Doing fractals? Use healing spring!
Skills and Traits are swappable for a reason.
Adapt as the scenario requires it.
Durzlla, conditions are only removed on the first heal, not on every tick. The official wiki says so, and I’m inclined to believe it. My personal experience also confirms this.
Durzlla, conditions are only removed on the first heal, not on every tick. The official wiki says so, and I’m inclined to believe it. My personal experience also confirms this.
Durzlla’s right. I’ve used Healing Spring, got hit with Status ailments, and have noticed them disappearing rather fast. Also, if they don’t disappear WHILE you’re in the circle, try walking out and walking back in (as I was strafing in a boss fight at that moment). It resets the heal count as far as I can tell, so the debuff heal is taken care of.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
I’m going to need to test this out in some way. I need a definitive answer.
A ranger in a fractal said to me they use heal as one or troll unguent because they’re a ranger that keeps on moving. Yet even when standing still stacked on top of each other at the chest seal of cliffside, they still refused to use healing spring.
Guess who went down the most during daily fractal run?
(Hint: it wasn’t the glass cannon thief who didn’t go down at all)
Do you play Ranger? Healing Spring is not the best heal for the ranger it’s recharge time is 30 sec and it does not heal the ranger’s pet and other than a LB ranger who can just stand still and stay in the small area of healing spring. It’s only value is condition removal but not worth much as a healing solution to the Ranger. In this game you better learn to take care of yourself if you expect to survive – the above mention ranger died because he used Troll Ungent which is the worst heal of any for a ranger.
A ranger in a fractal said to me they use heal as one or troll unguent because they’re a ranger that keeps on moving. Yet even when standing still stacked on top of each other at the chest seal of cliffside, they still refused to use healing spring.
Guess who went down the most during daily fractal run?
(Hint: it wasn’t the glass cannon thief who didn’t go down at all)Do you play Ranger? Healing Spring is not the best heal for the ranger it’s recharge time is 30 sec and it does not heal the ranger’s pet and other than a LB ranger who can just stand still and stay in the small area of healing spring. It’s only value is condition removal but not worth much as a healing solution to the Ranger. In this game you better learn to take care of yourself if you expect to survive – the above mention ranger died because he used Troll Ungent which is the worst heal of any for a ranger.
What are you talking about? Healing Spring is not only the fastest activating heal, but it does in fact also heal our pets. It is also 1 out of 3 of our only on demand conditional removals skills. Andif you’re in a coordinated group, it provides great utility, especially if you’re playing melee/short range ranger in the thick of the fighting.
A ranger in a fractal said to me they use heal as one or troll unguent because they’re a ranger that keeps on moving. Yet even when standing still stacked on top of each other at the chest seal of cliffside, they still refused to use healing spring.
Guess who went down the most during daily fractal run?
(Hint: it wasn’t the glass cannon thief who didn’t go down at all)Do you play Ranger? Healing Spring is not the best heal for the ranger it’s recharge time is 30 sec and it does not heal the ranger’s pet and other than a LB ranger who can just stand still and stay in the small area of healing spring. It’s only value is condition removal but not worth much as a healing solution to the Ranger. In this game you better learn to take care of yourself if you expect to survive – the above mention ranger died because he used Troll Ungent which is the worst heal of any for a ranger.
What are you talking about? Healing Spring is not only the fastest activating heal, but it does in fact also heal our pets. It is also 1 out of 3 of our only on demand conditional removals skills. Andif you’re in a coordinated group, it provides great utility, especially if you’re playing melee/short range ranger in the thick of the fighting.
Only if the pet is in range, I am a Ranger, I need a healing skill that works both at range and melee, and at melee range I can dodge and kite out of the healing spring and it does me no good, group play is important but until we have a true healer in this game a Ranger must look out for themselves or we will be like the above mentioned ranger dead!
Are you sure on these numbers? pretty sure it’s 2000+ something in regen over 3 seconds however that is reapplied again after those 3 seconds expire if you are still in the field you get another 3 seconds etc etc making it 5 regeneration periods if you stayed in the field for the full duration resulting in a bigger but slower heal over time than troll, I still prefer troll myself but the spring’s full duration is more in total but over a longer period I’m quite sure of that.
No. I pulled those numbers straight from the official wiki.
I might be misunderstanding you, but I don’t see how those numbers stack up. The wiki says the same thing as the tooltip – 2340 over 3s. I could be mistaken but it seems reasonable to assume that if that regen is extended to 6s (whether from projectile finisher use or sitting in field long enough) then the heal would be 4680. Thus if you were to sit in the field and/or launch any number of ranged attacks, healing spring would easily outperform troll unguent over time.
You get 3 seconds of regen per tick, the regen an condi removal are applied on e every 3 seconds for 15 seconds, that means you get a whoppin total of 15s of regen healing you for 11,700, take into account healing power also scales 1:1 with healing power, and regen scales with healing power as well, If you run as a BM ranger or in clerics, magi, shamans, apothecary, or gift giver gear healing spring will be THE BEST heal as a ranger if you can stay in the field, hands down no questions.
Trolls unguent is ONLY better in the aspect that you don’t need to stay in one small area. Take into account that if you’re Melee you will always be in healing spring (with allies) and the combo finishers it puts every other heal in the game to shame.
Am I saying if you don’t take healin spring you’re bad? God no!! Healing spring has some HUGE draw backs, but for raw power of healing (assuming we are testing in a vacuum) healing spring wins no questions asked.
troll heals for more even if you stand in healing spring for full duration. the number on the skill is for full duration. 6 stacks of regen.
