Robert did a great job of selling the changes
The consume condition nerf was such a bad job, while there was no way the would touch shelter for guardians. SO MUCH BIAS, how do you think this i stills fun or counter play? Wtf. You want us to use other heals, the make them worth kitten. You failed selling that as the logic is simply not there. It’s ridiculous.
Thank your for ruining the trust the developers have with players. If you look into the warrior forum
they are getting a dev to respond by being polite. You are just spotting random crap into the air hoping that a dev will explain themselves to a player that is frothing at the mouth.
Give it a rest already. You obviously haven’t proven to them CC needs to be fixed. And you behave in an uncivilized matter, so no discussion on it will take place
No, they are getting responses cause it is kittening warrior, and not Necromancer. Seriously, they even went the extra mile gathering feed-back on changing tomes on Guardians when DH was revealed, but did WE get any chance to say anything about the CC and Plagueform changes, or were even warned it advance? No, of course we weren’t, cause the 99% of the devs can’T be assed to even think about the fact that Necros exist.
You’re comparing the specialization reveal with these trait changes. Did you miss all of the threads from The Gates Assassin? They clearly took suggestions.
dude, no. re-read what he wrote.
I read it, it’s just the usual mmo forum “no one loves my class” diatribe that exists in every profession forum on this site and has existed on every class forum of every mmo ever.
The Consume condition nerf is the biggest thing. This is the thing that everyone agrees on. Well… Except that ONE guy. So that should at least be addressed.
That kinda depends on how intense the conditions are that you receive if you trait it. In my opinion, 10 stacks of vulnerability is too much, add an additional chill or something on top of that and it could really hurt.
Also, a 4 second duration, even though it seems low on paper, it’s pretty high in practice. If you use it after a fight, it will keep you in combat for an additional 4 seconds which is high for fast paced collapses that you need in PvP.
But then, all the additional condi transfers and removals that we will get with the patch can change the equation. It’s hard to judge it on paper only. We have to play to find out.
I’ve used Consume condition to get rid of 10 stacks of vulnerability before.
in general i think the trait changes are looking good but the skill changes not so good
i like it… no major offenders good
-corruptions are just bad you cant use corruption and bring our condition cleanses at the same time
-consume condition was over nerfed
-plague was over nerfed
death magic
its good… could tweak some things in the future
magic very interest niche support
-will need to test to see how well it works maybe some number tweaks at most
-vampiric aura should do a lot of damage compared to its healing split it in pve by giving enough damage to add good amount of damage
soul reaping
yea its good
coco nerf still ruining everything for me, If only there was a viable alternative.
please dont call it “coco”…
coco nerf still ruining everything for me, If only there was a viable alternative.
please dont call it “coco”…
Chanel #6
Elementalist – Necromancer – Warrior
coco nerf still ruining everything for me, If only there was a viable alternative.
please dont call it “coco”…
The Dhuumfire thread
I’m actually so upset with most of the changes that I’ve been biting my tongue from saying really awful things…
I’ve put so much money in to this game I could probably own a small share of the company by now. Of course, no one forced me to open my wallet but it’s a bit like buying a shopping mall. It has all these wonderful things, you fall in love with a shoe store, so you keep donating money to that mall just for that one special place you love so much. But every time the mall goes under construction to add a new store your shoe store gets smaller and smaller until they close it.
Necromancer is the one thing that keeps me glued to this game 8+ hours a day. Of course, I’ve put a lot of love in to my Ranger as well but I’m a Necro at heart and I always go back to it even after I take a vacation. These changes though… I just don’t know if I want to stay around any longer. I feel betrayed.
When I started playing, I chose Engineer. Which I eventually dropped for Necromancer and never looked back. After all the buffs they’ve been getting though… I’m starting to wish I’d chosen a different main.
For the record however, I’m sure I could still very much enjoy myself with Necro even post patch. The problem though is that no matter how much fun you have with your favorite profession, if you’re even a little bit competitive… Fun starts to become a benefit to your effectiveness rather than the primary focus… And with I’m sure by now, over 4k hours in WvW and Phoenix rank in PvP… I’m a little more than competitive.
