WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cempa.5619



The idea is in WvW and PvE you want to ignore duration as a Condi, right or wrong that is why I am posting looking for feedback?


Effective Power 1521.32
Effective Health (EHP) 26759
Damage Reduction 26.56%

Critical Chance 48.48%
Condition Damage + 1693 (add to that 250 from Sigil)

0/30/10/0/30 Scepter (Carrion+Geomancy) Dagger (Carrion+Corruption) / Staff (Carrion+Geomancy)

x6 Rabid / x6 Nightmare

Consume Conditions / Spectral Walk / Epidemic / Corrupt Boon / Plague

Spite: 0
Curses: IV (Weakening Shroud) / VI (Terror) / VII (Master of Corruption)
Death Magic: II (Greater Marks)
Blood Magic: 0
Soul Reaping: IV (Spectral Mastery) / IX (Master of Terror) / XI Foot in the Grave

Bowl of Truffle Risotto + Master Tuning Crystal

(edited by Cempa.5619)

WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


i think 36-40% duration food will do more for you than any measly 100 condition damage especially when it effects fear too !

WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flowerpower.6795


For things like bip you can ignore conditionduration but for the scepter auto attack for example its important. You can really benefit from the 6sec instead of 4sec bleed because those 2sec are not often cleansed.
I try to find a role for pvp necros in a 5men team and tried that too.
Best thing i have found is actually a conditionmancer with minions to heal the necromancer up (they do that really good while the necromancer can kite) because the necromancer is often the first target. Still this necromancer is worse than an aditional mesmer,ele,thief in most sitations because they can avoid damage better and get from point to point way faster.

WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Softspoken.2410


While I’m not sure about WvW (I’m told conditions have a lifespan of a few seconds there, don’t really care enough to find out if it’s true) duration in PvE is very good, since it’s a strict multiplier to your damage, so it can be more helpful to your damage than certain amounts of condition damage.

Food is very biased towards duration. 36% duration food can be equivalent to more than 360 condition damage in a full build that already has 1000 condition damage.

Mixing insults with your post is like pooping in a salad.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.

WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ezeriel.9574


Get the 20% bleed trait, and the 33?% scepter trait, and 5 points in the first line, and you’ve got plenty.

I think that’s enough for an extra tic or two for every type of bleed we can cast, and it leaves you able to use whatever runes you want.

…but when the enemy rams are at the gate, you’re still gonna be painfully worthless.

…I don’t say that to ruin your day, I say it to remind the devs, that may read this, of how useless I think they are.

The only way to play the engineer is to exploit it.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.

WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


do NOT get the 20% bleed trait its crap garbage utter rubbish 5 points in spite isent to bad though i agree there can be nice

WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ascii.9726


Ignoring condition duration or heavy condition builds in general is only recommended if your running with your servers zerg.

If your solo roaming and havoc squads condition/ hybrid builds work out very well and in all the builds I’ve designed for solo roamers I’ve always capped 100% condition duration.

One thing to remember with condition duration on Bleeding & Fear is the final bleed time must be a full 1 second or it will round down to the nearest second.

Try something like this:

10% from sigil + 40% from food + 50% from fear trait = 100% fear duration.
Earth sigil > Geomancy sigil for damage.
33% more Scepter damage > Enfeebling Blood for damage.

Rank 580+ Necromancer WvW Stream
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA

(edited by Ascii.9726)

WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


One thing to remember with condition duration on Bleeding & Fear is the final bleed time must be a full 1 second or it will round down to the nearest second.

when it comes to Lingering Curse and 36% duration food this is a lie it turns a 6s bleed into a 10s bleed

WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ascii.9726


when it comes to Lingering Curse and 36% duration food this is a lie it turns a 6s bleed into a 10s bleed.

If i remember correctly straight up condition duration does not stack with specific durations. +33% scepter duration with +36% condition duration would be;

6 second bleed time * 1.33 = 7.98 seconds.
7.98 second bleed time * 1.36 = 10.85 seconds.
10.85 second bleed time rounds down to 10 second bleed.

