Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nyorai.1630


I like that Death Shroud has no UI. It gives the skill a sense of blind urgency. There is really no valid reason other than the serenade of tiny violins to remove the DS UI.

Aesthetically I really like Death Shroud as well but I think gameplay should be priority. Seeing that you’ve got confusion, tons of bleeds or some other conditions really might change if I want to stay in DS or maybe jump out and deal with the conditions. Same goes for not displaying % life force number. 50% is an important threshold and a number would be much clearer to me.

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: iSmack.1768


im calling it now.

there wont be a minion Ai fix till February

You mean February 2014 right? Cause I believe so too!

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kithzyan.5034


All i’d like is 2 extra hotkeys next to our Death Shroud…

F1 – Death Shroud
F2 – Pet Attack
F3 – Pet Withdraw

Yes, it is what the Rangers get as well.
Yes, full pet control is meant to be the Ranger’s thing.
Yes, it means we have more to be aware of.
No, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t get it with the AI at present.

Until ANet can fix the pet AI (its a hard problem, I totally understand), doesn’t this almost entirely solve the problem? You target something, hit F2 (or your rebind) and all currently summoned pets will head out; none of this attacking something and waiting to see which minions figure it out and decide that its a fun plan. Adding the 3rd button also gives us a “holy carp aoe, get OUT!” option as well.

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


All i’d like is 2 extra hotkeys next to our Death Shroud…

F1 – Death Shroud
F2 – Pet Attack
F3 – Pet Withdraw

Yes, it is what the Rangers get as well.
Yes, full pet control is meant to be the Ranger’s thing.
Yes, it means we have more to be aware of.
No, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t get it with the AI at present.

Until ANet can fix the pet AI (its a hard problem, I totally understand), doesn’t this almost entirely solve the problem? You target something, hit F2 (or your rebind) and all currently summoned pets will head out; none of this attacking something and waiting to see which minions figure it out and decide that its a fun plan. Adding the 3rd button also gives us a “holy carp aoe, get OUT!” option as well.

f4- all pets die, would help when you want to respawn them for the next fight quicker then clicking the arrow, swapping to new skill, then swapping back.

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: XiL.4318


I like that Death Shroud has no UI. It gives the skill a sense of blind urgency. There is really no valid reason other than the serenade of tiny violins to remove the DS UI.

Aesthetically I really like Death Shroud as well but I think gameplay should be priority. Seeing that you’ve got confusion, tons of bleeds or some other conditions really might change if I want to stay in DS or maybe jump out and deal with the conditions. Same goes for not displaying % life force number. 50% is an important threshold and a number would be much clearer to me.

I don’t really see a use. I use DS as a reactive skill and only use as much Life Force as I need to stay alive or Chill port, Fear, and Life Drain. In that regard my boons and conditions have zero impact on what I am doing during DS. I either get my skills off in time to use my Boons or I do less damage which is evident immediately and I drop out to get the cooldown as quickly as possible.

Having a % on the Life Force bar would really only help for popping out for Spectral Armor if you traited for it. So it is so situational that it also serves no practical purpose. You can just as easily eyeball it or train memory through repetition to eyeball it. It feels a bit like putting cup holders inside an ice chest. Just a little redundant. Sure you can hold yer drink in its own holder inside a cooler. But you coulda just let it sit in the ice like everything else.

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kithzyan.5034


I don’t really see a use. I use DS as a reactive skill and only use as much Life Force as I need to stay alive or Chill port, Fear, and Life Drain.

Theres no reason why it can’t be added as an option though, you don’t see any use for it but others do and an option is by far the best way to accomodate everybody. There is no mechanical reason not to just replace 1-4 (grey out 5) on the weapon hotbar and nothing else UI wise when we’re in death shroud if an option is toggled to do so. On a related note, having our UI stay visible on the surface of water would be a nice option to, grey out abilities but let us still see (de)buffs etc; I mention it as its kind of the same thing

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kithzyan.5034


f4- all pets die, would help when you want to respawn them for the next fight quicker then clicking the arrow, swapping to new skill, then swapping back.

That could be interesting… maybe even replace one of our more useless traits with a Petpocalypse trait that does <insert something cool here> when the pets pop. As mesmers have the exploding pets doing direct damage/conditions thing, how about having each pet explode into a small combo field of bits for a few seconds… messy but oh so fitting :P

… I would pay good money to be able to explode Bob (golem) when hes running off to aggro something all on his own before he gets to it.

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

If nothing else, I would REALLY like being able to see my endurance bar when in death shroud.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Typhoon Blue.3698

Typhoon Blue.3698

  • Fixed the Necromancer being able to put down two wells that deal damage on top of each other. The damage dealt will now only be from the first well placed.
  • Fixed Death Shroud’s mobility. The Necromancer in Death Shroud is no longer mobile and is locked into position at the transformation area.
  • When attempting to stomp a downed player, Death Shroud automatically activates and interrupts the stomp animation.
  • Increased channeling time for all skills by 1/4 of a second.
  • Decreased Fear duration on all skills by half.
  • Minions no longer attack anything.

I’m guessing something like this. It will be the exact opposite of what everyone expects.

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: sandvich.8259


Minion AI fix.
Axe range increased to 900.
Reanimator jagged horror dosen’t lose health over time.
Give Necro the best fear in-game! Tired of being embarrassed :/

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: XiL.4318


I don’t really see a use. I use DS as a reactive skill and only use as much Life Force as I need to stay alive or Chill port, Fear, and Life Drain.

Theres no reason why it can’t be added as an option though, you don’t see any use for it but others do and an option is by far the best way to accomodate everybody. There is no mechanical reason not to just replace 1-4 (grey out 5) on the weapon hotbar and nothing else UI wise when we’re in death shroud if an option is toggled to do so. On a related note, having our UI stay visible on the surface of water would be a nice option to, grey out abilities but let us still see (de)buffs etc; I mention it as its kind of the same thing

I’m not suggesting it would cause any harm either way. But I couldn’t justify it to someone paying the bills to devote resources to it. There are also mods that won’t get you banned (according to Anet) that do the things you are asking for without Anet spending money on it.

There just isn’t any way to justify something like changing UI flavor to suit people who don’t want to use 3rd party mods.

I say use mods and make every UI your own. I won’t confirm or deny that I practice what I preach in the off chance the Anet personality responsible for saying aesthetics won’t get you banned was a liar liar pants on fire… But mods are probably your answer.

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: QSpec.4298


I actually agree with Xil to an extent.

But, I think this shows how stupid DS really is at present. The only strategic choice is when to Deathshroud, and it isn’t even that strategic. That we can be wrecked with conditions and it doesn’t matter while in DS reflects this problem pretty well.

It is a meatshield with some very minor utility (port and fear mainly).

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


I say ANet is not fixing the broken Pet AI and they are not fixing or correcting the confuse Necro Traits either.

The December patch wont do anything good to Necros. The fact that one of the ANet developers >officially< wasnt aware of all the Necro problems until last week lets me think that nothing will happen until Feb 2013. If earlier then, ok i am sorry.. but i doubt it.

My Necro just turned Level 80 and i am done with him for now……….

i dont care anymore, my work is done until they bug fix the pets and bring the traits into a state which makes sense.

not sure what to do next, i have 3 L80is and some 30-50is meanwhile. maybe taking a break from GW2.

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


1) Marks can no longer target walls.
2) When DS ends, all your skills takes 5 seconds longer to recharge.
3) You can no longer use DS underwater.
4) Necrotic Grasp flies even slower than before and has shorter range.
5) More mobs are now immune to bleeding and poison.
6) Veteran mobs are now immune to fear.
7) All axe skills now has melee range as intended.
8) Skill 1 of scepter now offers bleeding 3 times. It will no longer poison foes at all.
9) Dagger now reduce your armor by 200, duel dagger reduce by 600, as intended.

