Reaper without SR line
You said you’re talking PvE here and yet you mention Death Magic as the alternatives lol.
Not Blood Magic. Not Curses. But that garbage Death Magic /smh
edit: You have Relentless Pursuit. On a PvE build. Oh, god, please specify if you’re an open world PvE type of guy, this build is terrible for dungeons.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
You said you’re talking PvE here and yet you mention Death Magic as the alternatives lol.
Not Blood Magic. Not Curses. But that garbage Death Magic /smh
edit: You have Relentless Pursuit. On a PvE build. Oh, god, please specify if you’re an open world PvE type of guy, this build is terrible for dungeons.
Might i remind you that everything is viable? Not everyone likes runing with us Zerkers, if he enjoys the playstyle of that build let him play it. your suggestions may be right, but im sure you could phrase that better.
You said you’re talking PvE here and yet you mention Death Magic as the alternatives lol.
Not Blood Magic. Not Curses. But that garbage Death Magic /smh
edit: You have Relentless Pursuit. On a PvE build. Oh, god, please specify if you’re an open world PvE type of guy, this build is terrible for dungeons.
The main reason im avoiding all meta elitist bullcrap is because half of those elite zerk speedrunners either cant sync in stacks or dont know how to dodge/when to put wall/when give stability/aegis etc. When just 1 guy in meta group is lacking experience every1 basically die because of the dps drop and lack of survival. Got tired of parties waiting 20minutes on lfg to complete their “dreamparty” when the dungeon path of, lets say CoE can be completed in 10-15 with decent non-meta group.
Also, i stated this is pve. We all know there is pve and there are dungeons. They are a little bit different from regular pve, but you said it right. I didnt mention this is open world build.
Now… why not blood magic and death instead ? Probably because (if i remember correctly- i might be wrong since i havent played necro for a while) all these life siphons dont affect your health while you’re in death shroud.
From what i know HoT is providing enemies that can actually hurt the character. Rune of scholar is losing value at this point bacause even is SW it can be hard to maintain those 90%hp with glassy build.
And finally. Damage bonus. As is said, death magic provides +210 power. Soul reaping provides +5% damage (no other damage buffs there not including dhuumfire – vulnerability is already capped), Blood magic is just life siphon dmg (40 + 38 +120 if we take wells) and i find it lacking in dealing sustain dps.
As for curses. No damage buffs there at all. Bleedings ? Fury when we have already 100% crit chance thanks to the Decimate defenses ? Tell me what exactly makes curses better in power build.
Maybe my logic is flawed. If so, please zenith explain to me why since you’re so great and mighty pro walking among mere noobs.
(edited by OanSur.4590)
I get it now. You’re trying to go for a death shroud build because you are folding in crappy all zerker groups.
Here’s the bad news. Adding toughness to your build actually makes you more likely to be the target of aggro. You don’t want that, it’s easier to lose your scholar bonus.
I ran scholar on the beta weekend on verdant brink and quite frankly it’s still viable. Most of the high damage moves halve your health or have the potential to 2-shot you in zerker, so you need to learn to dodge them and blind/CC the mobs because slightly increasing your toughness is not going to do much for you.
If you give up spite, you lose 5% damage against foes with no boons, and 20% against low health targets. If you give up soul reaping, you give up a 5% damage modifier, which that power from toughness isn’t going to make up for.
Death Shroud is already lower DPS than a dagger build. Reaper Shroud will be less DPS, especially at 50% health gravedigger spam levels. Building around shroud is a waste. Get rid of that crutch and learn to dodge the damage.
So if you’re going to give up spite/soul reaping and kitten your DPS, you might as well get some group utility out of it. Blood gives you reduced wells cd, which is actually the utilities you’ll be using (you’re all weakings is kind of a redundant shout might-wise in a group setting thanks to the existence of PSEA warriors). It gives you vampiric presence for your group or healing when coming out of shroud.
Death Magic not only gimps your DPS, it’s a SELFISH traitline. So you’re reducing your DPS at no added benefit for the group.
