Worried About Necromancer

Worried About Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Habu.4392


First some videos

Im really worried about necromancer,is a class that i like to play,but in spvp…omg

Plase arenanet do some feedback,all feel free to feedback,im trying to do the best for the class

First of all my english is not very good,sorry if i make some mistakes,i hope you understand what im trying to say
This is not a crying topic,is a topic written by experience,maybe less experience than others but experience is experience..
I normaly do pugs,i know is not good but i have 589 played tournamets and i won 207…i think that isnt really bad number for a pug guy
Also have 1010 hours played on gw2,maybe im a noob,but not so noob
Also all that i say is based on fights against people of lvl 30+ 40+ 1 v 1 and tournaments,lvl doesn’t matter but i killed some lvl 40+ in 1 v 1…maybe they are not good…maybe they used a thief to lvl up in spvp idk…

Maybe im just bad and i have to give up on the class (but im not going to do it)

Maybe i played a lot the guardian i dont know….

So i tried to see what other classes do….so i made a thief,no idea how to play it,in tourneys was just a killing spree without knowing what i was doing,then i made a warrior,same as thief…charge,inmobilize 100 blades inmoblize,quickness…and goodbye enemy..inmobilize..

Then i an elementalist without knowing what i was doing and i did it very well

Engineer…3 nets to immobilise you,and a lot of confusion…boons

The poblem is that necro is missing something,i tried a lot of builds,power necro,condition necro,minion necro,doing it well,really thinking the builds,testing runes,killing time,damage,etc
Im talking of spvp tournaments not wvw not pve

(edited by Habu.4392)

Worried About Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Habu.4392


I can do like 111 dot damage 130 with power boon(you can do 113 with another runes and 120 with others),but ¿is that enough to kill a guardian or a good elementlist,even a burst thief?no talking about mesmers….even a warrior,im a noob,im rank 29-30 but not so noob either,i manage very well in 1 v 1,but sometimes the necro gets uselles against other classes,we are the “condition masters” but we cant survive the conditions of others even useing the healing and the seal to remove them we dont have boons like other classes,only some useing death shroud and they last for few seconds..even useing a boon duration rune that is going to be a waste of condition damage,we have i protection of 6s with a 90 sec cooldown…and 3 sec of protection useing wells,with a trait…i can use corruption and remove all your boons,pass my conditions to you and do some epidemic to spread the conditions,even doing that and useing death shroud in centrain point you get vulnerable,the enemy that u had removeed all his conditions gets another boons and even doing 111 dot damage that is a lot i belive u cant kill him,doing 200-500 auto atack damage + 111 dots…

Im not complaining,just trying to understand why other classes can burst u in 2 seconds,and you with all the condition damage even with burst damage,condition managment,boon removal… cant kill them.

And i dont consider myself a good player…but im not bad either,i really tried all the possible builds.
Very bursty,u get owned,with conditions u can do a lot in groups,if your team is good u can change a match,the minions i dont know,i think they are a little useless even trying to master them doing some power/toughness build,even with all that toughness and minions you cant defeat a well support elementalist,they are full of boons and good damage…

The only way that i found is playing hidden,in top of buildings spreading conditions,but even doing that you can leave an enemy with half life,and when he heals and gets you,you are just dead,not to talking about thieves,even useing blind well,death shroud,and full toughness,when they stabb you 4 times you are just dead even stomp them and useing condition damage,good condition damage in them..and good condition damage,i can let a mist golem with only blood is power at 1/4 life,because i made a build with a lot of condition damage and duration,but ¿whats the point of doing condition damage overtime if you are going to get killed in 4 heartseeker 2 2 2 2 spam…? ok i can dodge them…then i get condition damage i pass it to him,then i dont have anymore a stun breaker because i used to pass him the conditions…then i get stabbed,i use death shroud..fear..¿1,2 sec fear? when a warrior just inmobilises you for 4s…. in 2 seconds the thief is on my back again and im dead,maybe u start the battle without death shroud because we dont have the bar full at the beginning,with 18 hp and 1660 toughness¿whats the point of doing 4k damage with axe if you are going to be killed with a stomp and 100 blades? well even dodgeing the charge a warrior can just kill you with autoatack,because you dont damage them,maybe i do yes 12k damage over 40 seconds…but in 10 you are dead,even less with 100 blades