Eh, i guess you’re right, but as i said if you’re in healing power gear troll unguent becomes significantly weaker than healing spring due to the scaling. better with healing power
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
A ranger in a fractal said to me they use heal as one or troll unguent because they’re a ranger that keeps on moving. Yet even when standing still stacked on top of each other at the chest seal of cliffside, they still refused to use healing spring.
Guess who went down the most during daily fractal run?
(Hint: it wasn’t the glass cannon thief who didn’t go down at all)Do you play Ranger? Healing Spring is not the best heal for the ranger it’s recharge time is 30 sec and it does not heal the ranger’s pet and other than a LB ranger who can just stand still and stay in the small area of healing spring. It’s only value is condition removal but not worth much as a healing solution to the Ranger. In this game you better learn to take care of yourself if you expect to survive – the above mention ranger died because he used Troll Ungent which is the worst heal of any for a ranger.
What are you talking about? Healing Spring is not only the fastest activating heal, but it does in fact also heal our pets. It is also 1 out of 3 of our only on demand conditional removals skills. Andif you’re in a coordinated group, it provides great utility, especially if you’re playing melee/short range ranger in the thick of the fighting.
Only if the pet is in range, I am a Ranger, I need a healing skill that works both at range and melee, and at melee range I can dodge and kite out of the healing spring and it does me no good, group play is important but until we have a true healer in this game a Ranger must look out for themselves or we will be like the above mentioned ranger dead!
This is false, i use a kittening long bow, and stand as far back as possible in EVERY fight (unless it’s a really close range fight then i just use sword/warhorn) and i have NEVER been in a circumstance that my pet has not received the healing from this skill, what the pet WILL NOT receive is the regen and the condi removal unless he’s in the circle.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
A ranger in a fractal said to me they use heal as one or troll unguent because they’re a ranger that keeps on moving. Yet even when standing still stacked on top of each other at the chest seal of cliffside, they still refused to use healing spring.
Guess who went down the most during daily fractal run?
(Hint: it wasn’t the glass cannon thief who didn’t go down at all)Do you play Ranger? Healing Spring is not the best heal for the ranger it’s recharge time is 30 sec and it does not heal the ranger’s pet and other than a LB ranger who can just stand still and stay in the small area of healing spring. It’s only value is condition removal but not worth much as a healing solution to the Ranger. In this game you better learn to take care of yourself if you expect to survive – the above mention ranger died because he used Troll Ungent which is the worst heal of any for a ranger.
What are you talking about? Healing Spring is not only the fastest activating heal, but it does in fact also heal our pets. It is also 1 out of 3 of our only on demand conditional removals skills. Andif you’re in a coordinated group, it provides great utility, especially if you’re playing melee/short range ranger in the thick of the fighting.
Only if the pet is in range, I am a Ranger, I need a healing skill that works both at range and melee, and at melee range I can dodge and kite out of the healing spring and it does me no good, group play is important but until we have a true healer in this game a Ranger must look out for themselves or we will be like the above mentioned ranger dead!
This is false, i use a kittening long bow, and stand as far back as possible in EVERY fight (unless it’s a really close range fight then i just use sword/warhorn) and i have NEVER been in a circumstance that my pet has not received the healing from this skill, what the pet WILL NOT receive is the regen and the condi removal unless he’s in the circle.
healing spring = more death
Only if the pet is in range, I am a Ranger, I need a healing skill that works both at range and melee, and at melee range I can dodge and kite out of the healing spring and it does me no good, group play is important but until we have a true healer in this game a Ranger must look out for themselves or we will be like the above mentioned ranger dead!
It probably has a finite range, yes, how many Rangers are using LB at 1500 range in anything other than WvW? And the regeneration ticks only every 3s, giving you the time to kite in and out of the spring w/o wasting the boon.
A ranger in a fractal said to me they use heal as one or troll unguent because they’re a ranger that keeps on moving. Yet even when standing still stacked on top of each other at the chest seal of cliffside, they still refused to use healing spring.
Guess who went down the most during daily fractal run?
(Hint: it wasn’t the glass cannon thief who didn’t go down at all)Do you play Ranger? Healing Spring is not the best heal for the ranger it’s recharge time is 30 sec and it does not heal the ranger’s pet and other than a LB ranger who can just stand still and stay in the small area of healing spring. It’s only value is condition removal but not worth much as a healing solution to the Ranger. In this game you better learn to take care of yourself if you expect to survive – the above mention ranger died because he used Troll Ungent which is the worst heal of any for a ranger.
What are you talking about? Healing Spring is not only the fastest activating heal, but it does in fact also heal our pets. It is also 1 out of 3 of our only on demand conditional removals skills. Andif you’re in a coordinated group, it provides great utility, especially if you’re playing melee/short range ranger in the thick of the fighting.
Only if the pet is in range, I am a Ranger, I need a healing skill that works both at range and melee, and at melee range I can dodge and kite out of the healing spring and it does me no good, group play is important but until we have a true healer in this game a Ranger must look out for themselves or we will be like the above mentioned ranger dead!
This is false, i use a kittening long bow, and stand as far back as possible in EVERY fight (unless it’s a really close range fight then i just use sword/warhorn) and i have NEVER been in a circumstance that my pet has not received the healing from this skill, what the pet WILL NOT receive is the regen and the condi removal unless he’s in the circle.
healing spring = more death
Lets assume you have 0 healing power, this means it heals for an Abyssmal 4900 without healing power or the regen, so if your pet is all the way in the front lines and you either aren’t proccing regen to your pet and/or don’t have natures bounty (boons you get go to pet) your pet won’t get kitten for healing. So if you use troll unguent or heal as one which are both GUARANTEED to give you and your pet the full heal, you should have no issues
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna