(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)
The "Thank you devs" thread
Not quite sure how they got this big though, haha.
The higher Death Magic you had, the more HP/level they had and the bigger they were. If you used the latest version of the Lich skill along with masochism and I think some consumables, you could make them frighteningly massive and near impossible to kill.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
Flesh Golem needs to go back to this.
“Thank you devs”?
Thanks for the nerfs in BWE1/2/3. Thanks for gutting our class mechanic, and giving bugger all thought to the placing of our major traits in our speccing. Thank you for giving us hope by asking for the bug tracker to be continued, and then doing kitten all with the information we worked to give you.
Thank you for the bugs which have been in since release. Thank you for ignoring our pleas for help. Thanks for ignoring us when we found new bugs like downed HP and DS, until our threads grew so massive they threatened to block out the sun. Thank you for our pet AI, kittened and failure ridden though it may be. Thank you for not giving us vigor, for the internal cooldowns on so many of our traits, and for the broken tooltips.
Thank you for making our class mechanic a detriment to our performance. Thank you for limiting access to rabid gear at launch. Thank you for the condition stack limit, and thank you for the sparse comments you grace us with when you visit out subform.
Thanks. A lot.
Oh, and our pets look godawful. Get a grip.
I want to say thank you, I really do. I’ve played with a lot of the devs during a lot of tests, I’ve reported so many bugs on multiple accounts all throughout the betas last year when the game was just budding, and I have to say, I’m never going to touch this profession again.
I played a Necro from launch up until about February this year. I got so frustrated at not being able to do anything in any aspect of the game beyond solo play that I deleted her. I still can’t believe you went through with all the nerfs in the beta weekends. We were pleading with you to look at the bigger picture, and here we are a year later in the most depressing state I’ve ever seen in this game.
It’s not that you haven’t been fixing bugs, or that you haven’t been adding new toys for us to play with, it’s that you created the problem in the first place. If only I could say what I really wanted to say and vent how I wanted to vent, but I’m still bound by NDA for reasons impossible to disclose.
There’s a specific point where you thought Necros would be too powerful, and before things settled you’d gutted half of what makes the other professions great nowadays. (Sustainability, Stability, damage negation, good boon production, working skills, etc.)
I still can’t believe that this profession has practically no access to any current bunker mechanics, despite having a trait line called “Lifesteal” and being defensively focused in general. One or two solitary sources of Retaliation, one ability that grants might, a grand total of two blast finishers (I would kill for something other than projectile finishers, I really would.) and meager fields that don’t really do much when finished, or are extremely short and hard to set up in the first place.
I’m just so disappointed and sad that it’s even at this point at all when it never needed to happen in the first place.
If Necros had everything they had in the beta weekends right now, they’d actually be fairly well balanced, minus maybe one or two things. (Permanent stability was a little crazy, but for a profession with practically nothing for mobility, it honestly wasn’t too bad, we didn’t get knocked around like the pinball we became afterwards, but we weren’t exactly zipping around the battlefield like a robe wearing Thief either.)
I don’t even know what else to say, it’s that depressing. I really hope you learn from the mistakes you’ve made with this profession, and I hope you can be a little humble in realizing that they were mistakes. No one’s perfect, I’m not sure if anyone’s really asking for perfection, but it would’ve been nice to not have been shot in the foot out of the starting gate.
Anet and humility? Haha, keep on dreaming~
Not quite sure how they got this big though, haha.
The higher Death Magic you had, the more HP/level they had and the bigger they were. If you used the latest version of the Lich skill along with masochism and I think some consumables, you could make them frighteningly massive and near impossible to kill.
Oh, I completely forgot about that!
That explains why I’d once summoned a super tiny flesh golem after stealing the elite from a random w/n. It was so adorable I remember it even after all these years…
Aww, gud times.
Are all of you really this disappointed in the game? Is it all that bad? I really like playing Guild Wars 2, and I enjoy the game tremendously. So, when I see a thread called ‘The “Thank You Devs” thread’, and I feel like I want to post on the thread, I write a ‘Thank You’.
And then I see a whole bunch of players airing criticism in the same thread. Are all these players really this disappointed with the game? So disappointed they can’t utter a simple “Thanks”? And if they really, deep down, are THAT sad about it, why are they playing?
