Siphon Heals Lackluster

Siphon Heals Lackluster

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheTornsoul.5140


I would like to see Anet buff the siphon heals on necro. Might be just my build or what ever but the heals seem to be really low and not really worth it. I would feel like a true Necro if I could leech health from them from my attacks and be able to survive longer haha

Öprimo — Condi Necro

(edited by TheTornsoul.5140)

Siphon Heals Lackluster

in Necromancer

Posted by: Magzillas.4865


With bloodthirst they’re actually not that bad if you go for a bulky build (w/o investing into toughness the heal is going to get chopped off in one autoattack).

For me, the problem with it is that it feels like it needs this trait to really heal you for any substantive amount. Paired with a cooldown that is near the high end among number 2 skills (and on a weapon with a 25 second cd 3 skill), the effective healing you get from life siphon in a fight seems lackluster for a weapon that seems all about being a life-force-stealing-life-stealing vampire or whatever.

I guess the counter argument is that arenanet really wanted to control healing in this game, but to me, being able to life siphon at least semi-regularly and for a decent amount seems like a fair trade for putting yourself in melee range as a light armor class.

Siphon Heals Lackluster

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sheobix.8796


We lack vit/tough bonuses on gear related to improving our damage output and critical hit chance, which are the only two things this class is floating on right now. (seriously, imagine if you NEVER critical hit.) Think of all the things that will go wrong with our class.

I’d like to see either more accessible tough/vitality in our gear choices (and not just freaking endgame dungeon sets) or better improvements to our healing mechanics.

Like, can you guys please make healing power effect our siphoning amount, life transfer amount, including critproc heals? because as it is, the attribute is useless.