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Dream weapon… Hmm. Well that entirely depends. I like there weapons atm. Except for Axe… Stop making me cry axe… You’re a disappointment. Any new weapon would be nice. I have my preferences though.
If we get a Support elite specialization I want Torch.
If we get a defensive elite specialization I want Shield.
If we get a fast elite specialization I’d like to have Sword MH.
If we get a condi elite specialization the fantasy is Scythe But I’d be okay with Mace.
I kinda also want short bow… Just because I want to shoot unicorns that explode into a plague cloud of dreams and destruction.
Longbow is meh same with Pistol. Hammer is also Meh. I feel we already have a hammer in the form of Greatsword. and Rifle is also meh for me.
I’d loke to see either Hammer or Torch next.
as long as either are a 1200 ranged power weapon, sounds good.
? Dont we have enough power weapons ?
Axe = power
Dagger= power
Gs= power
Septer= condi
Staff= suportSo i assume its going to be a condi weapon , or u want 4 power weapons vs 1 condi?
I also think it will be torch off hand with a 600 range
since you missed the main point.
Dream weapon… Hmm. Well that entirely depends. I like there weapons atm. Except for Axe… Stop making me cry axe… You’re a disappointment. Any new weapon would be nice. I have my preferences though.
If we get a Support elite specialization I want Torch.
If we get a defensive elite specialization I want Shield.
If we get a fast elite specialization I’d like to have Sword MH.
If we get a condi elite specialization the fantasy is Scythe But I’d be okay with Mace.
I kinda also want short bow… Just because I want to shoot unicorns that explode into a plague cloud of dreams and destruction.
Longbow is meh same with Pistol. Hammer is also Meh. I feel we already have a hammer in the form of Greatsword. and Rifle is also meh for me.
if scythe could be a hybrid weapon the way warrior’s sword is, yes, please give it to me. maybe make it the condi equivalent of guardian’s greatsword.
I’m actually fine with the current weapons necros have, I’d rather see them tweaked appropriately to be better (if necessary, which sadly is the case for plenty of weapons imo – Here’s to hope they’ll do good with PvE/PvP-skillsplits), but if I had to pick a weapon it’d be a torch for those sick burns on condimancers.
Condi has to be next, we already have so many power weapons. Condi scythe is my dream weapon
Rifle. It’s underused, and I’m a one of few persons in existance who think that mix of necromancy with technology is awesome
Condi has to be next, we already have so many power weapons. Condi scythe is my dream weapon
I’d rather have a support elite next. Condi is pretty strong right now but support is still lacking.
Rabid squirrel on a stick!
Rabid because conditions!
But if we could add a nonexistent weapon? I’d say whip or scythe (even though the scythe would probably just work like the GS does now) for style!
As for pre-existing weapons, I think maybe a torch with some support skills? Or make axe equippable in off-hand.
I’d rather see the current weapons like axe and GS made more viable. =/
Spear on land(basically same skill set) or mh sword, both as a melee condi option, are my favorites.
Condi has to be next, we already have so many power weapons. Condi scythe is my dream weapon
I’d rather have a support elite next. Condi is pretty strong right now but support is still lacking.
ANet doesn’t exactly want necros to be supporters, so I doubt they’ll get a full spec around it except if its all about debuffing, which likely won’t end up being good, at least in PvE
more than likely a melee condi weapon so sword or mace.
Spear on land sounds awesome!
We already have my ‘dream’ weapon but it doesn’t really feel right imo.
= Dagger, I just love daggers.
With main hand and off hand daggers you still only have one melee attack and that’s auto attack. They should either rework 1 to 600-900 range so it’s full on ranged weapon or make 2 and 4 more melee oriented.
(edited by Suoma.7693)
Javelin/Spear would be cool
I can see Torch being used
If Longbow/Shortbow is used I would want the Shroud form to look like Medusa with the lower body of a Snake, and the whole Snake Hair.
New Weapon idea, a Doll, I am thinking LuLu from Final Fantasy X I think used a Doll to attack.
Javelin/Spear would be cool
I can see Torch being used
If Longbow/Shortbow is used I would want the Shroud form to look like Medusa with the lower body of a Snake, and the whole Snake Hair.