Logically, if you can’t find some reason to be thankful for what the developers of the game you are actively playing do every day, you should stop playing. Just quit the game, find one that makes you happy to play.
Because playing Guild Wars 2 makes me happy. Doesn’t it make you happy? Stop playing. Does it? Say thank you, or don’t. Just don’t post criticism instead. It’s weird. Post criticism in other threads. Because that’s what most other threads are for.
Gunnar’s Hold
You forgot to say thank you.
Haha! Already did in an earlier post. No need to repeat myself, the devs are smart enough to figure that one out.
Gunnar’s Hold
But you seem grateful enough to say it twice.
Are all of you really this disappointed in the game? Is it all that bad? I really like playing Guild Wars 2, and I enjoy the game tremendously. So, when I see a thread called ‘The “Thank You Devs” thread’, and I feel like I want to post on the thread, I write a ‘Thank You’.
And then I see a whole bunch of players airing criticism in the same thread. Are all these players really this disappointed with the game? So disappointed they can’t utter a simple “Thanks”? And if they really, deep down, are THAT sad about it, why are they playing?
Logically, if you can’t find some reason to be thankful for what the developers of the game you are actively playing do every day, you should stop playing. Just quit the game, find one that makes you happy to play.
Because playing Guild Wars 2 makes me happy. Doesn’t it make you happy? Stop playing. Does it? Say thank you, or don’t. Just don’t post criticism instead. It’s weird. Post criticism in other threads. Because that’s what most other threads are for.
Love the game, enjoy the class.
I do not like the way the devs have been operating since launch. I don’t like their inconsistent comms (half the stuff we find out about is in informal chats in SotG ffs), I don’t like the rate at which they’re addressing bugs and I think their understanding of balancing is terribad.
I think the thing which really annoyed me most was weapon switch in DS. One day it was a recommended tactic and part of necro balance, then it bugs out and ANet decide it’s better like that.
Inconsistency. ANet bleat on about “not promising anything in case we can’t deliver it”, but the reality is they are still inconsistent in delivering required change.
Fix the broken kitten, talk to us, explain your design choices and get a dialogue going.
Are all of you really this disappointed in the game? Is it all that bad? I really like playing Guild Wars 2, and I enjoy the game tremendously. So, when I see a thread called ‘The “Thank You Devs” thread’, and I feel like I want to post on the thread, I write a ‘Thank You’.
And then I see a whole bunch of players airing criticism in the same thread. Are all these players really this disappointed with the game? So disappointed they can’t utter a simple “Thanks”? And if they really, deep down, are THAT sad about it, why are they playing?
Logically, if you can’t find some reason to be thankful for what the developers of the game you are actively playing do every day, you should stop playing. Just quit the game, find one that makes you happy to play.
Because playing Guild Wars 2 makes me happy. Doesn’t it make you happy? Stop playing. Does it? Say thank you, or don’t. Just don’t post criticism instead. It’s weird. Post criticism in other threads. Because that’s what most other threads are for.
First mistake: Don’t patronize people, don’t even pretend to do so. Different people have different opinions, sure you may be with the current state of the profession, good for you but keep in mind others have all the right to express their criticism anywhere they like, especially when backed up by numbers and facts in almost on a vast number of threads which have been gone ignored for months on end and some finally admitted to.
Second mistake: Criticizing the company for nerfing the profession and keeping it so in the current state that is doesn’t mean one is saying other things. Don’t make a fool of yourself by putting words in peoples mouths. ArenaNet surely did some great work on many aspect of the game and should be praised for it but when it comes to the case of the Necromancer in it’s forum they surely need the relevant feedback without anyone digging their heads in the sand. One can safely say that vast majority are doing so with nothing but good intentions and hopefully being worked on.
This thread goes to show you just how upset the necro community really is. I know Bas and Bhawb, as well as some others, try to make the situation as positive as they can, but lets face facts here. Necros are angry. Very angry, and rightfully so. We don’t need fixes now, we need them yesterday. Hell, we need them last month! This class is in absolutely horrible shape right now.
While I am not going to give specific details, as I don’t want to out anyone seeing how it could get them in trouble, but there is even some resentment within ANet itself at how this class was destroyed after BWE and then largely ignored.