The fact that your other class is Ranger makes me feel bad for you, and you have my respect. Necro ranger mains? dang
I’m actually so upset with most of the changes that I’ve been biting my tongue from saying really awful things…
I’ve put so much money in to this game I could probably own a small share of the company by now. Of course, no one forced me to open my wallet but it’s a bit like buying a shopping mall. It has all these wonderful things, you fall in love with a shoe store, so you keep donating money to that mall just for that one special place you love so much. But every time the mall goes under construction to add a new store your shoe store gets smaller and smaller until they close it.
Necromancer is the one thing that keeps me glued to this game 8+ hours a day. Of course, I’ve put a lot of love in to my Ranger as well but I’m a Necro at heart and I always go back to it even after I take a vacation. These changes though… I just don’t know if I want to stay around any longer. I feel betrayed.
When I started playing, I chose Engineer. Which I eventually dropped for Necromancer and never looked back. After all the buffs they’ve been getting though… I’m starting to wish I’d chosen a different main.
For the record however, I’m sure I could still very much enjoy myself with Necro even post patch. The problem though is that no matter how much fun you have with your favorite profession, if you’re even a little bit competitive… Fun starts to become a benefit to your effectiveness rather than the primary focus… And with I’m sure by now, over 4k hours in WvW and Phoenix rank in PvP… I’m a little more than competitive.
The fact that your other class is Ranger makes me feel bad for you, and you have my respect. Necro ranger mains? dang
Lol, yeeeaaahhh… I’m apparently a glutton for punishment… Roughly 2k hours on Ranger and Necro and I’ve been playing them both for about the past 2 years. I was around when Ranger sucked and Necro still sucks… And Ranger still isn’t amazing but at least it had an overhaul. /sigh, I wish I didn’t care about WvW/PvP because I still have heaps of fun with both classes… None of the other professions/builds come even close to comparing to the enjoyment I get out of my mains.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
I think we’ll wait to see how the necro plays on Tuesday. :}
The consume condition nerf was such a bad job, while there was no way the would touch shelter for guardians. SO MUCH BIAS, how do you think this i stills fun or counter play? Wtf. You want us to use other heals, the make them worth kitten. You failed selling that as the logic is simply not there. It’s ridiculous.
Thank your for ruining the trust the developers have with players. If you look into the warrior forum
they are getting a dev to respond by being polite. You are just spotting random crap into the air hoping that a dev will explain themselves to a player that is frothing at the mouth.
Give it a rest already. You obviously haven’t proven to them CC needs to be fixed. And you behave in an uncivilized matter, so no discussion on it will take place
No, they are getting responses cause it is kittening warrior, and not Necromancer. Seriously, they even went the extra mile gathering feed-back on changing tomes on Guardians when DH was revealed, but did WE get any chance to say anything about the CC and Plagueform changes, or were even warned it advance? No, of course we weren’t, cause the 99% of the devs can’T be assed to even think about the fact that Necros exist.
You’re comparing the specialization reveal with these trait changes. Did you miss all of the threads from The Gates Assassin? They clearly took suggestions.
dude, no. re-read what he wrote.
I read it, it’s just the usual mmo forum “no one loves my class” diatribe that exists in every profession forum on this site and has existed on every class forum of every mmo ever.
No, you didn’t read, as your answer was completely off my point. I did NOT compare Specialization with traits. I said DURING the Dragonhunter reveal, they MENTIONED changing tomes to other skilltypes on the base guardian and made thread to ask for FEEDBACK on said changes. Did we get a thread asking us about feedback on changing CC and Plague to corruption prior to the second trait-reveal? No, we did not. Do we have a Red-thread asking out opinion about it now? No, we still have not. Have we at least a Red-post adressing the concerns? No, we freaking HAVE NOT. While we had a few redposts about such a trivial, unnecessary thing as the rage about the Dragonhunter NAME, kitten .
