(edited by Frostfang.5109)
Elite pet suggestion
It would require too much effort/man hours for effect from the developers all for on profession. I would rather if they suddenly decided to spend much more of that precious resource on Ranger that they separate the pet behavior from the general mob behavior so improvements to the class mechanic can be made without outcry from the rest of the game. That and for the sword attack chain to no longer interact poorly with the security features of the game.
Well firstly how would the elite pet relate to normal pet? both out at same time? replacing normal one?
As far as i can tell elite pet would have serveral large issues gameplay wise:
1. Another huge hp soaker ally for ranger, while eles and guards run around in all their squishiness of 10k base hp.
2. Damage balancing. Can’t be too weak, cause it’s elite. Can’t be too strong, cause it would kill other elites. And can’t nerf normal pets, if both elite and normal are out, cause it’ll kill non elite pet builds.
3. Issues managing that little zoo to keep it out of big bad red circles if both elite and regular pets are out, or not killing purpose of normal pets if it’s either one or another.
4. And how would one command the elite pet if it can be out with regular one, and whole profession bar (f1-f4) is occupied with normal pet interface?
This would be better suited as a grandmaster trait. I hate to bring up WoW, but hunters in WoW had a talent that allowed hunters to tame exotic animals, and these pets would be objectively better than normal ones and would require an effort to actually find and tame.
Adding a grandmaster trait that simply allows you to tame a grouping of ‘exotic’ pets would be fine I would assume; the details on how strong they are are up to discussion though. My problem with my own idea is that the trait would become objectively better than all others in the trait line as the grandmaster traits in the beastmastery are now.
I do like the idea though, but implementation is an interesting debate.
The elite would be out instead of the oridinary pet…. Edited the original post to add that.
Coming next month…Ranger will get 16 new Elite skills…
See where this is going? I’ve heard tell that Hounds of Balthazar and Mist fire Wolf are nearly the same idea though…