I’m still predicting disappointment in the upcoming balance patch, however. Remember, developers did not say they were focusing on necros this patch. They said it was a hot topic. They also said that this was a balance patch for all classes. I’m still predicting that a majority of their focus will be on the more populated classes.
If I’m wrong about this, I want someone to dredge this post up from the depths and shove it in my face. I would love nothing more than to be wrong and have to eat my words here.
(edited by Kravick.4906)
I think Devs realized how we feel about the class. They started to post more in the forum and even watched and participated on BOC podcast (via chat). In SOTG they took a lot of time talking about warr and necro, two of the worst classes for pvp atm.
But, I won’t show gratitude to anyone before necros are fixed and become viable in tpvp and a welcomed in fractals/dungeons
I’m still predicting that a majority of their focus will be on the more populated classes.
Speaking of which, have you found the objective data to support that opinion yet?
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
HUGE thanks to “JonathanSharp”!
Your small reply on necro forums make me feel loved.
Latest state of the game, LoL’ikittenphon/vamp & talking about some aoe mitigation/stop us getting CC’ed then having a train roll over us, while not just copying other class’s, ever so promising.
Spent another $30 Au (Yes the big ones, not cheapy U$ ;-) on gems for my necro baby.
Would like to note. Very glad of your eSports pvp push. Tho, very much love my necro for your pve. Please, make us more fun/useful/roll filling in that!
^- Like how siphon got changed to kitten as it’s a dirty word!
First mistake: Don’t patronize people, don’t even pretend to do so. Different people have different opinions, sure you may be with the current state of the profession, good for you but keep in mind others have all the right to express their criticism anywhere they like, especially when backed up by numbers and facts in almost on a vast number of threads which have been gone ignored for months on end and some finally admitted to.
Second mistake: Criticizing the company for nerfing the profession and keeping it so in the current state that is doesn’t mean one is saying other things. Don’t make a fool of yourself by putting words in peoples mouths. ArenaNet surely did some great work on many aspect of the game and should be praised for it but when it comes to the case of the Necromancer in it’s forum they surely need the relevant feedback without anyone digging their heads in the sand. One can safely say that vast majority are doing so with nothing but good intentions and hopefully being worked on.
I certainly wasn’t trying to patronize anyone, or put words in anyones mouth. If I did, I apologize.
I just feel bad for the OP, who was trying to create this uplifting thread where people would say what they loved about their profession, and try to gain perspective as to what the devs have done for the Necro rather than haven’t. That would raise Necromancer morale a bit, maybe.
And I realize that maybe Necromancer deserves more attention than it gets right now. But I feel that pretending like the developers haven’t done anything for the profession since BWE but nerf it is a little bit deluded.
What we disagree about most is that “others have all the right to express their criticism anywhere they like”. I think that’s a bit misguided. Technically comments on how you’re disappointed with the devs is off-topic, as Kraag Deadsoul points out in his original posts. He created some guidelines and the second post disregarded them and was a blatant whine and/or troll.
That sucks and I pity anyone who comments like that. THAT was patronizing.
Gunnar’s Hold
Thank you anet for turning the necromancer into……….wait is this even a necromancer?
If you see a gear above my head……run
If you see me Offline,its totaly not a trap
I’m still predicting that a majority of their focus will be on the more populated classes.
Speaking of which, have you found the objective data to support that opinion yet?
find the original bug thread, read it
find the new bug thread, read it
now read the patch notes since release
fully objective proof
I was speaking specifically about his reference to the population distribution between professions. It seems to be taken as a given in these discussions that there are substantially fewer Necros around than most everyone else but no one has been able to produce hard data to prove it.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
I was speaking specifically about his reference to the population distribution between professions. It seems to be taken as a given in these discussions that there are substantially fewer Necros around than most everyone else but no one has been able to produce hard data to prove it.
nice back pedal
how bout you play the game and see for yourself
see how many thieves eles and mesmers you run into before you see 1 necro in wvw or ?pvp
I was speaking specifically about his reference to the population distribution between professions. It seems to be taken as a given in these discussions that there are substantially fewer Necros around than most everyone else but no one has been able to produce hard data to prove it.
nice back pedal
how bout you play the game and see for yourself
see how many thieves eles and mesmers you run into before you see 1 necro in wvw or ?pvp
I’m going to guess 3.