New Weapon idea, a Doll, I am thinking LuLu from Final Fantasy X I think used a Doll to attack.
Oh man i love the Medusa idea.
Are you thinking of a Krait Lich look?
I’d be fine with either a long-range power weapon or a melee condition weapon. I think those two would give the best variety compared to current weapons.
As for which specific weapons… I’d probably go with Shortbow for the former and Mace for the latter, simply due to the fact that those two weapons are the least used ones in the game. Assuming we can actually get mainhand one-handed weapons, anyway. So far its either been offhands or two-handers for elite specs, but I don’t see why they couldn’t break that pattern.
Those two weapons would also mark the first time a light-armor / robe class could wield either, which would be nice.
Both suggestions address the same gaps I see and i like the short bow but still hope for a land spear for the melee bleed weapon.
Condi has to be next, we already have so many power weapons. Condi scythe is my dream weapon
I’d rather have a support elite next. Condi is pretty strong right now but support is still lacking.
ANet doesn’t exactly want necros to be supporters, so I doubt they’ll get a full spec around it except if its all about debuffing, which likely won’t end up being good, at least in PvE
That’s actually a false assumption. Its very clear that Arena net had support plans for the necromancer in the past, but they failed at it. Up until recently the necromancer has had very poor support. Now we have some through Transfusion, Vampiric presents, Last rites, Ritual of life, Blood Bond, life from death, Unholy Martyr, Well of Blood, Well of Power, Signet of Undeath(Admittedly its a terrible skill), Plague signet, Vampiric signet and lets not forget about the old removed trait healing blast. Which had a massive heal on life blast. The trait was removed because aiming it to actually heal any of your allies was impossible to do unless they where standing completely still which negated the usefulness of the trait. But If we got an elite specialization with a ground targetted Aoe shroud skill one that trait could easily resurface.
Its not that the necromancer wasn’t designed with a support roll in mind for the future. Its that its lacking compared to other professions at the moment. Many of its supports are just included in existing damage type builds purely as a bonus but never as a focus. So good support isn’t out of the question at all. Its inevitable actually.
Condi has to be next, we already have so many power weapons. Condi scythe is my dream weapon
I’d rather have a support elite next. Condi is pretty strong right now but support is still lacking.
ANet doesn’t exactly want necros to be supporters, so I doubt they’ll get a full spec around it except if its all about debuffing, which likely won’t end up being good, at least in PvE
That’s actually a false assumption. Its very clear that Arena net had support plans for the necromancer in the past, but they failed at it. Up until recently the necromancer has had very poor support. Now we have some through Transfusion, Vampiric presents, Last rites, Ritual of life, Blood Bond, life from death, Unholy Martyr, Well of Blood, Well of Power, Signet of Undeath(Admittedly its a terrible skill), Plague signet, Vampiric signet and lets not forget about the old removed trait healing blast. Which had a massive heal on life blast. The trait was removed because aiming it to actually heal any of your allies was impossible to do unless they where standing completely still which negated the usefulness of the trait. But If we got an elite specialization with a ground targetted Aoe shroud skill one that trait could easily resurface.
Its not that the necromancer wasn’t designed with a support roll in mind for the future. Its that its lacking compared to other professions at the moment. Many of its supports are just included in existing damage type builds purely as a bonus but never as a focus. So good support isn’t out of the question at all. Its inevitable actually.
Yes you’re right with that and I realized that “supporter” is a bit too broad of a term.
What they (iirc a dev said something along those lines) don’t want is necro spreading plenty of (unique) buffs as they think it does not exactly fit thematically; the support options we currently have are mostly based around condition juggling and forms of healing, boons or buffs are only sparely given to other players by a necromancer. They mostly help in ways which end up debuffing enemies in one way or another (e.g. pull condis from team → throw them on enemy) or removing debuffs from the team, it’s either that or straight up healing for the most part.
In which case I’d argue they’d be better off to buff skills that currently don’t work well (signet of undeath… for example) instead of making a full elite spec centered around things we already have and would likely only get more of.
Condi has to be next, we already have so many power weapons. Condi scythe is my dream weapon
I’d rather have a support elite next. Condi is pretty strong right now but support is still lacking.