And, unlike those “usual mmoforum posts”, I’m looking at the facts. Currently, no matter what role you want in PvP (Bunker, Power, Condition, Mixed, Support, you name it), there is ALWAYS another profession that does it better. If you know of a build wanted in PvP that isn’t fullfilled better by another class, tell me.
The consume condition nerf was such a bad job, while there was no way the would touch shelter for guardians. SO MUCH BIAS, how do you think this i stills fun or counter play? Wtf. You want us to use other heals, the make them worth kitten. You failed selling that as the logic is simply not there. It’s ridiculous.
Thank your for ruining the trust the developers have with players. If you look into the warrior forum
they are getting a dev to respond by being polite. You are just spotting random crap into the air hoping that a dev will explain themselves to a player that is frothing at the mouth.
Give it a rest already. You obviously haven’t proven to them CC needs to be fixed. And you behave in an uncivilized matter, so no discussion on it will take place
No, they are getting responses cause it is kittening warrior, and not Necromancer. Seriously, they even went the extra mile gathering feed-back on changing tomes on Guardians when DH was revealed, but did WE get any chance to say anything about the CC and Plagueform changes, or were even warned it advance? No, of course we weren’t, cause the 99% of the devs can’T be assed to even think about the fact that Necros exist.
You’re comparing the specialization reveal with these trait changes. Did you miss all of the threads from The Gates Assassin? They clearly took suggestions.
dude, no. re-read what he wrote.
I read it, it’s just the usual mmo forum “no one loves my class” diatribe that exists in every profession forum on this site and has existed on every class forum of every mmo ever.
No, you didn’t read, as your answer was completely off my point. I did NOT compare Specialization with traits. I said DURING the Dragonhunter reveal, they MENTIONED changing tomes to other skilltypes on the base guardian and made thread to ask for FEEDBACK on said changes. Did we get a thread asking us about feedback on changing CC and Plague to corruption prior to the second trait-reveal? No, we did not. Do we have a Red-thread asking out opinion about it now? No, we still have not. Have we at least a Red-post adressing the concerns? No, we freaking HAVE NOT. While we had a few redposts about such a trivial, unnecessary thing as the rage about the Dragonhunter NAME, kitten .
And, unlike those “usual mmoforum posts”, I’m looking at the facts. Currently, no matter what role you want in PvP (Bunker, Power, Condition, Mixed, Support, you name it), there is ALWAYS another profession that does it better. If you know of a build wanted in PvP that isn’t fullfilled better by another class, tell me.
They completely reworked tomes into different skills, last I saw Lich was still Lich, plague was still plague, as they should be because they are strong elites. Those were not reworks. Again, it’s apples and oranges.
And your casual use of ALL CAPS only proves my point that it was, in fact, a diatribe.
Perhaps it was his excitement, maybe it was the explanation of synergies. Or maybe i’m just optimistic, but i’m sorta looking forward to the changes.
I’m really looking forward to the necro changes.
F.e. D/P thief changes are strong (compared to today he get’s the SA line for free), but really boring too. Nothing really new.
With necromancer there are so many fun things I can’t try to test out.
Aside from the consume condition change, maybe it won’t be SO bad hehe.
I’m really not afraid of that change. Personally I feel the main problems for the necro heals are the long cast time (and not the CD/healing power) and therefore that they are too easy to interrupt.
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend
So far, in all cases, adding a skill to a category has been a bonus. Necromancers seem to be the only exception with Plague and Consume Conditions!
Going into plague can kill you if you have high condition damage and duration! (exaggeration here, but you get my point). They argue that you can transfer them to the enemy forgetting the fact that all those condition transfers are very valuable assets with high recharges and the necromancer has to be careful using them. And the traits have long enough cooldowns for them to not necessarily proc when you need them.
Also this whole “transfer your conditions” argument fails to remember that this forces you into certain trait lines and builds specialized for condition transfers because they can be, and I quote, “devastating if you can’t get them off of you”.
So, in other words, if you take Master of Corruption, make sure you take enough condition transfers, otherwise you’re kittened!
That said, I admire the bold direction Anet has taken with some of these traits. To be honest, I prefer this types of designs over boring % increases.
The consume condition nerf was such a bad job, while there was no way the would touch shelter for guardians. SO MUCH BIAS, how do you think this i stills fun or counter play? Wtf. You want us to use other heals, the make them worth kitten. You failed selling that as the logic is simply not there. It’s ridiculous.
Thank your for ruining the trust the developers have with players. If you look into the warrior forum
they are getting a dev to respond by being polite. You are just spotting random crap into the air hoping that a dev will explain themselves to a player that is frothing at the mouth.
Give it a rest already. You obviously haven’t proven to them CC needs to be fixed. And you behave in an uncivilized matter, so no discussion on it will take place
No, they are getting responses cause it is kittening warrior, and not Necromancer. Seriously, they even went the extra mile gathering feed-back on changing tomes on Guardians when DH was revealed, but did WE get any chance to say anything about the CC and Plagueform changes, or were even warned it advance? No, of course we weren’t, cause the 99% of the devs can’T be assed to even think about the fact that Necros exist.
You’re comparing the specialization reveal with these trait changes. Did you miss all of the threads from The Gates Assassin? They clearly took suggestions.
dude, no. re-read what he wrote.
I read it, it’s just the usual mmo forum “no one loves my class” diatribe that exists in every profession forum on this site and has existed on every class forum of every mmo ever.
No, you didn’t read, as your answer was completely off my point. I did NOT compare Specialization with traits. I said DURING the Dragonhunter reveal, they MENTIONED changing tomes to other skilltypes on the base guardian and made thread to ask for FEEDBACK on said changes. Did we get a thread asking us about feedback on changing CC and Plague to corruption prior to the second trait-reveal? No, we did not. Do we have a Red-thread asking out opinion about it now? No, we still have not. Have we at least a Red-post adressing the concerns? No, we freaking HAVE NOT. While we had a few redposts about such a trivial, unnecessary thing as the rage about the Dragonhunter NAME, kitten .
And, unlike those “usual mmoforum posts”, I’m looking at the facts. Currently, no matter what role you want in PvP (Bunker, Power, Condition, Mixed, Support, you name it), there is ALWAYS another profession that does it better. If you know of a build wanted in PvP that isn’t fullfilled better by another class, tell me.
They completely reworked tomes into different skills, last I saw Lich was still Lich, plague was still plague, as they should be because they are strong elites. Those were not reworks. Again, it’s apples and oranges.
And your casual use of ALL CAPS only proves my point that it was, in fact, a diatribe.
You might have noticed that pronounciation and stressing words is a tadbit hard to do when writing. And again you miss not only the point but say something completely unture.
This is stressing a word : We do NOT get to give our feedback.
Learn to see the difference.
So I watched the necro part of the stream and no wonder nothing good is happening. Neither of the people could remember what most of our skills or traits do now or got it wrong.
What I saw.
1. this trait could do this and we thought it was to strong
2. this trait never did this and we changed it
I could go on but necros were masters of conditions but lost that a long time ago now we are masters of death and hate boons? And we are gonna be a monster from a movie that can no longer slow anyone down to catch them.
The consume condition nerf was such a bad job, while there was no way the would touch shelter for guardians. SO MUCH BIAS, how do you think this i stills fun or counter play? Wtf. You want us to use other heals, the make them worth kitten. You failed selling that as the logic is simply not there. It’s ridiculous.
Thank your for ruining the trust the developers have with players. If you look into the warrior forum
they are getting a dev to respond by being polite. You are just spotting random crap into the air hoping that a dev will explain themselves to a player that is frothing at the mouth.
Give it a rest already. You obviously haven’t proven to them CC needs to be fixed. And you behave in an uncivilized matter, so no discussion on it will take place
No, they are getting responses cause it is kittening warrior, and not Necromancer. Seriously, they even went the extra mile gathering feed-back on changing tomes on Guardians when DH was revealed, but did WE get any chance to say anything about the CC and Plagueform changes, or were even warned it advance? No, of course we weren’t, cause the 99% of the devs can’T be assed to even think about the fact that Necros exist.