Gunnar’s Hold
I’ve been told that I’m a good Necro in WvW… I wondered why. Then I realised… there aren’t that many good Necros and personally, I’ve only ever saw a few. It’s a specific playstyle that most people (coming from another class) will not adapt to.
Yes I can escape better with a Mesmer, for example, but the things I can do with a Necro are irreplaceable
Thank you for Well of Corruption, Corrupt Boon, Flesh Wurm, Spectral Walk, Dark Path, Fear, Chill, Locust Swarm <3
Thank you for an irreplaceable staff
-For the warhorn and scepter
-Well of Blood
-Jumping off cliffs in DS
And finally, thank you for the new stuff you will add (like that DS #5… which I can’t wait for. And increased DS filling… that’s gonna be unbelievable. I love DS,as I love the profession).
YouTube Channel
And finally, thank you for the new stuff you will add (like that DS #5… which I can’t wait for. And increased DS filling… that’s gonna be unbelievable. I love DS,as I love the profession).
If you think increasing DS charging is worthy of being called ‘unbelievable’, you ought doing some research on how proper DS should be like like (read: how prerelease DS, and necro as a whole, looked like before nerfed 10 feet under with a sledge hammer).
But since I’m nice, I’ll save you the work:
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_historical_traits#Necromancer_traits; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_UzwdXK5CU and for lich http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfE_Xu9H1Bw at 11ish minutes – just from beta 1 to 2, on the old press demo/alpha lich dropped a orb/urn that had around 50k hp (but low armor) and made lich immortal till destroyed (2 was a 3 second 1 minion spawn, 3 the vuln, 4 aura of chill, 5 aura of fear), DS let you absorb life force while in in and upon exiting worked like spectral walks second activation (you ported to where you entered DS).
Also we had pretty much permanent stability, perma retaliation, DS was a stun break and in addition to corruptions there were sacrifices that gave condition like effect for user hp, also like every 4th ability siphoned hp (as seeon on warhorn and staff in TBs video).Also sweet old 50% damage reduction for 11 seconds on a 60 second cooldown from Sarmor…
So yes, let us be most grateful for all those amazing changes indeed.
Lord forbid we’d actually be able to function as a genuine attrition class instead of a punching bag.
(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)
I will make it simple. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into the necro class, I really do enjoy how it plays (unlike a lot of other “necro players” posting in this thread)
I was speaking specifically about his reference to the population distribution between professions. It seems to be taken as a given in these discussions that there are substantially fewer Necros around than most everyone else but no one has been able to produce hard data to prove it.
nice back pedal
Not a backpedal. As you can see, my question was directed towards Kravick. I asked him the same question (to provide data about population distribution) in a previous thread and he neglected to do so. This was me following up.
how bout you play the game and see for yourself
see how many thieves eles and mesmers you run into before you see 1 necro in wvw or ?pvp
Anecdotal evidence is notoriously inaccurate. In addition to being a small sample size, it’s subject to observer bias like whoa. It’s also non-falsifiable, meaning you or I can say whatever we like and there’s no way of proving us wrong.
That said, I ran into a lot of Necros last night. Way more Necros than mesmers. You can believe me of not, but it’s the truth.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
(edited by Blaine Tog.8304)
My bro and his guild ran with an almost-all Necro MM party in sPvP the other day, and they OWNED (the only reason they weren’t all Necros is cause the fifth person didn’t have a Necro character).
not sure if that’s relevant or not. Back to the topic…
Thank you, ANet, for keeping my favorite GW1 profession in GW2. I might not agree with the changes made (I loved GW1 MMs, and the playstyle in GW2 just isn’t the same without an army of gore-things following me around), but the fact that you kept the class is awesome in and of itself.
I was speaking specifically about his reference to the population distribution between professions. It seems to be taken as a given in these discussions that there are substantially fewer Necros around than most everyone else but no one has been able to produce hard data to prove it.
nice back pedal
Not a backpedal. As you can see, my question was directed towards Kravick. I asked him the same question (to provide data about population distribution) in a previous thread and he neglected to do so. This was me following up.
how bout you play the game and see for yourself
see how many thieves eles and mesmers you run into before you see 1 necro in wvw or ?pvp
Anecdotal evidence is notoriously inaccurate. In addition to being a small sample size, it’s subject to observer bias like whoa. It’s also non-falsifiable, meaning you or I can say whatever we like and there’s no way of proving us wrong.