Rank 580+ Necromancer WvW Stream
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA

WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


was actually 9s my bad


WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


One thing to remember with condition duration on Bleeding & Fear is the final bleed time must be a full 1 second or it will round down to the nearest second.

I assume what you mean is that durations are rounded down to 1/4 of a second, but the damage tick is only given on a full second.
Then again, only the first inflicted condition sets up the timer for all other conditions. That means if you start with a bleed skill at time 0, then add a +50% duration Doom 0,5sec later, you’ll still get 2 fear ticks.

So your example: 10.85 second bleed time rounds down to 10 second bleed.
Actually means that you have a 85% chance to get 11 ticks out of it.

Earth sigil > Geomancy sigil for damage.
33% more Scepter damage > Enfeebling Blood for damage.

Earth vs Geomancy:

Lingering Curse vs Weakening Shroud:
Yes, if it’s about pure damage and you assume that your target doesn’t cleanse then the scepter’s auto attack + Grasping Dead profit more from a +33% duration than an extra Enfeebling Blood on a 15 sec cooldown could add.
But: Against other players who cleanse conditions, you can stack higher in a shorter amount of time with Weakening Shroud. Plus you can activate it even when you’re stunned. And it works under water too.

WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cempa.5619


@ flow.6043 Thank’s for that, indeed the build is assuming players do cleanse and more than half of the time will be inside a zerg.

The build is an condition intensity build, so imagine that Warrior in you’re face and you just got done with Sceptre+Dagger rotation, switch to Staff and drop 2,3,4,5 and then switch to DS and hit’m with 2,3,4 and her HP will drop fasssst!

Question though: Thoughts on a Giver Weapon (10% Condi Duration) + Pizza (40% Condi Duration) to get Fear up from 50% to 100%, is that worth the loss of stats from the weapon + 100 condo/70 prec food?

WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


was actually 9s my bad

The 0 is also a tick.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


Question though: Thoughts on a Giver Weapon (10% Condi Duration) + Pizza (40% Condi Duration) to get Fear up from 50% to 100%, is that worth the loss of stats from the weapon + 100 condo/70 prec food?

The link says you already have 10% on your runes, so no need for Giver’s.

Pizza vs Risotto: 40% duration or 30 cond dmg + 70 precision… definitely the pizza.

WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cempa.5619


Question though: Thoughts on a Giver Weapon (10% Condi Duration) + Pizza (40% Condi Duration) to get Fear up from 50% to 100%, is that worth the loss of stats from the weapon + 100 condo/70 prec food?

The link says you already have 10% on your runes, so no need for Giver’s.

Pizza vs Risotto: 40% duration or 30 cond dmg + 70 precision… definitely the pizza.

Indeed I forgot about the runes, thanks…An extra tick for everything is a big deal!

WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Palmski.6419


If you’re running Plague elite then consider Chilling Darkness from Curses rather than Master of Corruption; I swapped it for Haemophilia and had a blast with it last night when running with our guild group, it seemed pretty effective. The corruption skills are on quite a low cooldown anyway and are quite hit and miss these days so IMO it’s not worth building around them.

[TaG] – GH

WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cempa.5619


If you’re running Plague elite then consider Chilling Darkness from Curses rather than Master of Corruption; I swapped it for Haemophilia and had a blast with it last night when running with our guild group, it seemed pretty effective. The corruption skills are on quite a low cooldown anyway and are quite hit and miss these days so IMO it’s not worth building around them.

TBH its only for Corrupt Boon as its soooo important in PvP but I see your point, ofc its easy to change and I should change as needed!


So how condition duration works is the timer starts from the first application on ANY condition right? So, with 10% + 50% + 40% I have 50% condi and 100% fear duration, fear will always get 2 ticks? The burst on terror is soo much fun!