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: SupahSpankeh.8452


3) You can no longer use DS underwater.

Not sure if nerf…

Mad Skullz | 80 Necro | Piken Square

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aexrael.5918


I’d be surprised if the developers cared about anything other than tPvP balance and that there will be any more than at most 5 changes in the upcoming patch. I sincerely doubt minions have been fixed either, both AI and balanced for PvE.

/End speculation

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aexrael.5918


I don’t really see a use. I use DS as a reactive skill and only use as much Life Force as I need to stay alive or Chill port, Fear, and Life Drain.

Theres no reason why it can’t be added as an option though, you don’t see any use for it but others do and an option is by far the best way to accomodate everybody.

Catering to everyone isn’t going to work, it’s why GW2 does most things mediocre and nothing really well. There is no focus, and what you end up with is something half done, like Death Shroud which was a Downed State now turned Class Mechanic. It is a job half done and never truly envisioned properly.

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tuccos.8592


No Necro Minion changes at dec 14th. Maybe some minor skill fixes but nothing about Pets. I cant imagine they worked on the AI and just ignoring all the Necro complain posts here on the forums without telling us that they are working on it.

I say nothing will happen. No Christmas gift for Necros

But well i guess my wifes Warrior will get a few buffs, fixes and changes

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gryph.8237


I would like to see more forms of stability, or something. If I see another necro, I cc the crap out of them, because I know they have no stability. It is a serious class weakness. So, stability, and trait/bug fixes, and I would be satisfied.

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Levian.6742


I like that Death Shroud has no UI. It gives the skill a sense of blind urgency. There is really no valid reason other than the serenade of tiny violins to remove the DS UI.

Aesthetically I really like Death Shroud as well but I think gameplay should be priority. Seeing that you’ve got confusion, tons of bleeds or some other conditions really might change if I want to stay in DS or maybe jump out and deal with the conditions. Same goes for not displaying % life force number. 50% is an important threshold and a number would be much clearer to me.

I don’t really see a use. I use DS as a reactive skill and only use as much Life Force as I need to stay alive or Chill port, Fear, and Life Drain. In that regard my boons and conditions have zero impact on what I am doing during DS. I either get my skills off in time to use my Boons or I do less damage which is evident immediately and I drop out to get the cooldown as quickly as possible.

Having a % on the Life Force bar would really only help for popping out for Spectral Armor if you traited for it. So it is so situational that it also serves no practical purpose. You can just as easily eyeball it or train memory through repetition to eyeball it. It feels a bit like putting cup holders inside an ice chest. Just a little redundant. Sure you can hold yer drink in its own holder inside a cooler. But you coulda just let it sit in the ice like everything else.

And I bet the majority of Necros do the same. But what about us who actually build around DS, and use it for a large chunk of our damage? Currently the only way to be 100% certain that im at or under 50% is to fire off Life Blast or two and see 400 pop up both times, and waste another 8% of my LF.

Also, using DS for damage it’s nice to be able to pop in at 60% LF, fire off two quick hits, crit for 2.5k a pop and hop out of DS. Times like this is when I’d love to know. Maybe if they put it as an option in the game settings, so everyone doesn’t have to take it.

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Exodrim.6312


Where is the patch notes for today??? No update?

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: KirinDave.6451


I suspect Necormancers will be pleasantly surprised. I predict:

  1. A static increase to the efficacy of leeching traits.
  2. Better mobility options. We have at least one of these confirmed, but an increase to the projectile speed of Dark Path would be great.
  3. General increasing of numbers on GM traits.
  4. Increase in damage on Axe, and maybe even a blast finisher.

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Visionary.5681


Where is the patch notes for today??? No update?

They will be up when the contents goes live. From what i saw it will be very late in the evening for GMT users.

Kirin i think you’re probably very close to right. I think it will be as you listed, plus some minor trait adjustments and description clarifications.