That said, I ran into a lot of Necros last night. Way more Necros than mesmers. You can believe me of not, but it’s the truth.
The vast majority of players seem to run into very few necro’s. Its not factual evidence but its pretty obvious necro isnt a very popular class compared to mesmers, guardians and so on.
The vast majority of players seem to run into very few necro’s. Its not factual evidence but its pretty obvious necro isnt a very popular class compared to mesmers, guardians and so on.
I wouldn’t be surprised if guardians and mesmers were slightly more popular, but my gut feeling is that most people are being hyperbolic about their impressions. I would love to see the hard data regardless of what it says, but haven’t been able to find it when I’ve looked.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
(edited by Moderator)
why do you keep reporting my posts?
if you cant move on with the conversation dont post here?
try to absorb the advice I am giving you.
when I say go see for yourself we dont need a diatribe on how accurate the info is statistically because………
your just going to go see for yourself…..
why do you keep reporting my posts?
if you cant move on with the conversation dont post here?
try to absorb the advice I am giving you.
when I say go see for yourself we dont need a diatribe on how accurate the info is statistically because………
your just going to go see for yourself…..
While I can’t speak for the rest of the readers of this thread, I’ve been reporting your last few posts because they’ve been contentless and abusive. I’d assume they’re getting removed because a moderator thinks something similar.
Unfortunately, population demographics at large are nigh impossible to “go see for yourself”. As much as I advocate testing things yourself in regards to skill and trait details, especially bugs, the sample size that you’d need to make sure that the population trends that you’re seeing are accurate is prohibitively large for a player to acquire single-handedly. Even the larger-scale surveys on forums and the like are prone to sample bias.
Personally, I would love to know the general proportions of professions in various modes of the game. I’m very certain ANet tracks such statistics, but I’m equally sure that they don’t release that kind of data to the public because if the general player base could see it, it could seriously alter which professions they play and reduce the accuracy of that data in determining which classes don’t feel fun / powerful / interesting.
And as a general note? Making sure that information is accurate and statistically relevant is very important if you’re using it to fuel major decisions, such as the design direction of a profession.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.
why do you keep reporting my posts?
if you cant move on with the conversation dont post here?
try to absorb the advice I am giving you.
when I say go see for yourself we dont need a diatribe on how accurate the info is statistically because………
your just going to go see for yourself…..
While I can’t speak for the rest of the readers of this thread, I’ve been reporting your last few posts because they’ve been contentless and abusive. I’d assume they’re getting removed because a moderator thinks something similar.
Unfortunately, population demographics at large are nigh impossible to “go see for yourself”. As much as I advocate testing things yourself in regards to skill and trait details, especially bugs, the sample size that you’d need to make sure that the population trends that you’re seeing are accurate is prohibitively large for a player to acquire single-handedly. Even the larger-scale surveys on forums and the like are prone to sample bias.
Personally, I would love to know the general proportions of professions in various modes of the game. I’m very certain ANet tracks such statistics, but I’m equally sure that they don’t release that kind of data to the public because if the general player base could see it, it could seriously alter which professions they play and reduce the accuracy of that data in determining which classes don’t feel fun / powerful / interesting.
And as a general note? Making sure that information is accurate and statistically relevant is very important if you’re using it to fuel major decisions, such as the design direction of a profession.
as long as your sample size is larger than 30 it is statistically relevant so NO it is not prohibitive to go and see for yourself.
join WvW and note the class of the first 30+ different people you meet. That should take less time than most of our bug testing……thats been going on for 9 months and is still turning up huge game breaking bugs for the necro class.
as long as your sample size is larger than 30 it is statistically relevant so NO it is not prohibitive to go and see for yourself.
How did you determine 30 as an acceptable sample size?
