help a noob make a PVP build

help a noob make a PVP build

in Necromancer

Posted by: PePox.1243


I am noob,I mostly know whats what but I have no experience

even trough I heard being summoner necro is weak in pvp,I just like it

is this suicide build or can it work?

help a noob make a PVP build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Maskeus.2396


I think you pasted the wrong link.

help a noob make a PVP build

in Necromancer

Posted by: PePox.1243


help a noob make a PVP build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


You need minion life at least or else the minions are going to die to a few aoes.

Consume conditions is better than the minion. And if you going power build with minions I suggest Soldier instead of knight. Precision is really weak on necros some people like it for conditions.

Only reason atm to go into soul reaping is for the 3% life force on marks activation. Otherwise ignore it. And going for 30 point for stability as a minion master doesnt make sense.

If going staff you’ll need 30 points in death for area marks, staff CD reduction, and minion life. ANd then best to pick the 20 points for the life force in soul reaping.

And then the last can be the vitality or the power if you want more damage. Minion siphon is underatted so I would suggest power.

If you go stafff, I suggest shamans.

help a noob make a PVP build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sheobix.8796


spread way too thin. Use your playstyle strengths to cover your weaknesses, drop points in blood magic, since you’re already putting points in Soul reaping just grab a spectral utility (walk/armor) to amp your DS LF gain. powershroud and come out to slam #6 to heal.

in PvP, timing is critical and fast. Dagger2 is simply not fast enough, you’re wasting time you could be using snaring/chilling/dpsing your foe or applying pressure/charging DS to fear and chill.

take the points in blood and use them to max spite and soul reaping, change death magic trait to dark armor so when you DO hit Dagger2 or pop DS and slam 4, your knight’s armor and DA trait make you a stone wall, allowing your cooldowns to drain and let you regain footing.

the key to PvP is not just bunkering and pooping damage from utilities, its from tightly dueling the opposition and applying chills/poison/blindness/immobilize/daze to keep them from attacking you back. 30/0/10/0/30 will max all your CC abilities as well as max your dmg base for high crits (4kish dmg per hit auto on dagger1) and more breathability with spectral utilities or wells depending if you’re going 1vX or grouping

help a noob make a PVP build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sheobix.8796


The key to surviving with necro in pvp/wvw is not by using blood magic traits, its too slow using dagger 2.

Keep DS bar up as often as possible (in fights, i can pop it at full every 7-10 seconds or so) and with 30 Soul reaping, it will allow you back in about that same amount of time.

#3, #2
Damage/spectral utils/CCchains while damaging

Repeat. by the time they either break your cc chains or even land a hit on you back, you should be back in DS to soak their counterattack and just hit 3, 2 to fear and chill them again to repeat.