For curses it’s mostly weakening shroud, which is just a better version of you’re all weaklings, and Target the Weak, which allows you to build for even less crit. Barbed Precision is just extra damage on crits.
Death Magic is a minionmaster/pvp traitline, nothing else.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
You said you’re talking PvE here and yet you mention Death Magic as the alternatives lol.
Not Blood Magic. Not Curses. But that garbage Death Magic /smh
edit: You have Relentless Pursuit. On a PvE build. Oh, god, please specify if you’re an open world PvE type of guy, this build is terrible for dungeons.
The main reason im avoiding all meta elitist bullcrap is because half of those elite zerk speedrunners either cant sync in stacks or dont know how to dodge/when to put wall/when give stability/aegis etc. When just 1 guy in meta group is lacking experience every1 basically die because of the dps drop and lack of survival. Got tired of parties waiting 20minutes on lfg to complete their “dreamparty” when the dungeon path of, lets say CoE can be completed in 10-15 with decent non-meta group.
Also, i stated this is pve. We all know there is pve and there are dungeons. They are a little bit different from regular pve, but you said it right. I didnt mention this is open world build.
Now… why not blood magic and death instead ? Probably because (if i remember correctly- i might be wrong since i havent played necro for a while) all these life siphons dont affect your health while you’re in death shroud.From what i know HoT is providing enemies that can actually hurt the character. Rune of scholar is losing value at this point bacause even is SW it can be hard to maintain those 90%hp with glassy build.
And finally. Damage bonus. As is said, death magic provides +210 power. Soul reaping provides +5% damage (no other damage buffs there not including dhuumfire – vulnerability is already capped), Blood magic is just life siphon dmg (40 + 38 +120 if we take wells) and i find it lacking in dealing sustain dps.
As for curses. No damage buffs there at all. Bleedings ? Fury when we have already 100% crit chance thanks to the Decimate defenses ? Tell me what exactly makes curses better in power build.
Maybe my logic is flawed. If so, please zenith explain to me why since you’re so great and mighty pro walking among mere noobs.
What I don’t get is why you would run with a selfish traitline like Death Magic instead of Blood Magic that will help your party survive better while also making your Wells better? This is a game where team-play is valued more than having one guy doing a little more damage than another you know.
Your build is viable in PvE indeed but as it as been said, what isn’t?
Before I start I’m not a zerk meta fan, far from it and I said several times in this forum that non meta group are often better than meta because of players lack of skill but thats another issue. So if you don’t agree with what I’m about to say don’t use the “meta fanboy thing” please.
Death magic
I like this spec tbh. Not the best but efficient enough on PvE except I use Unholy Sanctuary instead of Corruptor Fevor because I’m lazy (i.e. don’t bother to dodge champ’s attack). But except Shrouded Removal (that I love) this spec isn’t really usefull, it’s more about “more notneeded self sustain”
Relentless Pursuit in PvE? with Shrouded Removal? Sure it happen to be snare into an AoE but not a lot and with Shrouded Removal it become way less usefull. Chilling nova (even with that high ICD) is better imo. In PvP I agree relentless Pursuit is a “must have” but this is not good for PvE. And the mobs in BWE1&2 didn’t use enough immob/crip to justify this trait, and again even more considering you already have Shrouded Removal.
If you like it that’s fine, after all you’re the one who’ll play it.
But when you post a build on a forum you have to be prepare to get some nasty reply^^.
I suspect Reaper will have a place in the new HoT content. The new content may have more similarity with the twisted watchwork and Aetherblades content so AoE damage will be less punished like it is, now, with single defiant bosses.
You said you’re talking PvE here and yet you mention Death Magic as the alternatives lol.
Not Blood Magic. Not Curses. But that garbage Death Magic /smh
edit: You have Relentless Pursuit. On a PvE build. Oh, god, please specify if you’re an open world PvE type of guy, this build is terrible for dungeons.
The main reason im avoiding all meta elitist bullcrap is because half of those elite zerk speedrunners either cant sync in stacks or dont know how to dodge/when to put wall/when give stability/aegis etc. When just 1 guy in meta group is lacking experience every1 basically die because of the dps drop and lack of survival. Got tired of parties waiting 20minutes on lfg to complete their “dreamparty” when the dungeon path of, lets say CoE can be completed in 10-15 with decent non-meta group.