EDIT: Alright, even though I think 30 is a number you plucked from the ether, I decided to play along. Here’s the numbers I got:
Ele: 3
Engi: 3
Guardian: 5
Mesmer: 1
Necro: 4
Ranger: 5
Thief: 4
Warrior: 5
If you’re correct that 30 is indeed an appropriate sample size, then it looks like Necros are doing pretty well, but those poor Mesmers, they hardly see any play at all. (I even went a little bit past the 30 looking for more Mesmers, but nope, just the one). This was on Dragonbrand, a Tier 2 server, in case you wanted to know.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
(edited by Blaine Tog.8304)
as long as your sample size is larger than 30 it is statistically relevant so NO it is not prohibitive to go and see for yourself.
How did you determine 30 as an acceptable sample size?
EDIT: Alright, even though I think 30 is a number you plucked from the ether, I decided to play along. Here’s the numbers I got:
Ele: 3
Engi: 3
Guardian: 5
Mesmer: 1
Necro: 4
Ranger: 5
Thief: 4
Warrior: 5If you’re correct that 30 is indeed an appropriate sample size, then it looks like Necros are doing pretty well, but those poor Mesmers, they hardly see any play at all. (I even went a little bit past the 30 looking for more Mesmers, but nope, just the one). This was on Dragonbrand, a Tier 2 server, in case you wanted to know.
I didn’t determine it. It’s what I was taught in a university statistics class.
read more here about why http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_limit_theorem
as long as your sample size is larger than 30 it is statistically relevant so NO it is not prohibitive to go and see for yourself.
How did you determine 30 as an acceptable sample size?
EDIT: Alright, even though I think 30 is a number you plucked from the ether, I decided to play along. Here’s the numbers I got:
Ele: 3
Engi: 3
Guardian: 5
Mesmer: 1
Necro: 4
Ranger: 5
Thief: 4
Warrior: 5If you’re correct that 30 is indeed an appropriate sample size, then it looks like Necros are doing pretty well, but those poor Mesmers, they hardly see any play at all. (I even went a little bit past the 30 looking for more Mesmers, but nope, just the one). This was on Dragonbrand, a Tier 2 server, in case you wanted to know.
I didn’t determine it. It’s what I was taught in a university statistics class.
read more here about why http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_limit_theorem
Not to nitpick, but you did determine it, through some means. Unless you’re trying to say the standard university statistics textbook uses population distribution among GW2 professions as an example of some formula and came up with the number 30?
In any case, I take this to mean you agree that I conclusively proved that Mesmers are dramatically underplayed and Necros are pretty middle-of-the-road.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
(edited by Blaine Tog.8304)
as long as your sample size is larger than 30 it is statistically relevant so NO it is not prohibitive to go and see for yourself.
How did you determine 30 as an acceptable sample size?
EDIT: Alright, even though I think 30 is a number you plucked from the ether, I decided to play along. Here’s the numbers I got:
Ele: 3
Engi: 3
Guardian: 5
Mesmer: 1
Necro: 4
Ranger: 5
Thief: 4
Warrior: 5If you’re correct that 30 is indeed an appropriate sample size, then it looks like Necros are doing pretty well, but those poor Mesmers, they hardly see any play at all. (I even went a little bit past the 30 looking for more Mesmers, but nope, just the one). This was on Dragonbrand, a Tier 2 server, in case you wanted to know.
I didn’t determine it. It’s what I was taught in a university statistics class.
read more here about why http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_limit_theorem
In that case, I conclusively proved that Mesmers are dramatically underplayed and Necros are pretty middle-of-the-road.
sorry no screenshot, you just made up those numbers…
At this point this thread should be renamed into “Reporting posts and having them get deleted + debate over necro statistical representation”. And if we get back to the topic I would still like to state my point that was within my deleted post. People who are trying to stay positive and bring this positive atmosphere up are basically trying to praise a low quality product and excuses that are being made as an explanation of this low quality state. Now I would like to also point out that stating your thanks in a thread is a little bit…. I dunno how to properly phrase it but let’s just say it’s on the rainbow side in the same way as it is being positive about a long living low quality product. If people really want to thank and support the devs, I think donating some $ to them in some way(preferably personally to the devs and not the gem store) would be the best thing you can do. Even buying stuff from the gem store as someone has stated in this thread while still keeping the negative attitude is a better contribution.
