[movie] Spectral dreams full spectral build necromancer pvp

[movie] Spectral dreams full spectral build necromancer pvp

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


Greetings my fellow undead lovers !

I just made my 2nd pvp movie ever. The editing might not be that great and the fights..
arent probably either just kidding i promise you won’t find any zergbus action here.

The spec i choose for the 2nd movie is a full spectral spec so no wells no sceptre waving just plain old in your face dagger actions mostly. I did listen to the comments of my first movie and made it i think 3 to 4 minutes shorter.. there’s not really a story in this either, its still quite a sit tho so i hope it wont drag on to long for some of you.

It’s a bit of unconventional spec with heavy focus in spite and curses so no vitality and low toughness basicly a glass cannon spec. the spec used are either 30-25-0-0-15 or 30-30-0-0-10 or 30-10-0-0-30 the build i personally like the most is 30-30-0-0-10

The main point of the build is to make heavy use of the curses 25 point spec target the weak wich increases your damage by 2% per condition i also take the 30 point spec to get the weakness debuff on a crit.. i run around 52% crit so its gonna be up a lot so will bleeding and ill make heavy use of spectral wall and grasp to stack a ton of conditions in such a shot possible time on people while giving me the heavy needed protection to stand toe to toe with heavy melee and burst classes.

as an added bonus i got fury and the moment i go into ds ill give bleeding and weakness on respect.. 66% and 25% of my crits on lifetransfer that ticks quite a few tiems on 5 different targets that can be a pretty nice boost in a party fight every condition helps since it gives a damage boost to me and a debuff to them.

It’s not perfect and there are def flaws in my gameplay i am by no means pro material, but overall im pretty content with it.

so here it is..

spectral dreams

thank you for watching and any comments will be greatly apreciated.

[movie] Spectral dreams full spectral build necromancer pvp

in Necromancer

Posted by: riotnrrrd.9582


i loved the double stomp early on in vid. another great vid. wish i was as mobile as you. i’m disabled gamer i use a typing splint and cant do more then 1 key at a time, to move i have a g11 keyboard i made a macro that holds right mouse button down for me if i didnt have that i couldnt play at all cuz id be imobile. i’ll attach a pic so you can see what i mean by splint. i am a c6-c7 quadriplegic. i can move my arms but not my fingers


[movie] Spectral dreams full spectral build necromancer pvp

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dolleater.8304


Nice vid, always interesting to watch other peoples playstyles i also like it when people throw in fights they just liked, no matter the outcome, those fights are also more fun to watch then “mega-crit” moments, imo

As for playstyle, i would recommend swapping in the staff more often and dropping those marks. If not during fights then atleast pre-fight (i.e running up to enemies or “setting up” while defending), to get the most bang-for-buck.

[movie] Spectral dreams full spectral build necromancer pvp

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


Hi ! thanks for the replies i don’t know why i don’t have a quote button here but i’ll reply this way .

Hey riot ! thanks a lot for the kind words my moving isn’t that great tho. thats amazing you can all do that with just 1 splint ! It’s great to see that you don’t limit yourself but think of work arounds and be very inventive about it you must be a pretty smart guy. I’d love to see a video of your character in action.

hi dolleater,

yea you’re right i really don’t like the staff tho i got a pm this morning giving me great advice and telling me to get greatermarks i must admit this helps tremendously it will take forever to learn to incorperate it with my dagger style tho.. i wish axe was a lill stronger but as it stands now its kinda lackluster in comparision with a dagger. yea must learn how to use the staff.. daggers i got pretty much nailed down.. i still wish we had another melee alternative tho..and i agree about the fights you just like and not the big crits one remark too

[movie] Spectral dreams full spectral build necromancer pvp

in Necromancer

Posted by: merch.1026


build sounds similar to the one ive been using
which is 30/20/0/0/20

I also some times drop the fear duration and damage for enfeebling blood and the damage increase per condtion in a 30/25/0/0/15 build probably identical to yours.

What runes and sigils are you tending to use?

@barti ps thanks for the comment on the flying guardian http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlJdSp90hSk&feature=plcp

[movie] Spectral dreams full spectral build necromancer pvp

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


hi merch

i usebloodlust and maybe crit or force primarely. the damage per condition is good i think but its kinda two way street.. the 30 point as someone told me earlier in pm isnt really worth it.. you can get weakness on so many other ways.

in retrospect looking at this movie.. i don’t think its bad.. the music choice is pretty good the footage could be far worse but it feels.. kinda..

2 dimensional theres hardly any weapon swapping and i stick with just 1 weapon set.. thats just the plain truth.. it’s not that im that bad with daggers and i use time ds pretty good i just miss out on half or my arsenal.. and it doesnt show the true potential of a necromancer.. i keep the movie online but i ll make something else.. that showcases staff incorperated with daggers in a good way maybe throw in some combos who knows. thank you all !

[movie] Spectral dreams full spectral build necromancer pvp

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


oh and nps about the comment it was a nice fly never saw anything like it !

[movie] Spectral dreams full spectral build necromancer pvp

in Necromancer

Posted by: King Hardcore.7065

King Hardcore.7065

Sweet. Usually I cringe when I watch these cuz of the music choice but that was pretty good.

The footage was good as well.

[movie] Spectral dreams full spectral build necromancer pvp

in Necromancer

Posted by: manveruppd.7601


@riotnrrrd.9582 that’s pretty inspiring man, I admire you!

A bad necromancer always blames the corpse.

[movie] Spectral dreams full spectral build necromancer pvp

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


@ kinghardcore

thanks i think i know what you mean by cringing at certain music.. i got more compliments about my music choice.. altho its really old people music !

if you know where the last song comes from you must ve lived in the c64 age !