Also, i stated this is pve. We all know there is pve and there are dungeons. They are a little bit different from regular pve, but you said it right. I didnt mention this is open world build.
Now… why not blood magic and death instead ? Probably because (if i remember correctly- i might be wrong since i havent played necro for a while) all these life siphons dont affect your health while you’re in death shroud.From what i know HoT is providing enemies that can actually hurt the character. Rune of scholar is losing value at this point bacause even is SW it can be hard to maintain those 90%hp with glassy build.
And finally. Damage bonus. As is said, death magic provides +210 power. Soul reaping provides +5% damage (no other damage buffs there not including dhuumfire – vulnerability is already capped), Blood magic is just life siphon dmg (40 + 38 +120 if we take wells) and i find it lacking in dealing sustain dps.
As for curses. No damage buffs there at all. Bleedings ? Fury when we have already 100% crit chance thanks to the Decimate defenses ? Tell me what exactly makes curses better in power build.
Maybe my logic is flawed. If so, please zenith explain to me why since you’re so great and mighty pro walking among mere noobs.
So, you don’t take Bloodmagic because you didn’t read patchnotes and have outdated information? Because all siphons and the active of Signet of Vampirism heal you through DS now. It also has a trait that grants a Vampiric Aura, making all people in your party also siphon health.
Ignoring the mass of hate in this thread…
There’s nothing wrong with not taking Soul Reaping alongside of reaper. SR is really good if you want to buff shroud knight focused builds. If you aren’t focusing on shroud, then another line is just fine.
I experiment with curses myself. The reaper comes with a series of low CD blinds, so chilling darkness isn’t too bad when taken with other chill synergizing traits. Plague sending is a good all around trait, though. The only good master trait is Path of Corruption, but it is decent. 2 boons every 6 seconds has its uses. I suppose if you really want, you can take master of corruption for a lower cooldown on Consume Conditions, but outside of a condi build I"m not sure it is worth it.
The real stars of the curses line are Furious Demise, Target the Weak, and Weakening Shroud. Demise is self fury, which is always useful. Target the weak is additional condi damage and precision, and given that you’ll regularly be inflicting up to 5 different conditions, this is basically a 10% increase to crit chance. Weakening Shroud is the support trait, giving both single target weakness regularly and AoE weakness on command. Weakness is an often underrated condition in PVE, acting as a scaled 25% reduction of incoming damage for the entire group. So it is like a weaker but non-mutually exclusive version of protection.
Blood magic is decent as well. Mostly for the wells. There isn’t much different between a bloodmagic necro and a bloodmagic reaper, though. Vampiric Presence, Vampiric Rituals, Ritual of Life, etc. and so on. Provides group protection, a strange mix of group healing and increased damage, and it makes the ever-potent wells even better.
Now the thing with Death Magic is that it is quite weak when compared to the other line. For example, the 480 toughness that is given in Death Magic isn’t that good, since Curses will give (assuming glass cannon gear) exactly that much relative toughness from the weakness it inflicts. The condi cleansing in DM isn’t that good, either, considering the multitude of transfers that come from other lines as well as weapon/utility skills. The power gain from deadly strength isn’t that good either, being outpaced by furious demise + target the weak, or the vampiric traits, or dhuumfire/deathly perception. Thus, a lot of people avoid Death Magic unless they are making a minion build. A lot of people avoid minion builds, too.
If you want to be thematic about it, sure you can take Death Magic. But unless you’re running minions, currently there isn’t anything in Death Magic that another line can’t do better.
I agree that Death Magic continues to be a single purpose line (Mm). The damage mitigation for toughness is just not strong enough to match protection or weakness and, with sufficient LF generation, reduced CD on DS is also very good.
I ran Putrid Defense, Shrouded Removal, and Corrupter’s fever on a Curses scepter build, yesterday, and was thoroughly unimpressed. Toughness still does not repay the stat investment. Protect, weakness, soft CC like blind, hard CC like evades (if Necro had any), and DS all do several times the damage reduction of toughness.
You just don’t want to run toughness in a PvE group. Most people are running zerker, which means in Fractal lv50 packs of mobs will be gunning for you regularly. This is problematic when you do Cliffside or the Urban fractal, where the packs of mobs each hit stupidly hard individually, but now you’re trying to run the hammer and you’re eating arrows from the cultists and heartseekers all over.
Same goes for bosses. Usually you’d have the liberty of stand behind a boss and melee as it is aggroed to somebody else, but now you have to worry about constantly taking its attention. Ideally you want that attention on the guardian, whose standard build has mace mainhand and focus so each time he blocks he gives the group aegis and protection with the Communal Defenses trait and mace 3.
You’re just making your life harder for no reason. If you want survival, curses or blood do it much better.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
I’m talking about pve here.
From the jist of the thread, it’s clear you’re not excluding open world in your considerations and may even be focused on it. I’m sure that the meta theorycrafters have already figured out if any aspect Reaper is worthwhile for dungeons and it seems you already have people telling you how to play in team situations, so I will leave that consideration out of my comments.
Shouts may be useful in OW since they have a lower cooldown and still apply useful damage and conditions to trash mobs. Frankly, very little about this elite spec appeals to OW content, especially since Minions have gotten a significant fix for responsiveness. I don’t think any build using Reaper elements competes with the currently good OW builds.
I am planning on running a Reaper/ Blood Magic/ Death Magic build .
Tell me what you think ?
I get it now. You’re trying to go for a death shroud build because you are folding in crappy all zerker groups.
Here’s the bad news. Adding toughness to your build actually makes you more likely to be the target of aggro. You don’t want that, it’s easier to lose your scholar bonus.
I ran scholar on the beta weekend on verdant brink and quite frankly it’s still viable. Most of the high damage moves halve your health or have the potential to 2-shot you in zerker, so you need to learn to dodge them and blind/CC the mobs because slightly increasing your toughness is not going to do much for you.
If you give up spite, you lose 5% damage against foes with no boons, and 20% against low health targets. If you give up soul reaping, you give up a 5% damage modifier, which that power from toughness isn’t going to make up for.
Death Shroud is already lower DPS than a dagger build. Reaper Shroud will be less DPS, especially at 50% health gravedigger spam levels. Building around shroud is a waste. Get rid of that crutch and learn to dodge the damage.
So if you’re going to give up spite/soul reaping and kitten your DPS, you might as well get some group utility out of it. Blood gives you reduced wells cd, which is actually the utilities you’ll be using (you’re all weakings is kind of a redundant shout might-wise in a group setting thanks to the existence of PSEA warriors). It gives you vampiric presence for your group or healing when coming out of shroud.
Death Magic not only gimps your DPS, it’s a SELFISH traitline. So you’re reducing your DPS at no added benefit for the group.
For curses it’s mostly weakening shroud, which is just a better version of you’re all weaklings, and Target the Weak, which allows you to build for even less crit. Barbed Precision is just extra damage on crits.
Death Magic is a minionmaster/pvp traitline, nothing else.
I’m sorry, but where are you getting this information from that toughness/death magic is not a thing for reaper builds? Raids are specifically said to play in such a way that you can’t stack/dodge completely through it in zerk, and they are supposedly designed in a PvP way, where you need to care a lot, the content you’re saying that doesn’t work with toughness/dm is current, not for the time period of when reaper is actually out.
Also, death magic comes up with one of the highest defensive values with minimal loss to power damage of most things in the game (Have you actually even tried cavaliers/furious sharpening stones/deadly strength in PvP/WvW content? it’s kind’ve on par with cele ele minus the supportness and is a viable build instead of cele signet necro), meaning it probably will be top-end necro-wise for what it can do for raids/new content, IF they come through with what they’re selling us.
tl;dr stop trashing a entire trait line, when you don’t even know if it will be meta or not for new content that you haven’t played which is supposedly designed completely differently from current-day dungeons/fractals, admittedly, i can understand staying away from it so you don’t end up tanking attacks, but it probably will end up being a thing, and you shouldn’t tell this guy to shy away from a entire line when you don’t have any information to back up your claims, Oh and, death shroud isn’t lower dps than dagger, Stop with this “meta” nonsense in the necromancer forums of all places.