(edited by Iceflame.5024)
sorry no screenshot, you just made up those numbers…
Nope, I did exactly as you said: "join WvW and note the class of the first 30+ different people you meet. "
But getting back on topic.
I would also like to thank the devs for Well of Suffering. I’ve been running it on my power build and landing a good one is just a delightful way to turn a duel around.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
(edited by Blaine Tog.8304)
that was “so you could see for yourself”
if you want to prove it to us ask for people to sound off with their class and take a screenshot in the various wvw maps.
I love the Necromancer, and all it’s quirks. Our damage is fine, DS abilities are wierd, but every class has traits that are really oddly placed. I appreciate the beginning of the thread with the actual thanks for a unique class that has so much potential. I know we have only have a little bit more to go and we will be good.
Positive reinforcement to improve something always brings about better results than an angry complainer who spends money. Let me put it in a way that’s more personal to me. If you screamed and told me my shows were horrible, and I was an idiot and that everything I did was wrong and then came to me and asked me to do you a favor and bring you on the show. Unless you were dredlord I would ignore you. You tell me how great my show is, how thankful you are for the show, and that you just want to see the necro class improve and that I should keep it up.Then illustrate ways for me to improve I will listen to you (Andele).
My point is simple. I love this game, and I love the Necromancer and I am grateful that even though it may be later than we want, but we are moving forward and for that I am grateful.
I am thankful for the Necro community who continuously pours the heart and soul ignore the cries that we are broken or the complaints from the GW1 fans about the changes. I am thankful that the devs didn’t listen to them and through crazy buffs our way. I am thankful for the Minions fixes that have come along the way.
I am thankful we don’t have the GW1 Minion AI or skills, though I do want their look.
I am thankful that the players who complain the most get ignored by the devs, and the community. A great idea doesn’t mean you have to badger someone to get there.
I am thankful for devs who have allowed BoC to work with the community instead of banning us to the Linksville.
I am thankful for the GuildWars 2, the devs, and the Necro Community for a great game because it could be worse you could be playing a panda.
^ Kekekekekeke
For realz so far this is probably the best comedy threads on on the forums (well right after warriors are best condi dealer, corrupt boon op and plz buff guardian virtues, but those are balance lolz). If a dev reads this he should get popcorn a soda and a cover for his keyboard from said soda popcorn mix that will run out of his nose.
I love the Necromancer, and all it’s quirks. Our damage is fine…
maybe your minion damage it’s ok, my axe damage is lame.
Every time I see a post of Bas it seems that it cannot go without self advertisement. Seems you actually have an interest in gw2 becoming a big thing so that your show can grow as well. Surely considering this you would like to help it grow and hence not really throw any negative comments towards the thing you hope to rely on. So I suppose you’re not really making your posts and views purely from a customer point of view and also seem to have this attitude for hired people who would never go out and tell the actual truth about the really negative parts of the product.
Regarding not inviting people who complain about your game and have a negative attitude, that is obvious, no people running a business would ever want to invite anyone who can openly point out the lot of negative things that their product of interest has.
And in the end the most important thing for the people at the top is money, that’s why companies make games. It’s not a game but a service to potentially earn something with.
(edited by Iceflame.5024)
I love the Necromancer, and all it’s quirks. Our damage is fine…
maybe your minion damage it’s ok, my axe damage is lame.
I meant the overall damage of the class. Yes the axe damage by itself is pretty lackluster, but if you use it in conjunction with the class as a whole it’s okay.
that was “so you could see for yourself”
if you want to prove it to us ask for people to sound off with their class and take a screenshot in the various wvw maps.
Fair enough. The numbers I gave were accurate, though. I legitimately couldn’t find more than one Mesmer; she happened to be one of our commanders, which was probably why she was around in the middle of the day at all.
Bottom line for me, I really want to see some sort of official data about profession distribution. I’m just really curious. It isn’t unprecedented for companies to release this sort of information, so hopefully Anet will throw us a bone.
maybe your minion damage it’s ok, my axe damage is lame.
I think the axe’s problem is that it isn’t as well-differentiated from the dagger as it maybe should be. The suggestion I’ve heard that I like is to make the Axe 1 cleave somehow, making it a skirmishing pressure weapon while the Dagger could be the burst weapon. As it stands, the Axe is basically just a Dagger with more range, less damage, and (arguably) weaker CC. Even if the Axe 1 could only hit, say, 3 total targets, that would still dramatically increase its damage against groups without putting it in competition with the Dagger for single-target. Heck, maybe #2 could cleave as well. It would be interesting to see.