14k that’s the health of the mist heavy golem,12k thats the damage over time that i do with 2 bleed stacks,only 2,but is not enough to kill someone 14k is the health of the golem…players have more,and boons…and condition removal…and more burst,and a lot of other things that the necros dont…

Maybe im just wrong but i belive that arenanet should do a change of the class,because you see that there are less necros in pvp,im not giving up,but im a little frustrated right now with the state of this class

Belive me i tested a lot of builds,with health,toughness…powe presicion…death shroud…all the possible variations…even i used healing and boon duration runes…and the healing of the necro is really useless..

(edited by Habu.4392)

Worried About Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Habu.4392


To Finish the topic i invite You arenanet to test my builds and see what’s going on,also for players,just test them and see what im talking about

This is my actual build,with some variations depending of team,for example the signet or wells.Maybe change some traits,feel free to test it…feel free to change it is a base,this is the best that i do with the necro in base of pug experience, this build with a good team is really awesome,change the runes…put the adventure ones and u can do 113 dot damage,put some power and do 117…


If u are going to be body to body You need defence,i know we are a range class…wells have them,always need a stun breaker,maybe signet or maybe the minion…maybe you can try all minions…tried it..or take out those 2 rats and put a well…i dont know,use your imagination.Is just a base build,a minion leech build? useless the necro healing is not good at all,and if u put healing runes you really dont do damage…


Then you can test other builds from this forum the dagger dagger burst one,and some others…

Then you have the “pro” players builds,that really works,but only if you have a team that supports you,they really do,the power/precision build really do a lot of damage,¿but death shroud? our main source of survivability gets useless,if we get in 1 vs 1 we are really screwed,is not used because you focus con damage…but even doing that damage you dont have what thief o mesmer can do to survive…what can you do? ¿use the death shroud that last less and use the wurm to get out of the situation? maybe with a lot of confusion and bleeding stacks of other classes that can put more damage in you that the class that is supposed to be the condition master? or not…¿minon master? u cant do nothing against anyone with minons…a 100 blades just kill them even having 50% more health,a ranger with only 1 pet owns you

Even elementalist lately are having a lot of boons…and with arcane power trait they put boons more quickly…nothing to do for us to remove them,pass ours to them and even the super dot damage cant do anithing against those boons + ele damage…

The question is…¿is there only 1 viable build for the necro?.. power/precision/toughness 30/30/10/0/0…really? ¿is the only viable build to do damage?¿are really minions viable? ¿what about death shroud? the 30/30/10 build just pwn all the possible others…
Try the necro,try the builds and feedback
And sorry for my english

(edited by Habu.4392)

Worried About Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

How many pvp games do you have?
I got as far as “Then i an elementalist without knowing what i was doing and i did it very well”

I thought this too as an ele. then i found it did not matter what i played or how i specced i did about the same. I know now that it meant that I played like kitten poo.

I did not know what i was doing or how to put things together. Though i thought i did.

The biggest issue there is that the learning curve on some of these classes is a barrier to entry but more than that just isnt a lot of fun.

However i get a kick out of playing an ele now. Just started my necro so you could be right but i suspect due to your comments that you just need more time and training.

Spend a few hours in the mists.

Worried About Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Habu.4392


How many pvp games do you have?
I got as far as “Then i an elementalist without knowing what i was doing and i did it very well”

I thought this too as an ele. then i found it did not matter what i played or how i specced i did about the same. I know now that it meant that I played like kitten poo.

I did not know what i was doing or how to put things together. Though i thought i did.

The biggest issue there is that the learning curve on some of these classes is a barrier to entry but more than that just isnt a lot of fun.

However i get a kick out of playing an ele now. Just started my necro so you could be right but i suspect due to your comments that you just need more time and training.

Spend a few hours in the mists.

Im lvl 30,i have more than 900 matches and 589 tournaments,like i said before and at the end of the topic…¿there’s really only 1 build that really works for necros? because i know warrior that use burst build and also can use another kind of build with maces…¿Necros? ¿only power precision and toughness?

Worried About Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

too bad. elementalist is pretty much the same way.
water and arcane.
anything is likely done better with water and arcane.
how many of those matches are with the necro?

Worried About Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: RustySpork.9427


Give this build a try:

It’s a flexible power-based melee-to-midrange build that I’ve been having lots of success with in sPvP. You’re tanky enough that single opponents won’t be able to bring you down, and do enough damage to seriously mess up someone’s day. The extra movement speed also makes you a great scout, able to run around and grab un/lightly defended points.

I really, really love Signet of the Locust. It’s a huge speed boost that doubles as an “oh kitten” button.

Death Shroud here should be used for mobility and control, rather than simply a second health bar. You also do decent damage and apply some nice debuffs with it if you’re above 50% life force.

If you need to move out of and stay out of melee range for some reason, Reaper’s Touch and Life Siphon will let you keep doing damage. I use Reaper’s Touch every time it’s off cooldown anyway.

I absolutely love Vampirism sigils. They give you a huge power boost, some extra life drain, and the mist form lasts just long enough for you to get off a last second heal.

If you feel that you already have enough control, and need some more damage, swap out Spectral Grasp for Blood is Power.

This build is also great with a warhorn offhand, for a bit more control and more offensive Death Shroud use.

Worried About Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Habu.4392


A warrior just owns you…today in pvp i was on my position,in top of a building,then a warrior appear just behind me,my first raction was press f1 to use death shroud and dodge…well that didn’t happen because i was inmobilized,then my death shroud bar just was empty in like…2 sec? then useing the stun breaker i dodge…use the fear of the staff and put quickly blind from dagger…for what? the guy only with auto atack just emptied my health bar…that was all in 10 seconds? or less…so tell me ¿what’s going on here? tell me ¿what happens if you as a necro catch someone off guard? nothing…because u cant even kill him,cant even take 1/2 if his hp bar…when other classes just catch you off guard and you are out…no death shroud…no thoughness,no skills,no dodge ,no pets can survive that…

The most funny was the pets build,because i made one,all to improve the pets damage and health..¿for what? a thief only spinning just delete all my pets in ¿5 sec? even the flesh golem

What do i do with my 1492 condition damage and full toughness ?
Something is wrong here and needs a revision….i dont want to be OP as a necro…but i want to have the chance to unless make a fair duel

(edited by Habu.4392)

Worried About Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoke.2147


this is the necro forum, if you’re asking for dev attention you’ve come to the wrong place, go to the mesmer forum and post the same question it might get read, I’ve given up on waiting and am just going to find some way to be useful on my necro. The vamp build that was posted shows promise, still horrible for pvp imo cause necro’s just completely lack what makes a build good at this games pvp, (meaningful stability, knockbacks, or mobility). No fear does not count as a knockback being as I have to blow 2 cooldowns just to chain ~2-3 seconds of fear on some one. 3 seconds is pretty tops too with traits and other things…

Worried About Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: XiL.4318


You can make burst happen with Necro but only by stacking both Vulnerability and Might to 10x or higher and using charged damage skills that tick up one after the other. But that lasts for about 5 seconds every 60 or so seconds. The other 55 seconds you are sitting on cooldowns completely useless.

GW2 PvP is literally the most Hurry Up and Wait game experience I have ever had using Necro. 90% waiting on cooldowns and 10% waiting on rez timers. That is what Necro means in GW2.