You’re comparing the specialization reveal with these trait changes. Did you miss all of the threads from The Gates Assassin? They clearly took suggestions.
dude, no. re-read what he wrote.
I read it, it’s just the usual mmo forum “no one loves my class” diatribe that exists in every profession forum on this site and has existed on every class forum of every mmo ever.
Seriously, read it again. Hint: there was no time frame for feedback to what they did with CC and such. But it’s okay because we have time before HoT. It’s not like the preview of our changes one week before release, is it ?
The consume condition nerf was such a bad job, while there was no way the would touch shelter for guardians. SO MUCH BIAS, how do you think this i stills fun or counter play? Wtf. You want us to use other heals, the make them worth kitten. You failed selling that as the logic is simply not there. It’s ridiculous.
Thank your for ruining the trust the developers have with players. If you look into the warrior forum
they are getting a dev to respond by being polite. You are just spotting random crap into the air hoping that a dev will explain themselves to a player that is frothing at the mouth.
Give it a rest already. You obviously haven’t proven to them CC needs to be fixed. And you behave in an uncivilized matter, so no discussion on it will take place
No, they are getting responses cause it is kittening warrior, and not Necromancer. Seriously, they even went the extra mile gathering feed-back on changing tomes on Guardians when DH was revealed, but did WE get any chance to say anything about the CC and Plagueform changes, or were even warned it advance? No, of course we weren’t, cause the 99% of the devs can’T be assed to even think about the fact that Necros exist.
You’re comparing the specialization reveal with these trait changes. Did you miss all of the threads from The Gates Assassin? They clearly took suggestions.
dude, no. re-read what he wrote.
I read it, it’s just the usual mmo forum “no one loves my class” diatribe that exists in every profession forum on this site and has existed on every class forum of every mmo ever.
Seriously, read it again. Hint: there was no time frame for feedback to what they did with CC and such. But it’s okay because we have time before HoT. It’s not like the preview of our changes one week before release, is it ?
Seriously, I don’t need to read it again. Hint: I’m pretty happy with the changes. I’m excited to play the build I have in mind.
Most of the QQers are some combination of 1. Not even attempting to take the changes in context, 2. Totally ignoring the super strong traits we received, along with how Reaper will change this, and/or 3. Only focused on the negative things about our changes while citing positive things about other professions.
Most of the QQers are some combination of 1. Not even attempting to take the changes in context, 2. Totally ignoring the super strong traits we received, along with how Reaper will change this, and/or 3. Only focused on the negative things about our changes while citing positive things about other professions.
Pretty much this. We now have so many cool things to play with, far more sustain than before too.
I remember Robert mentioning that when they did internal play testing on certain trait and skill changes, they felt that certain changes were too strong. Meaning, someone somewhere at Anet was in fact playing a necromancer. Let’s get that out of the way first. That aside, I really think any complaints about consume conditions and plague should not be solely about those two skills. It should be about all corruption skills. I’ve seen some people tackle this balance change from that direction, I believe there is a separate thread on the subject, but following the crowd in this thread makes it sound like the other corruption skills are alright but somehow these two don’t make sense. Theoretically, if corruption skills are functional and serve their purpose, then what makes poison cloud, epidemic, corrupt boon, etc. work should work for consume conditions. But, what I’m hearing is that we can’t manipulate conditions sufficiently enough to make use of self inflicted conditions from skills a benefit in combat.
I think, and I may be wrong, Robert was trying to argue the opposite by adding traits that consume conditions (Spiteful Renewal) and transfer them (Plague Sending) (Necromantic Corruption). Are we trying to say that building around transferring conditions is not a viable play style? If so, forget consume conditions and plague, should any of the corruption skills have a condition added ever, even with master of corruption? Alternatively, and this is where you put on your thinking caps, how can we make condition transfer a viable play style with reasonable counterplay if we did decide to make use of self inflicted conditions?