New necro player, help me I suck (Spvp)

New necro player, help me I suck (Spvp)

in Necromancer

Posted by: durick.8064


this is a full re edit of the post.

After playing some more I have started to get the feel for the build (0/20/10/10/30), taking a more methodical approach has helped immensely, I think my main problem was, I was trying to play it like other classes I previously played (have not played mesmer yet) while they are all unique, the necro offers challenges not found with other classes imo, thus making me food for the wolfs so to speak. I would still love to hear tips on how you guys got better did you just log hours? watch youtubers? any tips would be a great help.

(edited by durick.8064)

New necro player, help me I suck (Spvp)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Part of your problem will resolve itself with experience, as necro is one of the hardest, if not the hardest to learn. However, Necro is just in a bad state in tPvP right now which means that against a good team you will always struggle. Fortunately help is allegedly on the way later this month with the balance patch.

The nature of necro is that it cannot hold up to focus fire. Much like Warrior you need a babysitter to peel for you or you are a dead necro in seconds. Provided that support you can actually be quite effective in the type of tPvP matches you will be playing most often as a newcomer.

My advice to you is to focus on Team fights in the beginning, because it will teach you some very important aspects of Necro faster. In particular it will really get you to be aware of you positioning, teach you the value of Signet of Undeath and give you a chance to learn how to use your fears appropriately.

The link you posted is just popping to an empty calculator for me, so here are some other choices for you. I tend to advise people who are learning to go with tankier builds at the start, because the glassy builds are super sensitive to positioning and you spend a lot of time on your back learning how to use them.

Terror Training
Staff (Paralyzation)
Scepter (Energy)/Dagger (Minor Corruption)
Full Shaman Amulet
Full Nightmare Runes
VI Terror, VII Master of Corruption
II Greater Marks, VIII Reaper’s Protection
I Fear of Death, IX Master of Terror, X Soul Marks

Well of Blood, Signet of Undeath, Epidemic, Corrupt Boons, Plague Form

Lots of Fear sources, but damage is less than optimal. The shaman ammy combined with the Heal from WoB and Plague form can keep you alive and save you from positioning mistakes reasonably well, and Reaper’s Protection gives you one free escape from a CC. Playing without a stun breaker is tricky in general, but since all of the necro stun breaks are terrible anyway you need to be used to playing with them on CD. Learning to use Corrupt Boon and Epidemic at appropriate times will help a lot too.

Running Well Bomber
Dagger (Force)/Dagger (Air)
Scepter (Energy)/War Horn (Paralyzation)
Soldiers Amulet/Zerker Jewel
Full Wurm Runes
V Spiteful Spirit, X Chill of Death, XII Close to Death
IV Weakening Shroud, X Spectral Attunement
IV Spectral Mastery
Consume Conditions, Well of Corruption, Well of Suffering, Spectral Walk, Lich Form

Decent enough damage to wreak havoc with enough swiftness to get in and out of a burst quick and a teleport to save you if you get focused on your way in. Not ideal burst, but enough to get the job done most times. Using the Scepter/Horn combo on a power build is generally not what you want to do (staff tends to be preferred), but without the trait points available to fuel Greater Marks this is the better way to go. It plays pretty selfish (not much in the way of team utility), but can teach you how to position a power build and well bomb effectively. Also teaches effective use of Shroud flashing for Fury+Weakening Shroud for the bonus damage proc+Target the Weak damage boost.

Once you get comfortable with these 2 you will be able to play with better optimized builds without much trouble, because they are geared toward teaching the basics of running with power or condi. GL HF, and feel free to hit me up if you are in NA. I will run with you some to help out.

(edited by Myrmidian Eudoros.4671)

New necro player, help me I suck (Spvp)

in Necromancer

Posted by: durick.8064


thank you so much for the help. I did feel that necros where best in groups much like the warrior where by them selves they are not much of a problem for a decent player 1v1 but in a team they can be devastating, and coming from a roamer play style took a bit too get use too.

balancing patch? hot dog that sounds good.

The more I play the necro the more I love it, After talking with mates they where saying I should probably look else where for a spvp class (I would play him in pve and wvw too) but even with his negatives its still the most fun I have had yet in spvp and most rewarding, I am going to stay with the necro even if that means staying out of tpvp a lot longer.

New necro player, help me I suck (Spvp)

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


this is a full re edit of the post.

After playing some more I have started to get the feel for the build (0/20/10/10/30), taking a more methodical approach has helped immensely, I think my main problem was, I was trying to play it like other classes I previously played (have not played mesmer yet) while they are all unique, the necro offers challenges not found with other classes imo, thus making me food for the wolfs so to speak. I would still love to hear tips on how you guys got better did you just log hours? watch youtubers? any tips would be a great help.

If you are in NA, you can add me ingame and I will aid you there with strategies/tips/builds.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

New necro player, help me I suck (Spvp)

in Necromancer

Posted by: durick.8064


thank you so much, even though I’m wary of your name : )