Call of the Wild - Do NOT attack

Call of the Wild - Do NOT attack

in Ranger

Posted by: awe extender.1908

awe extender.1908

Anyone else annoyed by the auto attack of Call of The Wild ( Warhorn #5)?

If you just want to get the speed buff (let’s face it: 1 stack of might is not why most rangers use warhorn!) you will engage in a fight and you pet will also get out of stow and all hell breaks out!

Let the warhorn #5 just give the buffs without starting a battle!

Call of the Wild - Do NOT attack

in Ranger

Posted by: Terkov.4138


I wasn’t using WH for some time, but from what I remember it happend only when you had something targetted and/or when you had out targetting on.

Call of the Wild - Do NOT attack

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante.1508


Many classes have this issue Ele, Guardian etc ..

Call of the Wild - Do NOT attack

in Ranger

Posted by: Sicachu.4081


Just off auto-target assist, it won’t target anything unless you tab first

Call of the Wild - Do NOT attack

in Ranger

Posted by: capuchinseven.8395


Just off auto-target assist, it won’t target anything unless you tab first

This, no idea why some one would run around with auto target on, I’ve said it before but if you are then you’re just not playing right. It’s an aid and nothing more and you really should turn it off the same way you’d turn of traction control on a race track.

You’ll be much better off without it.

The bravest animal in the land is Captain Beaky and his band.

Call of the Wild - Do NOT attack

in Ranger

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


Agree with the original poster. The ‘auto-attack is your own fault’ line doesn’t fool me. It’s bad design and should be fixed.

Call of the Wild - Do NOT attack

in Ranger

Posted by: jwaz.1908


Anyone else annoyed by the auto attack of Call of The Wild ( Warhorn #5)?

If you just want to get the speed buff (let’s face it: 1 stack of might is not why most rangers use warhorn!) you will engage in a fight and you pet will also get out of stow and all hell breaks out!

Let the warhorn #5 just give the buffs without starting a battle!

Yes the auto-target on this attack is quite annoying. The only way to “avoid this” would either be to turn off auto-targeting, or to quickly hit ESC so your auto-attack doesn’t hit an enemy and put you into combat.

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Call of the Wild - Do NOT attack

in Ranger

Posted by: jubskie.3152


Agree with the original poster. The ‘auto-attack is your own fault’ line doesn’t fool me. It’s bad design and should be fixed.

…and you “fix” it by turning it off. The way I see it, the way ANet “fixes” this “bad design” is to set auto attack to off by default.

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Call of the Wild - Do NOT attack

in Ranger

Posted by: Daemon.4295


This is identical to a thread posted just a few days ago. Turn off auto-target (not auto-attack), it will make your life much easier with various weapons (Sword, Greatsword, Horn). Auto-target limits the utility you can get out of certain weapon skills, by turning it off you can use gap closers such as GS3 and Sword2 as excellent escape mechanisms, or just to fly across the map (GS3 + warhorn).

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Call of the Wild - Do NOT attack

in Ranger

Posted by: awe extender.1908

awe extender.1908

[auto-target off]

Why didn’t I do that from day 1???

Thx guys [bows]

Call of the Wild - Do NOT attack

in Ranger

Posted by: capuchinseven.8395


Agree with the original poster. The ‘auto-attack is your own fault’ line doesn’t fool me. It’s bad design and should be fixed.

Then the issue with you, I’m sorry but auto target is there as an aid and they were added to the game, not built with them.

You might not be fooled but those options were additions.

The bravest animal in the land is Captain Beaky and his band.

Call of the Wild - Do NOT attack

in Ranger

Posted by: Shikigami.4013


I posted that in the “Game Bugs” forum a month ago:

By the way, “turning off auto-attack” is the typical response from people who think like this: “I do not have a problem with it, so there is nothing wrong. My way to play is the only correct one. Noone needs to use options that I do not use”.

I would like to have this fixed. As stated in my linked post, there are other weaponskills that do not require you to have anything targeted, and they do NOT cause your pet to attack. This shows that the desired functionality is already present with other skills, and “Call of the wild” can be fixed. It is an issue with the skill, not with the “auto-attack” option.

Youtube “L2villagejester”.
People using belittling wording like whining/qqing" are not taken seriously by me
Same for people posting only to tell others not to post (“deal with it”-posts)

Call of the Wild - Do NOT attack

in Ranger

Posted by: awe extender.1908

awe extender.1908

I would like to have this fixed. As stated in my linked post, there are other weaponskills that do not require you to have anything targeted, and they do NOT cause your pet to attack. This shows that the desired functionality is already present with other skills, and “Call of the wild” can be fixed. It is an issue with the skill, not with the “auto-attack” option.

There are still so many bugs from day 1 that most rangers consider them as never being fixed. So we are forced to make our own solutions. It’s a pity :-(

Call of the Wild - Do NOT attack

in Ranger

Posted by: capuchinseven.8395


I posted that in the “Game Bugs” forum a month ago:

By the way, “turning off auto-attack” is the typical response from people who think like this: “I do not have a problem with it, so there is nothing wrong. My way to play is the only correct one. Noone needs to use options that I do not use”.

I would like to have this fixed. As stated in my linked post, there are other weaponskills that do not require you to have anything targeted, and they do NOT cause your pet to attack. This shows that the desired functionality is already present with other skills, and “Call of the wild” can be fixed. It is an issue with the skill, not with the “auto-attack” option.

I really do wish some of you would try and understand the game you’re playing a little more.

Firstly, auto attack has nothing to do with this issue, auto target does. If you can’t even grasp that then claiming that you “don’t buy it” or that “omg it r need fixing” is kind of silly.

Secondly, these things were added into the game they were not part of the design, turning off your auto target or even your auto attack is perfectly valid for some weapon sets and is how those weapon sets are meant to be played and how they were designed. It’s why you can turn off auto attack on one set and leave it on for another, or even totally move your auto attack to another button, want your auto attack on 2 instead of 1? Go for it, want your auto attack on utility 1 for Sharpening Stone to toggle every time it’s off cooldown for the bleeds instead? Go for it.

You are wrong. Turning these things off or moving them around is how they game is meant to be played.

The issue is with you, not the game.

The bravest animal in the land is Captain Beaky and his band.

Call of the Wild - Do NOT attack

in Ranger

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Of all the bugs in this game (of which there are plenty), this one annoys me the least. Call back your pet after casting warhorn or don’t target an enemy. Problem solved.