WvW Pet/Clone teleport queston>

WvW Pet/Clone teleport queston>

in Necromancer

Posted by: Laii.2780



Hum, this might not bee the best place to ask this, but. . Why can Ranger Pets an Mesmer Clones teleport up onto walls and not necro pets? =/.

(Not that you’d want necro pets anywhere near WvW enyways, or anything ftm<.<, sense they all get one-shotted by random aoe’s enyways. . cept for the flesh golem~! He gets 2shoted like a champ.(_ _ ). )
Is it an Ai thing, or do both those classes have sometype of teleport ablity I don’t know about specifically for their pets/clones? (not portal) Thanks for any infos^^

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

WvW Pet/Clone teleport queston>

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gluttony.2017


you can summon the wurm thingy ontop of things as long as it is in casting range, sadly however the teleport doesnt work if you do that. I think a lot of mesmer summons are on target summons, and ranger pets i dunno. never played one.