ANet doesn’t exactly want necros to be supporters, so I doubt they’ll get a full spec around it except if its all about debuffing, which likely won’t end up being good, at least in PvE
That’s actually a false assumption. Its very clear that Arena net had support plans for the necromancer in the past, but they failed at it. Up until recently the necromancer has had very poor support. Now we have some through Transfusion, Vampiric presents, Last rites, Ritual of life, Blood Bond, life from death, Unholy Martyr, Well of Blood, Well of Power, Signet of Undeath(Admittedly its a terrible skill), Plague signet, Vampiric signet and lets not forget about the old removed trait healing blast. Which had a massive heal on life blast. The trait was removed because aiming it to actually heal any of your allies was impossible to do unless they where standing completely still which negated the usefulness of the trait. But If we got an elite specialization with a ground targetted Aoe shroud skill one that trait could easily resurface.
Its not that the necromancer wasn’t designed with a support roll in mind for the future. Its that its lacking compared to other professions at the moment. Many of its supports are just included in existing damage type builds purely as a bonus but never as a focus. So good support isn’t out of the question at all. Its inevitable actually.
Yes you’re right with that and I realized that “supporter” is a bit too broad of a term.
What they (iirc a dev said something along those lines) don’t want is necro spreading plenty of (unique) buffs as they think it does not exactly fit thematically; the support options we currently have are mostly based around condition juggling and forms of healing, boons or buffs are only sparely given to other players by a necromancer. They mostly help in ways which end up debuffing enemies in one way or another (e.g. pull condis from team -> throw them on enemy) or removing debuffs from the team, it’s either that or straight up healing for the most part.In which case I’d argue they’d be better off to buff skills that currently don’t work well (signet of undeath… for example) instead of making a full elite spec centered around things we already have and would likely only get more of.
I disagree. I feel that what we have is actually fairly good, but doesn’t warrant a build around for it. still insensitivity focus around power or condi. Personally feel that providing more supportive abilities would be nice. Though I don’t believe that it should be through boons since the necromancer seems more focused on self boon application and aid through life stealing, healing, death prevention and condition control. Keeping to that theme there are a mega ton of potential abilities that arena net has yet to touch on in gw2.
I’ll post some interesting example from GW1 that’d work perfectly with the necromancer’s current theme.'s_Weapon
Although that one is a ritualist skill it actually fits thematically with the necromancer extremely well. Using a shroud skill that links up to allies reducing the total damage they could take or causing them to block an attack and cause some decent life stealing for them would be a unique and interesting way to support allies.
Of course that isn’t the only example I have or what could be done.
Another interesting skill that made allies immune to a specific condition while making them afflict that same condition through contact with them. A sort of shroud aura or skill like this that’s more about corruption and punishing foes for striking your allies fits pretty well into the theme. Though since Disease isn’t a condition in GW2 poison could work. Although just poison wouldn’t be that helpful to allies so perhaps a %10 damage reduction from poisoned foes on top of that. Its a very necromancer way of support yet still not breaking from their aggressive nature.
Even more offensive methods for support, this skill being a unique debuff the necromancer could have preventing foes from blocking any attacks prevents damage loss on allies. While the necromancer has good personal unblockable skills, it doesn’t really help allies in that department and I feel that they absolutely should.
Although its true that SOMEONE has to be punished for the necromancer’s skills, but that’s hardly a concern for the necromancer. We’ve seen skills like that in GW1 where the someone had to pay the price for aiding their allies. It was common in the necromancer but also the ritualist, who thematically, is most similar to the necromancer.
to name a few. Both necromancers and ritualists share a lot of similarities and I theories that the both studied under the same school of magic, aggression. They both have similar means of using their skills even if the results might be a bit different.
Ritualists also have the same idea of someone has to pay in pain for their skills. Usually they surpass the price on themselves and make others pay the price for them. Most often spirits.
But its not like the necromancer is completely unfamiliar with making others pay the price for what they want.