Now onto the OP, this setup you’re going for is sketchy, most of what death magic is built around is shroud, and staying in shroud for damage/defense bonuses from deadly strength, dropping SR is kind’ve a mistake if you’re taking death magics conversion build, but it may very well work, it does depend on what armor set you go for, and i’m interested to see if it will end up working for raids.
I am planning on running a Reaper/ Blood Magic/ Death Magic build .
Tell me what you think ?
I’ll be honest here.. If this is meant to be serious.. it’s all wrong.
For one.. You’re using Precise Infusions.. They are waay too expensive for the reward you get for them. – Take them out.
From the looks of things, you’re running a zerker/minionmancer build with healing and condition duration.. Yet you have zero condition damage and the only condition-ish weapon you have is staff…
Zerker/MM don’t mix..
Your backpiece is different from everything.. and including the doubloon you have.. its a waste
Traits are all mixed up.. and as you havent said what this build is for.. ill generalize it.. you went bone minions and death magic but didnt take death nova.. bone minions are pointless then.
BM trait line.. blood bond is pointless, the rez would of been better as you dont do enough bleeding as staff is the only means.
You have the wrong heal as well.. as you have basically only 1 skill to transfer condi.. id go for CC
I mean.. i dont want to be mean dude, but this build is just messed up and wrong.
I guess you wanted to go minion mancer with power n healing.. but MM is a bunker style build play.. not zerker… if you went bunker then healing can work in the mix.
RIP City of Heroes
Yeah, i did forget to mention that my spec was meant for pve. It was made for survivablity and healing. The condition duration is solely meant for chill duration as to perma chill. Your right it is a not a conditions build , its a power build that happens to be very focused on maintaining chill. You see the more chill i have on targets the more vulnerability i can spread, also the more might i gain, the less damage i take, and the more i heal from blighter’s boon trait. Blighter’s boon is also why i picked the strength sigil making it proc every second, or maybe twice a second. The most important thing for reaper is maintaining chill on as many targets as possible ,and for long as possible. Reaper also needs alot of crit chance, hence why the heavy focus on crit chance. Reaper is slow heavy damage, and survivability is good to have with them to give them the time to use it. the bone minions are not meant as grenades in this build there simply a mobile minion that happens to spawn 2 of them, and because its 2 of them that means there each healing me and doing bonus damage with life stealing. the vampiric trait also means there damage is stacking with my power and healing. the minions primary use is to be healing sources to me. and bone minions also have another bonus, they have a really fast cd. I used to run this spec as cleric’s set which was awesome nearly immortal really, and that is a good thing since its hard to DPS when your dead. surprisingly it does a ton of dps, each minion is hitting for a bonus 103 damage and giving back heals to me every hit too. your immortal until your minions die out, so as long as you keep re-summoning them you will never die, but if you do that brings me back to my healing choice and why i picked unholy sanctuary over death nova. Death nova is great , but in case you do take lethal damage, you don’t really die, instead you pop into a shroud instead and from there can rebuild health pool to full again, and when you leave shroud re-summon your minions and use your heal and regain life force pool again.. its basicly a reset, so you never die. i have tested this spec in CoE and intentionally to test it’s survivability never had to dodge an attack from a boss, just ate the damage and never died, so this means this spec is also easy mode. You just simply heal so fast the damage is negated. I used to use soul reaping too, but reaper offers more aoe dps, its also counters conditions builds to the point there rendered useless against you, and as an added bonus all those minions pulling condition stacks off you, are also giving the conditions back to the enemy, who said minions can’t be generous. :-) As for the master adept trait from blood trait line , there really isn’t any good choices there, your right i wish i did more bleeding to trigger it , the only real way i can with greatsword is the mark of blood when i dodge roll, but there was no clear choice to pick so i picked it as the best of the given choices.