My point is simple. I love this game, and I love the Necromancer and I am grateful that even though it may be later than we want, but we are moving forward and for that I am grateful.
This. So much this. That said:
I am thankful for the GuildWars 2, the devs, and the Necro Community for a great game because it could be worse you could be playing a panda.
Don’t even joke about that.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
Regarding not inviting people who complain about your game and have a negative attitude, that is obvious, no people running a business would ever want to invite anyone who can openly point out the lot of negative things that their product of interest has.
And in the end the most important thing for the people at the top is money, that’s why companies make games. It’s not a game but a service to potentially earn something with.
This isn’t true. Kravick and I have had quite a few disagreements, same with Rennoko, Chips, Dredsoul, Talentless, Zombify, and I think just about everyone except maybe Del Onasi I have disagreed with and they have at one time complained openly about the game. I have invited all of them on, because they explained a complaint and didn’t spend every waking moment on the forums complaining.
There is a big difference between what a majority of the negative Necros do, and what the names above do. They post help whenever they can and then occassionally launch into a negative diatribe, not one gets on and posts about how uneducated those who post differently are well maybe dredsoul :P.
There is a difference between disagreeing and complaining. There is a huge difference between trying to fix something that’s broken, and doing nothing but trying to find something broken even when there are things that are not.
This thread was about thanking the devs for their most recent push into the Necromancer and their outright awesomeness in the last few months, and a few players have taken that joy and are attempting to squakitten and say that everyone’s a moron but them, and that’s neither helpful nor is this the place.
This isn’t true. Kravick and I have had quite a few disagreements, same with Andele, Rennoko, Chips, Dredsoul, Talentless, Zombify, and I think just about everyone except maybe Del Onasi I have disagreed with and they have at one time complained openly about the game. I have invited all of them on, because they explained a complaint and didn’t spend every waking moment on the forums complaining.
Fixed, but honestly im a bit insulted that you didnt note the first person on the forums to call/write that you are kitten trolling us with minions. But its more general gameplay things i clash with you since i hold onto the rule “If it makes sense its viable” so since the topic is necromancers it might not fit, still Vigor is for weaklings that need cover, I AM WALKING COVER (well at least unlill someone asks me to tank 50 spiders, 3 warbands of flame legion charr or a pack of risen gorillas without WoD or high boon support)…
Wow. It takes a lot out of me not to try to have the Gods of Statistics smite you down for corrupting the beloved Central Limit Theorem into the childrens’-sample-size-rhime about the sample size of 30.
Thing is, according to my latest numbers, smiting has no effect (p > .05), so I probably won’t.
Maybe reread that wikipedia page. It’s surprisingly comprehensive.
I’m sure you are math genius but I think I will side with my award winning math professor on this one and the fact that every university around the world teaches this.
Wow. It takes a lot out of me not to try to have the Gods of Statistics smite you down for corrupting the beloved Central Limit Theorem into the childrens’-sample-size-rhime about the sample size of 30.
Thing is, according to my latest numbers, smiting has no effect (p > .05), so I probably won’t.
Maybe reread that wikipedia page. It’s surprisingly comprehensive.I’m sure you are math genius but I think I will side with my award winning math professor on this one and the fact that every university around the world teaches this.
I was just saying that the sample size of 30 might not be appropriate in this scenario. In practice the sample size of 30 is appropriate when applying the central limit theorem to apply sample-based statistics. You use sample-based statistics to force a normal distribution where there is none, so you can draw conclusions about a population rather than an individual. The thing is, then you need a number of samples.
The sample Blaine Tog gave us could be falsified, but I could still very well imagine getting similar results. What we could now do with his sample, is write down the amount of Necromancers in that sample, collect a large number of samples, and make a sample distribution of the amount of Necromancers per sample.
That is how you apply Central Limit Theorem, and I’m sure your maths professor and his award agree. My maths professor also won an award. It was for best Department Santa Claus, and I gave it to him. Awards mean nothing without context.
Gunnar’s Hold