game should be able to, without a single investment of any kind, be able to block one hit of infinite damage every 10 seconds.

Interesting thought, but Guardian, Mesmer, Warrior, Thief, Ranger, Engineer and Elementalist all have this capability, and more. They fact that they require “investment” is trivial, because it is nearly impossible to create a build in any other profession that is as defensively bad as Necromancer. Every single build that is remotely functional for every single profession in the game that is not Necromancer can stop MORE than 1 attack per 10s.

They accomplish this through having:
1) Skills that block on Weapons
2) #6 Skills that block or evade
3) Access to Vigor which is entirely absent from Necromancer
4) Skills on Weapons that evade
5) Instant cast Teleports that can be used for this purpose (S Walk and F. Wurm are not the same quality as other classes have)
6) Instant Cast blinds that can be used for this purpose
7) Aegis
8) Skills that block/absorb/reflect Projectiles

Every single one of the above is not available to Necro. Soaking one hit in shroud did not make them OP, at all. Frankly sustain wasn’t good enough when they still had this, but in sPvP it is concealed because Necro is an AoE blender that destroys everything within 600 range if it doesn’t get focused down immediately, so there is some degree of balance to it.

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dredlord.8076


…but the base functions (in reverse order of removal; jumping off cliffs, allowing you to weapon swap and the old semi stun break/traitable invul to cc) were awesome ideas.


…but the old (DS) was terrible implementation.


… Learn to post constructive counter argument.

you must be new here…..or not a learner

constructive arguments or feedback has been completely ignored in this forum since release. If you don’t like it maybe this class isn’t for you…

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dredlord.8076


I think he was referring to the overflow changes and the lack of a one hit kill block mechanic.

This needs to be reversed if only in PvE for dungeons.

The lack of a one-hit block mechanic I agree needs to change. But no class in the game should be able to, without a single investment of any kind, be able to block one hit of infinite damage every 10 seconds.

see this is where it’s obvious you are clueless to the big picture with necro balance

In fact the necro should have this level of mitigation since by design we have the worst mobility/disengage AND no access to…..

1) Skills that block on Weapons
2) #6 Skills that block or evade
3) Access to Vigor which is entirely absent from Necromancer
4) Skills on Weapons that evade
5) Instant cast Teleports that can be used for this purpose (S Walk and F. Wurm are not the same quality as other classes have)
6) Instant Cast blinds that can be used for this purpose
7) Aegis
8) Skills that block/absorb/reflect Projectiles

at this point bawb it would be better for necro class balance if you didn’t comment on it at all with your short sighted tunnel vision arguments.

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


I think he was referring to the overflow changes and the lack of a one hit kill block mechanic.

This needs to be reversed if only in PvE for dungeons.

The lack of a one-hit block mechanic I agree needs to change. But no class in the game should be able to, without a single investment of any kind, be able to block one hit of infinite damage every 10 seconds.

see this is where it’s obvious you are clueless to the big picture with necro balance

In fact the necro should have this level of mitigation since by design we have the worst mobility/disengage AND no access to…..

1) Skills that block on Weapons
2) #6 Skills that block or evade
3) Access to Vigor which is entirely absent from Necromancer
4) Skills on Weapons that evade
5) Instant cast Teleports that can be used for this purpose (S Walk and F. Wurm are not the same quality as other classes have)
6) Instant Cast blinds that can be used for this purpose
7) Aegis
8) Skills that block/absorb/reflect Projectiles

at this point bawb it would be better for necro class balance if you didn’t comment on it at all with your short sighted tunnel vision arguments.

I think that you are taking my role as the person who has to smack down Bhawb from the close to devs to middleman position and pointing out some stuff.
I do have to counter point 5 of ME (wont bother copy pasting the name), Swalk used to be a ok/goodish disengage, when it was on hit 3% no ITC and left you swiftness even if you swapped out of it if you managed to get out of combat, a lot of other stuff quite similar can be done so it wasnt worth nerfing. Even if its scape power was about as strong as heartseakering out of a fight as a thief or using a targetless serpent strike, it still was a viable escape…

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Poplolita.2638


…but the base functions (in reverse order of removal; jumping off cliffs, allowing you to weapon swap and the old semi stun break/traitable invul to cc) were awesome ideas.


…but the old (DS) was terrible implementation.


… Learn to post constructive counter argument.

you must be new here…..or not a learner

constructive arguments or feedback has been completely ignored in this forum since release. If you don’t like it maybe this class isn’t for you…

Hmmm? I don’t like what? How is this class not for me? What are you on??? How did you go to “constructive arguments or feedback has been completely ignored in this forum” to “this is not the class for you”? It doesn’t even make any sense. I’m happy with the direction areneNet is going with necromancers since day one. If you don’t believe me, I’ll let facts speak for me, and not my “mouth”, so maybe this time, you won’t put words in my mouth. just sayin – miranda sings


(edited by Poplolita.2638)

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dredlord.8076


…but the base functions (in reverse order of removal; jumping off cliffs, allowing you to weapon swap and the old semi stun break/traitable invul to cc) were awesome ideas.


…but the old (DS) was terrible implementation.


… Learn to post constructive counter argument.

you must be new here…..or not a learner

constructive arguments or feedback has been completely ignored in this forum since release. If you don’t like it maybe this class isn’t for you…

Hmmm? I don’t like what? How is this class not for me? What are you on??? How did you go to “constructive arguments or feedback has been completely ignored in this forum” to “this is not the class for you”? It doesn’t even make any sense. I’m happy with the direction areneNet is going with necromancers since day one. If you don’t believe me, I’ll let facts speak for me, and not my “mouth”, so maybe this time, you won’t put words in my mouth. just sayin – miranda sings

oh you’re from Quebec?

you’re forgiven then

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I’m happy with the direction areneNet is going with necromancers since day one.

I get the strong feeling not even the balance team themselves is happy with the direction they’ve been taking the necromancer since day one. On the whole they seem confused and frustrated with balancing our favorite class. It is a difficult class to balance, since it’s strength in PVP and PVE are so completely contradictory. Since day one they have been going back and forth on balancing our skills and traits, and even going as far as to introduce a new condition and Dhuumfire, with mixed results. To me that screams desperation.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Necromancer's only defense!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Actually Necromancers do have access to Vigor. It’s called Well of Power…

Also Necros can stack protection like crazy. 0/30/25/0/15 plus Runes of Earth, spectral armor and spectral wall gets you near perma protection not to mention lots of Life Force.

I really don’t think survival is our biggest issue. Mobility, by far, is. A lot of the damage you take as a necro comes from simply not being able to get from here to there.