Are Rangers viable for WvW/PvP?
I have no clue how anyone can call a Ranger a Monster in the Lagwars wvwvw zones. Good luck getting anything with a cool down to take, much less control a pet or get a pet ability to go off in a big battle or defense of a keep or when one starts up and it lags the entire zone.
If this round of optimization that they’re beginning doesn’t fix the lag issues that plague wvwvw, then I think Anet should do away with the pet, at least make it optional in wvwvw with a corresponding dps increase.
I think it is fair to assume classes aren’t balanced around zerg v zerg.
Classes aren’t balanced at all. ANet very clearly balances their game around sPvP and if your class has any pressence whatsoever there you will receive absolutely no attention from the development staff at all. Who cares if the build that they run in sPvP doesn’t work outside of duels or in the smallest of roaming encounters. Who cares if your class will never have a power option or a reason to use bows… you’ve always got your condi/bunker meta to fall back on.
…I use a power based build in both spvp and wvw and do just fine. Just sayin’.
I do well too with my Ranger. But I also have other classes so I know that me doing well is still inferior to everything my other classes are capable of.
If the class had a lot of utility to offset the sorry state a lot of its weapons and traits are in that would be one thing. But this class has very little utility, very little burst, very little AE, and mediocre damage. It has great condition coverage, but it’s mostly single target. The simple fact is this class doesn’t excel at anything and when it can’t come close to what other classes can do it’s not brought along for the fun. This is the issue.
My idea of Ranger is that they are the text book wild card…In zergs, you can melt one target almost anonymously then move on to the next while throwing your aoe’s.
In 1v1 you can pick at them until they give up on you.
In a 10 man party, you can be the main damage dealer on priority front line targets like guards or warriors, or you can be the back line saboteur and hit their ranged.
They can do all things decently, but not any one thing great.
My idea of Ranger is that they are the text book wild card…In zergs, you can melt one target almost anonymously then move on to the next while throwing your aoe’s.
In 1v1 you can pick at them until they give up on you.
In a 10 man party, you can be the main damage dealer on priority front line targets like guards or warriors, or you can be the back line saboteur and hit their ranged.
They can do all things decently, but not any one thing great.
jack of all trade classes dont work in mmo’s. usually what you have are classes that do several things well but they specialize in one and do that better than what other classes do. Otherwise you’re stuck in a min/max game (what most players feel the M’s stand for) with a character that is all min and no max.
Chopp’s, you can debate me anytime. I learned a lot from you. My best Ranger trait is simply looking good lol
For Leagues, I broke out my original character, my Warrior. GG, I feel supercharged compared to my Ranger’s. Yes, I have two of them. To get them to be truly versatile takes gear. lot’s of it. I have 70’ish pieces of gear just for one of them alone. And yes, I swap and blend depending on the situation.
Once I recoup a lot of the gold I’ve recently spent, I’ll go back to the drawing board and try out my Ranger’s again.