They do it too. There are a mega ton of similarities between the necromancer and the ritualist, more than any other profession in terms of theme. (yes even more than revenant) and it only seems logical with the bleeding of magic from the blood stone that new abilities would be given to old professions. The necromancer has already broken out of the mold that it was restricted from in GW1 and its not at all a stretch for them to gain new abilities from the ritualist’s magic. In fact, they already have. Dhuumfire and the spectral skills are far more in line with what the ritualist did than the necromancer. So I see absolutely no reason why the strong support from the ritualist could bleed into the necromancer’s magic even further. Arena net even mentioned that the other professions absorbed some of the teachings that the ritualist had in GW1. This includes the necromancer, Guardian and elementalist. For the ones i can name off the top of my head. I’m not counting the Revenant since its base magic is more in line with what the thief and mesmer does then an actual ritualist and the revenant only has skills similar to the ritualist from the legend they channel which sometimes have skills similar to the ritualists. Example, centaur stance.
…. I know it sounds like I’m making an argument for a ritualist elite spec for necromancer… which… I kinda am admittedly ..
Both necromancers and ritualists share a lot of similarities and I theories that the both studied under the same school of magic, aggression. They both have similar means of using their skills even if the results might be a bit different.
Well, you may be right but you also may be wrong.
The major difference between the necromancer and the ritualist, in the GW’s environment, is that the necromancers deal with the fleshly world while ritualist deal with the spirit world (In GW we usually call this world the mists).
These 2 fields of expertise, while seemingly like the 2 faces of the same coin, are vastly different and do not step on the toes of each other.
One could say that the necromancers and the ritualists are alike the same way that ritualists and mesmer are alike. Revenants are ritualists in the way that they actually borrow the strenght of the mists inhabitant.
The ritualist was someone who borrow strenght. (because it believed that it’s more efficient to ask help from their ancestor that it worshiped)
Spirit weapon in GW1 was doing the same thing to a weapon than what revenant do to themself when thay invoke a legend. The use of urn was directly the same as invoking a legend in GW2. Spirit skills was like binding a spirit from the mist on the earth to assist the ritualist. And offensive spirit skill were more like ritualist exploiting their ability to open hole through the mist and control the energy backlash to direct it toward their foes.
The necromancer was someone who lend it’s strenght. (because he only count on himself)
On the other hand the necromancer always used its own power and the power of the flesh to wreck havock. Well in GW needed a dead body. The necromancer’s often drew it’s own blood and flesh to support it’s allies or kill it’s foes. Minions were rised by the will and power of the necromancer. GW1 necromancers would never have trully count on other to carry them, they’d better give life to dead in order to keep themself safe than count on another independant and sentient will.
The necromancers and ritualist mindset can’t fuse together. they are way to different.
The major difference between the necromancer and the ritualist, in the GW’s environment, is that the necromancers deal with the fleshly world while ritualist deal with the spirit world (In GW we usually call this world the mists).
That is incorrect. The necromancer has never just dealt with the flesh. They’ve always dealt with both spirit and flesh. But even if they didn’t, that doesn’t honestly matter since the blood stone has weakened and magic is both more powerful than it was in GW1 and its less restricted.
Marjory, a prime example of someone who is a necromancer that acts more like a ritualist. She, as a detective, communes with spirits. She called a Spirit child from the mists in order to aid her in her investigation. But a rival necromancer banished the spirit. Note, that in both cases it was a necromancer doing this, an ability traditionally attributed to ritualists.
But another time that we see a necromancer commune with the Mists is within the personal story. A priest of grenth is called specifically to intact the ritual to summon a reaper of Grenth.
Not to mention that the necromancer’s minions no longer seem limited to just minions of the flesh. Shadow Fiend seems more in line with what the ritualist probably would have summoned than a necromancer.
A torch off hand with 600 range with some spike condi and some swifness would be great.
We dont need another power weapon and we dont need a condi weapon that takes ages to apply long stacks.
I prefer 4 seconds of heavy spike condies like (burn + torment + blind) than 30 seconds of bleeds like our skill blood is power.
Torch would look good on necro also , and if had some stealth or super speed or teleport would be sweet
A torch off hand with 600 range with some spike condi and some swifness would be great.
We dont need another power weapon and we dont need a condi weapon that takes ages to apply long stacks.
I prefer 4 seconds of heavy spike condies like (burn + torment + blind) than 30 seconds of bleeds like our skill blood is power.
Torch would look good on necro also , and if had some stealth or super speed or teleport would be sweet
Wouldn’t want the swiftness. But a Support condi torch that draws conditions from allies into the flames to apply a massive burn would be pretty cool.
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