(edited by naturesoul.3578)
I think reapers are locked into spite. Reaper sustain is tied to blighters boon and the majority of boon generation is in the spite line.
Beyond that, I dont see why you can’t drop Soul Reaping, although one of the only damage modifier traits in the class is on soul reaping (and there’s not all that much to recommend for pve in blood/death/curses)
I’m talking about pve here.
I’ll make it short: I dont like soul reaping line. Im not saying its bad- it has plenty of useful traits but i’d take it only for longer shroud duration. Not good reason enough.
Gluttony- 10% lf gain… on most skills that isnt even visible
Unyielding blast- not required when we take spite tree and well of suffering
Soul marks/speed of shadows- just no
Last gasp- useful but activation of shroud cancels it.
Spectral mastery- okay, that one was really useful with previous one, but still they were inferior to Foot in the grave
Fear of death- <sigh>
Vital persistence- One trait to rule them all… one that according to ppl should be made baseline. Still, reaper’s onslaught imo outshines the secondary bonus of this trait.
Strength of undeath- One trait to find them… Combined with vital persistence made shroud last for ages
Foot in the Grave- One trait to bring them all… I remember the hype when this trait was changed into a stunbreak but in reaper line we have 8s pulsing stability so… why?
Death Perception- And in the darkness bind them… hard choice between this and the one above, great trait but again, reaper provides 2% crit chance per vulnerability stack…
Dhuumfire- was good when it triggered on crit, not just on shroud #1Instead of this tree i would take death magic, mostly for condi clearing, but also:
Icreased lf gain from deaths by 20% (when we go for shroud-gravedigger combo on enemies with 50%hp it is OP)
Protection on leaving shroud (also great when we want to gravedig some1)
Corrupter’s fervor & Deadly strength & armored shroud – aside from +480 toughness and condi damage reduction it gives us +210 power in shroud. I like to sustain some damage. I like to have a good condi clean. And i like 2400 armor + 19k hp when running zerker gear.My build would be similar to this:
for foot in the grave. its the one reason i choose that line
its a reusable stun break that you can use alot more than any other stun break.
so for knock back, or daze, or stun spammers (in PvE, and the sheer number of them in PvP and WvW) its epic. add to it that 8 sec stab for reaper. it means when i get up. i’m not dropping
From the look of it (I’m expecting you to have built this for open PvE) :
- First of all you are full Zerk. It’s okay that’s your choice and it a good choice for the actual open PvE but, it may also be lacking in the new map since they seem to have fun bothering us with foes that are resilent to direct damage.
- Rune of strengh maybe a bit expensive for what it does in your build. As a reaper who take spite you should never lack might stack (but that’s your choice)
- You take mostly traits that inflict vulnerability to foes in the spite spec. It’s probably a good choice if you are a solo player. But it will probably become redundant and almost useless as soon as there will be other players around you.
- Not sure if shroud removal will do you any good in PvE. Maybe you could consider using putrid defense instead.
- Deathly strengh is an enygma in your build. You are full zerk! 0 toughness! This trait grant you nothing.
- Corruptor fervor. Again, why not this trait, but it look like a waste outside of area where you expect heavy incoming condition damage. (there weren’t any in the BW2)
I’d still like to point some fact about the SR line :
- Unyelding blast will stack more vulnerability and faster than rending shroud and bitter chill (especially in reaper shroud)
- Speed of shadow allow you to use your shroud every 7 second instead of every 10 second. Especially usefull when you play a shroud build.
- Since you use staff, soul mark make mark unblockable (this is no small thing but I understand that this is very limited for PvE)
- Last gasp is a life saver and no activation of shroud doesn’t cancel it. It just activate when your heath treshold drop not your LF. Beside, like all spectral skills spectral armor continue to grant you LF when you are in shroud. Do not let the tooltype fool you.
- Dhummfire is especially awesome with the reaper shroud. This trait is 2 time more effective when you use reaper than when you use necromancer. (this is one of the clear case of imbalance between DS and RS sinc RS AA is way faster than DS AA)